Thursday, March 22, 2012

Come Together,Right Now.....

Things are hotting up.The props are all in place,having been put there while we were watching reality shows,cookery competitions,a Prince getting married,listening to inane songs,with videos full of Occult messages and swimming pools,and reading about famous people suddenly, mysteriously dying.

The actors are now centre stage,waiting for the curtain to rise for the final act.

The script was written way back,and the actors have been busy rehearsing for the grand finale.

Meanwhile, we have got to be distracted for just a short time longer.

So they have wheeled out that old favourite, the Olympic Games, and as a side show(in the U.K),an 80+ old woman, and her 90 year old husband can be seen going from town to town, muttering something about a Jubilee,so the adoring crowds can get real close to real parasites.

It really is so easy.

The actors have been a bit surprised though that some people have got to know what the plot of the play is.

And the ones in the know do not like the plot one little bit.

Well, would you like to go to a play,when in the final act , they try to kill most of you?

I don't think so.

This has got the actors a trifle worried.Not too worried though, as their arrogance and egos' are so huge they cannot really imagine the audience rushing the stage,and changing their plans.

After all said and done,they have got their own way for centuries.Anyway, they have these super guard dogs,dressed as spacemen,with great new weapons, such as taser guns, and those old favourites,tear gas,nerve gas and water cannon,to keep the common rabble from getting out of order.

If this fails,they have the Army, and drones in the sky.

In the case of the Olympic Games,they are taking no chances,and are using both types of guard dogs, the Police and Army.
Anybody who gets too brazen can be put in a cage.

The rioters in London last year got longer sentences than most muggers and sex criminals, so this should put people off trying any funny business.- so they think.

But the trouble is, a lot of the audience are sick of the play, and they want it to stop now.They don't want the final act.

The number who are fed up to the teeth with the play is growing at an amazing rate day by day.

The actors though don't realize this; they still think it is only a small minority who have woken up.This can be seen by the absurd comments made by the Members of Parliament, in most countries,who,  after witnessing vast numbers show their anger at the grossly unjust and unfair  measures imposed on them ,usually say that it's the fault of a few trouble makers.

This is good.
It means that they are deceived for once.
It is usually us who are deceived.
So the tables are already starting to turn.

We have started to heckle more and more,and their reaction, of course, is the usual one,which is to fire tear gas, nerve gas, pepper spray,water cannon, or to throw us into cages.

This is a big mistake on their part,as this really annoys us- far more than they can comprehend; they think that we are scared, but we are not.What's more, we film them and plaster it all over You Tube, and this shows the World how stupid, primitive and uncivilized  such behaviour is.
It also shows how frightened the powers that be  must be, to let the Police behave in such a barbaric way.

But the other factor which they have  really miscalculated, is that by their disgraceful and violent actions, they are bringing us, the people, together on a scale not seen for centuries.And this is the one thing that the Elite do not want.

Divide and rule has been the name of the game for as long as any one can remember.
If we are no longer divided,but all together,they are finished,and they know it.

I believe there is one characteristic in the genuine human spirit that these monsters who rule do not have.It is not in their D.N.A.The proof of this can be seen by their actions.
They know we have this wonderful trait, and have always tried to stamp it out using the divide and rule ploy.

The  particular trait is -Empathy.

Empathy is the action of understanding,being aware of,being sensitive to and experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experience of another- imaginatively entering into another person's personality and experiencing his feeling.

It is our empathy that will be the rulers undoing,and it will bring us together.

The whole World- all 7 billion of us  are now in the same sinking, stinking boat,whatever our Nationality, Religion or skin colour.
We know we are all going through the same (with different degrees of) suffering,and we feel for each other.
We know that it is us against them.
When this empathy reaches a critical point,the play they have been playing will be shut down,just like that.

It is us who will then write and direct the play that we want to be in.
A play about sharing,not dividing; a play about peace ,not war; a play about compassion, not cruelty.
In the meantime, don't be distracted by the side shows.

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