Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter five.

"All that money spent on weapons, to maim and destroy,all those killing fields, full of dying girls and boys."Lyrics from War Is Evil, by Mike Selley.

One strong argument that would indicate that the beings who run this Planet are not human is the following one.

Do you know anyone who has ever agreed with War?
Humans do not like War.

Could you send a whole generation of teenagers to certain death,injury and untold suffering?

As Mark Twain said;"All War must be just the killing of strangers against whom, in other circumstances,you would help,if you found them in trouble,and would help you if you needed it".

Could you bomb innocent people and flatten entire Cities,using the most diabolical weapons that cause intense suffering.?
Could you use cluster bombs,white phosphorous and the Devil knows what else we are never told about?
Well, I certainly could not,and I don't think you could.

The rulers of this Planet though, have been using War since time began.

Strange that nobody wants War, but we still keep having it, isn't it?

The Elite think nothing of death to advance their agenda, be it Millions or one.

The classic argument that claims they are human is that they  are human, but lack what most of us have;they do not have empathy,and therefore do not experience the same feelings we do.
When we hear about War, we feel very sad. They don't as they are incapable of  such emotions.

If that is true(and they certainly appear to lack empathy) how come almost every ruler since way back when has lacked empathy?
Look at our History- it is just War after War.
How come that most of our World leaders  appear to have such a cruel disregard for life?

It is this way of thinking that has made me suspect that they are not of the human seed.

However, they know how to manipulate us too well, unfortunately.

Here we are, in a so called advanced Civilization,in the 21st Century, still having War, generation after generation.
I does not seem right.
Anyway, enough anti war rant.Just ponder on the absolute insanity of it.

Let's get back to the principle that we are not who we think we are;we have been conditioned to act in a certain way.

Not only that, but you are living out a programme ,not only  set for you by the mega controlling society, but also , by your own upbringing.
You can't blame your parents,as they were subject to exactly the same programming.

Your past experiences and possibly, past lives(though those past lives are actually happening now,as everything is happening now) all make you act the way you do.

You react(in fact, you don't react-the programme in you reacts) to everything the way it always has.

It's obvious why things always seem to turn out the same way in your life, and why you keep having similar experiences in your life.
A definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things and expect different results.

That is exactly what we do.We are then not entirely sane.
Look at the state of  the Planet.
Do you think we are sane?

Most of us are like robots.
Say, someone insults you.Don't you always react in the same way?
Yes you do, because you have a knee jerk(automatic) response.

It is like someone pushed a button in you and this always produces the same conditioned action or words on your part.It always has and always will.

This is why so many peoples' lives never change, because they are on automatic pilot, and are totally controlled by their past.

This way your life will never change as the life of a sheep never changes.
Your programme does not know how to change by itself.

It doesn't have to be this way.There is a way out that leads you to freedom from all bondage.

The next chapter will be a step on the journey that actually takes you to where you already are, but are totally unaware of.
Chapter six will follow shortly.

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