Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another: Fact Or Fiction.

1. We are in a massive spaceship that is travelling , either through  space or a dimension that is not our usual one. Because of the length of the journey we are all asleep and are being fed a fake life, to keep us entertained. While we sleep we chose the dream , or did we?

2 .The only purpose of life is the final generation.
We are just links in a chain until the final generation comes into being.

3.We are preparing for the greatest war that has ever been known. That is why war has never died out. This war will be between the sons and daughters of light and the sons and daughters of darkness.Each generation is kept ready for war; war games are financed by the American government and companies are given massive cash incentives to create more and more vile weapons.This is all in preparation for the great showdown.

4. World leaders have clones of themselves, and more often than not, it is the clones we see. Haven't you noticed how subtly different these leaders appear when you see them in crowded places.Just look at how different the Queen looks today while doing some bizarre ritual to do with a thistle,compared to how she looked while partaking in the Jubilee.I tried to get a link to todays daily mail, but was told a virus was trying to attack my computer,so I backed off.

5.Evolution is a lie. Everything came into being at once. It is a  ploy to make us believe that we came from slime, and are not the Supreme Beings we really are. It is preached to keep us down. 
Evolution has never been observed.There are no transitional fossils.Evolution has never been proved.

6.Gravity does not exist.It's a lie told to us from very young,so we won't believe that we can fly.
As Dr. Verlinde, a respected string theorist and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam said recently," We have known for a long time that gravity does not exist.It's time we yell this".

7.Every government programmes the children to be slaves to the society they enter.

8. Most politicians are psychopaths who lack any empathy with other humans, hence their ability to send thousands of young people to death in war, and  to start austerity measures that cause great hardship to the very people who gave them their positions in the first place.Unless , of course, we didn't, and every election is simply rigged.

10 I'm sure John Pilger(one of the very few honest journalists left- he is now saying that he suspects that 9.11 was done by America  and Mossad) would agree with the following statement
Honest journalism is dead.

I wonder what is fact, and I wonder what is fiction.

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