Saturday, July 14, 2012

Surfer's Catches Of The Day.


K�shū kajikazawa

The following were found while fishing on the net.
1. John Lennon Quote:"When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the systems game.The Establishment will irritate you;pull your beard,flick your face to make you fight.Because once they've got you violent, then they know how to handle you.The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humour.". This was found on David Icke's site.

2.The Pan-Arab satellite channel,Al Magadeen, on Friday 6th July, broadcast a tape of a Palestinian allegedly confessing to poisoning  the late President Yasser Arafat's food.He claimed that he had done this on behalf of Israeli intelligence.From the Uruknet,info. site.

3.A study published in 2010 in  the medical journal The Lancet, ranked alcohol as the most harmful drug of all,above heroin,crack, meth, cocaine and tobacco.The Lancet study also found harm to others near the user were more than double those of the 2nd most harmful drug, heroin.From Zen-Haven site.

4.Dr.Rebecca Carley claims that vaccines are used , not to prevent disease, but to cause it.She says that vaccines attack the brain, and can make people violent.Her most dramatic statement though is that the reason some people suddenly attack strangers and eat their faces, is because they have the Zombie virus, which was created by N.A.T.O.From the Alex Jones site.

5.U.S.Discretionary Spending,Fiscal Year2011 was 52% Military Budget.48% everything else.

6. Charles Gilmour whose father is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame,who has now served his time in prison for climbing up and swinging from the Cenotaph in last years summer riots in London, wrote an interesting article in the Daily Mail on 7.7.2012.He wrote that he believes that the most vulnerable members of society are having the floor ripped from beneath them, and that the government is sending out a message loud and clear to the young and dispossessed, and that is- we don't care.

7.And also from the Daily Mail: Roche, one of the World's biggest drug companies is at the centre of an investigation into why it failed to disclose reports that 15,000 people died after taking its medicines.Roche also failed to pass on  a further 65,000 reports of suspected side effects.Listen to my song,'Old Big Pharma' on you tube for my take on big pharma!

8.A lifeguard who left his section of a Florida beach to help save a man from drowning has been sacked.Tomaz Lopez, 21, was patrolling part of Hallandale Beach, north of Miami. when he was told that a swimmer was in trouble in an unguarded area of the beach. He went to rescue him, and was promptly sacked.

9.The electric field of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the brain, and it stretches out in all directions. From the Just Wondering site by Zen Gardner.

10.John Pilger,writing about the U.K. on 4 .11. 2010. wrote;" A deficit of 10% is not remotely a crisis. When Britain was officially bankrupt at the end of the second world war, the government built its greatest public institutions, such as the National Health Service, and the arts  edifices of London's South Bank."

He also wrote the following gem: " The 17th Baronet of Ballintaylor, David Cameron and George Osbourne are essentially fossilised spivs, who, in colonial times, would have been sent by their daddies to claim foreign terrain and plunder."
From John




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