Sunday, July 29, 2012

George Orwell Part Four.

I finished my last piece on George Orwell with the comment that part four would follow shortly.This time the word'shortly' has lived up to its meaning.

Some Orwellian Phrases and Words.

Doublethink.This is what Orwell wrote.

"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic,to repudiate morality while laying claim to it,to believe that democracy was impossible and that the party was the guardian of democracy.".

I keep getting flashes of Tony Blair at the Chilcot enquiry when I read the above.But it could apply to so many of them

Reality Control. This is what Orwell wrote.

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.It was quite simple.All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory"

When we watch the news on mainstream T.V. we are presented with a version of reality that we are meant to accept In all probability it is not true.I can think of countless examples of this.The swine flu springs to mind.We were told that everyone was getting it and that countless numbers would die and that everyone must have the perfectly safe vaccine.Few people got it, few died and a lot of people got very sick after having the shot(one poor soul could only walk backwards)

The looting in Haiti is another example.We were informed that this was a major problem.A brave reporter ,in the Independent, I believe, claimed that there was no looting as there was nothing to loot.He had actually been there and seen what was going on.He was very angry about the false reports.

The frightening part about this is if anyone in authority tells a major media outlet a certain'fact' this will be reported without question or investigation.Oh yes, reality control is here with us.

Thought Crime..Thought control can be accomplished by providing people with a vocabulary, a loaded language, that constricts rather than broadens understanding.

Some examples of how loaded language can be used to control thinking and to promote 'groupthink' can be found in abundance by George Bush.Thank to The Alec Exposed site.

Axis Of Evil(evil)
Cult Of Evil(evil)
Fight  Against Evil(evil)
Freedom Loving People( good)
With Us Or Against Us( good against evil).

O.k. you can't be arrested for what you think yet, but we are told what to think, and that we should think in a certain way.I read recently that the security staff at airports are trained now to look at peoples expressions to try and understand what they are thinking, and if they feel they are a danger they will be questioned. So you could arrive at an airport worrying about a massive bill you have to pay;your expression on your face looks worried, disturbed, and suddenly you are yanked in for questioning.

We were all taught, a few years ago to think in a certain way. We were told to think that passive smoking was bad for you.We had to believe this, otherwise  smoking could not have been banned.If you do a google search,avoiding the mainstream media, you will find countless studies that show passive smoking is not bad for you.In the World of lies, truth is hard to find.

We are told that we might be blown up at any moment as we are in the middle of a' war on terror'
And it's all our fault that the weather is bad, because we messed the planet up.
And times are tough now because we were very foolish in the times of plenty and actually purchased a few things we wanted.Now we must all tighten our belts.
We drink too much, we eat the wrong foods.We should never even look at a cigarette,and if you are so stupid that you still smoke,well, I'm afraid you've had it.

What the media( after it is told what to say by the government, or rather, by the puppet-masters behind the government) is trying to do is to keep you thinking in a certain prescribed way.This surely is thought control.

Will the day come when thought police will be able to read your mind?
Some internet sites claim that this can be done now.

Part five of this series on George Orwell will follow shortly.

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