Thursday, January 31, 2013

Greek Crisis - Worst Over !!

" The worst of the crisis is over."

Now, that is good news, is it not ?

It must be true as two of the brightest minds in Greek politics, the caring , compassionate Finance Minister, and The Governor of the Bank Of Greece  ( yes, he's in politics ) both read off the same sheet music. Not only did Mr. Yiannis Stournaras, a graduate from the University of Athens, and a holder of a Masters' degree in Economic Theory and Policy from Oxford University, assure us that the worst of the crisis is over, but also the Governor of the Bank Of Greece, told a reporter at the Financial Crimes- I mean  Times Newspaper only this week that hey, things are looking up.

Truly amazing. The Governor of the Bank Of Greece seemed very excited about something he called 'bonds'.This is something, not to do with  James or Skyfall, but is a term used in banking circles, which means absolutely nothing to your average Spiros or Maria.

I don't understand all the strange jargon these economic types use, but I do understand the following

Today as I write, there are no boats, ferries, cats, flying frogs or dolphins slicing through water or hovering above it.None of those archaic ferries that are so slow you are never quite sure whether the boat is actually moving; no sign of flying dolphins that delight in going out in high winds so you feel you're on a fairground ride.

Going to dry land and things are no better. The stars must have decided that it's not a good day for travel in Greece today.

There are no buses or trolley buses in Athens.The Proastiakos Suburban Railway and Trains  on the Hellenic Railways Organization ( OSE ) are also out of action.

However, the capital's metro, electric railway and tram will run normally. They would have been on strike too, if it hadn't been for the fact that the strikers were threatened with arrest if they had continued their 9 day stoppage.

When any government doesn't like what the people are doing , they simply change the rules of the game so that they can win. This is what they did here.
The 9 day strike meant loss of revenue of about 6 million euro in ticket sales, and this was, no doubt, a major factor- not the only one, as they want to frighten other possible strikers- in the issuing of Civil Mobilization Orders to the strikers. Fear is their weapon of choice.

Not to be left out, the Public Power Corporation Workers Union is also on a 24 hour strike in support of transport employees. This is a bit of good news for those poor souls living in fear of their electricity being cut off, as I presume, this is one day they won't be doing this.

It's not a good day to be seriously ill. Hospital and Healthcare centres will only have skeleton staff, as doctors and nurses walk off the job to protest shortages and poor working conditions.Unions claim that there is a lack of 6,000 extra doctors and another 20,000 hospital staff.

Oh yes, and the Civil Servants Union ADEDY  has told its members to walk off the job from noon .

However,Yiannis Stournaras, the Finance Minister, assures us that the worst of the crisis is over.He should know having that impressive degree from the Elite's favourite brainwashing unit, Oxford University.And, guess what, it's actually a degree in economics !

Now we can see why Oxford is so respected as they obviously teach their pupils such brilliant policies.Look at how Greeks are bouncing up and down with joy at how well the crisis has been handled.

The Governor of the Bank Of Greece  shares the same view. He's got degrees in economics too. How well these two economic wizz kids have solved Greece's economic woes.

With unemployment and the homeless at an all time high, suicides going off the scale, non-stop strikes and violent crime , plus over 1,000 people a day having their electricity cutt off, how can anyone say that the worst is over ?

It's an insult to our intelligence.

Just look around. What do you see ?

Despair everywhere; most young people have no money and no work; shops shutting daily and massive unpaid bills are the reality The old and the ill are treated like vermin.This is nothing to do with whatever' bonds' are.

The newspapers reported the two mens soundbites without any comment.

Applying the law that whatever a black suit in power says really means the exact opposite, and we have,"The worst is now starting ".

This makes perfect sense, and, I'm afraid , appears to be so true.

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