Friday, January 18, 2013

The Imagination Tool

                                            " Everything you can imagine is real."
                                              Pablo Picasso

                                              " Imagination is everything.It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

If we knew how to use our imagination we could create almost anything we want.

Imagine you live in a house that is surrounded by a garden.The garden is overgrown with weeds and is uncultivated.The lawns are full of wild grasses and the hedges and bushes are out of control.

Inside your house you have all the garden tools you need, You have the latest lawn-mower, the sharpest shears, the ready rake, the sturdiest spade, the slickest scythe and a  wonderful wheel-barrow. The trouble is , you don't know how to use these tools and therefore never use them. These tools are your imagination.
The garden that is in such disorder is your own creation, though you are unaware as to how you created it.

All you have to do is to use the garden tools to create your dreamed of , perfect garden.The stumbling block though is the fact that you don't know how to use all these worthy garden tools.

You have to learn how to start the luxurious lawn -mower, and then how to push it through the grass; you have to learn how to hold those super-shears and how to use them. The same goes for all the other instruments.

How can you use your imagination ?

If you knew this , you would know one of the greatest truths.

" Imagination does not become great until human-beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create."
Maria Montessori.

I have written this before but it is well worth repeating. Our beathing and the circulation of the blood as well as all the numerous bodily functions take place all the time without our conscious thought.

It is just the same with our imagination.We are not aware of the fact that our imagination is projecting' images' every moment of our lives, and we are creating the universe we live in.

Knowing this and accepting this as a fact will make you realize that, just  as we can also take conscious control of our breathing and therefore change the way we breathe, we can also take conscious control of our imagination to determine exactly what sort of images we want to see in our world.

This secret has been so carefully guarded that the knowledge of it was not even written down, but was handed down by word of mouth to selected individuals who were ready to receive such knowledge.This wisdom seems to have originated from Tibet .

" What is life ? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream and dreams themselves are only dreams."
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

Look at what is in front of you now. It is, no doubt, a computer screen. The screen was once in its formless state but to you now it appears in a ' formed ' state. It is, however, mostly not solid at all and in ' reality ' has no form. It is us who ' wave the magic wand ' to make it appear as a  ' form ' . So it is with everything.

 " We do not need magic to change the world. we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better."
R.K. Rowling.

Here is a practical exercise to help you use your imagination as you were meant to use it. This exercise should be done for 10 minutes every single day.

1. Hold a spoon in your right hand.

2.Sitting down, look at the spoon for two minutes.

3.Close your eyes and picture the spoon in your imagination for two minutes.

4. Open your eyes and see the spoon in its  'formed ' state.

5. Rinse and repeat.

Simple isn't it ? Don't fall into the trap that it is so simple it is useless.If this is done on a regular basis your mind will learn that the  picture in your mind, manifests itself into a ' formed ' image in our so called  ' outside ' world '.

So, when you picture objects you want in your mind, your mind will  ' know ' because of its experience, that these objects will appear in the ' formed ' world.

" Imagination rules the world."
Napoleon Bonaparte.

 Here is another exercise if you want to have more money in your life.

 1.Place a 50 Euro or Pound or Dollar note, or whatever currency you have on a table in front of you.Make sure that you have quite a lot of money near your hand.

2. Close your eyes and while your eyes are closed, place all the money you can feel on top of the 50 Euro note. Meanwhile, in your mind's eye imagine a lot of money in front of you.

3. Open your eyes and you will see a lot of money in front of you.

Once again, this is very simple, but if done everyday will train your imagination that when it  ' imagines ' the content of that imagination will be projected into the ' outside ' world.

" Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."
Jonathan Swift.

" We are  such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with sleep."

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