Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Circle Around The Moon .

I just walked out into my garden in Aegina, in Greece to make sure that my eight wondeful cats have enough  water for the night.I was thinking about how earlier in the day, when I was sitting in the sun at about two in the afternoon. that through my dark glasses I could observe a ring or halo around the sun,. I thought it odd, but did not give it much thought.

Now- it is about ten in the evening- I was in for a shock !

A huge ring or halo is surrounding the moon.It is not near the moon , but  appears to be about 50 miles or more away from the orb in a perfect circle.

I have never seen anything like this before in my life. I made a few phone calls to confirm that other people could see it too, and, sure enough , they could.

What is going on ? I don't know where you are in the world, but, if you are reading this tonight  I do suggest that you take a look up into the sky.

People in Athens could not see it because of the lights in the city and pollutants.

If this is reported in the main stream media, I am sure the so- called experts will give us a nice, safe, logical reason for such a weird sight.

Let's see what is reported tomorrow.

 I have done some internet research on this, and, hey, it's quite normal and common. It is , it is claimed , caused by ice crystals and means bad weather is coming.

Why do I find official explanations so hard to believe ?

Maybe, it's because we have been  told so, so many lies.

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