Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Spying On Orwell.Re- Published 1st July 2018.

**********************************************************************                               GEORGE   ORWELL.

A few random facts.
Real name; Eric Blair.
I find this a trite  funny in view of the fact that we now have a Tony Blair who has helped bring in a sort of Nineteen Eighty Four as described in Orwell’s book.
Orwell loved the traditions of England ( he must be turning and tossing in his grave like a cork on a tidal wave) and he adored the English Countryside.
He, it is said, chose the name George because George is the patron saint of England.
Some beg to differ on this explanation.
And, he chose the name Orwell , it is alleged ,because of his love of the beautiful landscape surrounding the river Orwell in Suffolk.

It seems that he had been thinking about the plot for 1984 for some time before he actually got down to writing it.
What appears to have spurned him on to start the book was the meeting between Stalin,Churchill, and Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference in 1944.
Orwell was convinced that these leaders plotted to divide the world.

David Astor ( interestingly enough some claim that the Astor family are one of the ruling bloodlines that rule the world) of The Observer said that he had great admiration for Orwell's  'Absolute straight forwardness, honesty and decency’.

Remember , he was talking about Eric Blair- Orwell’s real name.

Could such honeyed words be poured over the Blair we all know- you know the Peace Envoy- unbelievable really- the T for Truthless model.

He wrote 1984  (George, not Tony)  in the mid 1940’s in a remote house on the island of Jura, off the coast of Scotland. This house was very sparse and had no electricity.

Whilst writing  his masterpiece he was not in good health, but his health was made worse by him almost drowning one day and getting thoroughly soaked through.

So great was his determination to write the novel and get it finished that he ignored his failing health, and some say that the writing of this book helped lead him to an early death.

He died of T.B. ( which was common at that time)  shortly after the book was published , at the early age of 46.

He was married twice- the second time shortly before his death, and he had an adopted son. His first wife died while having a routine operation ,and  a flat he had in London then was destroyed in the 2nd World War.

There was a period in his life when he lived in poverty, and he was sometimes homeless. This is described in his book”Down And Out In Paris And London".

The Spanish Civil War got his attention, and by fighting in this he got shot in the neck.

Particular likes he had were strong tobacco (he rolled his own) and tea without sugar. He was very adept and fussy about making a cuppa.

The house where he wrote Nineteen Eighty Four was called ‘Barnhill’.

On writing Orwell said the following;

‘Writing a book is a horrible exhausting struggle like a long bout of some painful illness.One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither wish for nor understand. For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention, and yet it is true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one’s own personality’.

“Good prose,” he wrote,”is like a window pane’.
I wonder where he got his ideas from. Did he just make it all up? If he did he had an amazing imagination, or was it whilst at Eton, he learned of  things to come.

A lot of the worlds movers and shakers went to Eton ( they still do)  and  could he have heard of  plans that were then afoot for the world we now live in?

Is it possible that the Elite gave Orwell T.B, because he had given the game away? Yes, I know that sounds  wild, crazy even, and I would not have thought of writing that a few years ago, but considering the things that are now coming to light, maybe such a far-fetched idea  shouldn’t  be completely chucked out of the window.

I don’t believe we are yet in that totalitarian state described by Orwell, but we are right on the edge of entering it. Unless ,of course, we can, stop it. The trouble is it is rather difficult for sheep to turn into lions.  Only possible when the sheep realize that they are not sheep, and have always been lions.

The following quote from him is so true for our times.

" We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men."

Britain now has a staggering 4.2 million CCTV cameras- 1 for every 14 people in the country.* Each person is caught on camera  an average of 300 times daily. Strange though that on the day of the London Bombings  on 7/7 /2005  so many suddenly didn't work.

*Since I wrote this the CCTV cameras have increased: it is now 1 for every 11 people!! See :http://truthisscary.com/2013/07/one-surveillance-camera-for-every-11-people-in-britain-says-cctv-survey/

Orwell's old place of residence, where he lived until 1950 now has 32 CCTV cameras all around it.

The Elite must be terrified that he will return and give more spot on predictions of what these evil predators of humans have in store  for the human race.


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