Those who hurt us and cause us the most emotional pain should be given humble thanks, for they are our greatest teachers.A strange statement you may say, and it is,but I believe that it is true.
Douglass Harding in his highly original classic'On Having No Head', wrote the following truthful words:
'There is no route from the Paradise of childhood to the Heaven of the blessed that doesn't lie through the far country,through some kind of Hell or Purgatory'.
He is right, I'd say in nearly every case. The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way; you can avoid the suffering. More on that later.
Look at your own life. You have suffered.It can come in many forms, shapes and sizes, but it always feels the same.You know that feeling so well.
Have you lost your home, or think you are about to?
Have you been given the boot from your job?
Are you scared that you won't be able to pay your bills, your mortgage, your rent?
All these situations cause you to suffer., and I bet you don't feel like thanking your bank or landlord for this.
Well I' m not talking about thanking your bank or mortgage provider, you will ,no doubt, be pleased to know.!We haven't reached sainthood yet!
What I'm on about is the emotional suffering that makes your heart into a spin dryer.It makes it churn and turn and weep.Your personal issues with your nearest and dearest.
Has someone who you trusted and thought was a loyal friend, turned out to be the one who really hurt you?
This happens to a lot of people; you are not alone, but your suffering is a very lonely feeling.
Has someone broken your heart ? That's a heavy one, isn't it; that can, if you're not careful make you act and behave like the whole World is ending.
Has someone made you jealous so much that it does feel like an arrow in your heart?
The Bible says, that jealousy can turn you mad.
Has someone close to you really let you down?
Has a loved one made you feel a fool in front of other people?
Has a loved one criticized you until you feel like a complete and utter failure in everything you do?
And the beat goes on.
All the above cause that strange throbbing hurt that seems to vibrate through your whole being.
Right now, most of the World is going through a time of suffering. In the third World, the suffering is so intense, it is causing mass starvation , disease and death.In our World it seems to be about loss, whether it's money, goods or property or all three.But this post is not about the mass changes that are taking place.This is about your private suffering that someone in your life has caused to come about.You blame the other person,but in 'reality' as you create everything- well, think about that.
The reasons you have these nasty incidents in your life, is, I believe, because the real hidden you , has decided that you need to change, you need to grow and to mature; you need a shake up.
If you do change, grow and mature all well and good.If you don't, you will. most likely, get a repeat dose later, maybe with exactly the same theme.
Haven't you noticed how the same themes that distress you so much keep repeating?
This is the reason.
What is very hard to grasp though, is that these unpleasant episodes that bring you tears and anguish are really the best things that can happen in your life, but you certainly can't see that at the time.Haven't you ever looked back on a time when you were upset,thinking then that it was the worst thing that has happened to you, only to later realize, that it was really the best thing that ever happened to you?
These times of sorrow are given to you as presents if you like; gifts from the Gods to help you get closer to where you really are, but don't know it.So don't harbour thoughts of ill-will to those who have hurt you.Thank them in your heart for helping you on your way.
You must have hurt others too.That R.E.M. song 'Everybody Hurts' is so true.You could say everybody hurts each other.
We have such fragile egos.
It's only the ego, that doesn't exist, that hurts. Your real self, your oversoul if you wish, is not stirred or shaken one bit by all that frantic, fevered emotion.
Can you avoid being cut by these scissors of suffering?
Yes you can.Dump you ego(yer, I know it's easier said than done, but the point is it Can be done!),and really start living in the now in all of your precious nows.If you are sincere and really want to avoid suffering, it has to be total immersion.You have to life like this all, and I mean all the time, from the moment you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed.
All true religious Teachers were trying to tell us how to be happy and not to suffer, though you wouldn't know this from the organized religions in the World.
Ekhart Tolle who was enlightened at a very young age in his twenties, I believe,has not, I am sure suffered at all in any way since that time.But, if he hadn't jumped out of this illusion then, one wonders, how much suffering would he have had to endure?
One day we will all lose our egos.Then we become the real man or the real woman.At the moment we are still babies sucking at our Mother's breast, the Earth.
The next stage is coming through fast.We will still be with our beautiful magical Mother, the Earth, but we have to be what we really are.
Be in the now. See through the illusion.Be who you really are.Without an ego you cannot suffer.
That is the end of this chapter. The next chapter will follow shortly.
Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Justin Bieber And His Viva Fever!
Someone told me the following two stories the other day. I hasten to add , I am sure they are not true.
This guy said that Justin Bieber is going to launch a perfume in the fall,and it's going to be called'Viva Fever'.
Justin is alleged to have said,"It's different because it will contain my very own sweat which will be taken off me after I come off stage."He suddenly added,"Whatever you do don't touch my hair!"
He continued,"It will also have my own saliva in the mix.I'm doing this for my fans, as I know they want to be in my arms and kiss me.By using my 'Viva Fever' perfume they can feel real close to me all day."He added with his cute smile,"It's the least I can do for my fans."
And, I was also told this story about Madonna, as she obviously doesn't want to be outdone.He perfume is meant to be called'Diva Belladonna '.
She is alleged to have said,"It contains extracts from my toe-nail clippings, and the poisonous plant,belladonna.I know a lot of my fans would love to be me, and by using my 'Diva Belladonna' perfume they can, if you know what I mean, sort of get into my shoes."
She gave a naughty giggle and added,"The belladonna plant is poisonous, so I'm going to put a health warning on the bottle.That should really make the sales shoot up.I admit it is a marketing ploy, but after I noticed that the sales of ciggies shot up, after Governments put on those health warnings on the packets, I thought, why not do the same? ".
Her eyes lit up as she said."You know, it's amazing how clever those marketing guys are. I mean, even God didn't realize that if you tell us not to do something, we kinder really want to do it, just because we are not meant to.Remember Eve in the garden of Eden?" She concluded triumphantly.
"It will only have tiny bits of belladonna, as I'm not a fool; I really don't want to kill my fans off. But I think they will love the sort of imagined danger involved when they put it on their skin; they might even think it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette." She said with another little giggle.
Actually all of the above is completely not true. It is pure fiction.I mean no offence to these two artists; it is simply an attempt at satire. Maybe the fact that I'm writing this in temperatures hovering around 40 degrees has something to do with it.
But the following, which is far more shocking, according to the sites mentioned at the bottom of the page,is true.The comments about Lucifer though were put in by me.
According to the Natural News site, Lady Gaga is bringing out a perfume in the fall known as 'Fame'.It is going to contain her own blood as well as semen(Lucifer's?) and a highly toxic plant that is known to kill humans.
Even the packaging is unique, in that the perfume will be in an alien like, egg shaped bottle that is being grasped by what looks like claws(Lucifer's?).
The remarkable Lady said,"It's like having me on your skin.I wanted to extract sort of the feeling of blood and semen.The perfume smells like an expensive hooker," she said in 2011.
The perfume contains ' tears of belladonna( deadly nightshade), crushed heart of tiger orchidea with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and saffron and honey drops'.
By the way, one leaf of deadly nightshade is all it takes to kill a man.
I keep thinking that nothing would be able to shock me anymore, but, hey, wow, yes I am shocked.
Will her fans be though? Will they be a tiny bit taken aback by the blood and semen bit? A bit surprised to find the perfume contains deadly poison? You know I don't believe they will.
This guy said that Justin Bieber is going to launch a perfume in the fall,and it's going to be called'Viva Fever'.
Justin is alleged to have said,"It's different because it will contain my very own sweat which will be taken off me after I come off stage."He suddenly added,"Whatever you do don't touch my hair!"
He continued,"It will also have my own saliva in the mix.I'm doing this for my fans, as I know they want to be in my arms and kiss me.By using my 'Viva Fever' perfume they can feel real close to me all day."He added with his cute smile,"It's the least I can do for my fans."
And, I was also told this story about Madonna, as she obviously doesn't want to be outdone.He perfume is meant to be called'Diva Belladonna '.
She is alleged to have said,"It contains extracts from my toe-nail clippings, and the poisonous plant,belladonna.I know a lot of my fans would love to be me, and by using my 'Diva Belladonna' perfume they can, if you know what I mean, sort of get into my shoes."
She gave a naughty giggle and added,"The belladonna plant is poisonous, so I'm going to put a health warning on the bottle.That should really make the sales shoot up.I admit it is a marketing ploy, but after I noticed that the sales of ciggies shot up, after Governments put on those health warnings on the packets, I thought, why not do the same? ".
Her eyes lit up as she said."You know, it's amazing how clever those marketing guys are. I mean, even God didn't realize that if you tell us not to do something, we kinder really want to do it, just because we are not meant to.Remember Eve in the garden of Eden?" She concluded triumphantly.
"It will only have tiny bits of belladonna, as I'm not a fool; I really don't want to kill my fans off. But I think they will love the sort of imagined danger involved when they put it on their skin; they might even think it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette." She said with another little giggle.
Actually all of the above is completely not true. It is pure fiction.I mean no offence to these two artists; it is simply an attempt at satire. Maybe the fact that I'm writing this in temperatures hovering around 40 degrees has something to do with it.
But the following, which is far more shocking, according to the sites mentioned at the bottom of the page,is true.The comments about Lucifer though were put in by me.
According to the Natural News site, Lady Gaga is bringing out a perfume in the fall known as 'Fame'.It is going to contain her own blood as well as semen(Lucifer's?) and a highly toxic plant that is known to kill humans.
Even the packaging is unique, in that the perfume will be in an alien like, egg shaped bottle that is being grasped by what looks like claws(Lucifer's?).
The remarkable Lady said,"It's like having me on your skin.I wanted to extract sort of the feeling of blood and semen.The perfume smells like an expensive hooker," she said in 2011.
The perfume contains ' tears of belladonna( deadly nightshade), crushed heart of tiger orchidea with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and saffron and honey drops'.
By the way, one leaf of deadly nightshade is all it takes to kill a man.
I keep thinking that nothing would be able to shock me anymore, but, hey, wow, yes I am shocked.
Will her fans be though? Will they be a tiny bit taken aback by the blood and semen bit? A bit surprised to find the perfume contains deadly poison? You know I don't believe they will.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Adventure With Amaveed (3)
Amaveed looked around him. He was in a beautiful place. There was lush green grass, shapely leafy trees of all shapes and sizes, a calm, deep blue coloured lake with swans white and black, and ducks gliding serenely on it.
He dismissed from his mind the shocking memory of what had happened earlier, when the whole place had shaken so violently that he had been unable to stand up. He had even wondered if he might be thrown up into space. This had never happened before.But now everything was peaceful.
The two gentle, yet pleasantly warm suns were shining in a completely cloudless sky. Brightly coloured large butterflies could be seen as they flitted from bright red, blue, purple, crimson, indigo and yellow flowers that adorned the banks of the magnificent lake. The light chat and twitter of birds could be heard coming from a small wood that was near the lake.
Amaveed was happy as he sat on the grass by the lake. He was blissfully happy. Life was a feast to his senses, and he felt , not as an onlooker, but as part of the wonderful surroundings.Amaveed and this beauty were one.
This was his home. He had no notion of time, only of being. No night ever came. Only a twilight of such beauty came every day for a short time. It was then that everything fell silent; the birds stopped their singing and the butterflies stopped their flirting.
There were no threats, no danger, no animals killing one another.Every creature,including Amaveed ,ate fruit and vegetables. There was no need to kill. It was a harmony of perfection. And there was no moon..
How long this beautiful existence was, he did not know; it just was.
Then one dreadful day, a huge object appeared in the sky. He had never seen anything like it, but he wasn't frightened because he had no concept of fear. There were no fears in his World.
Amazingly, the massive object appeared to come down somewhere behind the wood.He heard the sound of a hundred waterfalls, a wooshing sound that he had never heard before.Scores of birds flew violently and desperately out of the trees and away from the wood.
Amaveed also felt something inside him that was a new sensation for him He didn't know what the feeling was. Suddenly though, he knew that he must run and hide.
He quickly got up and made a dash to the trees behind him. Twilight was coming and this pleased him.
Where could he hide? Then he remembered a cave the other side of the lake. He turned, and decided to walk across the lake in an attempt to get away from what?
He was about to step onto the water when suddenly he found , he couldn't move. He had never experienced this before. Surrounding him , he saw a blue light. It was like he was trapped in this tiny prison of light.
He tried to move his legs, his arms and his mouth, but was unable to move anything. He felt a wetness coming in his eyes, and what felt like water gently sliding down his face.This was new to him; he did not know what it was. He made him feel a feeling he did not like.He had never felt this way before.
Then he looked around him to see that he was surrounded by beings who looked like him, but they were covered in a strange material, and were holding what looked like bright white sticks that were pointing at him
Amaveed cried his eyes out. He felt terribly confused. He had no idea what was happening.
One of them spoke.He said:" Perfect. We will re-arrange the D.N.A., shut down most of the brain. We have got slaves. We will create reproducing biological robots.Then we can be like Gods in this place and they will serve us , and be our slaves.And we will get them to worship us, and even adore us.We can programme them to do this.".
The one who spoke laughed ; he looked at Amaveed and said: "We are known as the red dragon. We are escaped convicts who have, through our genius, escaped from the highest security asylum in the cosmos, and we are on the run, but with your help, by the time the cosmic overlords find us here, your future generations will, with our guidance have built such a war machine that we will be able to stop them. Yes, you are in for a real bloody future, as you will keep having wars, so you lot can invent more and more fiendish weapons to match the overlords frightening arsenal.".
The second sun suddenly exploded ; a blinding flash almost blinded Amaveed.
That day, for the first time ever, after twilight, a rich dense blackness fell, hiding all the splendour and beauty of that wonderful land.
Night had arrived on planet Earth.A small yellow orb appeared for the first time , in the sky; this had been the aliens mother ship, called by red dragon 'lunar', for obvious reasons.It had many other evil functions that would be put to use by the most highly dangerous insane criminal lunatics ever known in the cosmos.
He dismissed from his mind the shocking memory of what had happened earlier, when the whole place had shaken so violently that he had been unable to stand up. He had even wondered if he might be thrown up into space. This had never happened before.But now everything was peaceful.
The two gentle, yet pleasantly warm suns were shining in a completely cloudless sky. Brightly coloured large butterflies could be seen as they flitted from bright red, blue, purple, crimson, indigo and yellow flowers that adorned the banks of the magnificent lake. The light chat and twitter of birds could be heard coming from a small wood that was near the lake.
Amaveed was happy as he sat on the grass by the lake. He was blissfully happy. Life was a feast to his senses, and he felt , not as an onlooker, but as part of the wonderful surroundings.Amaveed and this beauty were one.
This was his home. He had no notion of time, only of being. No night ever came. Only a twilight of such beauty came every day for a short time. It was then that everything fell silent; the birds stopped their singing and the butterflies stopped their flirting.
There were no threats, no danger, no animals killing one another.Every creature,including Amaveed ,ate fruit and vegetables. There was no need to kill. It was a harmony of perfection. And there was no moon..
How long this beautiful existence was, he did not know; it just was.
Then one dreadful day, a huge object appeared in the sky. He had never seen anything like it, but he wasn't frightened because he had no concept of fear. There were no fears in his World.
Amazingly, the massive object appeared to come down somewhere behind the wood.He heard the sound of a hundred waterfalls, a wooshing sound that he had never heard before.Scores of birds flew violently and desperately out of the trees and away from the wood.
Amaveed also felt something inside him that was a new sensation for him He didn't know what the feeling was. Suddenly though, he knew that he must run and hide.
He quickly got up and made a dash to the trees behind him. Twilight was coming and this pleased him.
Where could he hide? Then he remembered a cave the other side of the lake. He turned, and decided to walk across the lake in an attempt to get away from what?
He was about to step onto the water when suddenly he found , he couldn't move. He had never experienced this before. Surrounding him , he saw a blue light. It was like he was trapped in this tiny prison of light.
He tried to move his legs, his arms and his mouth, but was unable to move anything. He felt a wetness coming in his eyes, and what felt like water gently sliding down his face.This was new to him; he did not know what it was. He made him feel a feeling he did not like.He had never felt this way before.
Then he looked around him to see that he was surrounded by beings who looked like him, but they were covered in a strange material, and were holding what looked like bright white sticks that were pointing at him
Amaveed cried his eyes out. He felt terribly confused. He had no idea what was happening.
One of them spoke.He said:" Perfect. We will re-arrange the D.N.A., shut down most of the brain. We have got slaves. We will create reproducing biological robots.Then we can be like Gods in this place and they will serve us , and be our slaves.And we will get them to worship us, and even adore us.We can programme them to do this.".
The one who spoke laughed ; he looked at Amaveed and said: "We are known as the red dragon. We are escaped convicts who have, through our genius, escaped from the highest security asylum in the cosmos, and we are on the run, but with your help, by the time the cosmic overlords find us here, your future generations will, with our guidance have built such a war machine that we will be able to stop them. Yes, you are in for a real bloody future, as you will keep having wars, so you lot can invent more and more fiendish weapons to match the overlords frightening arsenal.".
The second sun suddenly exploded ; a blinding flash almost blinded Amaveed.
That day, for the first time ever, after twilight, a rich dense blackness fell, hiding all the splendour and beauty of that wonderful land.
Night had arrived on planet Earth.A small yellow orb appeared for the first time , in the sky; this had been the aliens mother ship, called by red dragon 'lunar', for obvious reasons.It had many other evil functions that would be put to use by the most highly dangerous insane criminal lunatics ever known in the cosmos.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter21
If you accept as true, that your everyday life is just as much a dream as the ones you have when you are asleep, this should open the door to an interesting experiment.
I have stated in an earlier chapter of this book that according to Jung, dreams are seen as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored,rejected or suppressed.He thought every person in the dream represented an aspect of the dreamer.
Fritz Perls went further to say that even inanimate objects in the dreams may represent aspects of the dreamer.The dreamer may be asked to imagine being an object in the dream to describe it, in order to bring into awareness the characteristics of the object that correspond with the dreams personality.
What insights would come to light if in your everyday eyes open dream you saw everything around you, including inanimate objects as projections of parts of you ?
Your eyes shut dreams are full of symbols.Seeing a snake in a dream could mean wisdom.On the other hand ,it could mean danger or deceit, or temptation.Those into Freud would see it as a male sexual organ.
As you can see it can be difficult to interpret the symbols.
It's quite amazing when you think about it that you are making up these images, yet you don't know what they mean.The reason you don't know what they mean is because they are made up(by you) in your subconscious, and you don't have access to this part of your mind.
Back to the experiment where you view everything around you in your everyday dream as projections of you or symbols that are trying to tell you something.I have to warn you that this is not easy. It's just as hard as trying to read what your night dreams are telling you, if not, for some reason, harder.
I'll give you an example from my own life.I have for some reason got eight cats.They just wandered into my life and home over the last few years.They are adorable creatures; great company and highly entertaining.They are also very intelligent, as they all try and open doors by jumping up to the door handles and hitting them with their paws!
Now if ,in my eyes shut dream I had eight cats, it would certainly mean something.So, in this eyes open dream, it must mean something too.But what?
If you consulted a dream dictionary, you would find many different interpretations.For example, one claims that it means creativity and an independent spirit, whereas another one says they mean bad luck, and yet another says it means someone is telling you lies!
So let's try and make this easier.I believe that in your daily life all the time signs and symbols are shown to you for your benefit, but we hardly ever notice them.We don't notice them because we are so wrapped up in our thoughts of the past or of the future.That is why it is important to live in the now.By living in the now you are aware.Being aware you should notice the signs and symbols around you.
I'll give you an example.Someone I know, who is a qualified chef,hadn't got a job, and was thinking about not going back to the restaurant business.One day after getting up she turned the T.V on.She would normally watch the news, but for some reason, probably because the news had been full of depressing stuff recently, she decided not to watch the news, so she flipped channels .
She found herself watching a programme on cooking, and this made her realize how much she enjoyed cooking.Later in the day she happened to meet someone she knew .They started talking, and her friend told her, in no uncertain manner, that her future should be as a chef., and that she was foolish to consider other options. Suddenly she realized, without a doubt that this was what she really wanted to do.
I should mention that the girl in question , on that particular day, was strongly living in the now.
Now we come to the interesting, amazing part of this true story.
It was a hot day, and about five minutes later she popped into a restaurant to buy an ice cream to take outside.Not all restaurants allow you to do this, but this one did, She got talking about this and that to the restaurant owner,not once mentioning that she was a chef, when the owner suddenly said that she was desperate for a chef, as the last one had walked out yesterday.
My friend obviously got the job! If she hadn't seen the T.V programme earlier in the day and had ignored what the lady on the street had said, I am sure that none of what followed would have happened.
Another example: Early in the morning one day, I opened my front door, to be greeted by a huge dead rat right outside the door!It was a present from one of my cats for me.How on earth there are any rats near here is a mystery to me, as I would imagine eight cats would scare them away. None the less there was this mighty looking rat lying there at my feet.
What happened that day? I won't go into details, but I can tell you It was truly a lousy day;
everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
The rat was obviously a warning to me that nasty things were going to hit the fan.
I'm not saying that if you found a rat outside your door the same would happen to you,as a rat to you might mean something else.
Here is another more pleasant example. One day, my next door neighbour gave me a bag absolutely full of oranges and lemons, completely out of the blue. I thought it was very sweet of her. I laid the fruit out in a bowl and placed the bowl on my kitchen table. I remember thinking how great it looked.
About an hour later I got an e mail telling me that someone was sending me a nice sum of money, and this also was totally out of the blue!
Do you get my drift. The fruit was a sign, a symbol of good fortune, whereas the rat was a sign of bad fortune. I suspect that we are given signs such as these all the time, but ignore them.
If you stay living in the now though, you should become aware of them
Try and see if you can find signs in your own life.It really can be quite fun.
That is the end of chapter 21. The next chapter will follow shortly..
I have stated in an earlier chapter of this book that according to Jung, dreams are seen as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored,rejected or suppressed.He thought every person in the dream represented an aspect of the dreamer.
Fritz Perls went further to say that even inanimate objects in the dreams may represent aspects of the dreamer.The dreamer may be asked to imagine being an object in the dream to describe it, in order to bring into awareness the characteristics of the object that correspond with the dreams personality.
What insights would come to light if in your everyday eyes open dream you saw everything around you, including inanimate objects as projections of parts of you ?
Your eyes shut dreams are full of symbols.Seeing a snake in a dream could mean wisdom.On the other hand ,it could mean danger or deceit, or temptation.Those into Freud would see it as a male sexual organ.
As you can see it can be difficult to interpret the symbols.
It's quite amazing when you think about it that you are making up these images, yet you don't know what they mean.The reason you don't know what they mean is because they are made up(by you) in your subconscious, and you don't have access to this part of your mind.
Back to the experiment where you view everything around you in your everyday dream as projections of you or symbols that are trying to tell you something.I have to warn you that this is not easy. It's just as hard as trying to read what your night dreams are telling you, if not, for some reason, harder.
I'll give you an example from my own life.I have for some reason got eight cats.They just wandered into my life and home over the last few years.They are adorable creatures; great company and highly entertaining.They are also very intelligent, as they all try and open doors by jumping up to the door handles and hitting them with their paws!
Now if ,in my eyes shut dream I had eight cats, it would certainly mean something.So, in this eyes open dream, it must mean something too.But what?
If you consulted a dream dictionary, you would find many different interpretations.For example, one claims that it means creativity and an independent spirit, whereas another one says they mean bad luck, and yet another says it means someone is telling you lies!
So let's try and make this easier.I believe that in your daily life all the time signs and symbols are shown to you for your benefit, but we hardly ever notice them.We don't notice them because we are so wrapped up in our thoughts of the past or of the future.That is why it is important to live in the now.By living in the now you are aware.Being aware you should notice the signs and symbols around you.
I'll give you an example.Someone I know, who is a qualified chef,hadn't got a job, and was thinking about not going back to the restaurant business.One day after getting up she turned the T.V on.She would normally watch the news, but for some reason, probably because the news had been full of depressing stuff recently, she decided not to watch the news, so she flipped channels .
She found herself watching a programme on cooking, and this made her realize how much she enjoyed cooking.Later in the day she happened to meet someone she knew .They started talking, and her friend told her, in no uncertain manner, that her future should be as a chef., and that she was foolish to consider other options. Suddenly she realized, without a doubt that this was what she really wanted to do.
I should mention that the girl in question , on that particular day, was strongly living in the now.
Now we come to the interesting, amazing part of this true story.
It was a hot day, and about five minutes later she popped into a restaurant to buy an ice cream to take outside.Not all restaurants allow you to do this, but this one did, She got talking about this and that to the restaurant owner,not once mentioning that she was a chef, when the owner suddenly said that she was desperate for a chef, as the last one had walked out yesterday.
My friend obviously got the job! If she hadn't seen the T.V programme earlier in the day and had ignored what the lady on the street had said, I am sure that none of what followed would have happened.
Another example: Early in the morning one day, I opened my front door, to be greeted by a huge dead rat right outside the door!It was a present from one of my cats for me.How on earth there are any rats near here is a mystery to me, as I would imagine eight cats would scare them away. None the less there was this mighty looking rat lying there at my feet.
What happened that day? I won't go into details, but I can tell you It was truly a lousy day;
everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
The rat was obviously a warning to me that nasty things were going to hit the fan.
I'm not saying that if you found a rat outside your door the same would happen to you,as a rat to you might mean something else.
Here is another more pleasant example. One day, my next door neighbour gave me a bag absolutely full of oranges and lemons, completely out of the blue. I thought it was very sweet of her. I laid the fruit out in a bowl and placed the bowl on my kitchen table. I remember thinking how great it looked.
About an hour later I got an e mail telling me that someone was sending me a nice sum of money, and this also was totally out of the blue!
Do you get my drift. The fruit was a sign, a symbol of good fortune, whereas the rat was a sign of bad fortune. I suspect that we are given signs such as these all the time, but ignore them.
If you stay living in the now though, you should become aware of them
Try and see if you can find signs in your own life.It really can be quite fun.
That is the end of chapter 21. The next chapter will follow shortly..
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Lady Gaga's Lyrics And The Occult.
"Oh,my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch...". "Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight, are you sorry we drifted apart..." "I heard that your dreams came true,guess she gave you things I didn't give to you..". "Every moment of existence seems like a dirty trick.happiness can come suddenly and leave just as quick "..."She'll let you in her house if you come knocking late at night.She'll let you in her mouth if the words you say are right'' "All you need is love"." Give Peace a chance."
Great lyrics don't you think?Well, how about these:
"I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your horror"
"You're a criminal, your psycho".
"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun,and baby if it's not rough, it's not fun".
Or these particular 'sulphur gems:
"I'll bring him down, down, a King with no crown."
"I'm still in love with you Judas baby".
"Judas kiss me..don't wear your condom next time".
"Judas is the demon I cling to".
Judas was the guy in the Bible who kissed Jesus, so that the soldiers could know who he was, and arrest him.
The second and third lot of lyrics are from Lady Gaga,who had a chat with the Queen of England recently.How strange.One gaga to another?
The lyrics are for a sick society.They are not about boy meets girl,or how we should love one another.They are about and for a screwed up, messed up, out of harmony people.They are pushing a sick agenda, a perverted agenda in a very neurotic World.These lyrics are from the most popular singer in pop today.
Why? Why such anti-life sentiments ?
It's all part of the agenda.Lady Gaga is just one of the Elite's little puppet performers.Apart from her songs containing references to evil, her videos are laden with occult symbols.The Elite love occult signs, dates and symbols.That is why we are all taught from young that such things as the occult, astrology, telepathy, numerology are all a load of superstitious rubbish.The Elite know they are not, but are desperate for us not to investigate these subjects,because if we did we would find out that they are all authentic and valid, and can be used to our advantage. Only they must have the secret knowledge.
The game plan is to have one World Government, one World army and one World bank..To achieve this they are using the occult.Oh yes, and they want one World leader.More on that later.
So what has pop music got to do with this? It's used as a vehicle to deliver hidden messages the subconscious picks up.Lady Gaga's videos are laden with occult symbolism which goes straight to our subconscious to effect the way we are,and to prepare the young in particular for the World that is now going to transform into the sort of World these insane psychopaths are aiming to inflict on us.
All religions will be destroyed, as the plan is to have one religion, led by one World leader.When I first heard that this leader would be the anti-christ, I thought, pull the other one, but a doubt persisted.What if..?
Also when people like David Icke, whom I greatly respect, say that the Elite worship Lucifer, or Satan on a regular basis, that got me really thinking, but more importantly, it got me researching.
I found it hard to imagine people like Rothschild, the Queen of England,Tony Blair and God knows who else prancing around dressed up in probably goat skins doing strange rituals on special occult days.I mean, it's a bit hard to swallow isn't it? But, but.. my extensive research would, I am sorry to say, indicate that this could well be true.Yes, I know it is hard to believe.Then again, think of what goes on at Bohemian Grove,Think of all the people in power who are high ranking Masons, doing strange rituals. This sort of behaviour is not at all alien to the people in power.
So, is it really true that the New World Order wants to usher in Lucifer's reign on Earth?And pop music is preparing the ground for this.People like Lady Gaga are promoted because they support the programme. Anyone who does not support this, is pushed to one side,or if they get too popular, is murdered.I think it highly likely that Michael Jackson, who was exposing the evils of the music industry, was killed because of this. And quite possibly a lot of others were killed because their songs did not fit in with the master plan.
Lady Gaga, Black eyed Peas, Justin Bieber and Madonna are the rulers favourites and are promoted non-stop. If any one of them steps out of line though, they will be either cast to one side or killed.
Yes these people do have talent, but there are others who are far more talented, who hardly ever see the light of day. Take Shakira. She, to my mind, has more talent in her pretty little fingers than any of the aforementioned.For a start she actually has a very good singing voice, she writes excellent songs, and apart from looking absolutely wow, she is a brilliant performer.
The funny part is , I have yet to meet anyone who likes Lady Gaga, but everyone seems to love Shakira.
Some might say, I'm just out of touch with todays pop. It's not true as I do like some artists, such as Muse and Adele very much.
But I 'll stay way out of earshot of lyrics like" Judas is the demon I cling to ". I don't think such lyrics do us any good at all.Mike Selley
a href="">Occult Skull by Talia Felix
Great lyrics don't you think?Well, how about these:
"I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your horror"
"You're a criminal, your psycho".
"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun,and baby if it's not rough, it's not fun".
Or these particular 'sulphur gems:
"I'll bring him down, down, a King with no crown."
"I'm still in love with you Judas baby".
"Judas kiss me..don't wear your condom next time".
"Judas is the demon I cling to".
Judas was the guy in the Bible who kissed Jesus, so that the soldiers could know who he was, and arrest him.
The second and third lot of lyrics are from Lady Gaga,who had a chat with the Queen of England recently.How strange.One gaga to another?
The lyrics are for a sick society.They are not about boy meets girl,or how we should love one another.They are about and for a screwed up, messed up, out of harmony people.They are pushing a sick agenda, a perverted agenda in a very neurotic World.These lyrics are from the most popular singer in pop today.
Why? Why such anti-life sentiments ?
It's all part of the agenda.Lady Gaga is just one of the Elite's little puppet performers.Apart from her songs containing references to evil, her videos are laden with occult symbols.The Elite love occult signs, dates and symbols.That is why we are all taught from young that such things as the occult, astrology, telepathy, numerology are all a load of superstitious rubbish.The Elite know they are not, but are desperate for us not to investigate these subjects,because if we did we would find out that they are all authentic and valid, and can be used to our advantage. Only they must have the secret knowledge.
The game plan is to have one World Government, one World army and one World bank..To achieve this they are using the occult.Oh yes, and they want one World leader.More on that later.
So what has pop music got to do with this? It's used as a vehicle to deliver hidden messages the subconscious picks up.Lady Gaga's videos are laden with occult symbolism which goes straight to our subconscious to effect the way we are,and to prepare the young in particular for the World that is now going to transform into the sort of World these insane psychopaths are aiming to inflict on us.
All religions will be destroyed, as the plan is to have one religion, led by one World leader.When I first heard that this leader would be the anti-christ, I thought, pull the other one, but a doubt persisted.What if..?
Also when people like David Icke, whom I greatly respect, say that the Elite worship Lucifer, or Satan on a regular basis, that got me really thinking, but more importantly, it got me researching.
I found it hard to imagine people like Rothschild, the Queen of England,Tony Blair and God knows who else prancing around dressed up in probably goat skins doing strange rituals on special occult days.I mean, it's a bit hard to swallow isn't it? But, but.. my extensive research would, I am sorry to say, indicate that this could well be true.Yes, I know it is hard to believe.Then again, think of what goes on at Bohemian Grove,Think of all the people in power who are high ranking Masons, doing strange rituals. This sort of behaviour is not at all alien to the people in power.
So, is it really true that the New World Order wants to usher in Lucifer's reign on Earth?And pop music is preparing the ground for this.People like Lady Gaga are promoted because they support the programme. Anyone who does not support this, is pushed to one side,or if they get too popular, is murdered.I think it highly likely that Michael Jackson, who was exposing the evils of the music industry, was killed because of this. And quite possibly a lot of others were killed because their songs did not fit in with the master plan.
Lady Gaga, Black eyed Peas, Justin Bieber and Madonna are the rulers favourites and are promoted non-stop. If any one of them steps out of line though, they will be either cast to one side or killed.
Yes these people do have talent, but there are others who are far more talented, who hardly ever see the light of day. Take Shakira. She, to my mind, has more talent in her pretty little fingers than any of the aforementioned.For a start she actually has a very good singing voice, she writes excellent songs, and apart from looking absolutely wow, she is a brilliant performer.
The funny part is , I have yet to meet anyone who likes Lady Gaga, but everyone seems to love Shakira.
Some might say, I'm just out of touch with todays pop. It's not true as I do like some artists, such as Muse and Adele very much.
But I 'll stay way out of earshot of lyrics like" Judas is the demon I cling to ". I don't think such lyrics do us any good at all.Mike Selley
a href="">Occult Skull by Talia Felix
Thursday, June 21, 2012
New: Exclusive Visualization Methods.
From the formless comes the form.
From the invisible comes the visible.
Zen Masters claim the the formless and the formed are the same,and that the void is the same as that which is filled.
Great truths, but how do they apply to our everyday life?Surprisingly, or if you really understand zen, not surprisingly, they do.
The computer in front of you and the chair you are sitting on were once formless.They were ideas in someone's head. Now they appear to have form.Notice I said appear to have form.But, actually.they don't have form at all.Quantum Physics has proven that one.An object only has form(matter) if we observe it.If we don't observe it,it is a fuzzy blur or formless.
The magic formula of imagining a formless image in your mind, and then this formless image appears in a formed state in front of your eyes, is great as a concept as to how manifesting works.I have said that this is how it works,and it is the easiest way to view this as a workable method.
But, it's not strictly true,You see, when the formless changes into the formed, well, it doesn't really do this.It remains the same as it was in your mind when you observe it in the outside world.In other words it is still formless,but when we look at it,it is our act of perceiving that makes it appear to have form.In'reality' it is exactly the same as it was when you imagined it.
This struck me yesterday. I was sitting in the port of the beautiful Greek island ,Aegina and was talking to a friend.The port had a few expensive yachts moored nearby where we were sitting.My friend told me how he loved boats, yachts and the sea, and how he would love to own a yacht,and that he would aim to get one one day.I said to him ,why not get it this year,by using visualization.
It suddenly hit me,that all these yachts were really formless, and when we didn't look at them, they were not there.If we didn't observe them,they would just be a fuzzy blur.So, I wondered, why do we give so much credibility to what we can see in what appears to be a formed state,yet we tend to dismiss the formless images in our head, as of little or no value.In 'reality' they are exactly the same as the images we see in the 'outside'World.Exactly the same; a bold assertion, but I believe it is true.
This opens up the visualization doors very wide.Simply by realizing this fact alone, gives you far greater confidence and faith in the power of visualization because you understand that your' mind stuff' is just the same as your'outside stuff'., so is just as important.Once you fully comprehend this fact, you should find doing your manifesting a lot easier.
Here is a new exclusive visualization method to help you improve your skills in this area.
1.Look at an object, say, a pen, and look at it intently for a few seconds.
2.Close your eyes and picture it in your head.
What you are doing is reversing the usual process of manifesting.You are looking at the so-called formed pen, and then seeing it in your mind in a fuzzy formless state.
This should make you realize that there is no difference between the' outside' and the' inside'.It should also improve you visualization skills.
And here's another new exclusive visualization method to improve your skills.
1.Look at an object- a watch, say- for a few minutes.
2.Close your eyes and picture the same object in your mind, just like in the previous exercise.
3.Open your eyes and look at the same formed object, the watch, in the 'outside'World.
4.Look at a different object, a vase, say, for a few minutes.
5.Close your eyes and picture the vase in your head.
6.Open your eyes and look at the same'formed'object, the vase,in the 'outside'World.
7 Do this with as many objects as possible.
The idea behind this is to convince yourself that what you visualize in your head(the objects) are immediately seen in the 'outside'World, so any visualization you do will work in the same way.If the mind gets used to this enough, it should programme it to accept that visualization absolutely works,is a natural law, and works wonderfully easily.
Have fun trying out these exclusive new methods.
From the invisible comes the visible.
Zen Masters claim the the formless and the formed are the same,and that the void is the same as that which is filled.
Great truths, but how do they apply to our everyday life?Surprisingly, or if you really understand zen, not surprisingly, they do.
The computer in front of you and the chair you are sitting on were once formless.They were ideas in someone's head. Now they appear to have form.Notice I said appear to have form.But, actually.they don't have form at all.Quantum Physics has proven that one.An object only has form(matter) if we observe it.If we don't observe it,it is a fuzzy blur or formless.
The magic formula of imagining a formless image in your mind, and then this formless image appears in a formed state in front of your eyes, is great as a concept as to how manifesting works.I have said that this is how it works,and it is the easiest way to view this as a workable method.
This struck me yesterday. I was sitting in the port of the beautiful Greek island ,Aegina and was talking to a friend.The port had a few expensive yachts moored nearby where we were sitting.My friend told me how he loved boats, yachts and the sea, and how he would love to own a yacht,and that he would aim to get one one day.I said to him ,why not get it this year,by using visualization.
It suddenly hit me,that all these yachts were really formless, and when we didn't look at them, they were not there.If we didn't observe them,they would just be a fuzzy blur.So, I wondered, why do we give so much credibility to what we can see in what appears to be a formed state,yet we tend to dismiss the formless images in our head, as of little or no value.In 'reality' they are exactly the same as the images we see in the 'outside'World.Exactly the same; a bold assertion, but I believe it is true.
This opens up the visualization doors very wide.Simply by realizing this fact alone, gives you far greater confidence and faith in the power of visualization because you understand that your' mind stuff' is just the same as your'outside stuff'., so is just as important.Once you fully comprehend this fact, you should find doing your manifesting a lot easier.
Here is a new exclusive visualization method to help you improve your skills in this area.
1.Look at an object, say, a pen, and look at it intently for a few seconds.
2.Close your eyes and picture it in your head.
What you are doing is reversing the usual process of manifesting.You are looking at the so-called formed pen, and then seeing it in your mind in a fuzzy formless state.
This should make you realize that there is no difference between the' outside' and the' inside'.It should also improve you visualization skills.
And here's another new exclusive visualization method to improve your skills.
1.Look at an object- a watch, say- for a few minutes.
2.Close your eyes and picture the same object in your mind, just like in the previous exercise.
3.Open your eyes and look at the same formed object, the watch, in the 'outside'World.
4.Look at a different object, a vase, say, for a few minutes.
5.Close your eyes and picture the vase in your head.
6.Open your eyes and look at the same'formed'object, the vase,in the 'outside'World.
7 Do this with as many objects as possible.
The idea behind this is to convince yourself that what you visualize in your head(the objects) are immediately seen in the 'outside'World, so any visualization you do will work in the same way.If the mind gets used to this enough, it should programme it to accept that visualization absolutely works,is a natural law, and works wonderfully easily.
Have fun trying out these exclusive new methods.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Dinosaurs Still Rule Greece.
What a stitch up; what a ruse; what a dirty trick; what did you expect?
I'm talking about the Greek elections.Probably,oh come on, I shouldn't mince my words,I don't really think probably, I suspect that it most likely that the elections were a fraud. A rigged affair.
Anyway 55% of Greeks voted against the hideous, inhuman dosage of bitter, cruel medicine..Yet the two dinosaur parties, who were responsible for most of the trouble in the first place,are,guess what, still there.I find this very hard to believe, but, it is true.What are they going to do? They are going to drive the carriage full of squashed, ,frightened, ruined,sat-upon.kicked the spunk out of them, Greeks right over the cliff into a deep, troubled, stormy sea.
Unbelievable to still see the same old game being played out.I'll tell you what happened.After the May elections, the big boys in their New World Order uniform of expensive black,sometimes blue, suits and blue ties,said;" Right,we gotta fix this; we will make sure we will win, regardless of what the idiot voters say".
Yes, that's what they truly think of the lower rungs of society, as they would put it.
And they did. So simple.A bit of cash here; a bit of a bribe there.The media are controlled by them anyway, and that really helps.
Do you remember,that posh toff, Cameron,the 'you deserve to suffer'Merkel,the 'I look a nice guy, but, believe me, I'm not', Obama and a full supporting cast of lesser actors all screaming the same bull.This particular bull was that any sane Greek must vote for the planned suicide of Greece.It was none of their business, yet few Greek newspapers said this.In fact, a lot of newspapers seemed to welcome these comments, and gave them prime coverage.I don't know, what the T.V. said, as I gave up watching this hypnotist a long time ago, as I found it not conducive to a sane mind.
It was all done through the Elite's favourite tool; fear.How may Greek newspapers said that if Alexis won, that people wouldn't be paid pensions next month?.On and on, day by day that was the message.How many stories were there of the elderly being robbed and killed in their homes?Fear, fear, fear.
It's beyond sad; it's tragic.
I don't like making predictions. One looks such a fool if they don't come true.Anyway, here goes.
1.For the first few days, everything will seem, if not positive, not too negative. A weird sort of honeymoon period, the press always gives to new Governments.
2.The new Government will announce the measures that were never mentioned in the run-up to the elections.
3.These measures, in case you've forgotten them, as most people probably have, because the cutting of pensions and wages and the increase in fuel bills, were not, as far as I could see, mentioned at all, by the two dinosaur parties in the run -up to the election.
4. This is the only announcement( showing their true colours) they need to make. This will be the trigger.
5.When people realize what the hell they voted for, which is a complete wipe-out of Greek society(Kissinger must be smiling) the trouble will start.
So if anyone really did vote for either of these dinosaurs, N.D or Pasok, shortly you will bitterly, and I mean bitterly regret it.
In the next few months we will see, in Greece, the biggest demonstrations, the largest riots this country has ever seen.It will be a showdown like no other. It will be a complete and utter breakdown.
With people earning 400 to 500 euros a month,electricity bills sky high, shopping bills sky high what do you think will happen?
With people not being paid for months, what do you think will happen?
With hospitals and pharmacies running out of life- saving medicines, what do you think will happen?
With crime soaring, what do you think will happen?
With no hope, no dreams, no glimmer of hope, what do you think the people will do?
There will be no re- negotiations of the poisoned package; that was just election babble. O.K., there will probably be one or two tiny little tweaks that will , in reality, mean, absolutely nothing, so the Government can say that they have re- negotiated the deal.
It's going to be a long hot summer. No doubt, right now,new weapons are being issued to the guard dogs(the police) of the Elite, as they must surely know what symptoms their toxic, poison will produce.

I'm talking about the Greek elections.Probably,oh come on, I shouldn't mince my words,I don't really think probably, I suspect that it most likely that the elections were a fraud. A rigged affair.
Anyway 55% of Greeks voted against the hideous, inhuman dosage of bitter, cruel medicine..Yet the two dinosaur parties, who were responsible for most of the trouble in the first place,are,guess what, still there.I find this very hard to believe, but, it is true.What are they going to do? They are going to drive the carriage full of squashed, ,frightened, ruined,sat-upon.kicked the spunk out of them, Greeks right over the cliff into a deep, troubled, stormy sea.
Unbelievable to still see the same old game being played out.I'll tell you what happened.After the May elections, the big boys in their New World Order uniform of expensive black,sometimes blue, suits and blue ties,said;" Right,we gotta fix this; we will make sure we will win, regardless of what the idiot voters say".
Yes, that's what they truly think of the lower rungs of society, as they would put it.
And they did. So simple.A bit of cash here; a bit of a bribe there.The media are controlled by them anyway, and that really helps.
Do you remember,that posh toff, Cameron,the 'you deserve to suffer'Merkel,the 'I look a nice guy, but, believe me, I'm not', Obama and a full supporting cast of lesser actors all screaming the same bull.This particular bull was that any sane Greek must vote for the planned suicide of Greece.It was none of their business, yet few Greek newspapers said this.In fact, a lot of newspapers seemed to welcome these comments, and gave them prime coverage.I don't know, what the T.V. said, as I gave up watching this hypnotist a long time ago, as I found it not conducive to a sane mind.
It was all done through the Elite's favourite tool; fear.How may Greek newspapers said that if Alexis won, that people wouldn't be paid pensions next month?.On and on, day by day that was the message.How many stories were there of the elderly being robbed and killed in their homes?Fear, fear, fear.
It's beyond sad; it's tragic.
I don't like making predictions. One looks such a fool if they don't come true.Anyway, here goes.
1.For the first few days, everything will seem, if not positive, not too negative. A weird sort of honeymoon period, the press always gives to new Governments.
2.The new Government will announce the measures that were never mentioned in the run-up to the elections.
3.These measures, in case you've forgotten them, as most people probably have, because the cutting of pensions and wages and the increase in fuel bills, were not, as far as I could see, mentioned at all, by the two dinosaur parties in the run -up to the election.
4. This is the only announcement( showing their true colours) they need to make. This will be the trigger.
5.When people realize what the hell they voted for, which is a complete wipe-out of Greek society(Kissinger must be smiling) the trouble will start.
So if anyone really did vote for either of these dinosaurs, N.D or Pasok, shortly you will bitterly, and I mean bitterly regret it.
In the next few months we will see, in Greece, the biggest demonstrations, the largest riots this country has ever seen.It will be a showdown like no other. It will be a complete and utter breakdown.
With people earning 400 to 500 euros a month,electricity bills sky high, shopping bills sky high what do you think will happen?
With people not being paid for months, what do you think will happen?
With hospitals and pharmacies running out of life- saving medicines, what do you think will happen?
With crime soaring, what do you think will happen?
With no hope, no dreams, no glimmer of hope, what do you think the people will do?
There will be no re- negotiations of the poisoned package; that was just election babble. O.K., there will probably be one or two tiny little tweaks that will , in reality, mean, absolutely nothing, so the Government can say that they have re- negotiated the deal.
It's going to be a long hot summer. No doubt, right now,new weapons are being issued to the guard dogs(the police) of the Elite, as they must surely know what symptoms their toxic, poison will produce.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream .Chapter 20
When you really examine the human condition you begin to understand that the 'reality' we have all agreed to perceive, is just an agreed upon , collective perception we all share. It is our collective dream we all dream with our eyes open.We have our own private dreams when we close our eyes.
You didn't, at one level, have much say in the overall pattern of what you perceive, although, from another level, you are in this state , because you need to be and you agree to be.You do though, make up your own dramas, that you think are acts of fate, but they really come from your subconscious into your daily life, just as you subconscious makes your other private dreams appear when you are asleep.
The whole set-up, the stage with its special effects, and its acts- here I am talking about your everyday life- though are taught to you when you are a baby.You stare, as an infant, in awe at an expanse of green, green grass.While you are looking in wonder, your mother comes out into the garden and says;"This is called grass, and it is green; it gets greener the more rain it gets." So you look again at this magical green stuff, and somehow it doesn't seem quite so wonderful.It has a label; it has a name.Funny the way this takes some of its magic away.
Terrence Mckenna in his book'Reality is made of language' makes some interesting observations, such as:
"The real secret of magic is that this World is made up of words and that if you know the words that the World is made up of, you can make of it whatever you wish."
"We seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception".
Words keep us locked in the frame. Words are the fences, the walls, the ceilings, but they can, if you know how, be doors, gateways and entrances.
Everything we perceive we label. Words are concerned with the past, the future, and a tiny bit with the present; they keep you on the time track.
Osho, an Indian Guru said;"The whole language depends on time- past, future, present. Language is a creation of the mind; time is also a creation of the mind. When you drop language, time disappears. When you drop thinking, there is no past, no present, no future.You go beyond time; there is no time.There is eternity.When there is no time you have moved into the World of the eternal.And all that you have got are temporal reflections of the truth".
Words are very interesting. Every time you say a word, a vibration is produced. These vibrations are different for each word.For example, the word 'Love' has a different vibration to the word'Hate'.
Think about it.If you use words like, hate, anger, kill, die in your daily life, you are setting up and sending out vibrations that will only connect with similar vibrations and chaos could well enter your life.
Most people nowadays, are saying words like;"I can't afford it", "I haven't got the money", "I can't pay the bill".All these words are sending out vibrations that are connecting with similar vibrations and attracting negative conditions to enter your life.
The secret of the vibration of words is found in the sound of each syllable.Take the word' war'. If you pronounce the word 'war' you are sending out a certain vibration.You will notice that your mouth, to make these sounds, brings your lips close together, then opens them, to produce the sound,'war'.So words where your mouth does the same, or slightly similar actions, have similar vibrations.
From the Vibrating Names website;"You must understand that certain words or names have power when used correctly with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them.".
In the second century people believed that certain words could produce magic.It was believed that abracadabra could cure fatal diseases and keep evil spirits away.
Some words, which have good meanings, such as 'beautiful', 'wonderful and' marvellous 'send out vibrations that attract beautiful, wonderful and marvellous events into your life.
Try this for an experiment. One day, decide that today you are not going to use any negative words at all., but only positive ones. Even when people are moaning about a situation, don't use'down' words, only positive,'up' words.
Also, try this exercise every single day for about five minutes. Simply say very slowly, so you make the word a l-o-n-g word';wonderful'. Make it stretch out thus;' won- der - ful.' repeat it over and over again slowly.After saying this a good number of times, say;"This is my life".
The next day change the word to' marvellous'Say it over and over and at the end of the session, doing exactly the same as before, and make sure to remember to say , at the end;"This is my life".
And the next day, you can use another positive word:' beautiful.'At the end say, as before;"This is my life".
These three words each have three syllables, so three vibrational thrusts are emitted when the words are spoken. You are actually sending out three vibrations.
If you practice this very simple exercise, you should, by the laws of life, attract wonderful, marvellous and beautiful events, places and people into your life.
Do it everyday, and you should see the results in a very short time.Don't believe me, well, try it!
That is the end of chapter twenty. The next chapter will follow shortly.
You didn't, at one level, have much say in the overall pattern of what you perceive, although, from another level, you are in this state , because you need to be and you agree to be.You do though, make up your own dramas, that you think are acts of fate, but they really come from your subconscious into your daily life, just as you subconscious makes your other private dreams appear when you are asleep.
The whole set-up, the stage with its special effects, and its acts- here I am talking about your everyday life- though are taught to you when you are a baby.You stare, as an infant, in awe at an expanse of green, green grass.While you are looking in wonder, your mother comes out into the garden and says;"This is called grass, and it is green; it gets greener the more rain it gets." So you look again at this magical green stuff, and somehow it doesn't seem quite so wonderful.It has a label; it has a name.Funny the way this takes some of its magic away.
Terrence Mckenna in his book'Reality is made of language' makes some interesting observations, such as:
"The real secret of magic is that this World is made up of words and that if you know the words that the World is made up of, you can make of it whatever you wish."
"We seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception".
Words keep us locked in the frame. Words are the fences, the walls, the ceilings, but they can, if you know how, be doors, gateways and entrances.
Everything we perceive we label. Words are concerned with the past, the future, and a tiny bit with the present; they keep you on the time track.
Osho, an Indian Guru said;"The whole language depends on time- past, future, present. Language is a creation of the mind; time is also a creation of the mind. When you drop language, time disappears. When you drop thinking, there is no past, no present, no future.You go beyond time; there is no time.There is eternity.When there is no time you have moved into the World of the eternal.And all that you have got are temporal reflections of the truth".
Words are very interesting. Every time you say a word, a vibration is produced. These vibrations are different for each word.For example, the word 'Love' has a different vibration to the word'Hate'.
Think about it.If you use words like, hate, anger, kill, die in your daily life, you are setting up and sending out vibrations that will only connect with similar vibrations and chaos could well enter your life.
Most people nowadays, are saying words like;"I can't afford it", "I haven't got the money", "I can't pay the bill".All these words are sending out vibrations that are connecting with similar vibrations and attracting negative conditions to enter your life.
The secret of the vibration of words is found in the sound of each syllable.Take the word' war'. If you pronounce the word 'war' you are sending out a certain vibration.You will notice that your mouth, to make these sounds, brings your lips close together, then opens them, to produce the sound,'war'.So words where your mouth does the same, or slightly similar actions, have similar vibrations.
From the Vibrating Names website;"You must understand that certain words or names have power when used correctly with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them.".
In the second century people believed that certain words could produce magic.It was believed that abracadabra could cure fatal diseases and keep evil spirits away.
Some words, which have good meanings, such as 'beautiful', 'wonderful and' marvellous 'send out vibrations that attract beautiful, wonderful and marvellous events into your life.
Try this for an experiment. One day, decide that today you are not going to use any negative words at all., but only positive ones. Even when people are moaning about a situation, don't use'down' words, only positive,'up' words.
Also, try this exercise every single day for about five minutes. Simply say very slowly, so you make the word a l-o-n-g word';wonderful'. Make it stretch out thus;' won- der - ful.' repeat it over and over again slowly.After saying this a good number of times, say;"This is my life".
The next day change the word to' marvellous'Say it over and over and at the end of the session, doing exactly the same as before, and make sure to remember to say , at the end;"This is my life".
And the next day, you can use another positive word:' beautiful.'At the end say, as before;"This is my life".
These three words each have three syllables, so three vibrational thrusts are emitted when the words are spoken. You are actually sending out three vibrations.
If you practice this very simple exercise, you should, by the laws of life, attract wonderful, marvellous and beautiful events, places and people into your life.
Do it everyday, and you should see the results in a very short time.Don't believe me, well, try it!
That is the end of chapter twenty. The next chapter will follow shortly.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Adventure With Amaveed (2)
Amaveed looked around him. Everything was movement; all the time everything was moving.He vaguely remembered a saying he had heard a long time ago that claimed that anything that moves is unreal; an illusion.Could that be true?
He also remembered something about any life form that has to re-charge itself-what we call eating and drinking - is not a true living being, but a by-product of one.He didn't quite understand this.
Did this mean that beings that did not eat or re-fuel themselves were the only real beings around.He felt disturbed by this thought, but suspected that it was true.It led him to the eternal question; who exactly are we?
And what about this remembrance of a Golden time; a Heaven; a Paradise, that he somehow felt was his birthright?
Amaveed went in search of answers.He found that there were lots of different beliefs that people held.Some had some very strange doctrines, that he thought were merely playing around with words.But, he stripped away the bark of the tree, and found that the great truths were always the same. Love was mentioned over and over, as was the folly of believing that you are real,and the assertion that a Supreme Being or Cosmic Consciousness was what we are really part of, but, for some reason , unaware of.
So he thought about Love, and how the whole World had gone so far from its natural state, and descended into an unnatural, unpleasant perverted place of chaos.
What had gone wrong?Something had, of that he was sure.He thought about this for a very long time.One day after many years, he realized that the answers were not to be found by thinking.Thinking was not the key that would unlock the door.He noticed that thoughts could only get you so far, and then you hit a brick wall.
He decided to try and stop thinking.It was surprisingly difficult.It seemed as if one thought followed another all the time.But he tried this everyday without fail. At first he could only stop thinking for very short periods of time, but slowly he was able to make these periods longer.He never gave up; he was as determined as someone who is caught in a house on fire, who had to escape.
Suddenly, one day , he got it.He knew that he did not exist.He was pure awareness.His believe in himself was a complete lie.
Amaveed felt wonderful; he was free, free from the ropes of illusion.He told people of his glorious discovery, but they didn't want to know.He felt sorry for them, but as he had no self he was not upset by this in an ego way.
The Golden Age was, for those who have the right eyes to see, all around us and it always had been.
He felt like those two men in a prison cell; one saw mud and one saw stars. His old ego self had seen the mud, but his real self was now seeing the stars, and that the prison cell was a fake creation.
Happiness, he realized, could only be achieved without the letter 'I' in that word in the World.
Amaveed also realized that one day every single person would be woken up like he was. This made him very happy.
He also remembered something about any life form that has to re-charge itself-what we call eating and drinking - is not a true living being, but a by-product of one.He didn't quite understand this.
Did this mean that beings that did not eat or re-fuel themselves were the only real beings around.He felt disturbed by this thought, but suspected that it was true.It led him to the eternal question; who exactly are we?
And what about this remembrance of a Golden time; a Heaven; a Paradise, that he somehow felt was his birthright?
Amaveed went in search of answers.He found that there were lots of different beliefs that people held.Some had some very strange doctrines, that he thought were merely playing around with words.But, he stripped away the bark of the tree, and found that the great truths were always the same. Love was mentioned over and over, as was the folly of believing that you are real,and the assertion that a Supreme Being or Cosmic Consciousness was what we are really part of, but, for some reason , unaware of.
So he thought about Love, and how the whole World had gone so far from its natural state, and descended into an unnatural, unpleasant perverted place of chaos.
What had gone wrong?Something had, of that he was sure.He thought about this for a very long time.One day after many years, he realized that the answers were not to be found by thinking.Thinking was not the key that would unlock the door.He noticed that thoughts could only get you so far, and then you hit a brick wall.
He decided to try and stop thinking.It was surprisingly difficult.It seemed as if one thought followed another all the time.But he tried this everyday without fail. At first he could only stop thinking for very short periods of time, but slowly he was able to make these periods longer.He never gave up; he was as determined as someone who is caught in a house on fire, who had to escape.
Suddenly, one day , he got it.He knew that he did not exist.He was pure awareness.His believe in himself was a complete lie.
Amaveed felt wonderful; he was free, free from the ropes of illusion.He told people of his glorious discovery, but they didn't want to know.He felt sorry for them, but as he had no self he was not upset by this in an ego way.
The Golden Age was, for those who have the right eyes to see, all around us and it always had been.
He felt like those two men in a prison cell; one saw mud and one saw stars. His old ego self had seen the mud, but his real self was now seeing the stars, and that the prison cell was a fake creation.
Happiness, he realized, could only be achieved without the letter 'I' in that word in the World.
Amaveed also realized that one day every single person would be woken up like he was. This made him very happy.
The Beings From Below.
So it was that the beings from below came into our world.Before they came here it was the Golden Age.There was peace.War,sickness and disease were not words in our language, simply because these things did not exist.
It was only after the lower dimensional entities entered into our dimension that everything started to go wrong.And have been going wrong ever since.War was used over the centuries to stir up enough fear and hatred to give the evil beings more energy.Having more energy enables them to stay in human shape and form in our dimension for longer periods.Without enough energy that is drained, like vampires from the people, these beings have to revert back to where they came from.This energy take the form of strong negative emotions,such as fear, anxiety, terror,loathing.panic,dread, horror and all those dark areas that to them is their sunlight.
The young, in particular have been used as sacrifices.In the law of the orders, this means that for every one sacrificed on earth, one demon is permitted to enter from the lower state.
In the later 1800's and early 1900's it became clear to Semjaza(Enoch I.) that the seasons of the times were entering into a new age: a new season where it would be harder for the demons to stay for long periods on the earth, so it was decided that a lot of sacrifices would have to be made, to enable, not only the ones on the earth to stay here longer, but also to enable more demons to enter our dimension.That is why two World Wars, and countless others, were fought in the last century.Some put the number of deaths as over 203 million.For every one that was sacrificed, a demon was allowed to come to this earth,so that means a lot of demons.A hell of a lot.
Owing to the vast number of deaths caused by wars up to 2001, massive amounts of lower entities have entered our realm.That is why the World has got sicker in every way in the last 100 years.
The vibrational changes of the new season got stronger at the turn of this century, and this threatened the survival of the demons on this plane.More sacrifices were needed. 9.11. was the start of a new wave of extreme violence, fear and dread.
More Wars, and more sacrifices were the order of the day.The demons are now desperate.What do they have in store?
It depends on who you read.Talk about going out with a bang.Hollywood directors would never dare put this lot in one grand ending.Here are, according to various sites, a few tasters.
Economic ruin, plague, radiation poisoning,alien invasion,whole segments of the population turning into zombies,world war three,strange sights in the sky, weather going crazy and the best of all Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad all appearing in the sky and talking to us!
Throwing everything and the kitchen sink at us.Who knows, things have been so weird over the last few years, it is, I suppose possible that some of these things could happen, and even, that all these bizarre events might actually take place.What a thought; we certainly live in interesting times.
I think most thinking that is not true, I think most people who can feel, have this feeling that something is going to happen.What it is is difficult to say.Plans though are certainly afoot for something shocking and sobering and terrifying to happen and to happen soon, so the extreme negative emotions will be our normal state.
All we can do is disrobe from the ego, be our true all aware consciousness, and stay firmly in the now, not surrendering at all to thoughts of despair.Whatever is thrown at us, will have no effect,because without an ego, there is no suffering-who is there to suffer?
These lower beings know that their time is running out.It's all in a contract made in blood, but that's another story.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Valuable Tips On Holographic Creation.
You are the creator of your reality.
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe.You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams.Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills.Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
To watch the short, but powerful video,and to get your daily manifesting tips, completely FREE,together with details on how to get a FREE gift, click on the click here image below.
Click Here
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe.You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams.Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills.Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
To watch the short, but powerful video,and to get your daily manifesting tips, completely FREE,together with details on how to get a FREE gift, click on the click here image below.
Click Here
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tom Jones:Crown Of The Jubilee Concert.
Prince Phillip once said to a young aspiring singer, after hearing him sing at a Royal Variety Show:"Do you gargle with marbles?" The unfortunate recipient of this oh so witty remark was non other than Tom Jones.So, the good Prince must have gained some pleasure from his bladder infection as it prevented him from listening to the guy who gargles with marbles.
I watched the Jubilee Concert, firstly watching Paul McCartney and then Elton John; two giants of pop music.I greatly admire the talent that these guys have and their massive contribution to pop and to our culture.
However, I don't know what it was, maybe I was expecting too much from these Gods of pop, but something was missing.They were singing in tune, the instruments around them were all playing well, but....
Then, I saw and heard Tom Jones.I quite thought that he would sing:'What's New Pussycat, or Queeniecat?'
But no, luckily he didn't.I mean how many times can you hear this song over the course of a lifetime run ?It's a bit like Paul's 'Yesterday'.Know what I mean?
So, I was surprised when he launched into that old chestnut :'Delilah' But was it good , or was it above just good?To my ears he left Paul and Elton standing well on the sidelines.
Shirley Bassey and the never ageing Cliff Richard I would place in 2nd and 3rd place.They both displayed an excellent stage presence and vocal delivery.
But, Tom Jones, well, I was impressed.It was great to hear a man singing like a man and with so much power.
I was never an avid fan of Tom Jones, although I liked some of his songs, such as 'Green Green Grass Of Home' and he does an excellent version of Roy Orbison's classic:"In Dreams".
At the Jubilee though , he really shone.Such a wonderful laid back arrangement only added to the magic he produced.
I don't like the words of 'Delilah', describing killing someone, but as a lyric about jealousy gone mad it is spot on.Jealousy has, unfortunately, driven people into acts of complete insanity, as the song illustrates so well.
Tom's voice seems to have improved over the years, much like the great Roy Orbison's did, the older he got.
So, well done Tom, you outshone two mighty icons by the sheer power of your voice, and your dexterity in delivering lyrics in an honest passionate way.
In reply to Prince Phillip's remark about gargling with marbles, if only Tom had said:"Maybe your ears are damaged by the sound of gunfire as you pull the trigger to kill animals".
It would have been :" Off with his head", I suppose.
Anyway, keep it up Tom; ignore the insults of a man whose only talent is to be rude.♬
I watched the Jubilee Concert, firstly watching Paul McCartney and then Elton John; two giants of pop music.I greatly admire the talent that these guys have and their massive contribution to pop and to our culture.
However, I don't know what it was, maybe I was expecting too much from these Gods of pop, but something was missing.They were singing in tune, the instruments around them were all playing well, but....
Then, I saw and heard Tom Jones.I quite thought that he would sing:'What's New Pussycat, or Queeniecat?'
But no, luckily he didn't.I mean how many times can you hear this song over the course of a lifetime run ?It's a bit like Paul's 'Yesterday'.Know what I mean?
So, I was surprised when he launched into that old chestnut :'Delilah' But was it good , or was it above just good?To my ears he left Paul and Elton standing well on the sidelines.
Shirley Bassey and the never ageing Cliff Richard I would place in 2nd and 3rd place.They both displayed an excellent stage presence and vocal delivery.
But, Tom Jones, well, I was impressed.It was great to hear a man singing like a man and with so much power.
I was never an avid fan of Tom Jones, although I liked some of his songs, such as 'Green Green Grass Of Home' and he does an excellent version of Roy Orbison's classic:"In Dreams".
At the Jubilee though , he really shone.Such a wonderful laid back arrangement only added to the magic he produced.
I don't like the words of 'Delilah', describing killing someone, but as a lyric about jealousy gone mad it is spot on.Jealousy has, unfortunately, driven people into acts of complete insanity, as the song illustrates so well.
Tom's voice seems to have improved over the years, much like the great Roy Orbison's did, the older he got.
So, well done Tom, you outshone two mighty icons by the sheer power of your voice, and your dexterity in delivering lyrics in an honest passionate way.
In reply to Prince Phillip's remark about gargling with marbles, if only Tom had said:"Maybe your ears are damaged by the sound of gunfire as you pull the trigger to kill animals".
It would have been :" Off with his head", I suppose.
Anyway, keep it up Tom; ignore the insults of a man whose only talent is to be rude.♬
Sunday, June 10, 2012
British Royalty And Blood Sports.
Millions filled the streets,young, old, from different social backgrounds,all waving the Union Jack.Street parties were everywhere. A celebration of celebrations.It was all in aid of one person- a woman, a few years short of ninety.And didn't everyone look so happy, despite the rain, nothing would dampen their loyalty, their adoration of the Queen.
There she was,taking a leaf out of Kate's book, smiling endlessly.A nice sweet old granny with a smile in her eyes.
The British are animal lovers, and usually dislike with vehemence anyone who inflicts pain on, or kills animals.
So, it is very strange that the masses seem to take to someone, whose only pastime appears to be killing innocent animals on a regular basis.She kills them for pleasure.
This lady shot her first stag in 1942; she goes stalking Bambi, or rather deer during her holidays in Scotland.
Her husband shoots game birds in Britain,and wild bears in Germany.Her children go fox hunting. They are all at it, and at it a hell of a lot.
The lady's consort, shortly before he launched The World Wildlife Fund in 1961, went on a tiger hunt with the Queen.The tiger was lured into a place by the temptation of tethered goats, so the good Prince could get his kicks,and shoot the poor tiger with ease.
The World's first International Appeals Director of the W.W.F., Ian Macphail, told a British reporter that once a mother elephant and her calf suddenly appeared near Prince Phillip, who promptly shot the mother, and the poor calf ran off in stark terror. Macphail said he had to make sure that this incident never saw the light of day, but he obviously changed his mind later and decided to let the cat, or in this case, elephant and calf ,out of the bag.
Fox news,it is said, reported that the dashing Prince William recently drove a metal tipped 7 foot long spear through an antelope while on holiday.He killed it because it gave him pleasure to do so, and for no other reason.
A normal person goes on holiday to swim, sunbathe go sightseeing, to eat well and to drink far more than normal.Not if your Royalty; no their holidays must include something like killing animals with 7 foot spears.
The Daily Mail- usually a great supporter of anything Royal- actually reported that the handsome Prince William recently purchased 250 different kinds of birds for blood sports.He is also said to join in the Highgrove Fox Hunts, where a pack of hounds tear a terrified fox to shreds.
Christmas at Sandringham found William and Harry killing countless numbers of birds by shooting them.Recently, both are said to have gone to Spain on a ' secret killing spree of harmless animals.'.
The, she of the fixed smile, who can do no wrong.Kate, the one whose sister the Daily Mail keeps telling us has a wonderful' derriere', also spent boxing day with the Royal family shooting away happily, no doubt with that smile still stuck on her face.Doing it for fun
I remember a few years ago, seeing a video on you tube of the Queen savagely kicking a fox to death. This video is no longer available.In fact I couldn't find any videos of Royalty engaged in killing animals, whereas a few years ago there were quite a few to choose from .They have been removed.
Bloodthirsty is the word that springs to mind when you think of this family.
I thought it odd that at the Jubilee, Phillip, Charles, William and Harry all turned up as if they were expecting a war, as they were proudly wearing their military uniforms, that were adorned with countless medals.Why?
Is it, as I suppose it must be, to remind us all how supportive of anything military the Royals are.Anything to do with murder or slaughter or mindless killing. is their sort of thing.
The image portrayed of the British Royal family is nowhere near the truth of how they really are.
If the press wasn't muzzled and honestly reported on the bloodlust these people suffer from, the British people would no longer support them. They would be seen as they really are; not the sanitized, oh, aren't they a normal wonderful family they are portrayed as, but as followers of ancient barbaric acts.Most of all they have no thought or concern for any species, and that, of course, includes us.
They are not alone though.If you look under the stones of not only the Royal families worldwide, but also World leaders, one of the many things they have in common is their lust to kill.Most, if not all of them engage in hunting pursuits, whether for big game or for tiny birds.
These are the people who dictate our lives,control our lives, and decide how much money we can have in our pockets.
Is it surprising that they( no, it's not us) have messed this beautiful planet up,and at the moment seem determined to spin the planet into overkill?
It's time for the dinosaurs to go and to go fast.They are too dangerous and damaging to
all the species on this planet.There is no place on the earth for such anti-life types.They are still stuck in a time warp that is thousands of years out of date.
The Earth is tired of their mindless, pointless, selfish slaughter of its own unique beings.It will shake these anti- lifers off, because they are going way too far.Killing, cruelty and war are words that one day will only be found in history books, and will not exist in the World in the future.
It is up to us to bring that World closer to reality, in any way that we can.
Exposing these people as they really are, and not as they pretend to be, is important.If enough people realize that these smiling, polite , well-spoken, smartly dressed, low grade actors are nothing like the image they betray, the people will no longer support them.
The Pyramid will then collapse.
There she was,taking a leaf out of Kate's book, smiling endlessly.A nice sweet old granny with a smile in her eyes.
The British are animal lovers, and usually dislike with vehemence anyone who inflicts pain on, or kills animals.
So, it is very strange that the masses seem to take to someone, whose only pastime appears to be killing innocent animals on a regular basis.She kills them for pleasure.
This lady shot her first stag in 1942; she goes stalking Bambi, or rather deer during her holidays in Scotland.
Her husband shoots game birds in Britain,and wild bears in Germany.Her children go fox hunting. They are all at it, and at it a hell of a lot.
The lady's consort, shortly before he launched The World Wildlife Fund in 1961, went on a tiger hunt with the Queen.The tiger was lured into a place by the temptation of tethered goats, so the good Prince could get his kicks,and shoot the poor tiger with ease.
The World's first International Appeals Director of the W.W.F., Ian Macphail, told a British reporter that once a mother elephant and her calf suddenly appeared near Prince Phillip, who promptly shot the mother, and the poor calf ran off in stark terror. Macphail said he had to make sure that this incident never saw the light of day, but he obviously changed his mind later and decided to let the cat, or in this case, elephant and calf ,out of the bag.
Fox news,it is said, reported that the dashing Prince William recently drove a metal tipped 7 foot long spear through an antelope while on holiday.He killed it because it gave him pleasure to do so, and for no other reason.
A normal person goes on holiday to swim, sunbathe go sightseeing, to eat well and to drink far more than normal.Not if your Royalty; no their holidays must include something like killing animals with 7 foot spears.
The Daily Mail- usually a great supporter of anything Royal- actually reported that the handsome Prince William recently purchased 250 different kinds of birds for blood sports.He is also said to join in the Highgrove Fox Hunts, where a pack of hounds tear a terrified fox to shreds.
Christmas at Sandringham found William and Harry killing countless numbers of birds by shooting them.Recently, both are said to have gone to Spain on a ' secret killing spree of harmless animals.'.
The, she of the fixed smile, who can do no wrong.Kate, the one whose sister the Daily Mail keeps telling us has a wonderful' derriere', also spent boxing day with the Royal family shooting away happily, no doubt with that smile still stuck on her face.Doing it for fun
I remember a few years ago, seeing a video on you tube of the Queen savagely kicking a fox to death. This video is no longer available.In fact I couldn't find any videos of Royalty engaged in killing animals, whereas a few years ago there were quite a few to choose from .They have been removed.
Bloodthirsty is the word that springs to mind when you think of this family.
I thought it odd that at the Jubilee, Phillip, Charles, William and Harry all turned up as if they were expecting a war, as they were proudly wearing their military uniforms, that were adorned with countless medals.Why?
Is it, as I suppose it must be, to remind us all how supportive of anything military the Royals are.Anything to do with murder or slaughter or mindless killing. is their sort of thing.
The image portrayed of the British Royal family is nowhere near the truth of how they really are.
If the press wasn't muzzled and honestly reported on the bloodlust these people suffer from, the British people would no longer support them. They would be seen as they really are; not the sanitized, oh, aren't they a normal wonderful family they are portrayed as, but as followers of ancient barbaric acts.Most of all they have no thought or concern for any species, and that, of course, includes us.
They are not alone though.If you look under the stones of not only the Royal families worldwide, but also World leaders, one of the many things they have in common is their lust to kill.Most, if not all of them engage in hunting pursuits, whether for big game or for tiny birds.
These are the people who dictate our lives,control our lives, and decide how much money we can have in our pockets.
Is it surprising that they( no, it's not us) have messed this beautiful planet up,and at the moment seem determined to spin the planet into overkill?
It's time for the dinosaurs to go and to go fast.They are too dangerous and damaging to
all the species on this planet.There is no place on the earth for such anti-life types.They are still stuck in a time warp that is thousands of years out of date.
The Earth is tired of their mindless, pointless, selfish slaughter of its own unique beings.It will shake these anti- lifers off, because they are going way too far.Killing, cruelty and war are words that one day will only be found in history books, and will not exist in the World in the future.
It is up to us to bring that World closer to reality, in any way that we can.
Exposing these people as they really are, and not as they pretend to be, is important.If enough people realize that these smiling, polite , well-spoken, smartly dressed, low grade actors are nothing like the image they betray, the people will no longer support them.
The Pyramid will then collapse.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Adventure With Amaveed (1)
It was a maze so long, so wide,so restricting, so confusing and every day Amaveed tried to find a way out of this peculiar maze.He wasn't content,but didn't know why;something was wrong, that he couldn't deny.He should be happy, compared to some, but happiness just did not come.
He knew that somehow this could not be real; I mean it's too stupid to be real, too mad, he thought.,he thought.But that's as far as he got.He thought.That's all he did really, he just thought.
So, he tried this path, he tried that path and yet never got anywhere.What did he want really, did he want enlightenment, and ,at the end of the day what really is that?He wanted something, but was not sure what it was; it was that something he missed,he didn't know what and he didn't know why.
Day after day he tried,until one fine day he bumped into a man from the East.
"I'm sorry", Amaveed bowed his head slightly,as he spoke to the Eastern stranger,"for my clumsiness".
The man from the East smiled a radiant smile that made Amaveed feel like he was suddenly filled with happiness.
He looked Amaveed straight in the eyes and with an intensity very rarely seen, said;"It is all illusion,no more than a mirage, a dream so why will your bumping into me upset me?"Then laughed, and slapped his thigh. in such a moment in the now,that Amaveed was reduced to laughter.He stared in amazement.Something had been lit inside him.A new flame was glowing;he could feel it.
"Tell me more!",he cried.
"About what?"
"About this all being an illusion,a dream, a mirage.."
"Oh that," the other replied,"Well, that's it really;it is simply an illusion.What more can be said about that obvious fact.?"
Amaveed felt the words enter into his heart, and he knew beyond any dust-speck of a doubt, that this World is truly an illusion,a dream and nothing more.
But he also knew that there is no maze.It was he who had made the maze up.It was just illusion.It is us who are the makers, the creators of this magnificent ,amazing, breath- taking, succulent spread.It is us making it all up,and he found his way out was really his way in...... and than out was in and up was under,and Alice In Wonderland was closer to reality than we are.
The tragedy, Amaveed realized , was that now in these times, we are so,so,very far, from our true reality,if it was not for drink or drugs, insanity would be our lot.And yet, the further we get from who we really are, the more we long for the truth to shower over us.
He felt a great sorrow for the people, but he knows that the spirit of love burns forever, whereas the spirit of fear and hate just flickers for a while, violently and in style.It may seem a long time for us,but in the eyes of eternity, he guessed it's just a small dose.
No maze for him now. He looks at his arms as attached to them are the most attractive looking wings; the colours of the rainbow.He flaps them and starts to fly. He is free now forever; no more whys.
One day we'll join him.
He knew that somehow this could not be real; I mean it's too stupid to be real, too mad, he thought.,he thought.But that's as far as he got.He thought.That's all he did really, he just thought.
So, he tried this path, he tried that path and yet never got anywhere.What did he want really, did he want enlightenment, and ,at the end of the day what really is that?He wanted something, but was not sure what it was; it was that something he missed,he didn't know what and he didn't know why.
Day after day he tried,until one fine day he bumped into a man from the East.
"I'm sorry", Amaveed bowed his head slightly,as he spoke to the Eastern stranger,"for my clumsiness".
The man from the East smiled a radiant smile that made Amaveed feel like he was suddenly filled with happiness.
He looked Amaveed straight in the eyes and with an intensity very rarely seen, said;"It is all illusion,no more than a mirage, a dream so why will your bumping into me upset me?"Then laughed, and slapped his thigh. in such a moment in the now,that Amaveed was reduced to laughter.He stared in amazement.Something had been lit inside him.A new flame was glowing;he could feel it.
"Tell me more!",he cried.
"About what?"
"About this all being an illusion,a dream, a mirage.."
"Oh that," the other replied,"Well, that's it really;it is simply an illusion.What more can be said about that obvious fact.?"
Amaveed felt the words enter into his heart, and he knew beyond any dust-speck of a doubt, that this World is truly an illusion,a dream and nothing more.
But he also knew that there is no maze.It was he who had made the maze up.It was just illusion.It is us who are the makers, the creators of this magnificent ,amazing, breath- taking, succulent spread.It is us making it all up,and he found his way out was really his way in...... and than out was in and up was under,and Alice In Wonderland was closer to reality than we are.
The tragedy, Amaveed realized , was that now in these times, we are so,so,very far, from our true reality,if it was not for drink or drugs, insanity would be our lot.And yet, the further we get from who we really are, the more we long for the truth to shower over us.
He felt a great sorrow for the people, but he knows that the spirit of love burns forever, whereas the spirit of fear and hate just flickers for a while, violently and in style.It may seem a long time for us,but in the eyes of eternity, he guessed it's just a small dose.
No maze for him now. He looks at his arms as attached to them are the most attractive looking wings; the colours of the rainbow.He flaps them and starts to fly. He is free now forever; no more whys.
One day we'll join him.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Elite Mindset.
This is it: no morals:it is entirely focused on selfish needs and has not got the ability to consider the welfare of others.
Hunger,sex,violence and fear are always just below the surface.Its impulses are based on instinct and ritual.It is concerned with survival,physical maintenance,hoarding,dominance,preening and mating.
It suffers from obsessive compulsive behavior,personal day to day rituals and superstitious acts,slavish conforming to old ways of doing things and ceremonial re-enactment.Obeisance to anything legal,religious and cultural.It is a master of deception.
The above is a description of the reptile brain.The reptiles on this planet all have this mindset.So do we, to some degree , because, at the back of our skull, at the top of the end of the backbone,we have the reptile brain.It does some extremely useful vital functions such as breathing, digestion, circulation, elimination,temperature control and the fight or flight response.
The Elite,though, appear to only use this brain.Does this mean that, whereas we as a human species have developed(a bit anyway) there is a segment of our species who have not advanced, and are still stuck in the reptilian brain mindset only, and the other parts of their brain are not used.It is said that they all inter-breed, and by doing so this would ensure that the reptile brain is well and truly kept in the family.
The evidence around us would appear to support this.
Every country,which always has a puppet of the Elite in power,is obsessed by its past(slavish conformity to the old ways of doing things) and has special days when people perform a ritual(rituals and superstitious acts).Think of all the remembrance days, the memorial days and the Holy days.This is all reptile brain activity.
No morals.Well,there is so much evidence for this.I wouldn't know where to start.No point naming a few names, as there are hundreds more.
Anger, violence and fear have soaked into the fabric of most modern societies.
When details of the sex lives of the Elite emerges,which is usually when the member(pun intended) of the select club has acted not in keeping with the current programme,it is usually pretty lurid or perverted.
The mass austerity inflicted on almost every country is proof that the Elite have not got the ability to consider the welfare of others.
Their anger and violence is satisfied by non-stop wars.I suppose they get their kicks from seeing so much suffering.We join in such acts of insanity, because the Elite know how to activate our reptilian brain by using symbols and similar methods.
Listen to how they think about the human cattle.The boss of I.M.F., Lagarde, whose take home pay is 298,675 pounds a year un -taxed,who also receives an extra tax free allowance of 52,000 pounds a year,had this to say;"I have more sympathy for the children in Africa, than for those in Greece". This said after she helped to inflict the worst austerity measures inflicted on any country in peacetime on Greece.
Prince Phillip said that if there was reincarnation, he wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out humankind.
Kissinger, when discussing yet another war that America was thinking about starting.said ,if about 4000 American soldiers died, that figure was quite acceptable.
Their actions, using deception speak for themselves. Take two examples.
Pearl Harbour who the Japanese attacked in the 2nd World War, was known about before; the authorities has fore knowledge of this event, but did nothing to prevent the loss of life of loyal, patriotic servicemen.The result was that 2402 Americans were killed.1282 were wounded and 65 Japanese were killed.
There is still debate on the following, but I think it most likely that if the Government denies it is true, it's a safe bet that they are lying.It is alleged that in the 2nd world war Churchill knew that Germany was going to attack Coventry, but did not warn the town about this.568 were killed(amazing it wasn't a higher figure) 863 were seriously wounded, and 60,000 buildings were destroyed.
I could go on with countless examples of how we have been deceived on so many occasions.
The number of times that we have been deceived throughout the centuries must be staggering.
There is no doubt that the Elite certainly display all the traits of the reptilian brain.Perhaps they are a sort of sub-species of humanity; an aberration; a segment of the species that is really sub-human.
The alternative, of course is, what David Icke suggests.
Hunger,sex,violence and fear are always just below the surface.Its impulses are based on instinct and ritual.It is concerned with survival,physical maintenance,hoarding,dominance,preening and mating.
It suffers from obsessive compulsive behavior,personal day to day rituals and superstitious acts,slavish conforming to old ways of doing things and ceremonial re-enactment.Obeisance to anything legal,religious and cultural.It is a master of deception.
The above is a description of the reptile brain.The reptiles on this planet all have this mindset.So do we, to some degree , because, at the back of our skull, at the top of the end of the backbone,we have the reptile brain.It does some extremely useful vital functions such as breathing, digestion, circulation, elimination,temperature control and the fight or flight response.
The Elite,though, appear to only use this brain.Does this mean that, whereas we as a human species have developed(a bit anyway) there is a segment of our species who have not advanced, and are still stuck in the reptilian brain mindset only, and the other parts of their brain are not used.It is said that they all inter-breed, and by doing so this would ensure that the reptile brain is well and truly kept in the family.
The evidence around us would appear to support this.
Every country,which always has a puppet of the Elite in power,is obsessed by its past(slavish conformity to the old ways of doing things) and has special days when people perform a ritual(rituals and superstitious acts).Think of all the remembrance days, the memorial days and the Holy days.This is all reptile brain activity.
No morals.Well,there is so much evidence for this.I wouldn't know where to start.No point naming a few names, as there are hundreds more.
Anger, violence and fear have soaked into the fabric of most modern societies.
When details of the sex lives of the Elite emerges,which is usually when the member(pun intended) of the select club has acted not in keeping with the current programme,it is usually pretty lurid or perverted.
The mass austerity inflicted on almost every country is proof that the Elite have not got the ability to consider the welfare of others.
Their anger and violence is satisfied by non-stop wars.I suppose they get their kicks from seeing so much suffering.We join in such acts of insanity, because the Elite know how to activate our reptilian brain by using symbols and similar methods.
Listen to how they think about the human cattle.The boss of I.M.F., Lagarde, whose take home pay is 298,675 pounds a year un -taxed,who also receives an extra tax free allowance of 52,000 pounds a year,had this to say;"I have more sympathy for the children in Africa, than for those in Greece". This said after she helped to inflict the worst austerity measures inflicted on any country in peacetime on Greece.
Prince Phillip said that if there was reincarnation, he wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out humankind.
Kissinger, when discussing yet another war that America was thinking about starting.said ,if about 4000 American soldiers died, that figure was quite acceptable.
Their actions, using deception speak for themselves. Take two examples.
Pearl Harbour who the Japanese attacked in the 2nd World War, was known about before; the authorities has fore knowledge of this event, but did nothing to prevent the loss of life of loyal, patriotic servicemen.The result was that 2402 Americans were killed.1282 were wounded and 65 Japanese were killed.
There is still debate on the following, but I think it most likely that if the Government denies it is true, it's a safe bet that they are lying.It is alleged that in the 2nd world war Churchill knew that Germany was going to attack Coventry, but did not warn the town about this.568 were killed(amazing it wasn't a higher figure) 863 were seriously wounded, and 60,000 buildings were destroyed.
I could go on with countless examples of how we have been deceived on so many occasions.
The number of times that we have been deceived throughout the centuries must be staggering.
There is no doubt that the Elite certainly display all the traits of the reptilian brain.Perhaps they are a sort of sub-species of humanity; an aberration; a segment of the species that is really sub-human.
The alternative, of course is, what David Icke suggests.
Monday, June 4, 2012
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.Chapter 19
Here is yet another gem from the Buddha:
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love than yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.You,yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love".
How strange, you may say.I thought we should be ignoring our self, having no ego, and here you are saying I've got to love my ego!This is surely contradictory?
It would, at first sight, appear to be,but you are not meant to love your ego,as why love something that is not real, and is only an illusion?.No, the love is to be directed to your true self-the one that is hidden under the cloak of the ego
The Dalai Lama teaches a simple but highly powerful exercise,that if done on a regular basis can change your life.All you have to do is the following:
1.As you breathe in -cherish yourself.
2,As you breathe out- cherish all beings.
"We can never make peace in the outer World, unless we make peace within ourselves".Dalai Lama
"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be" Dalai Lama.
"If you focus only on yourself and neglect others you will lose, but you will gain if you value others as much as you cherish yourself."Dalai Lama.
On the How Thoughts Effect Your Health site, Gwen Henkel claims that 70% of our thoughts are negative and repetitive, and that the majority of our responses are coming from our subconscious.Gwen Henkel also claims that our thoughts effect our D.N.A and this will effect your health and looks.
If you want to look more attractive, bear in mind what Audrey Hepburn, the actress claimed.She said that happy girls are the prettiest.She also said that if you want attractive lips, you should speak words of kindness:for loving eyes, see good in people:for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
Regarding good looks and health Siddhartha Guatama says:
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly". And:
"In the end these three matter most:how well did you love?How fully did you live?How deeply did you let go?"
As stated in other posts, when you see your neighbour all you are seeing is his or her mask and costume.Underneath these -is you.Underneath our masks we are all one,
By loving yourself, you will find it is so much easier to love your neighbour, because you and your neighbour are really one.By the same token, by hating yourself, you will end up hating your neighbour.Haven't you noticed that when you are very happy in your life, you don't have any desire to moan about situations, or people in your life.
If you hate yourself you can't love anyone or anything.
"The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.Cultivating a close warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease.This helps remove whatever fears and insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacle we encounter.It is the ultimate source of success in life" S.G.
Ghosananda says in her book:'Step By Step':"It is only by loving ourselves first, that we are able to extend our love to others;by loving ourselves we love the whole World."
We are not talking about loving your ego here, but about the real you, the hidden you.If love is all there is, it makes a lot of sense to love yourself.If you do then you will find that not only will the dreams you dream in your eyes shut state be lighter and more positive, but also the dreams you dream with your eyes wide -open(your everyday state) will also improve.On top of this your looks should improve,so it's a winner on all fronts.
Remember the simple exercise:
1.As you breathe in - cherish yourself.
2.As you breathe out- cherish others.
Try it everyday.
That is the end of chapter nineteen. The next chapter will follow shortly.
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love than yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.You,yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love".
How strange, you may say.I thought we should be ignoring our self, having no ego, and here you are saying I've got to love my ego!This is surely contradictory?
It would, at first sight, appear to be,but you are not meant to love your ego,as why love something that is not real, and is only an illusion?.No, the love is to be directed to your true self-the one that is hidden under the cloak of the ego
The Dalai Lama teaches a simple but highly powerful exercise,that if done on a regular basis can change your life.All you have to do is the following:
1.As you breathe in -cherish yourself.
2,As you breathe out- cherish all beings.
"We can never make peace in the outer World, unless we make peace within ourselves".Dalai Lama
"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be" Dalai Lama.
"If you focus only on yourself and neglect others you will lose, but you will gain if you value others as much as you cherish yourself."Dalai Lama.
On the How Thoughts Effect Your Health site, Gwen Henkel claims that 70% of our thoughts are negative and repetitive, and that the majority of our responses are coming from our subconscious.Gwen Henkel also claims that our thoughts effect our D.N.A and this will effect your health and looks.
If you want to look more attractive, bear in mind what Audrey Hepburn, the actress claimed.She said that happy girls are the prettiest.She also said that if you want attractive lips, you should speak words of kindness:for loving eyes, see good in people:for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
Regarding good looks and health Siddhartha Guatama says:
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly". And:
"In the end these three matter most:how well did you love?How fully did you live?How deeply did you let go?"
As stated in other posts, when you see your neighbour all you are seeing is his or her mask and costume.Underneath these -is you.Underneath our masks we are all one,
By loving yourself, you will find it is so much easier to love your neighbour, because you and your neighbour are really one.By the same token, by hating yourself, you will end up hating your neighbour.Haven't you noticed that when you are very happy in your life, you don't have any desire to moan about situations, or people in your life.
If you hate yourself you can't love anyone or anything.
"The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.Cultivating a close warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease.This helps remove whatever fears and insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacle we encounter.It is the ultimate source of success in life" S.G.
Ghosananda says in her book:'Step By Step':"It is only by loving ourselves first, that we are able to extend our love to others;by loving ourselves we love the whole World."
We are not talking about loving your ego here, but about the real you, the hidden you.If love is all there is, it makes a lot of sense to love yourself.If you do then you will find that not only will the dreams you dream in your eyes shut state be lighter and more positive, but also the dreams you dream with your eyes wide -open(your everyday state) will also improve.On top of this your looks should improve,so it's a winner on all fronts.
Remember the simple exercise:
1.As you breathe in - cherish yourself.
2.As you breathe out- cherish others.
Try it everyday.
That is the end of chapter nineteen. The next chapter will follow shortly.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Ron Paul And Alexis Tsipras.
I don't normally do politics;too many fakes, too many liars;too many pampered rich kids who have never done a days work in their lives;too many dirty hands in too many dirty places; too much of a mafia mindset;too many lawyers and crooks; too many ego- maniacs and too much bull...
On rare occasions though,someone comes along who doesn't fit the usual mould.Someone who speaks to the people,about the people, for the people.Someone who is in tune with the real issues of the day.Someone who speaks about what really concerns people.
It's so easy to be fooled though.I remember a few years ago, how I believed in a young, eager, fresh faced,breath of fresh air type who wanted to be the Prime Minister of the U.K.This guy actually seemed different;he really sounded like he meant what he was saying.It's difficult to believe that he had the nerve to say ,before he was elected,the following ,to his faithful followers:
"It's not what we want;from now on, it's what the people want".
A guy who really was going to embrace true democracy.Millions thought that he was telling the truth and he got voted in.Never had so many been fooled by not so few, but by just one person.
He is probably one of the biggest strangers to the truth ever known in British politics,and , believe you me, there have been a few before him,but none got close to him- he leads the field easily.
That is saying something because the other actors in this politics is show business for ugly people game , all were taught to ' be economical with the truth' at a young age..In Britain this usually takes place on the playing fields of Eton, or when they are out shooting innocent animals, because it's so much fun to watch them die, or in the debating societies at Oxford University.
But this guy took it to a whole new level.He would stare the camera straight in the eye ,and swear that what he was saying was true.His blue eyes looked so innocent,and coupled with the easy smile,he knew how to deliver his softly spoken fabrications.I always thought of Shakespeare's: "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it", whenever he opened his mouth.On top of this, he would usually give a sort of nudge nudge, wink, wink, sort of look , and add ;"Trust me " giving the indication that he has some inside knowledge that he would love to tell us, but he can't because it's absolutely top secret.
His name? I should imagine you've guessed it.Amazingly enough he has the same surname as someone who is the exact opposite of him.George Orwell's real name was Blair.
It was similar to Obama: he really seemed very different; he was going to change everything; he was going to take your hand and show you the way to paradise.The ghastly Iraq war would be over, the torture chambers would be shut down;no more big business nosing their way into the White House; people could comment on proposed laws before they were passed.He was anti-war! Change you can believe in.Millions were conned.He was saying what people wanted to hear.The fact that he must have known that he wouldn't do any of the things he said he would, doesn't appear to have bothered him.
So, when I see Ron Paul in the U.S.A. saying what the people want to hear, and Alexis Tsipras in Greece talking the talk that people are thirsty for, I can't help but be suspicious.
Yet, there is something strikingly different between Blair and Obama, and Paul and Tsipras.
The media loved Blair and Obama.The entire main stream were really gunning for them.I mean, these guys could do no wrong.They were both saviours who could save us all.
The media are definitely not supporting Ron Paul in the states, and in Greece the media attack Tsipras with a fury, as if he is one of the most dangerous men in the World.Greece will be ruined the headlines shriek; everyone will be starving if he is elected, and similar bile.Talk of overkill.
So possibly these two are real, and do not belong to the club who all sing the same repetitious, war chanting, torture loving, money grabbing,freedom stealing,perverted groping ,off-key, out of tune song.
Everything Ron Paul says, to my mind, makes perfect sense.He has seen all the injustices around him, and has firm plans to get rid of the old corrupt self-seeking ways .He wants to stop all the insane Empire building done in the name of war.He wants what most sane Americans want.
It's just the same with Tsipras.He knows that the Greeks don't want 10 more years of poverty and misery so he has offered the Greeks a way out.He rejects the lunatic bail out - rob'em till they bleed- deal, so beloved by the two dinosaur parties.
The media have gone berserk.Who is this young inexperienced upstart, who knows nothing of how the World really works, the headlines scream.He's just a dreamer they say, and if he wins the next Election , we have had it: we will all be starving: it'll be back to the dark ages and so on.
In America, from what I have seen of the media, it is very similar for Ron Paul.Oh, he's just idealistic; his plans wouldn't work in the real World; stick to what we know; he's too extreme.We need wars; they keep us on our toes; we need the Federal Reserve; we need this draconian , totalitarian state.
Anyone who does not go along with the New World Orders game plan is made out to be dangerous, mad even, and must be stopped at any cost.He is painted as someone out of touch, whose plans are not credible,he is a dreamer who is dreaming silly adolescent dreams.If, by some fluke, one particular candidate gets too popular and doesn't want to follow the game plan, he is shot.
My father, bless his soul, used to have a saying which I have never heard anyone else ever say .It was this:
"The more they professed their innocence, the more I counted the spoons".
I think that saying could apply to Ron Paul and to Alexis Tsipras.Let's re-word it:
"The more they screamed this guy will ruin us all, the more I realized he wouldn't".
On rare occasions though,someone comes along who doesn't fit the usual mould.Someone who speaks to the people,about the people, for the people.Someone who is in tune with the real issues of the day.Someone who speaks about what really concerns people.
It's so easy to be fooled though.I remember a few years ago, how I believed in a young, eager, fresh faced,breath of fresh air type who wanted to be the Prime Minister of the U.K.This guy actually seemed different;he really sounded like he meant what he was saying.It's difficult to believe that he had the nerve to say ,before he was elected,the following ,to his faithful followers:
"It's not what we want;from now on, it's what the people want".
A guy who really was going to embrace true democracy.Millions thought that he was telling the truth and he got voted in.Never had so many been fooled by not so few, but by just one person.
He is probably one of the biggest strangers to the truth ever known in British politics,and , believe you me, there have been a few before him,but none got close to him- he leads the field easily.
That is saying something because the other actors in this politics is show business for ugly people game , all were taught to ' be economical with the truth' at a young age..In Britain this usually takes place on the playing fields of Eton, or when they are out shooting innocent animals, because it's so much fun to watch them die, or in the debating societies at Oxford University.
But this guy took it to a whole new level.He would stare the camera straight in the eye ,and swear that what he was saying was true.His blue eyes looked so innocent,and coupled with the easy smile,he knew how to deliver his softly spoken fabrications.I always thought of Shakespeare's: "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it", whenever he opened his mouth.On top of this, he would usually give a sort of nudge nudge, wink, wink, sort of look , and add ;"Trust me " giving the indication that he has some inside knowledge that he would love to tell us, but he can't because it's absolutely top secret.
His name? I should imagine you've guessed it.Amazingly enough he has the same surname as someone who is the exact opposite of him.George Orwell's real name was Blair.
It was similar to Obama: he really seemed very different; he was going to change everything; he was going to take your hand and show you the way to paradise.The ghastly Iraq war would be over, the torture chambers would be shut down;no more big business nosing their way into the White House; people could comment on proposed laws before they were passed.He was anti-war! Change you can believe in.Millions were conned.He was saying what people wanted to hear.The fact that he must have known that he wouldn't do any of the things he said he would, doesn't appear to have bothered him.
So, when I see Ron Paul in the U.S.A. saying what the people want to hear, and Alexis Tsipras in Greece talking the talk that people are thirsty for, I can't help but be suspicious.
Yet, there is something strikingly different between Blair and Obama, and Paul and Tsipras.
The media loved Blair and Obama.The entire main stream were really gunning for them.I mean, these guys could do no wrong.They were both saviours who could save us all.
The media are definitely not supporting Ron Paul in the states, and in Greece the media attack Tsipras with a fury, as if he is one of the most dangerous men in the World.Greece will be ruined the headlines shriek; everyone will be starving if he is elected, and similar bile.Talk of overkill.
So possibly these two are real, and do not belong to the club who all sing the same repetitious, war chanting, torture loving, money grabbing,freedom stealing,perverted groping ,off-key, out of tune song.
Everything Ron Paul says, to my mind, makes perfect sense.He has seen all the injustices around him, and has firm plans to get rid of the old corrupt self-seeking ways .He wants to stop all the insane Empire building done in the name of war.He wants what most sane Americans want.
It's just the same with Tsipras.He knows that the Greeks don't want 10 more years of poverty and misery so he has offered the Greeks a way out.He rejects the lunatic bail out - rob'em till they bleed- deal, so beloved by the two dinosaur parties.
The media have gone berserk.Who is this young inexperienced upstart, who knows nothing of how the World really works, the headlines scream.He's just a dreamer they say, and if he wins the next Election , we have had it: we will all be starving: it'll be back to the dark ages and so on.
In America, from what I have seen of the media, it is very similar for Ron Paul.Oh, he's just idealistic; his plans wouldn't work in the real World; stick to what we know; he's too extreme.We need wars; they keep us on our toes; we need the Federal Reserve; we need this draconian , totalitarian state.
Anyone who does not go along with the New World Orders game plan is made out to be dangerous, mad even, and must be stopped at any cost.He is painted as someone out of touch, whose plans are not credible,he is a dreamer who is dreaming silly adolescent dreams.If, by some fluke, one particular candidate gets too popular and doesn't want to follow the game plan, he is shot.
My father, bless his soul, used to have a saying which I have never heard anyone else ever say .It was this:
"The more they professed their innocence, the more I counted the spoons".
I think that saying could apply to Ron Paul and to Alexis Tsipras.Let's re-word it:
"The more they screamed this guy will ruin us all, the more I realized he wouldn't".
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Jubilee Knees -Up Before The Storm?
The Jubilee and the sun worship ritual both in one year.
Royalty from all over the World were wined and dined by The Queen of England a short while ago.A strange event , as it does not appear to have happened before.
Non-stop pictures of the Queen, whom I suspect is not the Queen at all, but a very good actress,who is probably about sixty years old,zooming around the U.K. with another actor, pretending to be her oh so devoted husband.,both smiling and looking so happy.
The reason that I think they are not the real thing is the following:
One,I have yet to meet a woman, a few years short of ninety,have such a flawless complexion,have no lines or wrinkles on her face, and have the walk, talk and posture of a woman thirty years younger.Unless, of course, she eats a certain food that keeps her young, that we must never, never, be told about.
Two:The Duke previously was always a bit sharp with his tongue(and that's being polite),but this Duke isn't.He is a kindly old grandpa,although looking a bit lizard like, has a twinkle in his eye.What's more, I don't think that the secret service in England would risk letting these two so near their 'devoted ' subjects.
I think the last time the real Duke was wheeled out was when he told a reporter, when asked if he was looking forward to the Jubilee, that he was looking forward to when it would be over.That's more like the Duke of old.
I reckon that when the powers that be heard this remark they decided he might ruin the whole event, so substituted him with a very good actor.
I stared aghast last night at all the people in the U.K. waving Union Jacks and looking so excited over this absurd Jubilee.I mean, what on earth is it for?According to some sources a lot of people do not want a monarchy, whereas the B.B.C. seems to think that 75% love them.But, then again the B.B. C. appear to adore any royal, no matter what.
Next up is the sun worship festival , or as it is now called, the Olympic Games.This is accompanied by the largest security measures ever put in place in England in peacetime.Why , one wonders?
Sometimes I get a sinking feeling when I think about it.I remember the festivities that took place before the false flag operation on 7.7.2005.There was the Live 8 concert at Hyde Park, England on 2.7.2005 with 200,000 people in attendance.Then, the very day before, on 6. 7 . 2005, just before that vile act of treason took place, it seemed in England, as if things were looking up, as if there was hope, and even traces of love in the air.London had won the competion to host the Olympic Games, and the streets of London were full of people celebrating.
The next day though,everyones world comes crashing down ; suddenly,. disaster, injury, death, and most of all fear were the order of the day..
The situation we are now in, is I'm afraid very similar.
What is happening now though , in the festive stakes, is far stronger.Does this mean that if a disaster is to follow. it will be far worse than 7.7. 2005?
Is this- the Jubilee and the build up to the Games- the final knees up; the great rollicking party, before the sky falls in?
I suppose I wouldn't be having these dark thoughts if I hadn't seen a picture of a clock that looks very much like Big Ben falling down , with people underneath the clock wearing the colours of the Olympic Games.
It is a strange picture.I've seen other pictures too;one of the twin towers being blown up,one of the Pentagon on fire, and one of Al Gore hugging a tree!
These pictures didn't just pop into my head.In fact these pictures were released to the World in 1995, when they were put on a pack of playing cards.
Strangely enough, the creator of the cards,Steve Jackson, had his premises raided by the C.I.A., and all his equipment was taken away.
Ever heard of someone who makes playing cards being raided by the C.I.A?
The point is the twin towers, the Pentagon came true, and so did the Al Gore bit, and many other cards have turned out to be prophetic.
So what about the picture of the clock?
Some suggest that the picture refers to the Wako clock tower in Japan, and is about the earthquake and subsequent radiation leak that still threatens the entire World, although the main news media won't touch this .and pretends it is not happening.Maybe they are correct. I hope they are. One factor against this is that the clock in Japan did not collapse in the earthquake.
If it doesn't refer to Japan, does it mean that we are going to have another false flag, like in 2005?And will it be in London?
Support for the lunatic Afghan- let's get all their poppies- war is at an all time low.What better than a sharp reminder to the ignorant masses, as to why we are having the war. Also, a great excuse for bringing in new laws to restrict peoples freedom, and possibly to forbid mass demonstrations that always happen when Governments rob the people more than is their usual custom.
I hope to God that I am wrong, but what worries me is why the C.I.A. were so worried about a pack of cards. If the pack had pictures of rabbits on it,they would not have done a thing. That with the fact that already some of the cards pictures have come true.
Does the fact that the C.I.A. took so much interest in the ' innocent' pack of cards mean that 9.11 and other major disasters were all planned out a long time ago.?
Were the C.I.A. livid that someone knew what the new world order was planning to do?
How on earth did the creator of the cards conjure up these pictures?This question has never been answered.
Then again, how did George Orwell know what our future would be?
As I said, I hope to God that I am totally, completely, and utterly wrong, and maybe the clock card was about the disaster in Japan.
Oh yes, another card showed that there was going to be a plague.
But there is hope. One card shows a policeman kneeling before an old hippie who is carrying a ban the bomb symbol.

Royalty from all over the World were wined and dined by The Queen of England a short while ago.A strange event , as it does not appear to have happened before.
Non-stop pictures of the Queen, whom I suspect is not the Queen at all, but a very good actress,who is probably about sixty years old,zooming around the U.K. with another actor, pretending to be her oh so devoted husband.,both smiling and looking so happy.
The reason that I think they are not the real thing is the following:
One,I have yet to meet a woman, a few years short of ninety,have such a flawless complexion,have no lines or wrinkles on her face, and have the walk, talk and posture of a woman thirty years younger.Unless, of course, she eats a certain food that keeps her young, that we must never, never, be told about.
Two:The Duke previously was always a bit sharp with his tongue(and that's being polite),but this Duke isn't.He is a kindly old grandpa,although looking a bit lizard like, has a twinkle in his eye.What's more, I don't think that the secret service in England would risk letting these two so near their 'devoted ' subjects.
I think the last time the real Duke was wheeled out was when he told a reporter, when asked if he was looking forward to the Jubilee, that he was looking forward to when it would be over.That's more like the Duke of old.
I reckon that when the powers that be heard this remark they decided he might ruin the whole event, so substituted him with a very good actor.
I stared aghast last night at all the people in the U.K. waving Union Jacks and looking so excited over this absurd Jubilee.I mean, what on earth is it for?According to some sources a lot of people do not want a monarchy, whereas the B.B.C. seems to think that 75% love them.But, then again the B.B. C. appear to adore any royal, no matter what.
Next up is the sun worship festival , or as it is now called, the Olympic Games.This is accompanied by the largest security measures ever put in place in England in peacetime.Why , one wonders?
Sometimes I get a sinking feeling when I think about it.I remember the festivities that took place before the false flag operation on 7.7.2005.There was the Live 8 concert at Hyde Park, England on 2.7.2005 with 200,000 people in attendance.Then, the very day before, on 6. 7 . 2005, just before that vile act of treason took place, it seemed in England, as if things were looking up, as if there was hope, and even traces of love in the air.London had won the competion to host the Olympic Games, and the streets of London were full of people celebrating.
The next day though,everyones world comes crashing down ; suddenly,. disaster, injury, death, and most of all fear were the order of the day..
The situation we are now in, is I'm afraid very similar.
What is happening now though , in the festive stakes, is far stronger.Does this mean that if a disaster is to follow. it will be far worse than 7.7. 2005?
Is this- the Jubilee and the build up to the Games- the final knees up; the great rollicking party, before the sky falls in?
I suppose I wouldn't be having these dark thoughts if I hadn't seen a picture of a clock that looks very much like Big Ben falling down , with people underneath the clock wearing the colours of the Olympic Games.
It is a strange picture.I've seen other pictures too;one of the twin towers being blown up,one of the Pentagon on fire, and one of Al Gore hugging a tree!
These pictures didn't just pop into my head.In fact these pictures were released to the World in 1995, when they were put on a pack of playing cards.
Strangely enough, the creator of the cards,Steve Jackson, had his premises raided by the C.I.A., and all his equipment was taken away.
Ever heard of someone who makes playing cards being raided by the C.I.A?
The point is the twin towers, the Pentagon came true, and so did the Al Gore bit, and many other cards have turned out to be prophetic.
So what about the picture of the clock?
Some suggest that the picture refers to the Wako clock tower in Japan, and is about the earthquake and subsequent radiation leak that still threatens the entire World, although the main news media won't touch this .and pretends it is not happening.Maybe they are correct. I hope they are. One factor against this is that the clock in Japan did not collapse in the earthquake.
If it doesn't refer to Japan, does it mean that we are going to have another false flag, like in 2005?And will it be in London?
Support for the lunatic Afghan- let's get all their poppies- war is at an all time low.What better than a sharp reminder to the ignorant masses, as to why we are having the war. Also, a great excuse for bringing in new laws to restrict peoples freedom, and possibly to forbid mass demonstrations that always happen when Governments rob the people more than is their usual custom.
I hope to God that I am wrong, but what worries me is why the C.I.A. were so worried about a pack of cards. If the pack had pictures of rabbits on it,they would not have done a thing. That with the fact that already some of the cards pictures have come true.
Does the fact that the C.I.A. took so much interest in the ' innocent' pack of cards mean that 9.11 and other major disasters were all planned out a long time ago.?
Were the C.I.A. livid that someone knew what the new world order was planning to do?
How on earth did the creator of the cards conjure up these pictures?This question has never been answered.
Then again, how did George Orwell know what our future would be?
As I said, I hope to God that I am totally, completely, and utterly wrong, and maybe the clock card was about the disaster in Japan.
Oh yes, another card showed that there was going to be a plague.
But there is hope. One card shows a policeman kneeling before an old hippie who is carrying a ban the bomb symbol.
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