I'm talking about the Greek elections.Probably,oh come on, I shouldn't mince my words,I don't really think probably, I suspect that it most likely that the elections were a fraud. A rigged affair.
Anyway 55% of Greeks voted against the hideous, inhuman dosage of bitter, cruel medicine..Yet the two dinosaur parties, who were responsible for most of the trouble in the first place,are,guess what, still there.I find this very hard to believe, but, it is true.What are they going to do? They are going to drive the carriage full of squashed, ,frightened, ruined,sat-upon.kicked the spunk out of them, Greeks right over the cliff into a deep, troubled, stormy sea.
Unbelievable to still see the same old game being played out.I'll tell you what happened.After the May elections, the big boys in their New World Order uniform of expensive black,sometimes blue, suits and blue ties,said;" Right,we gotta fix this; we will make sure we will win, regardless of what the idiot voters say".
Yes, that's what they truly think of the lower rungs of society, as they would put it.
And they did. So simple.A bit of cash here; a bit of a bribe there.The media are controlled by them anyway, and that really helps.
Do you remember,that posh toff, Cameron,the 'you deserve to suffer'Merkel,the 'I look a nice guy, but, believe me, I'm not', Obama and a full supporting cast of lesser actors all screaming the same bull.This particular bull was that any sane Greek must vote for the planned suicide of Greece.It was none of their business, yet few Greek newspapers said this.In fact, a lot of newspapers seemed to welcome these comments, and gave them prime coverage.I don't know, what the T.V. said, as I gave up watching this hypnotist a long time ago, as I found it not conducive to a sane mind.
It was all done through the Elite's favourite tool; fear.How may Greek newspapers said that if Alexis won, that people wouldn't be paid pensions next month?.On and on, day by day that was the message.How many stories were there of the elderly being robbed and killed in their homes?Fear, fear, fear.
It's beyond sad; it's tragic.
I don't like making predictions. One looks such a fool if they don't come true.Anyway, here goes.
1.For the first few days, everything will seem, if not positive, not too negative. A weird sort of honeymoon period, the press always gives to new Governments.
2.The new Government will announce the measures that were never mentioned in the run-up to the elections.
3.These measures, in case you've forgotten them, as most people probably have, because the cutting of pensions and wages and the increase in fuel bills, were not, as far as I could see, mentioned at all, by the two dinosaur parties in the run -up to the election.
4. This is the only announcement( showing their true colours) they need to make. This will be the trigger.
5.When people realize what the hell they voted for, which is a complete wipe-out of Greek society(Kissinger must be smiling) the trouble will start.
So if anyone really did vote for either of these dinosaurs, N.D or Pasok, shortly you will bitterly, and I mean bitterly regret it.
In the next few months we will see, in Greece, the biggest demonstrations, the largest riots this country has ever seen.It will be a showdown like no other. It will be a complete and utter breakdown.
With people earning 400 to 500 euros a month,electricity bills sky high, shopping bills sky high what do you think will happen?
With people not being paid for months, what do you think will happen?
With hospitals and pharmacies running out of life- saving medicines, what do you think will happen?
With crime soaring, what do you think will happen?
With no hope, no dreams, no glimmer of hope, what do you think the people will do?
There will be no re- negotiations of the poisoned package; that was just election babble. O.K., there will probably be one or two tiny little tweaks that will , in reality, mean, absolutely nothing, so the Government can say that they have re- negotiated the deal.
It's going to be a long hot summer. No doubt, right now,new weapons are being issued to the guard dogs(the police) of the Elite, as they must surely know what symptoms their toxic, poison will produce.
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