He knew that somehow this could not be real; I mean it's too stupid to be real, too mad, he thought.,he thought.But that's as far as he got.He thought.That's all he did really, he just thought.
So, he tried this path, he tried that path and yet never got anywhere.What did he want really, did he want enlightenment, and ,at the end of the day what really is that?He wanted something, but was not sure what it was; it was that something he missed,he didn't know what and he didn't know why.
Day after day he tried,until one fine day he bumped into a man from the East.
"I'm sorry", Amaveed bowed his head slightly,as he spoke to the Eastern stranger,"for my clumsiness".
The man from the East smiled a radiant smile that made Amaveed feel like he was suddenly filled with happiness.
He looked Amaveed straight in the eyes and with an intensity very rarely seen, said;"It is all illusion,no more than a mirage, a dream so why will your bumping into me upset me?"Then laughed, and slapped his thigh. in such a moment in the now,that Amaveed was reduced to laughter.He stared in amazement.Something had been lit inside him.A new flame was glowing;he could feel it.
"Tell me more!",he cried.
"About what?"
"About this all being an illusion,a dream, a mirage.."
"Oh that," the other replied,"Well, that's it really;it is simply an illusion.What more can be said about that obvious fact.?"
Amaveed felt the words enter into his heart, and he knew beyond any dust-speck of a doubt, that this World is truly an illusion,a dream and nothing more.
But he also knew that there is no maze.It was he who had made the maze up.It was just illusion.It is us who are the makers, the creators of this magnificent ,amazing, breath- taking, succulent spread.It is us making it all up,and he found his way out was really his way in...... and than out was in and up was under,and Alice In Wonderland was closer to reality than we are.
The tragedy, Amaveed realized , was that now in these times, we are so,so,very far, from our true reality,if it was not for drink or drugs, insanity would be our lot.And yet, the further we get from who we really are, the more we long for the truth to shower over us.
He felt a great sorrow for the people, but he knows that the spirit of love burns forever, whereas the spirit of fear and hate just flickers for a while, violently and in style.It may seem a long time for us,but in the eyes of eternity, he guessed it's just a small dose.
No maze for him now. He looks at his arms as attached to them are the most attractive looking wings; the colours of the rainbow.He flaps them and starts to fly. He is free now forever; no more whys.
One day we'll join him.
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