Royalty from all over the World were wined and dined by The Queen of England a short while ago.A strange event , as it does not appear to have happened before.
Non-stop pictures of the Queen, whom I suspect is not the Queen at all, but a very good actress,who is probably about sixty years old,zooming around the U.K. with another actor, pretending to be her oh so devoted husband.,both smiling and looking so happy.
The reason that I think they are not the real thing is the following:
One,I have yet to meet a woman, a few years short of ninety,have such a flawless complexion,have no lines or wrinkles on her face, and have the walk, talk and posture of a woman thirty years younger.Unless, of course, she eats a certain food that keeps her young, that we must never, never, be told about.
Two:The Duke previously was always a bit sharp with his tongue(and that's being polite),but this Duke isn't.He is a kindly old grandpa,although looking a bit lizard like, has a twinkle in his eye.What's more, I don't think that the secret service in England would risk letting these two so near their 'devoted ' subjects.
I think the last time the real Duke was wheeled out was when he told a reporter, when asked if he was looking forward to the Jubilee, that he was looking forward to when it would be over.That's more like the Duke of old.
I reckon that when the powers that be heard this remark they decided he might ruin the whole event, so substituted him with a very good actor.
I stared aghast last night at all the people in the U.K. waving Union Jacks and looking so excited over this absurd Jubilee.I mean, what on earth is it for?According to some sources a lot of people do not want a monarchy, whereas the B.B.C. seems to think that 75% love them.But, then again the B.B. C. appear to adore any royal, no matter what.
Next up is the sun worship festival , or as it is now called, the Olympic Games.This is accompanied by the largest security measures ever put in place in England in peacetime.Why , one wonders?
Sometimes I get a sinking feeling when I think about it.I remember the festivities that took place before the false flag operation on 7.7.2005.There was the Live 8 concert at Hyde Park, England on 2.7.2005 with 200,000 people in attendance.Then, the very day before, on 6. 7 . 2005, just before that vile act of treason took place, it seemed in England, as if things were looking up, as if there was hope, and even traces of love in the air.London had won the competion to host the Olympic Games, and the streets of London were full of people celebrating.
The next day though,everyones world comes crashing down ; suddenly,. disaster, injury, death, and most of all fear were the order of the day..
The situation we are now in, is I'm afraid very similar.
What is happening now though , in the festive stakes, is far stronger.Does this mean that if a disaster is to follow. it will be far worse than 7.7. 2005?
Is this- the Jubilee and the build up to the Games- the final knees up; the great rollicking party, before the sky falls in?
I suppose I wouldn't be having these dark thoughts if I hadn't seen a picture of a clock that looks very much like Big Ben falling down , with people underneath the clock wearing the colours of the Olympic Games.
It is a strange picture.I've seen other pictures too;one of the twin towers being blown up,one of the Pentagon on fire, and one of Al Gore hugging a tree!
These pictures didn't just pop into my head.In fact these pictures were released to the World in 1995, when they were put on a pack of playing cards.
Strangely enough, the creator of the cards,Steve Jackson, had his premises raided by the C.I.A., and all his equipment was taken away.
Ever heard of someone who makes playing cards being raided by the C.I.A?
The point is the twin towers, the Pentagon came true, and so did the Al Gore bit, and many other cards have turned out to be prophetic.
So what about the picture of the clock?
Some suggest that the picture refers to the Wako clock tower in Japan, and is about the earthquake and subsequent radiation leak that still threatens the entire World, although the main news media won't touch this .and pretends it is not happening.Maybe they are correct. I hope they are. One factor against this is that the clock in Japan did not collapse in the earthquake.
If it doesn't refer to Japan, does it mean that we are going to have another false flag, like in 2005?And will it be in London?
Support for the lunatic Afghan- let's get all their poppies- war is at an all time low.What better than a sharp reminder to the ignorant masses, as to why we are having the war. Also, a great excuse for bringing in new laws to restrict peoples freedom, and possibly to forbid mass demonstrations that always happen when Governments rob the people more than is their usual custom.
I hope to God that I am wrong, but what worries me is why the C.I.A. were so worried about a pack of cards. If the pack had pictures of rabbits on it,they would not have done a thing. That with the fact that already some of the cards pictures have come true.
Does the fact that the C.I.A. took so much interest in the ' innocent' pack of cards mean that 9.11 and other major disasters were all planned out a long time ago.?
Were the C.I.A. livid that someone knew what the new world order was planning to do?
How on earth did the creator of the cards conjure up these pictures?This question has never been answered.
Then again, how did George Orwell know what our future would be?
As I said, I hope to God that I am totally, completely, and utterly wrong, and maybe the clock card was about the disaster in Japan.
Oh yes, another card showed that there was going to be a plague.
But there is hope. One card shows a policeman kneeling before an old hippie who is carrying a ban the bomb symbol.
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