Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Consciousness Enjoying Itself.
" Consider the lilies of the field. They toil not, neither do they spin , and yet, Solomon , in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not more clothe you ? Oh ye of little faith.".
Mathew 6. 26-34.
Consciousness Enjoying Itself.
Are you happy ? Are you feeling good ? Does life seem a ball for you to spin and headbutt ?
Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?
Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"
No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.
Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.
Don't believe me, do you ? Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..
Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.
You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.
This is what consciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.
Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.
Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms.These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.
The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.
In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.
You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self.Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?
You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.
Lighten up.You took the perceiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',
Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.
Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life.Only this way will you be free.Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them.Understand that your thoughts are not you.This way you stop creating Karma. If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you.Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.
In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.
Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.
This is your true identity.
It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'
Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?
Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"
No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.
Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.
Don't believe me, do you ? Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..
Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.
You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.
This is what consciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.
Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.
Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms.These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.
The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.
In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.
You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self.Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?
You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.
Lighten up.You took the perceiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',
Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.
Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life.Only this way will you be free.Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them.Understand that your thoughts are not you.This way you stop creating Karma. If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you.Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.
In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.
Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.
This is your true identity.
It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'
Manifest Your Desires.
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe.You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams.Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills.Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
Fact Or Fiction ?
Another: Fact Or Fiction.
Or am I bananas?
1. We are in a massive spaceship that is travelling , either through space or a dimension that is not our usual one. Because of the length of the journey we are all asleep and are being fed a fake life, to keep us entertained. While we sleep we chose the dream , or did we?
2 .The only purpose of life is the final generation.
We are just links in a chain until the final generation comes into being.
3.We are preparing for the greatest war that has ever been known. That is why war has never died out. This war will be between the sons and daughters of light and the sons and daughters of darkness.Each generation is kept ready for war; war games are financed by the American government and companies are given massive cash incentives to create more and more vile weapons.This is all in preparation for the great showdown.
4. World leaders have clones of themselves, and more often than not, it is the clones we see. Haven't you noticed how subtly different these leaders appear when you see them in crowded places.Just look at how different the Queen looks today while doing some bizarre ritual to do with a thistle,compared to how she looked while partaking in the Jubilee.I tried to get a link to today's Daily Mail, but was told a virus was trying to attack my computer,so I backed off. Look at that war criminal. almost on a par with Hitler, Tony Blair. In the Chilcott enquiry ( what a farce ) his eyes are brown, whereas in previous sightings of this lizard they were always blue. For more information and proof of this see http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread807179/pg1
5.Evolution is a lie. Everything came into being at once. It is a ploy to make us believe that we came from slime, and are not the Supreme Beings we really are. It is preached to keep us down.
Evolution has never been observed.There are no transitional fossils.Evolution has never been proved.
6.Gravity does not exist.It's a lie told to us from very young,so we won't believe that we can fly.
As Dr. Verlinde, a respected string theorist and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam said recently," We have known for a long time that gravity does not exist.It's time we yell this".
7.Every government programmes the children to be slaves to the society they enter.
8. Most politicians are psychopaths who lack any empathy with other humans, hence their ability to send thousands of young people to death in war, and to start austerity measures that cause great hardship to the very people who gave them their positions in the first place.Unless , of course, we didn't, and every election is simply rigged.
10 I'm sure John Pilger(one of the very few honest journalists left- he is now saying that he suspects that 9.11 was done by America and Mossad) would agree with the following statement
Honest journalism is dead.
I wonder what is fact, and I wonder what is fiction.
2 .The only purpose of life is the final generation.
We are just links in a chain until the final generation comes into being.
3.We are preparing for the greatest war that has ever been known. That is why war has never died out. This war will be between the sons and daughters of light and the sons and daughters of darkness.Each generation is kept ready for war; war games are financed by the American government and companies are given massive cash incentives to create more and more vile weapons.This is all in preparation for the great showdown.
4. World leaders have clones of themselves, and more often than not, it is the clones we see. Haven't you noticed how subtly different these leaders appear when you see them in crowded places.Just look at how different the Queen looks today while doing some bizarre ritual to do with a thistle,compared to how she looked while partaking in the Jubilee.I tried to get a link to today's Daily Mail, but was told a virus was trying to attack my computer,so I backed off. Look at that war criminal. almost on a par with Hitler, Tony Blair. In the Chilcott enquiry ( what a farce ) his eyes are brown, whereas in previous sightings of this lizard they were always blue. For more information and proof of this see http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread807179/pg1
5.Evolution is a lie. Everything came into being at once. It is a ploy to make us believe that we came from slime, and are not the Supreme Beings we really are. It is preached to keep us down.
Evolution has never been observed.There are no transitional fossils.Evolution has never been proved.
6.Gravity does not exist.It's a lie told to us from very young,so we won't believe that we can fly.
As Dr. Verlinde, a respected string theorist and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam said recently," We have known for a long time that gravity does not exist.It's time we yell this".
7.Every government programmes the children to be slaves to the society they enter.
8. Most politicians are psychopaths who lack any empathy with other humans, hence their ability to send thousands of young people to death in war, and to start austerity measures that cause great hardship to the very people who gave them their positions in the first place.Unless , of course, we didn't, and every election is simply rigged.
10 I'm sure John Pilger(one of the very few honest journalists left- he is now saying that he suspects that 9.11 was done by America and Mossad) would agree with the following statement
Honest journalism is dead.
I wonder what is fact, and I wonder what is fiction.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 18.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.Chapter 18.
The Power Of The Word.
Most of us tend to let words stumble out of our mouths without much thought. However, remember the joke:"When does a politician lie ? Every time he talks".I suspect these particular people make sure their words don't come in contact with the truth.Most of us, though, just let the words come.
Think how many words the average person speaks each day, and at the end of the day, what was really
said? Most of it, probably rubbish.There is, of course, nothing wrong in speaking about many subjects at a mundane level(but, what is really mundane? )- we all do that- as it seems part of life,but by doing this all the time, we forget how powerful words can be.
It is alleged that if an infant is not taught to speak before he become an adolescent,he will not be able to learn to speak.I wonder how many other abilities we could have,and were born to have, that we don't know about.Perhaps in our very young years we should have been taught to open our celestial eye,which is the eye of clairvoyance,the wisdom eye,which is the power of intuitive insight,and even the objective eye,which is the power to see things as they are 'in reality'.Maybe even the enlightened eye,which is the power to see both absolute and relative truth,encompassing all the other eyes.Because we were not taught these things at our proper stage of development,it is very hard, but very possible for us to do.,as many have done, as an adult.
Our view of 'reality' is determined by our words.
Words used in Western society,make us believe and arrange our lives round a time schedule,a past, a future, and a present. The latter most people ignore.Subject and object are very important to us.The divisions in our societies and the opposites are all emphasized by our words.This keeps us firmly in the matrix,as it makes sure that we do not live in the now.
An Amazon tribe, the Piraha, use a language totally unrelated to other languages used in the World.They have a totally different perception of the World.They do not have an obsession with subject and object,and have no word for time or quantity.In fact they live in the now,and the past and future are of no interest to them.
B.Whorf had a theory that:"People are only capable of constructing thoughts for which they possess actual words".This appears to have been supported considerably by the discovery that the Piraha people,when Peter Gordon, a Psycholinguist(people could get the wrong idea with a label like that) from Columbia University,tried to teach the tribe numbers, there was no way that they could understand it.And he certainly tried, as he said he spent eight months trying to get them to count from one to ten, but they couldn't get it.Gordon stressed that the tribe were by no means stupid, but were highly intelligent.This reminds me of the Saki story when a Professor trying to teach an Elephant German irregular verbs,gets trampled to death!
Gordon claimed;"A people without terms for numbers doesn't develop the ability to determine exact numbers".
The Piraha tribe don't understand numbers,because they have no words for numbers.What, I wonder,don't we understand,because we lack certain words?
I suspect that our language was programmed into us so as to restrict our view of the World so we perceive it in a certain fixed way,and this was done to us by an outside medium.
I also suspect that a certain way of pronouncing a word,a special powerful word,can probably cause changes in front of our eyes.What people would call miracles. Without knowing those words or the right way to say them though, means we do not know how to do this.
Words when spoken, or written,or silently said create a vibration and this vibration has power and energy.
Dr.Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.When he says words like love, peace or harmony over a glass of water,he says(and he has proof)that the structure of the water changes; he has photographed this to show beautiful and intricate crystal patterns.You can check out his pictures on you tube.Whereas, if negative words are said,the water has trouble forming crystals.This also effects food.So, before you eat or drink anything it seems a good idea to mutter a few positive words!
Breath is audible and a word is really a more pronounced utterance of breath that is made to be a word by the movement of the mouth and tongue.
Every word you speak is sending out a vibration and an energy field.
Wagner said that he who knows the laws of vibrations knows the whole secret of life.
In the future will we be able to say a word,for example, like garden,and a garden will suddenly appear before us?.We may have the ability now,but because we didn't learn it when we were children, we cannot do this.Does this sound far out to you?I wonder how many things said in the past, sounded impossible.
But even if we can't make wonderful scenes appear before our eyes now,we can make our lives and other peoples lives better,if not wonderful, by using the right words.
So when in conversation with anyone, remember to choose your words carefully,because as the Buddha said;"Words have power to both destroy and heal.When words are both true and kind they can change the World.One should cultivate a loving kindness towards all the World".And:
"Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.The tongue like a sharp knife kills without drawing blood".
Proverbs13.2 :"From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things".
Proverbs21.23:"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity".
Matthew 12.36:"Men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken".
Matthew 12.37: "For by your words you will be acquitted,and by your words you will be condemned".
1.Peter 3.10:"Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit".
You can test out the power of words yourself. If you say certain words such as love, peace and harmony you can feel the effect these words have on you.If you say or think of words like hate,anger and war you feel in a different space,and it's not a pleasant area to be in.
When angry or drunk or that fatal combination ,both angry and drunk,horrible words seem to come from nowhere and seem intent on hurting or causing pain to the one you are talking to.Perhaps these words don't come from nowhere.When in a low negative state are we attracting lower dimension beings who enter into us? Is it really evil entities that are using our mouths?
If this is so,all the more reason to make sure that we are careful not to descend to a low negative frequency.
I reckon today and everyday an awful lot of people are in a negative vibe,and a lot of negative words are said all day long. This has got to change, if we want the World to change,
At the moment the old order is dying.Look around and you can see it.A real ,but slow, transformation is emerging into the light.
"It's just a simple choice right now between fear and love.The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door,buy guns,close yourself off.The eyes of love see us all as one".The late, great Bill Hicks.
The old values of competition, rivalry,greed and hypocrisy are going to be thrown far, far away.They don't work;they never did.Look at the history of our species; it's almost an example of how not to live on a planet,with it's fixation on war after war, after war, after war.Look at the History Of War in four minutes on this blog(it's a video) to drive home the truth of this.
As the darkest hour is just before the dawn,so we ,as the human race are waking up to get ready for a truly different kind of day.
The night has been long,and we got lost in the dark,and have been asleep too long.
We have been governed,controlled,tied up and tied down.We have been slaves to fear.
As the Buddha said:"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear."
We can all help get rid of this fear that has so firmly established itself on the frequency we are operating on, by changing our thoughts and our words.When we speak , let it produce harmony,not fear or anger.
If enough of us can do that,and no it's not easy in today's selfish World as there are more than enough things to make us lose our cool.But we have to try,and the more we practice being mindful of what comes out of our mouths,the easier it becomes a habit.
Most of us know someone who uses negative words all the time,and this is just a habit.By the same token,we can make it a habit to use good uplifting,encouraging, positive words throughout each and every day.
In this way, you are, believe it or not,changing the World
Most of us tend to let words stumble out of our mouths without much thought. However, remember the joke:"When does a politician lie ? Every time he talks".I suspect these particular people make sure their words don't come in contact with the truth.Most of us, though, just let the words come.
Think how many words the average person speaks each day, and at the end of the day, what was really
said? Most of it, probably rubbish.There is, of course, nothing wrong in speaking about many subjects at a mundane level(but, what is really mundane? )- we all do that- as it seems part of life,but by doing this all the time, we forget how powerful words can be.
It is alleged that if an infant is not taught to speak before he become an adolescent,he will not be able to learn to speak.I wonder how many other abilities we could have,and were born to have, that we don't know about.Perhaps in our very young years we should have been taught to open our celestial eye,which is the eye of clairvoyance,the wisdom eye,which is the power of intuitive insight,and even the objective eye,which is the power to see things as they are 'in reality'.Maybe even the enlightened eye,which is the power to see both absolute and relative truth,encompassing all the other eyes.Because we were not taught these things at our proper stage of development,it is very hard, but very possible for us to do.,as many have done, as an adult.
Our view of 'reality' is determined by our words.
Words used in Western society,make us believe and arrange our lives round a time schedule,a past, a future, and a present. The latter most people ignore.Subject and object are very important to us.The divisions in our societies and the opposites are all emphasized by our words.This keeps us firmly in the matrix,as it makes sure that we do not live in the now.
An Amazon tribe, the Piraha, use a language totally unrelated to other languages used in the World.They have a totally different perception of the World.They do not have an obsession with subject and object,and have no word for time or quantity.In fact they live in the now,and the past and future are of no interest to them.
B.Whorf had a theory that:"People are only capable of constructing thoughts for which they possess actual words".This appears to have been supported considerably by the discovery that the Piraha people,when Peter Gordon, a Psycholinguist(people could get the wrong idea with a label like that) from Columbia University,tried to teach the tribe numbers, there was no way that they could understand it.And he certainly tried, as he said he spent eight months trying to get them to count from one to ten, but they couldn't get it.Gordon stressed that the tribe were by no means stupid, but were highly intelligent.This reminds me of the Saki story when a Professor trying to teach an Elephant German irregular verbs,gets trampled to death!
Gordon claimed;"A people without terms for numbers doesn't develop the ability to determine exact numbers".
The Piraha tribe don't understand numbers,because they have no words for numbers.What, I wonder,don't we understand,because we lack certain words?
I suspect that our language was programmed into us so as to restrict our view of the World so we perceive it in a certain fixed way,and this was done to us by an outside medium.
I also suspect that a certain way of pronouncing a word,a special powerful word,can probably cause changes in front of our eyes.What people would call miracles. Without knowing those words or the right way to say them though, means we do not know how to do this.
Words when spoken, or written,or silently said create a vibration and this vibration has power and energy.
Dr.Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.When he says words like love, peace or harmony over a glass of water,he says(and he has proof)that the structure of the water changes; he has photographed this to show beautiful and intricate crystal patterns.You can check out his pictures on you tube.Whereas, if negative words are said,the water has trouble forming crystals.This also effects food.So, before you eat or drink anything it seems a good idea to mutter a few positive words!
Breath is audible and a word is really a more pronounced utterance of breath that is made to be a word by the movement of the mouth and tongue.
Every word you speak is sending out a vibration and an energy field.
Wagner said that he who knows the laws of vibrations knows the whole secret of life.
In the future will we be able to say a word,for example, like garden,and a garden will suddenly appear before us?.We may have the ability now,but because we didn't learn it when we were children, we cannot do this.Does this sound far out to you?I wonder how many things said in the past, sounded impossible.
But even if we can't make wonderful scenes appear before our eyes now,we can make our lives and other peoples lives better,if not wonderful, by using the right words.
So when in conversation with anyone, remember to choose your words carefully,because as the Buddha said;"Words have power to both destroy and heal.When words are both true and kind they can change the World.One should cultivate a loving kindness towards all the World".And:
"Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.The tongue like a sharp knife kills without drawing blood".
Proverbs13.2 :"From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things".
Proverbs21.23:"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity".
Matthew 12.36:"Men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken".
Matthew 12.37: "For by your words you will be acquitted,and by your words you will be condemned".
1.Peter 3.10:"Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit".
You can test out the power of words yourself. If you say certain words such as love, peace and harmony you can feel the effect these words have on you.If you say or think of words like hate,anger and war you feel in a different space,and it's not a pleasant area to be in.
When angry or drunk or that fatal combination ,both angry and drunk,horrible words seem to come from nowhere and seem intent on hurting or causing pain to the one you are talking to.Perhaps these words don't come from nowhere.When in a low negative state are we attracting lower dimension beings who enter into us? Is it really evil entities that are using our mouths?
If this is so,all the more reason to make sure that we are careful not to descend to a low negative frequency.
I reckon today and everyday an awful lot of people are in a negative vibe,and a lot of negative words are said all day long. This has got to change, if we want the World to change,
At the moment the old order is dying.Look around and you can see it.A real ,but slow, transformation is emerging into the light.
"It's just a simple choice right now between fear and love.The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door,buy guns,close yourself off.The eyes of love see us all as one".The late, great Bill Hicks.
The old values of competition, rivalry,greed and hypocrisy are going to be thrown far, far away.They don't work;they never did.Look at the history of our species; it's almost an example of how not to live on a planet,with it's fixation on war after war, after war, after war.Look at the History Of War in four minutes on this blog(it's a video) to drive home the truth of this.
As the darkest hour is just before the dawn,so we ,as the human race are waking up to get ready for a truly different kind of day.
The night has been long,and we got lost in the dark,and have been asleep too long.
We have been governed,controlled,tied up and tied down.We have been slaves to fear.
As the Buddha said:"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear."
We can all help get rid of this fear that has so firmly established itself on the frequency we are operating on, by changing our thoughts and our words.When we speak , let it produce harmony,not fear or anger.
If enough of us can do that,and no it's not easy in today's selfish World as there are more than enough things to make us lose our cool.But we have to try,and the more we practice being mindful of what comes out of our mouths,the easier it becomes a habit.
Most of us know someone who uses negative words all the time,and this is just a habit.By the same token,we can make it a habit to use good uplifting,encouraging, positive words throughout each and every day.
In this way, you are, believe it or not,changing the World
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Greece Is Coming Up Roses !!
Above is a picture of a beach in Aegina , very near Aegina Town taken recently. Doesn't it look crowded ?
Can't you see all the tourists, all the Russians, the Germans and the British ,sunbathing and playing in the sea ? Aegina, for those who don't know, is a beautiful Greek Island very near Athens.
In years before democracy was killed, and foreigners started ruling this country, from May onwards, or even earlier, this island paradise was a magnet for not only foreign tourists, but also Greek tourists.This time of year used to see the Tavernas, beaches and bars full of life. Not this year though.
This is odd as according to Samaras, the Greek Prime Minister, 17 million tourists are expected in Greece this year, and what's more, this is the largest number Greece has ever had. Surely then, they would start arriving by now ?. I can only see a few on this island,in fact, fewer than last year at this time.Let's spell it out; I have never seen so few tourists ever since living here.
The Tavernas , cafes and bars have a sprinkling of tourists I admit, but absolutely nothing like it had in its golden years before democracy was killed and the Troika took this country over. I'm talking about 3 or 4 tourists in a Taverna here.
Maybe, for some reason, tourists are avoiding this particular island, though I can't think why as it's a wonderful , magical, enchanting island.Maybe all the other islands are really booming and Zorbra the Greek is alive and well.That must be it.I mean, a politician of such standing as Samaras wouldn't tell us something that wasn't true would he ? He, surely, always tells he truth. Someone in his position would never lie, would they ?
17 million is a hell of a lot of people !The Greek population is about 11 million, so these tourists should outnumber the Greeks wherever you are.
Hey, I don't want to put a downer on this and maybe they will all start arriving in June. That must be it.
Samaras told Helena Smith who proudly calls herself a journalist, and works for the Guardian , a British newspaper, that an all time record of 17 million tourists will arrive in Greece this year. I wonder if she is a friend of our wonderful Prime Minister. Her forename has that ' a' at the end, which might suggest that she is Greek, and maybe, just maybe she is ,er a friend or relative of our l, caring , compassionate Prime Minister.
See: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/14/greeks-welcome-record-number-of-tourists
I thought that I had made a mistake and the newspaper had reported that 7 million would arrive, but no, it really is meant to be 17 million.In fact, he actually said, amazingly enough, that at least, 17 million tourists will come here.How the Greek newspapers loved this !
Samaras also made this eyebrow raising statement: "Greece is now a new healthy place to work "*. I think that bears repeating: "Greece is now a new healthy place to work ".I am sure that the almost 70% unemployed would heartily agree with this extraordinary statement.
I wonder why Helena Smith, the faithful repeater, I mean reporter, didn't look around Greece, as she was in Athens to interview the truthful P.M., to search for the 17 million tourists.
Didn't she wonder why she she didn't see hardly any ?
I guess not.
* This was in the original article in The Guardian, but it was quickly changed to read, " New healthy places to work .
Helena smith has, been put forward for the The George Orwell Prize. I wish I was making this up.
She is very much a wall flower, as, search , as I did, I could find no information on her at all, which is very odd, as most of The Guardian journalists proudly display how clever they are . Why is she so shy ? Hey, maybe she is a really close relative of the Great Samaras, the guy who will go down in history, as the Zeus who saved Greece.
Are Comets Injection Needles ?
Could this be true, or is it the ravings of a fevered dream ?
Are Comets Injection Needles ?
The moon was made by aliens.It is a watchtower.The aliens watch the Earth all the time, and send reports back to their superiors. The aliens dwell in underground cities on the moon ; the entrance to these cities are the craters.
On the dark side of the moon, a large dome is on the surface and in this is a thriving community of aliens.They are mostly scientists and chemists.The moon also controls the seas on the Earth.
On planet Earth a great deal of work goes into investigating disease. Much of this research is aimed at animals. Animals are given certain diseases and scientists try to find ways to cure them, or rather how to treat them , to keep people alive with the disease to make money out of it.
If a shampoo needs to be deemed safe for use by humans, it will firstly be tested on animals.This can, of course, cause a great deal of distress and suffering for the animals who are subjected to the research
The aliens use planet Earth as a testing ground for diseases.
Comets are celestial bodies which move around the universe in elliptical or hyperbolic orbits. They have long shooting tails
They are, in reality, injection needles.
Comets are sent near the Earth by the alien doctors.The comets contain viruses , bacteria,diseases which are injected onto the Earth.
Hayleys comet has been used to deliver major diseases such as the Black Death, T.B, Smallpox, Cancer,all types of flu, but not aids as this was man made.Aliens wouldn't be so stupid to create a disease that destroys the immune system, as they are concerned with how the immune system handles diseases.
The watchers on the moon observe how we react to these diseases, in the same way we watch how animals cope when we inflict illness on them.
Our World was once completely disease free. In fact, many diseases come from outer space and have been deliberately sent to us:this includes the common cold.The problem of disease has got worse recently, because of other aliens visiting our planet and we have caught various illnesses from them as well.What with old big pharma ( see my song on you tube of Old Big Pharma) creating new diseases, and things don't look very pretty. for us humans.
Once the moon aliens discovered the ease with which testing could be done on us ,the Earth became disease ridden.
The other reasons for disease on our planet is caused by our own scientists creating weapons of war- biological weapons that are tested on the general population sometimes, if not often. Africa is one huge laboratory.
Humans are abducted on a regular basis for more intimate, advanced tests.These humans are taken to a massive testing laboratory on the dark side of the moon.Thousands of men women, children and animals are now on the far side of the moon undergoing such tests that we cannot imagine.
If America sent men to the moon at the end of the sixties, why on Earth did they not continue sending men there ?
America and Russia, probably by unmanned rockets discovered the aliens on the moon and seeing the advanced technology of the spacecraft that the aliens had, have not dared to occupy the moon,or set up a moon base.In the 1960's America told the World that they intended to do this.
Some claim that the astronauts were told, in no uncertain terms by the aliens ,not to return to the moon.
At present America is very interested in Mars.
What secrets that planet keeps we will never be told.
Could the above be the reason we have a vast amount of new illnesses on this planet ?
On the dark side of the moon, a large dome is on the surface and in this is a thriving community of aliens.They are mostly scientists and chemists.The moon also controls the seas on the Earth.
On planet Earth a great deal of work goes into investigating disease. Much of this research is aimed at animals. Animals are given certain diseases and scientists try to find ways to cure them, or rather how to treat them , to keep people alive with the disease to make money out of it.
If a shampoo needs to be deemed safe for use by humans, it will firstly be tested on animals.This can, of course, cause a great deal of distress and suffering for the animals who are subjected to the research
The aliens use planet Earth as a testing ground for diseases.
Comets are celestial bodies which move around the universe in elliptical or hyperbolic orbits. They have long shooting tails
They are, in reality, injection needles.
Comets are sent near the Earth by the alien doctors.The comets contain viruses , bacteria,diseases which are injected onto the Earth.
Hayleys comet has been used to deliver major diseases such as the Black Death, T.B, Smallpox, Cancer,all types of flu, but not aids as this was man made.Aliens wouldn't be so stupid to create a disease that destroys the immune system, as they are concerned with how the immune system handles diseases.
The watchers on the moon observe how we react to these diseases, in the same way we watch how animals cope when we inflict illness on them.
Our World was once completely disease free. In fact, many diseases come from outer space and have been deliberately sent to us:this includes the common cold.The problem of disease has got worse recently, because of other aliens visiting our planet and we have caught various illnesses from them as well.What with old big pharma ( see my song on you tube of Old Big Pharma) creating new diseases, and things don't look very pretty. for us humans.
Once the moon aliens discovered the ease with which testing could be done on us ,the Earth became disease ridden.
The other reasons for disease on our planet is caused by our own scientists creating weapons of war- biological weapons that are tested on the general population sometimes, if not often. Africa is one huge laboratory.
Humans are abducted on a regular basis for more intimate, advanced tests.These humans are taken to a massive testing laboratory on the dark side of the moon.Thousands of men women, children and animals are now on the far side of the moon undergoing such tests that we cannot imagine.
If America sent men to the moon at the end of the sixties, why on Earth did they not continue sending men there ?
America and Russia, probably by unmanned rockets discovered the aliens on the moon and seeing the advanced technology of the spacecraft that the aliens had, have not dared to occupy the moon,or set up a moon base.In the 1960's America told the World that they intended to do this.
Some claim that the astronauts were told, in no uncertain terms by the aliens ,not to return to the moon.
At present America is very interested in Mars.
What secrets that planet keeps we will never be told.
Could the above be the reason we have a vast amount of new illnesses on this planet ?
The Bilderberg Agenda ?
The Bilderberg Agenda ?
The Bilderberg group, Bilderberg conference or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of approximately 120 to 140 invited guests from North America and Europe, most of whom are people of influence.
About one third are from government and politics, and two thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communication. This is according to Wikipedia.
Now for the gloves off version.
The Bilderberg Group consists of a bunch of conceited, arrogant, psychotic, super- duper rich , out -of- touch with ' reality ', empathy- challenged crooks who suffer from a severe mental illness that makes them believe that they have the divine right to control ever aspect of our lives.In fact their divine right is so divine that they believe they are our Gods.
In a sane world they would be kept as far away from the mass of humanity as possible, but we don't live in a sane world, and that is why such types are permitted to have their secret meetings.
They really should be locked up as they have , over the years, caused tremendous suffering to humans.
They get together every year to decide the fate of the world for the next twelve months.Reporters ( repeaters ) from the main-stream lying media are invited and asked ( or threatened ? ) to never utter one word that they hear.And , do you know, they never do.They never spill the beans. Strange that as you would think that just once, some reporter would think, hey, this is evil what they plan, so I will tell the people, but they never do.
This year they are having their knees -up at The Grove Hotel in Watford, near London, on June 6 - 9.
This posh joint has three restaurants, a luxury spa, a golf course and a walled garden. I wonder what else it has, it doesn't mention on its site.Facilities purely for the Elite, and not for the commoner would not be advertised, I am sure.
According to Infowars these are the subjects they will discuss this year.
1. Destroying Iran's Nuclear Facilities within 3 years.
2. Prolonging the war in Syria.
3..The threat of a global Pandemic.
4. Internet control.
5. Diffusing austerity induced social protests.
6.Preventing Britain from leaving the E. U.
7.Propping up the Euro to keep the Eurozone intact.
8 Minimal 2013 economic growth.
9.Increasing central bank power.
10.Transferring more wealth from ordinary people to corporations and super- rich Elites.
11. Preventing a growing credit bubble from popping.
My take on this ? Sure, the above could well be true, but these types of organizations always have wheels within wheels. In other words this might well be the agenda presented to the sad, deluded, stinking rich folk who believe they are truly in with the ' in crowd ' , but the real heavy agenda is kept hidden from them. Only the very top echelons discuss the really heavy stuff, and only a select few are allowed to know these, dark, dark secrets.
Does anyone believe , in the West, that they live in a democracy ?
By Mike Selley
About one third are from government and politics, and two thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communication. This is according to Wikipedia.
Now for the gloves off version.
The Bilderberg Group consists of a bunch of conceited, arrogant, psychotic, super- duper rich , out -of- touch with ' reality ', empathy- challenged crooks who suffer from a severe mental illness that makes them believe that they have the divine right to control ever aspect of our lives.In fact their divine right is so divine that they believe they are our Gods.
In a sane world they would be kept as far away from the mass of humanity as possible, but we don't live in a sane world, and that is why such types are permitted to have their secret meetings.
They really should be locked up as they have , over the years, caused tremendous suffering to humans.
They get together every year to decide the fate of the world for the next twelve months.Reporters ( repeaters ) from the main-stream lying media are invited and asked ( or threatened ? ) to never utter one word that they hear.And , do you know, they never do.They never spill the beans. Strange that as you would think that just once, some reporter would think, hey, this is evil what they plan, so I will tell the people, but they never do.
This year they are having their knees -up at The Grove Hotel in Watford, near London, on June 6 - 9.
This posh joint has three restaurants, a luxury spa, a golf course and a walled garden. I wonder what else it has, it doesn't mention on its site.Facilities purely for the Elite, and not for the commoner would not be advertised, I am sure.
According to Infowars these are the subjects they will discuss this year.
1. Destroying Iran's Nuclear Facilities within 3 years.
2. Prolonging the war in Syria.
3..The threat of a global Pandemic.
4. Internet control.
5. Diffusing austerity induced social protests.
6.Preventing Britain from leaving the E. U.
7.Propping up the Euro to keep the Eurozone intact.
8 Minimal 2013 economic growth.
9.Increasing central bank power.
10.Transferring more wealth from ordinary people to corporations and super- rich Elites.
11. Preventing a growing credit bubble from popping.
My take on this ? Sure, the above could well be true, but these types of organizations always have wheels within wheels. In other words this might well be the agenda presented to the sad, deluded, stinking rich folk who believe they are truly in with the ' in crowd ' , but the real heavy agenda is kept hidden from them. Only the very top echelons discuss the really heavy stuff, and only a select few are allowed to know these, dark, dark secrets.
Does anyone believe , in the West, that they live in a democracy ?
By Mike Selley
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 17.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.Chapter seventeen.
More and more souls who lack empathy and compassion,who are in positions of power are trying to take the World down to a lower vibration.The reason this is happening is, that the higher vibration of love and truth is now penetrating through to the masses on the planet,and we are now in, a sort of battle between the souls of light and the souls of darkness.To be dramatic this could be called the final conflict.It is not an easy time to live in.
The fruits of these souls of darkness can be seen everywhere in the World. Such souls cause suffering, ranging from slight, to severe, to injury and to death.They cause anxiety, fear, worry, illness,suicides, divorces, fights, violence,sleepless nights and general chaos and confusion.If you follow the Western tradition of religious belief you could call these the results of Satan's work.What these people do is evil,regardless of what label they give it.
This war, if you want to call it that, is taking place at other levels that we don't have access too. We are only aware of its manifestation in our narrow dimension,and we observe it in a different way as it would be seen if we were not on this frequency.
Our lives are being controlled by these evil ones.The agenda they have in mind is to bring us down.
A good example of this is the so called austerity measures that have been inflicted on almost every country in the World.Any politician who had compassion in his heart,could not have dealt out so much pain to so many people.Any banker,who had a hint of compassion in his heart,could not have kicked people out of their houses, on to the street,because of a few non -payments of mortgages with their obscene interest rates.Any policeman with a speck of compassion in his heart could not pepper spray a young student who is only exercising his constitutional rights.
Any Government who slashes disability benefits,welfare benefits,funding for health and education,reduces pensions,raises taxes by absurd amounts,wipes away workers rights, and reduces pay for the people who are already on low pay,is not a Government for the people;it is not a Government who cares at all about you.
These same Governments usually spend far more on buying weapons,than they ever spend on the welfare of the very people who voted them into power.
The time is here for the great change,the great awakening,and it has to start with each individual.The old order is collapsing;it is out of date,although it is still desperately trying to keep its fixed structures in place.
The "I'll grab what I can,and kick you out of the way ", attitude has reached its zenith,and the only way it can now go is down: back to the lake of brimstone it came from.
Each of us has a responsibility to do what we can , in even a small way,to try and change the dire situation the World is in ,and to stop it heading to chaos and disaster. It starts in our hearts and minds.We have to counter the evil vibrations and dispel the fog of fear that has been directed at all of us.
Love is the only counter to fear.Our minds are immersed in fear,and this fear keeps us trapped into the evil system.We should be in the World, but not of it.
We have to have Love and Compassion.
Let us understand what this type of compassion is.As Christmas Humphreys wrote in his book'A Western Approach To Zen': "Compassion must be sharply distinguished from the human feeling of love.It is Love as a higher third to hate/love, as Truth is beyond truth/falsehood.It is completely impersonal, a fact not easy for many to digest. The Lama Trungpa called it 'selfless warmth."
The 'Voice Of Silence" calls it " The law of laws,eternal harmony, a shoreless universal essence,the light of everlasting light the law of love eternal"
This compassion has no thought of sacrifice,or of duty or of reward.
Humphreys also Quotes D. T Suzuki, that great Zen Master;" We can never save ourselves altogether,as a unit;not just an individual unit but the totality of individual units as a whole-then there comes real compassion".And one more quote from Humphries;" Love then, in the sense of Compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
With the above thoughts firmly embedded in us, try the following exercises;They are designed to get you off the grid.the matrix , and to weaken the vice like grip the ego has on us all. I touched on this exercise in the previous chapter.
Think of the Sun's rays entering the top of your head,then flowing down your spine filling up your body,with your stomach(your centre) and heart overflowing with this force of Compassion and Love.
Feel the presence spreading out from heart and belly sending out its message to all you come in contact with.
"Fill your mind with Compassion".The Buddha.
Don't do this once, but make it a habit you do all the time, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances is a brother or sister.".The Dalai Lama.
"Love one another as I have loved you".John 13.24.
"He that dwelleth in love,dwelleth in God and God in him". John 4.16.
"He who loves God loves his brother also".1John 4. 20.21.
"Love they neighbour as yourself".James 28.
Your life will be transformed if you do this; a complete turning over of your life and circumstances will take place.
Your life will be lived in a world of magic-where all you need and want you will have.You will be happy.Remember what Jesus said;"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you".
"The purpose of life is to be happy" The Dalai Lama.
"See all living beings as your father and mother and love them as if you were their child".Venerable Atishi.
It is a choice now between fear and love.It's up to you
The fruits of these souls of darkness can be seen everywhere in the World. Such souls cause suffering, ranging from slight, to severe, to injury and to death.They cause anxiety, fear, worry, illness,suicides, divorces, fights, violence,sleepless nights and general chaos and confusion.If you follow the Western tradition of religious belief you could call these the results of Satan's work.What these people do is evil,regardless of what label they give it.
This war, if you want to call it that, is taking place at other levels that we don't have access too. We are only aware of its manifestation in our narrow dimension,and we observe it in a different way as it would be seen if we were not on this frequency.
Our lives are being controlled by these evil ones.The agenda they have in mind is to bring us down.
A good example of this is the so called austerity measures that have been inflicted on almost every country in the World.Any politician who had compassion in his heart,could not have dealt out so much pain to so many people.Any banker,who had a hint of compassion in his heart,could not have kicked people out of their houses, on to the street,because of a few non -payments of mortgages with their obscene interest rates.Any policeman with a speck of compassion in his heart could not pepper spray a young student who is only exercising his constitutional rights.
Any Government who slashes disability benefits,welfare benefits,funding for health and education,reduces pensions,raises taxes by absurd amounts,wipes away workers rights, and reduces pay for the people who are already on low pay,is not a Government for the people;it is not a Government who cares at all about you.
These same Governments usually spend far more on buying weapons,than they ever spend on the welfare of the very people who voted them into power.
The time is here for the great change,the great awakening,and it has to start with each individual.The old order is collapsing;it is out of date,although it is still desperately trying to keep its fixed structures in place.
The "I'll grab what I can,and kick you out of the way ", attitude has reached its zenith,and the only way it can now go is down: back to the lake of brimstone it came from.
Each of us has a responsibility to do what we can , in even a small way,to try and change the dire situation the World is in ,and to stop it heading to chaos and disaster. It starts in our hearts and minds.We have to counter the evil vibrations and dispel the fog of fear that has been directed at all of us.
Love is the only counter to fear.Our minds are immersed in fear,and this fear keeps us trapped into the evil system.We should be in the World, but not of it.
We have to have Love and Compassion.
Let us understand what this type of compassion is.As Christmas Humphreys wrote in his book'A Western Approach To Zen': "Compassion must be sharply distinguished from the human feeling of love.It is Love as a higher third to hate/love, as Truth is beyond truth/falsehood.It is completely impersonal, a fact not easy for many to digest. The Lama Trungpa called it 'selfless warmth."
The 'Voice Of Silence" calls it " The law of laws,eternal harmony, a shoreless universal essence,the light of everlasting light the law of love eternal"
This compassion has no thought of sacrifice,or of duty or of reward.
Humphreys also Quotes D. T Suzuki, that great Zen Master;" We can never save ourselves altogether,as a unit;not just an individual unit but the totality of individual units as a whole-then there comes real compassion".And one more quote from Humphries;" Love then, in the sense of Compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
With the above thoughts firmly embedded in us, try the following exercises;They are designed to get you off the grid.the matrix , and to weaken the vice like grip the ego has on us all. I touched on this exercise in the previous chapter.
Think of the Sun's rays entering the top of your head,then flowing down your spine filling up your body,with your stomach(your centre) and heart overflowing with this force of Compassion and Love.
Feel the presence spreading out from heart and belly sending out its message to all you come in contact with.
"Fill your mind with Compassion".The Buddha.
Don't do this once, but make it a habit you do all the time, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances is a brother or sister.".The Dalai Lama.
"Love one another as I have loved you".John 13.24.
"He that dwelleth in love,dwelleth in God and God in him". John 4.16.
"He who loves God loves his brother also".1John 4. 20.21.
"Love they neighbour as yourself".James 28.
Your life will be transformed if you do this; a complete turning over of your life and circumstances will take place.
Your life will be lived in a world of magic-where all you need and want you will have.You will be happy.Remember what Jesus said;"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you".
"The purpose of life is to be happy" The Dalai Lama.
"See all living beings as your father and mother and love them as if you were their child".Venerable Atishi.
It is a choice now between fear and love.It's up to you
Here is a quote from Christmas Humphreys on compassion.
" The deepening understanding of the oneness of life produces an equally growing compassion for all forms of life. Then the stone is my brother. But I must have experienced it myself. Only then is my compassion a reflex action at one with life, and has the warmth of it, and the ' whole- making ' effect. If it is self-motivated, even with the best motives, it causes results, hence Karma.Here enters self. It is our own sick- mindedness that prevents us having a natural spontaneous compassion for other people. "
The dark side who are in control of this planet have ruled for so long because they understand the ego and have made us swim in division. Divide and rule has been the order of the day.If we all stop this division, harmony can be restored.
Here is a brilliant quote from Humphreys found in his book: A western Approach To Zen.
" Compassion is the constant, conscious desire to bless anyone anywhere, as they touch our consciousness. In this I fulfil my own law of Harmony, or pay the price for not so doing "
And the price, as we have all found out, is a heavy one.
The next chapter will follow shortly.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Quotes For Our Time.
Quotes For Out Time
George Carlin.
2." Why is marijuana against the law ? It grows naturally upon our planet.Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit- unnatural?"
Bill Hicks.
3." A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."
Thomas Jefferson.
4." Naturally, the masters in parliaments, in schools and in newspapers makes the most desperate efforts to prevent us from realizing our slavery.From our early years we are taught that our land is the land of the free."
George Bernard Shaw.
5." Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric".
Bertram Russell.
6." A believer is a bird in a cage.A free thinker is an eagle parting the cloudes with tireless wings".
Robert Ingersoll.
7." This is the real secret of life- to be completely engaged in what you are doing here and now.And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
Alan Wilson Watts.
8." From childhood upwards everything is done to make the minds of men and women conventional and sterile.And if, by misadventure some spark of imagination remains, it's unfortunate possessor is considered unsound and dangerous, worthy only of contempt in times of peace, and a traitor's death in times of war".
Bertram Russell.
9."Lots of Christians wear crosses around their necks- you really think when Jesus comes back, he ever wants to see a fucking cross?"
Bill Hicks.
10." Zen does not confuse spiritually with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes"
Allam Wilson Watts.
Nigel Farage's Bitter Schnapps.
Is Nigel Farage the only sane politician in the European Parliament ? Is he the only one who can see what is really going on ? It certainly looks like it. Here are some of his acute observations.
" I think that the proposal that came from the German Finance Ministry was the final straw ; all this idea about saving the Euro and helping Greece. Greece is not been helped by being in the Euro.Greece is being destroyed by being stuck inside this economic prison."
" If Greece went back to the Drachma; if it had a devalued currency; if it was devalued 50 or 60% I promise you I would book a holiday to Greece the very next day , and there would be millions like me who would do it, because suddenly Greece would have priced itself back into the market place."
" We are now living in a German- dominated Europe ; something the European project was supposed to stop. Something that those before us, actually paid a heavy price in blood to prevent. I do not want to live in a German- dominated Europe."
The Tower Of Babel Is Back.
The Tower Of Babel Is Back.
Did you know that there is a Tower Of Babel in Europe,and it is reaching up to the sky?
Funny,we never hear about this unusual building.
Ever seen a picture of it? I doubt it.
This is strange in itself,because the Tower is in a modern Western country,and represents an extremely well know institution.
So the Tower Of Babel is back.
The first time,according to the Bible,man was attempting to build a tower up to Heaven,and at that time ,everyone involved in this spoke one language.
God did not like the idea of this one bit,so the story goes,so he gave us our different languages to prevent us from understanding one another.God is meant to have said that because we all spoke one language"whatever we imagine we can make happen".He, for some reason, did not want this to happen.
Today, for the first time in our recorded history,we are, more or less, speaking one language through the Internet.and mostly using the English language.
The new Tower Of Babel is owned by the European Commission.
My question is: why would the E.C. decide to build a Tower Of Babel?
I mean, it hasn't got a good name for itself has it?
What's more,the original story has a bad ending.
Using the same logic,one can only imagine that if the E.C. wanted to have a ship,they would, no doubt, copy the design of the Titanic, and also call it this.
It is the European Parliament which includes the tower that is not finished.
In 1563 Pieter Brueghel the Elder created a painting of the Tower Of Babel.The E.C. officials liked this painting so much that they decided to copy it,and have a building built that looked exactly like this picture.
The E.C. also produced a poster depicting their mission; on the poster are the words;"Europe;many tongues,one voice".
The poster contains the twelve stars of the European flag in front of the Tower Of Babel.The strange fact is that these stars are all inverted;some claim this means that they are Satanic symbols. I have shown this poster above.
Another interesting point is in the European Parliament, every member has a seat number allocated to him or her,but,it is alleged that the seat number 666(the number of the Beast in Revelation in the Bible) is always empty,and has not been allocated to any member ..er ,yet.However,some members of this Parliament, claim that this is just not true and that seat number 666 is occupied. If this is true, it would be interesting to know who sits there.
To add mystery upon mystery,a statue outside the E.U. office in Brussels is of a woman riding a beast.
Remember Revelation 17.3.:"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast.."
Heavy stuff!
So what do we have here?
1.A replica Tower Of Babel.
2.A poster with a picture of the Tower Of Babel surrounded by twelve inverted stars.
3.Seat number 666 is not occupied in the E.U. Parliament- if this is true.
4.A statue of a woman on a beast.
All in all, I'd say that the E.U. is not what it pretends to be,and its agenda is very sinister, and not in our best interests at all.
I think that the citizens of Europe,who are all suffering in one way or another,would agree with me that their lives have been made considerably worse than they were, since they became members of this demonic beast.
The previous time the Tower Of Babel was being built,the architects plans for this were foiled,by means of an outside force,whether it be God, Aliens or beings from another dimension.
The difference this time appears to be that no outside force is needed( or is it invisible and secretly acting) as the E.U. seems to be imploding,and destroying itself from within .
Funny,we never hear about this unusual building.
Ever seen a picture of it? I doubt it.
This is strange in itself,because the Tower is in a modern Western country,and represents an extremely well know institution.
So the Tower Of Babel is back.
The first time,according to the Bible,man was attempting to build a tower up to Heaven,and at that time ,everyone involved in this spoke one language.
God did not like the idea of this one bit,so the story goes,so he gave us our different languages to prevent us from understanding one another.God is meant to have said that because we all spoke one language"whatever we imagine we can make happen".He, for some reason, did not want this to happen.
Today, for the first time in our recorded history,we are, more or less, speaking one language through the Internet.and mostly using the English language.
The new Tower Of Babel is owned by the European Commission.
My question is: why would the E.C. decide to build a Tower Of Babel?
I mean, it hasn't got a good name for itself has it?
What's more,the original story has a bad ending.
Using the same logic,one can only imagine that if the E.C. wanted to have a ship,they would, no doubt, copy the design of the Titanic, and also call it this.
It is the European Parliament which includes the tower that is not finished.
In 1563 Pieter Brueghel the Elder created a painting of the Tower Of Babel.The E.C. officials liked this painting so much that they decided to copy it,and have a building built that looked exactly like this picture.
The E.C. also produced a poster depicting their mission; on the poster are the words;"Europe;many tongues,one voice".
The poster contains the twelve stars of the European flag in front of the Tower Of Babel.The strange fact is that these stars are all inverted;some claim this means that they are Satanic symbols. I have shown this poster above.
Another interesting point is in the European Parliament, every member has a seat number allocated to him or her,but,it is alleged that the seat number 666(the number of the Beast in Revelation in the Bible) is always empty,and has not been allocated to any member ..er ,yet.However,some members of this Parliament, claim that this is just not true and that seat number 666 is occupied. If this is true, it would be interesting to know who sits there.
To add mystery upon mystery,a statue outside the E.U. office in Brussels is of a woman riding a beast.
Remember Revelation 17.3.:"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast.."
Heavy stuff!
So what do we have here?
1.A replica Tower Of Babel.
2.A poster with a picture of the Tower Of Babel surrounded by twelve inverted stars.
3.Seat number 666 is not occupied in the E.U. Parliament- if this is true.
4.A statue of a woman on a beast.
All in all, I'd say that the E.U. is not what it pretends to be,and its agenda is very sinister, and not in our best interests at all.
I think that the citizens of Europe,who are all suffering in one way or another,would agree with me that their lives have been made considerably worse than they were, since they became members of this demonic beast.
The previous time the Tower Of Babel was being built,the architects plans for this were foiled,by means of an outside force,whether it be God, Aliens or beings from another dimension.
The difference this time appears to be that no outside force is needed( or is it invisible and secretly acting) as the E.U. seems to be imploding,and destroying itself from within .
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 16.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.Chapter Sixteen
As implied in the previous chapter, love is almost looked upon by some as not being realistic in this world,and sort of 'soft'.How absurd!
This only goes to show how far we have drifted from our true selves.If you accept that you are really love and love is all there is,you will get my meaning.
Doesn't it strike you that all the true great teachers of mankind declared that love was the answer to all our questions.They kept talking about love.They knew without any doubt what this amazing display of light and sound was based on: love.
Why then,all this non-love stuff?
The hate, the violence, the suffering?
Such questions we have been asking for ever.
The answer to these questions , is not to ask them!
To ask such questions is a bit like you on the Titanic,and asking why the ship is sinking.What you should be doing is trying to escape.
How do you go home, when you have to go home, when you are already home, but don't know it?
How do you cross the river,when you have to cross the river,to get to the other side,when the other side is the place you are now standing on?
Non attachment and love.
No grasping,no clinging, no planting seeds.
Simple clear awareness without judging.
Behind everything though is- love.
"Love then,in the sense of compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and totally and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
Christmas Humphreys in his book A western Approach To Zen.
In the same book Humphreys tells us that Thomas Merton once had a long talk with the Zen Master D.T. Suzuki.At the end of the conversation Suzuki said;"The most important thing is love".
This is interesting because a lot of people accuse Zen of being 'too cold'
"let us love one another, for love comes from God.Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God".1.John 4.
"Whoever does not love, does not love God, because God is love".1.John 4.
"The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work whether we accept it or not.Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the laws of nature,even so, a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work great wonders"'Gandhi.
"The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern day scientists"Gandhi.
With the above sayings in mind, here is another exercise to help you be closer to who you really are.
The Sun gives us life.Without the Sun,life, as we know it, would not be.
Imagine the Sun's rays- it is easier to do this when the Sun can be seen, but if it isn't visible, it doesn't matter, because we all know that the Sun is up there in the sky- penetrating into your whole being.
Think of the Sun's rays filled with positive energy,good vibrations, and that its light is love itself.
Feel these rays of all that is good caressing and nourishing all the organs of your body.They are healing any ailments, any parts of you not in harmony,anything in you, including the mind, that is not right.
You feel filled with a positive force,and that the healing energy of the Sun has flooded your entire being.
As you go about your daily activities, think of yourself as a transmitter that is sending love energy out from you.This love energy should go out to everyone you meet, including those who cause you conflict.
"Only the soul that loves is happy'" Goethe.
To return to Christmas Humphreys He once said: "Perhaps our love for our brothers is the measure of our awakening:" In the next chapter I will write further on this exercise.
That is the end of this chapter.The next chapter will follow shortly.
This only goes to show how far we have drifted from our true selves.If you accept that you are really love and love is all there is,you will get my meaning.
Doesn't it strike you that all the true great teachers of mankind declared that love was the answer to all our questions.They kept talking about love.They knew without any doubt what this amazing display of light and sound was based on: love.
Why then,all this non-love stuff?
The hate, the violence, the suffering?
Such questions we have been asking for ever.
The answer to these questions , is not to ask them!
To ask such questions is a bit like you on the Titanic,and asking why the ship is sinking.What you should be doing is trying to escape.
How do you go home, when you have to go home, when you are already home, but don't know it?
How do you cross the river,when you have to cross the river,to get to the other side,when the other side is the place you are now standing on?
Non attachment and love.
No grasping,no clinging, no planting seeds.
Simple clear awareness without judging.
Behind everything though is- love.
"Love then,in the sense of compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and totally and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
Christmas Humphreys in his book A western Approach To Zen.
In the same book Humphreys tells us that Thomas Merton once had a long talk with the Zen Master D.T. Suzuki.At the end of the conversation Suzuki said;"The most important thing is love".
This is interesting because a lot of people accuse Zen of being 'too cold'
"let us love one another, for love comes from God.Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God".1.John 4.
"Whoever does not love, does not love God, because God is love".1.John 4.
"The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work whether we accept it or not.Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the laws of nature,even so, a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work great wonders"'Gandhi.
"The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern day scientists"Gandhi.
With the above sayings in mind, here is another exercise to help you be closer to who you really are.
The Sun gives us life.Without the Sun,life, as we know it, would not be.
Imagine the Sun's rays- it is easier to do this when the Sun can be seen, but if it isn't visible, it doesn't matter, because we all know that the Sun is up there in the sky- penetrating into your whole being.
Think of the Sun's rays filled with positive energy,good vibrations, and that its light is love itself.
Feel these rays of all that is good caressing and nourishing all the organs of your body.They are healing any ailments, any parts of you not in harmony,anything in you, including the mind, that is not right.
You feel filled with a positive force,and that the healing energy of the Sun has flooded your entire being.
As you go about your daily activities, think of yourself as a transmitter that is sending love energy out from you.This love energy should go out to everyone you meet, including those who cause you conflict.
"Only the soul that loves is happy'" Goethe.
To return to Christmas Humphreys He once said: "Perhaps our love for our brothers is the measure of our awakening:" In the next chapter I will write further on this exercise.
That is the end of this chapter.The next chapter will follow shortly.
Max Keiser's Greek Sausage.
The Titanic.
The following is a quote from Max Keiser:
The banks are just using Greece. It has nothing to do with fundamental reform of the Greek economy.Basically Greece is a sausage going through the Wall Street banking machine .
Greece needs to ban Goldman Sachs from doing business in their country; they need to ban Wall Street
firms from doing any business in their country ;' till Greece gets rid of the financial terrorists , Greeks will continue to lose jobs, unemployment will go up and up and the quality of life will continue to go down.
This is because Greece is being held by financial terrorists.
He has an interesting blog. maxkeiser.com/category/max-keiser-blog/
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Turn 'Reality' Into A Lucid Dream.
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe.You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams.Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills.Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
To watch the short, but powerful video,and to get your daily manifesting tips, completely FREE,together with details on how to get a FREE gift, click on the click here image below.
Click Here
The Lyrical Bit.
The lyrical bit
Now we come to the lyrical parts
That which makes the sunshine
That which makes the world turn
That which makes the trees grow
That which makes the birds sing
That which makes the seeds grow
That which makes your heartbeat
That which makes your senses know
Is you ,the real hidden you.
I believe we all live in a dream
We go to sleep and we dream; then we wake up and we dream
The only difference between our closed eyes dreams and our opened eye dreams
Is that the ones we have with shut eyes when asleep are our personal dreams and the ones we have in the day when we are open eye dreaming is that we all share our dreams together,so we are in a collective dream.
I have believed this for years, and always had some pretty weird looks if I brought this up; not any more now thanks to Quantum Physics!
Some people only believe anything if it comes from a so called authority; well, people used to believe the World was flat because they had been told this.
If you google(or whatever search engine you use) holographic universe you will find loads of info’ on this and yes it’s true these highly qualified scientists are seriously wondering if the universe is a hologram and that everything we perceive is illussion.
Those wise old gurus from the East knew this thousands of years ago.I remember the first time I read about this in The Wisdom Of The Overself by Paul Brunton, I felt like I’d met a dear friend I had lost contact with; it was something I felt I knew but I had forgotten.
I’ll return to this and try to go into it in more detail at a later date.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter Fifteen.
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream,chapter fifteen.
We,the human race,have now got to get our act together.If we don't ,well, if you think things are bad now, they most likely, will only get worse and a lot worse.
We have to wake up from our fevered dream..
Remember,what is going on in your mind changes what is going on in the World.We have to change how we think,how we imagine,in fact, re-arrange our mindset.A revolution,if you like,in our whole way of looking at life.
Something is very, very wrong,and the politicians and bankers won't change it as they like it this way.Only we, the people can change it.
The more we have fear and worry as the driving force in our whole way of thinking,the more events will get worse.And the more things get worse , the more fear and worry we will be burdened with.
Fear is the biggest killer of all.Fear is the weapon that has been used for centuries to keep the human race in submission.Fear of going to Hell when you die was used in the past.Now though,there are countless fears.Take your pick; fear of illness, fear of lack of money,fear of being attacked and robbed,fear of the next epidemic, fear of radiation poisoning, fear of extreme weather, fear of... well, the list just goes on and on.
To banish fear is no easy task, but it can be done by embracing a new habit of never entertaining fear.You have to be in a place where fear cannot enter.That place you can be in is called love.
The following is by the Dalai Lama:
1.Spend 5 minutes at the start of each day remembering we all want the same things(to be happy and to be loved) and we are all connected to one another.
2.Spend five minutes breathing in cherishing yourself,and breathing out cherishing others.If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing think about them anyway.
3.During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet.Practice cherishing the 'simplest' person to people you dislike.
4 Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you.
Great stuff!
You can carry this even further.
You can look at the wonder of nature with all its magical parts,and extend your appreciation and love to all of it.Send, like a beam of light, your good feelings of how much you cherish those trees you see,those flowers, the grass, the animals.
As you look at a tree imagine the feelings of goodwill you feel for it going from your heart to the tree's 'heart'.
Do the same with any sights of nature that you see.
"One should cultivate a loving kindness to all the World"- Sutta Nipata.
"Even offering 300 bowls of food 3 times a day does not match the spiritual merit gained in one moment of love".- Nagajuna.
The ego is quick to anger,but as stated in an old text, said ,I believe, by the Buddha;"In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth and have begun striving for ourselves".
And think how that anger is busy planting seeds to create more trouble!
It's just not worth it.
When you feel angry, stand back and watch the emotion with detachment..It won't be able to plant any seeds if you do this.
"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, that is the eternal rule".- Buddha.
"Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace".- Buddha.
"Conquer the angry man by love".-Buddha.
As you know from your own experience this is not the way the ego likes to operate.If someone attacks you verbally, your automatic response immediately comes into play.Most of us are on automatic pilot and little more than robots.
By not playing out this ego-game you allow your true clear consciousness to break through the clouds of ego.The more times you can do this, the more your true self will emerge.Practice it, because the rewards are literally out of this World.
If enough people have peace and love, not hatred and anger in their hearts, the World will have to change.Peace and love seem to get a bad press, as if it is naive and almost'sissy' to have these wonderful qualities.This just goes to show how sick our World is,and how far we have wandered from the correct way of living.
When war and attacking other countries is considered normal behaviour,when police beating innocent demonstrators up is accepted by society,when certain segments of our society earn massive amounts of money while others starve is taken as the way things are, then we are in big trouble,as we are right now..
The News supports war and hate,and when you watch it you accept such atrocities as part of the human lot.
Well, it doesn't have to be this way.
A revolution doesn't start in the street,it starts in my heart and in your heart .
We have to wake up from our fevered dream..
Remember,what is going on in your mind changes what is going on in the World.We have to change how we think,how we imagine,in fact, re-arrange our mindset.A revolution,if you like,in our whole way of looking at life.
Something is very, very wrong,and the politicians and bankers won't change it as they like it this way.Only we, the people can change it.
The more we have fear and worry as the driving force in our whole way of thinking,the more events will get worse.And the more things get worse , the more fear and worry we will be burdened with.
Fear is the biggest killer of all.Fear is the weapon that has been used for centuries to keep the human race in submission.Fear of going to Hell when you die was used in the past.Now though,there are countless fears.Take your pick; fear of illness, fear of lack of money,fear of being attacked and robbed,fear of the next epidemic, fear of radiation poisoning, fear of extreme weather, fear of... well, the list just goes on and on.
To banish fear is no easy task, but it can be done by embracing a new habit of never entertaining fear.You have to be in a place where fear cannot enter.That place you can be in is called love.
The following is by the Dalai Lama:
1.Spend 5 minutes at the start of each day remembering we all want the same things(to be happy and to be loved) and we are all connected to one another.
2.Spend five minutes breathing in cherishing yourself,and breathing out cherishing others.If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing think about them anyway.
3.During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet.Practice cherishing the 'simplest' person to people you dislike.
4 Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you.
Great stuff!
You can carry this even further.
You can look at the wonder of nature with all its magical parts,and extend your appreciation and love to all of it.Send, like a beam of light, your good feelings of how much you cherish those trees you see,those flowers, the grass, the animals.
As you look at a tree imagine the feelings of goodwill you feel for it going from your heart to the tree's 'heart'.
Do the same with any sights of nature that you see.
"One should cultivate a loving kindness to all the World"- Sutta Nipata.
"Even offering 300 bowls of food 3 times a day does not match the spiritual merit gained in one moment of love".- Nagajuna.
The ego is quick to anger,but as stated in an old text, said ,I believe, by the Buddha;"In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth and have begun striving for ourselves".
And think how that anger is busy planting seeds to create more trouble!
It's just not worth it.
When you feel angry, stand back and watch the emotion with detachment..It won't be able to plant any seeds if you do this.
"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, that is the eternal rule".- Buddha.
"Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace".- Buddha.
"Conquer the angry man by love".-Buddha.
As you know from your own experience this is not the way the ego likes to operate.If someone attacks you verbally, your automatic response immediately comes into play.Most of us are on automatic pilot and little more than robots.
By not playing out this ego-game you allow your true clear consciousness to break through the clouds of ego.The more times you can do this, the more your true self will emerge.Practice it, because the rewards are literally out of this World.
If enough people have peace and love, not hatred and anger in their hearts, the World will have to change.Peace and love seem to get a bad press, as if it is naive and almost'sissy' to have these wonderful qualities.This just goes to show how sick our World is,and how far we have wandered from the correct way of living.
When war and attacking other countries is considered normal behaviour,when police beating innocent demonstrators up is accepted by society,when certain segments of our society earn massive amounts of money while others starve is taken as the way things are, then we are in big trouble,as we are right now..
The News supports war and hate,and when you watch it you accept such atrocities as part of the human lot.
Well, it doesn't have to be this way.
A revolution doesn't start in the street,it starts in my heart and in your heart .
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