The innocent subjects were even told that all they would be subjected to was a dose of the common cold.Some died, and a number were left sick for life.
It now seems, after a fuss about this emerged a few years ago, that they are using animals. I suppose it helps that animals can't talk or sue.
In the Daily Mail dated 20.12.2012. it was reported that the number of animals being used for military experiments has increased by more than 1,000 in the last three years.It goes on to say that almost 10,000 pigs, rabbits, monkeys and rodents were used in top secret tests at the research base in Wiltshire last year.
The British Union for the Abolition Of Vivisection highlighted ' disturbing and cruel experiments', which include live pigs being blasted with explosives and forced to inhale mustard gas; monkeys being infected with anthrax and guinea pigs being killed with nerve agent.
Here are the number of procedures ( how Orwellian can you get ) carried out over the last three years..
8,452 in 2009.
9,582 in 2010.
9882 in 2011.
The Daily Mail continues, 'Most of these fall into the 'substantial severity' category which may cause significant or prolonged animal suffering.
Six of the projects are funded directly by U.S. Defence Agencies.
Lib.Dem. M.P. Mike Hancock who managed to obtain this information from the junior Defence Minister, said that he was shocked by these figures.
I am shocked and horrified but not amazed.This is ' business as usual' for these worshipers of evil.
The details were not included in the annual statistics published by the Home Office.
Why the hell not ?
Because they knew that normal people, not twisted, cruel , in- bred lunatics, would cause an outcry .
It gets worse. Procedures are classified according to the severity or harm they inflict.Of the 21 active projects at Porton Down four are unclassified. I dread to start to imagine what these might involve. They are obviously so vile that the public must never know about them.Unclassified must mean that they can do what ever they like to theses poor, poor creatures.Perhaps they torture the animals for weeks.
Three are 'mild'.Six are moderate and eight are categorized as' substantial'.In other words cause a tremendous amount of suffering. A 'moderate' procedure may cause animals 'a noticeable degree of pain, suffering distress or lasting harm,' according to a Home Office definition.
'Substantial severity may cause a major departure from the animals usual state of health or well- being with significant or prolonged animal suffering.'
I wonder how the people who work at this awful place sleep at night; what brain dead sort of people are they ?
Not content with killing countless innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Libya, this evil scum who are really just a crowd of freaks, decide in their perverted wisdom to inflict awful suffering on poor, dumb creatures.
This is not the sort of world we want. Day by day, more revelations are coming out, showing us how very mental the ones at the top are.
Their days are numbered.
A new age is coming.
Slowly, but surely, the madness of these people will fade and a beautiful new age will emerge.
An age without cruelty, injustice, starvation or war.
See :
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