Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Power Of The Word

The Power Of The Word

                               T H E                    P O W E  R                    O F  

                                                    T H E                    W O R D .

Terrence Mckenna in his  book ,'Reality is made of language' makes some interesting observations, such as:

"The real secret of magic is that this World is made up of words and that if you know the words that the World is made up of,  you can make of it  whatever you wish."
"We seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception".

Words keep us locked in the frame. Words are the fences , the walls , the ceilings , but they can , if you know how , be doors , gateways and entrances.

Everything we perceive we label. Words are concerned with the past , the future , and a tiny bit with the present  ; they keep you on the time track.

Osho , an Indian Guru said; "The whole language depends on time- past, future, present. Language is a creation of the mind; time is also a creation of the mind. When you drop language, time disappears. When you drop thinking , there is no past , no present , no future. You go beyond time; there is no time. There is eternity. When there is no time you have moved into the World of the eternal. And all that you have got are temporal reflections of the truth".

Words are very interesting. Every time you say a word, a vibration is produced. These vibrations are different for each word. For example, the word 'Love' has a different vibration to the word 'Hate'.

Think about it. If you use words like , hate , anger , kill , die in your daily life, you are setting up and sending out vibrations that will only connect with similar vibrations and chaos could well enter your life.

Most people nowadays, are saying words like; "I can't afford it", "I haven't got the money", "I can't pay the bill". All these words are sending out vibrations that are connecting with similar vibrations and attracting negative conditions to enter your life.

The secret of the vibration of words is found in the sound of each syllable. Take the word' war'. If you pronounce the word 'war' you are sending out a certain vibration.You will notice that your mouth , to make these sounds , brings your lips close together , then opens them , to produce the sound , 'war'. So words where your mouth does the same , or slightly similar actions have similar vibrations.

From the Vibrating Names website;"You must understand that certain words or names have power when used correctly with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them.".

In the second century people believed that certain words could produce magic. It was believed that abracadabra  could cure fatal diseases and keep evil spirits away.

Some words , which have good meanings , such as 'beautiful', 'wonderful and' marvellous 'send out vibrations that attract beautiful , wonderful and marvellous  events into your life.

Try this for an experiment. One day, decide that today you are not going to use any negative words at all , but only positive ones. Even when people are moaning about a situation, don't use'down' words, only positive,'up' words.

Also, try this exercise every single day for about five minutes. Simply say very slowly, so you make the word a l-o-n-g word'; wonderful'. Make it stretch out thus;' won- der - ful.' repeat it over and over again slowly. After saying this a  good number of times, say ;"This is my life".

The next day change the word to' marvellous'. Say it over and over and at the end of the session, doing exactly the same as before, and make sure to remember to say , at the end ; "This is my life".

And the next day, you can use another positive word:' beautiful. 'At the end say, as before;"This is my life".

These three words each have three syllables, so three vibrational thrusts are emitted when the words are spoken. You are actually sending out three vibrations.

If you practice this very simple exercise , you should  , by the laws of life, attract wonderful , marvellous and beautiful events , places and people into your life.

Do it everyday, and you should see the results in a very short time. Don't believe me , well , try it!

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