Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Next Week In Greece - A Rainbow Part 2,
Well, after reading the Greek press today, it appears that the puppets in power are not going the full nine yards celebrating the end of austerity
Predictions are difficult and the one thing I overlooked was those tragic Greek Fires.
The puppets know that the people think that the powers that be could have done a better job, but they didn't.
So the celebrations are, according to the mainstream media, going to be low key.
Maybe they are right.
Maybe they are wrong.
One thing though you can be sure of is some spin is going to be spun.
Those Greek soldiers returning from Turkey could possibly be mentioned.
The rainbow may not be Judy Garland like, but it will still have some colour.
And the promise of gold at the end of the rainbow for all the Greeks.
The fact that it will take four decades before any ship of hope is seen will, of course, not be mentioned.
We will see in the next few days.
Mike Selley.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Next Week In Greece - A Rainbow !!
You see on August 21st 2018, balloons are going to fly, rainbows will fill the sky, stars will shine like they have never shone, the sun will have a huge smile on its face, water will turn into wine,the Greek Gods of old will be seen in the clouds,those stolen marbles will be returning, the light at the end of the tunnel will be blinding and angels will be singing ' Hail To The New Greece '.http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/end-of-greek-aid-package-as-country-faces-demographic-crisis-a-1222554.html
It's Over.
Those awful years of austerity.
You all suffered, but now you will see that it was all worth it
All those years of counting those lovely euros, trying to save up to pay the highest bills in Europe, yet with the lowest wages.
Explaining to your children as they cried with toothache how you couldn't afford a dentist.
Watching your grandma and grandpa get ill because they couldn't afford medicine.
Eating food that is cheap , but is very unhealthy.
Dreading the next bill.
Dreading any unexpected extra expenditure.
Living each day with that feeling of ' no hope'
Seeing any money you have been taken from you by the state.
Running around with bills, dashing to the bank to pay each bill on time
Unable to pay the rent this month, unable to buy you grandchild a bar of chocolate.
Unable to pay the mortgage, because you lost your job.
Crying because your children have left Greece to go to another country where they will earn a decent wage.
Feeling your pride and dignity vanish.
Year after year after year with no end in sight.
Going on and on and on, each year with more cuts to your money.
I'm amazed that there hasn't been a revolution in Greece, but that's for another blog post.
Don't worry though, it has now all come to an end.
Everybody's happy , everybody's smiling.
Here Comes The Sun.
This is according to those who rule.
Well, they don't really rule; they carry out orders from foreign powers.
So. on 21st August lets all celebrate that all those dark days are gone.
Of course it won't continue for decades to come.
What gave you that idea ?
Surely not those dire predictions from those in the know ?
Don't listen to them as they are ignorant fools.
The dark suited ones who have been taking about 40 euro out of every 100 euro you earn are the wise ones.
Don't worry, as next week Tsipiras will wear a tie.
This is the signal that we are now free.
Free at long last will be the message.
And Santa Clause can't wait to come down your chimney four months earlier this year.
But don't tell the pensioners who are going to have another cut in their pensions on January the first next year, to make sure it's a great new year for them.
Recently Pierre Moscovic, the E.U( or Endless Unfairness) commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs announced proudly that Europe is collectively stronger as the Greece Bailout ends on August 20th 2018.
Maybe the banks are laughing, but what about the ordinary Greek?
You may be interested to know that the aforementioned Mr. Moscovic has a salary of over 27,000 Euros a month according to Wikipedia.
Nice work if you can get it.
Other gems he said;
' Today Greece has returned to growth.'
Yes, we can see this all around us, can't we ?
' The time for austerity is over.'
Ask the pensioners.
' We have done our best to help the Greek people '.
To help the Greek people ?
How the hell have the last eight years helped the Greeks?
I really wonder how these people sleep at night.
Who are they ?
A different species of humanity ?
Or, are they not human ?
The words that the E.U Commissioner said were found in The Hellas Journal dated 18th August 2018.
So , next week, bake cakes, buy wine and celebrate.
The gap between reality and spin is really just unbelievable.
That though is the age we live in, sadly enough.
Mike Selley.
Mike Selley.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Sunday, August 12, 2018
The Lie That We Die.

' All feathered birds, and fishes finned,
And clouds and rain and calm and wind,
And sun and moon and stars, declare
All life is one everywhere.
That nothing dies to die for good
In clay or dust, in stone or wood,
But only rests awhile to keep
Life's ancient covenant with sleep'.
Dalmon's elegy for Edward Thomas.
Have A Zen Day.
Have a day full of Zen.
Have a Zen full of day.
A Lord asked Takuan, a Zen teacher. how he might pass the time.
The reply ?
As follows.
' This day will not come again.
Each minute is worth a priceless gem '.
But most of us take each day for granted as just another day, and yet each moment is precious, a wonderful chance to be and see the truth of being.
We are slaves to our endless thoughts, entrapped in our cave where the light does not come in.
The cave dissolves when we stop our endless thinking and listen to the silence that we are;when we become aware of the awareness that we are.
Instead of the being the receiver of sensations and perceptions, turn that concept on its head and focus your attention on that which is aware of what it is aware of and you will find the 'I AM,' the awareness that is really you..
' You cannot describe it, you cannot picture it,
You cannot admire it, you cannot sense it.
It is your true self, it has nowhere to hide.
When the world is destroyed, it will not be destroyed .'
What can one say ?
It is beyond words.
Words and language keep us in bondage and are the seeds of thought.
If you can break out of the cage of words, you will be free.
' An instant realization sees endless time.
Endless time is one moment.
When one comprehends the endless moment
He realises who or what is seeing it.'
The who or what is the real you, the awareness, the now that you are.
' In spring, hundreds of flowers, in autumn a harvest moon.
In summer, a refreshing breeze, in winter snow will accompany you.
If useless things do not hang in your mind,
Any season is a good season for you .'
In other words accept what is without complaining. ' oh, it's too hot.' or ', oh, it's too cold '. but surrender to
how things are and accept the wonder of being.
'Words cannot describe everything.
The heart's message cannot be delivered in words.
If one receives words literally , he will be lost.
If he tries to explain with words, he will not attain enlightenment in this life.'
Once again back to the entrapment of words. Beyond words the truth is to be found.
' Do not fight with another's bow and arrow.
Do not ride another's horse.
Do not discuss another's faults.
Do not interfere with another's work.'
Wise words for our everyday living. In other words ,' mind your own business'.
These saying were taken from that little gem of a book; ' Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.' published by Pelican in 1971.The comments though are mine.
A book I keep by my bedside and jump into it whenever I can.
Mike Selley.
If You Are Not, Who Awakens ?
If You Are Not, Who Awakens ?
A bit of a strange title I admit, but this is the gist of Tony Parson's video in the previous post.
When I first came across him I was slightly confused, as he seemed to imply that we are slaves to fate, but after watching a few of his videos, I am now getting what he is really saying.
The video in the previous post, I hope explains this,and unlike some of his videos, he shows that unconditional love is a key to it all.
I hope you enjoy it and understand what he is saying.
The answer to the question that is in the title of this post is that the false self cannot awaken because it is an illusion, so as someone once said ( I can't remember who- was it Alan Watts ? ) no one has ever been enlightened.
The awareness that is you becomes aware of its own awareness function and it is the real you, the 'I AM THAT I AM' that is enlightened to its true reality.
Mike Selley..
A bit of a strange title I admit, but this is the gist of Tony Parson's video in the previous post.
When I first came across him I was slightly confused, as he seemed to imply that we are slaves to fate, but after watching a few of his videos, I am now getting what he is really saying.
The video in the previous post, I hope explains this,and unlike some of his videos, he shows that unconditional love is a key to it all.
I hope you enjoy it and understand what he is saying.
The answer to the question that is in the title of this post is that the false self cannot awaken because it is an illusion, so as someone once said ( I can't remember who- was it Alan Watts ? ) no one has ever been enlightened.
The awareness that is you becomes aware of its own awareness function and it is the real you, the 'I AM THAT I AM' that is enlightened to its true reality.
Mike Selley..
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Hallelujah. To Leonard Cohen.
I have always been a great fan of the late, great Leonard Cohen.
What a poet he was.
One that stood apart from the rest.
All his life he sought the truth, and tried to find the meaning of our strange existence.
Although he was raised in Judaism, and it's a faith he never lost, in the 1990's he entered a Zen
Monastery , or retreat, and came out a few years later, an enlightened man.
This can be seen in his concerts after this time; he is a different person, full of joy and fun, nothing like the serious one he was when he was younger.
He had suffered from severe depression all his life.
He said he used to drink three bottles of wine before he would go on stage in the early days, as , he believed, it helped the songs, and, no doubt,because he was nervous.
He also smoked a lot, and said , in his seventies, he still missed doing that, but used incense instead, as a reminder.
I loved the story of how he met Bob Dylan in Paris one day many years ago and they had a coffee together.
Bob asked Leonard how long it took him to write a song, to which the reply was, '3 or 6 months, sometimes 3 years or longer.'
Leonard then asked Bob how long it took him.
Dylan told him that it was about twenty minutes.
Different strokes for different folks !
They both laughed.
He will not be forgotten.
The next post is his remarkable classic Hallelujah, which was rejected, first of all, by his record company.
What do they know ?
Thank goodness it finally got released, after other artists recorded it.
There are so many wonderful verses in this song, but two stand out for me.
How many people who have felt the sweet cupid arrows that firstly delight and then later hurt like hell will relate to the following verse
' Maybe there's a God above
As for me, all I learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you .'
Or the following verses;
' There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you ?'
'I remembered when I moved in you
And the Holy Dove she was moving too
And every single breath we drew
Was Hallelujah'
I have never known anyone unite spirituality and sexuality as Cohen does.
In the next post you will find the classic ' Hallelujah'
I hope you enjoy it.
Mike Selley.
What a poet he was.
One that stood apart from the rest.
All his life he sought the truth, and tried to find the meaning of our strange existence.
Although he was raised in Judaism, and it's a faith he never lost, in the 1990's he entered a Zen
Monastery , or retreat, and came out a few years later, an enlightened man.
This can be seen in his concerts after this time; he is a different person, full of joy and fun, nothing like the serious one he was when he was younger.
He had suffered from severe depression all his life.
He said he used to drink three bottles of wine before he would go on stage in the early days, as , he believed, it helped the songs, and, no doubt,because he was nervous.
He also smoked a lot, and said , in his seventies, he still missed doing that, but used incense instead, as a reminder.
I loved the story of how he met Bob Dylan in Paris one day many years ago and they had a coffee together.
Bob asked Leonard how long it took him to write a song, to which the reply was, '3 or 6 months, sometimes 3 years or longer.'
Leonard then asked Bob how long it took him.
Dylan told him that it was about twenty minutes.
Different strokes for different folks !
They both laughed.
He will not be forgotten.
The next post is his remarkable classic Hallelujah, which was rejected, first of all, by his record company.
What do they know ?
Thank goodness it finally got released, after other artists recorded it.
There are so many wonderful verses in this song, but two stand out for me.
How many people who have felt the sweet cupid arrows that firstly delight and then later hurt like hell will relate to the following verse
' Maybe there's a God above
As for me, all I learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you .'
Or the following verses;
' There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you ?'
'I remembered when I moved in you
And the Holy Dove she was moving too
And every single breath we drew
Was Hallelujah'
I have never known anyone unite spirituality and sexuality as Cohen does.
In the next post you will find the classic ' Hallelujah'
I hope you enjoy it.
Mike Selley.
Monday, August 6, 2018
From Heaven Above, Hell Arrived.
Warning; Contains graphic content
' A little plane up in the sky
Caught a few of the children's eyes
From Heaven above, Hell had arrived
On the 6th of August 1945.'
Was this the greatest crime ever committed in human history ?
It was unique in that it had never happened before, as far as we know, and people thought it would never happen.
But it did.
It was such a savage, cruel inhuman act , it is hard to believe that any sane person could have given the orders for it to be carried out. More frightening than that though is the fact that the people given the orders , simply did not question them, but blindly carried out the most vile, loathsome carnage ever inflicted on one country by another.
I am talking about the U. S .A bombing Hiroshima and then Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945.
How could the pilots do what they did ?
How could they have obeyed such a lunatic order ?
Did Paul Tillbets , the pilot of B29 ( adds up to 11- interesting that ) feel a true hero as he released the bomb.
That night, if he returned to a wife, did she say;' How was your day dear ?'
And did he say,' It was great, I killed thousands of Japanese today '
I mean , how sick can some people be ?
How could anyone with a true human heart do that ?
He died at the ripe old age of 92 ( adds up to 11) in 2007 and to his dying day he said that he had no regrets about the mission, and slept just fine at night.
This is from the NBC news site.
If I could do links I would, but they don't work. Maybe it's me doing something wrong, but I'm sorry, you will just have to believe me.
I wonder where he is now.
Does he have any regrets ?
I am talking about that dreadful dark day that casts a shadow on the history of our species.
In fact, it is not one day, but two.
The 6th and the 9th of August 1945
These two days are not days you hear talked about much.Yet, we have not been allowed to forget the killing of large number of Jews killed in the second world war, and we should certainly not forget these awful crimes ever.But, by our attention focused on this truly horrible crime against humanity, the bombing of Japan has never had much coverage in the mainstream media.
I wonder if any newspapers will even mention it on the 6th and the 9th of this month. Maybe a few lines on the 3rd page, but nothing more.No in depth suffering of the suffering this caused.
Little Boy was what they called the atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima.
' Another day in city life
Innocents living out their lives
Shattered dreams by a blinding light
On the 6th of August 1945.'
Fat Man was the name of the second bomb that was unleashed on Nagasaki just a few days later.
' Few days on in another city
From the sky, devoid of pity
Destruction and death raining down
The gates of Hell fell on the town'.
How typical that such harmless names should be given to the two demons that were surely in those bombs.We think of little boys as innocent and cute, and fat men, though politically incorrect, as sort of funny, like the fat one in Laurel and Hardy.
Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effect killed 90,000 to 166,000 people in .Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki.
60 % died from flash and flame burns.
30% died from falling debris and 10 % from other causes.
The manner of death was vile.
Peoples bodies were terribly squeezed, then their internal organs ruptured.
The blast blew the broken bodies at 560 to 1000 miles per hour through the burning hot, stinking air.
In the following months , large numbers died from the effects of burns, radiation sickness and other injuries. Their hair fell out, their gums bled, they vomited blood, and they died.
As stated earlier I can't attach links, but I can assure you I have researched this
The radiation from the attacks caused gene mutations in the survivors and such mutations led to birth defects in the next generation.Survivors had a much higher rate of cancers and tumours .
As an aside, where do you think all the cancers come from now ?
Think about all the thousands of bombs that have been tested in the sky and in the earth and in the sea.
You think that this hasn't got through to us ?
Why bomb such crowded cities full of civilians ?
Why not pick a military target ? I think we know the answer to the above.
It was an extreme act of evil, no matter what lying justifications were given for this almighty crime against humanity.
Surely these days should be remembered more than ever ?
Shouldn't we all hang our heads in shame as we remember this heinous crime ?
The 6th and the 9th August should be Remembrance Days for the whole of humanity..
Two days of reflection, of mourning, of a collective determination that such abominations, must never, but never, happen again.
Two days when the whole world stops its frenzied activities, reflects on our shared humanity, and vows to never repeat what happened on the 6th and the 9th August 1945.
Could two days of International mourning one day lead to the dream that every sane man, woman and child has on this planet, and that is for war to be classified as the greatest crime ever, and for it to be illegal ?
Is it really possible that one beautiful day, the following will happen ?
' And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war no more.'
Isaiah 2.4. King James Version .
Sadako Sasaki ( 7.1.43- 25.10.55 ) who died aged 12 as a result of the attack on Hiroshima wrote these beautiful lines;
' I shall write peace upon your wings, and you shall fly around the world so that children will not have to die this way .'
This is the most moving article I have ever written and has effected me deeply.
The lyrics in the above piece are from a song I wrote about this.
I recorded it, but when I played it back, and , I swear this is true, all I heard were screams and wails.
So, I never managed to hear what I had written.
I didn't try and record it again.
One of the strangest experiences of my life, and, I have had a few.
Mike Selley.
' A little plane up in the sky
Caught a few of the children's eyes
From Heaven above, Hell had arrived
On the 6th of August 1945.'
Was this the greatest crime ever committed in human history ?
It was unique in that it had never happened before, as far as we know, and people thought it would never happen.
But it did.
It was such a savage, cruel inhuman act , it is hard to believe that any sane person could have given the orders for it to be carried out. More frightening than that though is the fact that the people given the orders , simply did not question them, but blindly carried out the most vile, loathsome carnage ever inflicted on one country by another.
I am talking about the U. S .A bombing Hiroshima and then Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945.
How could the pilots do what they did ?
How could they have obeyed such a lunatic order ?
Did Paul Tillbets , the pilot of B29 ( adds up to 11- interesting that ) feel a true hero as he released the bomb.
That night, if he returned to a wife, did she say;' How was your day dear ?'
And did he say,' It was great, I killed thousands of Japanese today '
I mean , how sick can some people be ?
How could anyone with a true human heart do that ?
He died at the ripe old age of 92 ( adds up to 11) in 2007 and to his dying day he said that he had no regrets about the mission, and slept just fine at night.
This is from the NBC news site.
If I could do links I would, but they don't work. Maybe it's me doing something wrong, but I'm sorry, you will just have to believe me.
I wonder where he is now.
Does he have any regrets ?
I am talking about that dreadful dark day that casts a shadow on the history of our species.
In fact, it is not one day, but two.
The 6th and the 9th of August 1945
These two days are not days you hear talked about much.Yet, we have not been allowed to forget the killing of large number of Jews killed in the second world war, and we should certainly not forget these awful crimes ever.But, by our attention focused on this truly horrible crime against humanity, the bombing of Japan has never had much coverage in the mainstream media.
I wonder if any newspapers will even mention it on the 6th and the 9th of this month. Maybe a few lines on the 3rd page, but nothing more.No in depth suffering of the suffering this caused.
Little Boy was what they called the atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima.
' Another day in city life
Innocents living out their lives
Shattered dreams by a blinding light
On the 6th of August 1945.'
Fat Man was the name of the second bomb that was unleashed on Nagasaki just a few days later.
' Few days on in another city
From the sky, devoid of pity
Destruction and death raining down
The gates of Hell fell on the town'.
How typical that such harmless names should be given to the two demons that were surely in those bombs.We think of little boys as innocent and cute, and fat men, though politically incorrect, as sort of funny, like the fat one in Laurel and Hardy.
Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effect killed 90,000 to 166,000 people in .Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki.
60 % died from flash and flame burns.
30% died from falling debris and 10 % from other causes.
The manner of death was vile.
Peoples bodies were terribly squeezed, then their internal organs ruptured.
The blast blew the broken bodies at 560 to 1000 miles per hour through the burning hot, stinking air.
In the following months , large numbers died from the effects of burns, radiation sickness and other injuries. Their hair fell out, their gums bled, they vomited blood, and they died.
As stated earlier I can't attach links, but I can assure you I have researched this
The radiation from the attacks caused gene mutations in the survivors and such mutations led to birth defects in the next generation.Survivors had a much higher rate of cancers and tumours .
As an aside, where do you think all the cancers come from now ?
Think about all the thousands of bombs that have been tested in the sky and in the earth and in the sea.
You think that this hasn't got through to us ?
Why bomb such crowded cities full of civilians ?
Why not pick a military target ? I think we know the answer to the above.
It was an extreme act of evil, no matter what lying justifications were given for this almighty crime against humanity.
Surely these days should be remembered more than ever ?
Shouldn't we all hang our heads in shame as we remember this heinous crime ?
The 6th and the 9th August should be Remembrance Days for the whole of humanity..
Two days of reflection, of mourning, of a collective determination that such abominations, must never, but never, happen again.
Two days when the whole world stops its frenzied activities, reflects on our shared humanity, and vows to never repeat what happened on the 6th and the 9th August 1945.
Could two days of International mourning one day lead to the dream that every sane man, woman and child has on this planet, and that is for war to be classified as the greatest crime ever, and for it to be illegal ?
Is it really possible that one beautiful day, the following will happen ?
' And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war no more.'
Isaiah 2.4. King James Version .
Sadako Sasaki ( 7.1.43- 25.10.55 ) who died aged 12 as a result of the attack on Hiroshima wrote these beautiful lines;
' I shall write peace upon your wings, and you shall fly around the world so that children will not have to die this way .'
This is the most moving article I have ever written and has effected me deeply.
The lyrics in the above piece are from a song I wrote about this.
I recorded it, but when I played it back, and , I swear this is true, all I heard were screams and wails.
So, I never managed to hear what I had written.
I didn't try and record it again.
One of the strangest experiences of my life, and, I have had a few.
Mike Selley.
Decades Of Austerity For Greece.
To cheer everyone up who lives in Greece , this really baking hot Monday, read the following.
Decades Of Austerity For Greece.
What, you say ? I thought Greece was at long last emerging from these long bitter years of austerity ?
Yes, I'd love to believe in the tooth fairy and , even more so, Father Christmas, but I'm afraid the
repeated message echoed in quite a few Greek newspapers is quite simply not true. I don't know what the T.V. stations say because I got rid of my television years ago, as I didn't find it any good for my mind.
Forget the lies; the sound bites; the light at the end of the tunnel mantra; the utter bull-- said by highly educated ( so we are told ) liars in their expensive, smart black suits.
They must know that they, in their posh voices, are saying outrageous, blatant, absurd lies that some people actually believe.
If they really believe in what they say, there must be something really wrong with them.
Greece is finally recovering ! Where, for whom ? How does this show ?
Greece has the worst unemployment record of any developed country.
Ask the pensioners how they are better off now .
Where's the growth ? Where's the incentive for people to change Greece for the better ?
Greece is like a cow that is constantly being milked more and more with each passing year.
Soon the milk will stop coming; then what ?
As I have said for years in this blog, even right at the start of the crisis, the cruelty that has been thrust down the throats of the Greeks will not benefit them in any way.
Read below for further confirmation of this awful state of affairs.
Writing in the Washington Post, Matt '0' Brian , former associate editor of the Atlantic, stated;
'Instead of providing stimulus for growth in Greece, it's European creditors are forcing the country into renewed austerity that will last for four decades'..
He also claims that Greece's economy might not get back to where it was in 2008 until 2030..
To add further salt in the wound, he adds;
' Only four economies have shrunk more than Greece's in the last ten years.
Two have been hit by civil wars.
The four countries are;
Equatorial Guinea.'
And now for his final sting in the tail;
' Greece has been one of the biggest economic failures you'll ever see short of war or revolution'.
The above was found in a mainstream Greek newspaper today (6th August 2018 ) and this surprised me , as such gloom and doom is not always reported.
The newspaper is the Greek Reporter. I tried to get a link to this, but was unable to secure this.
If you want confirmation I suggest you read today's English edition, on line .
Anyway, now that has made your day, have a great rest of the week !
Mike Selley.
Decades Of Austerity For Greece.
What, you say ? I thought Greece was at long last emerging from these long bitter years of austerity ?
Yes, I'd love to believe in the tooth fairy and , even more so, Father Christmas, but I'm afraid the
repeated message echoed in quite a few Greek newspapers is quite simply not true. I don't know what the T.V. stations say because I got rid of my television years ago, as I didn't find it any good for my mind.
Forget the lies; the sound bites; the light at the end of the tunnel mantra; the utter bull-- said by highly educated ( so we are told ) liars in their expensive, smart black suits.
They must know that they, in their posh voices, are saying outrageous, blatant, absurd lies that some people actually believe.
If they really believe in what they say, there must be something really wrong with them.
Greece is finally recovering ! Where, for whom ? How does this show ?
Greece has the worst unemployment record of any developed country.
Ask the pensioners how they are better off now .
Where's the growth ? Where's the incentive for people to change Greece for the better ?
Greece is like a cow that is constantly being milked more and more with each passing year.
Soon the milk will stop coming; then what ?
As I have said for years in this blog, even right at the start of the crisis, the cruelty that has been thrust down the throats of the Greeks will not benefit them in any way.
Read below for further confirmation of this awful state of affairs.
Writing in the Washington Post, Matt '0' Brian , former associate editor of the Atlantic, stated;
'Instead of providing stimulus for growth in Greece, it's European creditors are forcing the country into renewed austerity that will last for four decades'..
He also claims that Greece's economy might not get back to where it was in 2008 until 2030..
To add further salt in the wound, he adds;
' Only four economies have shrunk more than Greece's in the last ten years.
Two have been hit by civil wars.
The four countries are;
Equatorial Guinea.'
And now for his final sting in the tail;
' Greece has been one of the biggest economic failures you'll ever see short of war or revolution'.
The above was found in a mainstream Greek newspaper today (6th August 2018 ) and this surprised me , as such gloom and doom is not always reported.
The newspaper is the Greek Reporter. I tried to get a link to this, but was unable to secure this.
If you want confirmation I suggest you read today's English edition, on line .
Anyway, now that has made your day, have a great rest of the week !
Mike Selley.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Greek Fires And Democracy.
I must admit I do not fully understand what this is all about, but I can't help seeing a connection.
The day of those terrible fires was an important day in Greece's history.
The Hellfire took place on 23rd July 2018.
What is so important about this date ?
Well, on 23rd July !974 , the Junta gave power back to the Greek people.
And on 23rd July this year the Greek Government were going to have a celebration in Greece.
On 23rd July 1974 Dimitrios Ionannides gave up his Junta rule and called for a government of national unity.
A day later, self exiled Constatine Karamlis arrives in Greece from France and forms a government.
Celebrations were planned for 23rd July 2018, but were stopped after the awful fires.
My question is; how on earth, could Greece celebrate Democracy when it now , is , so obviously not a democratic country ?
Do the people have any say in anything ?
Remember the famous Referendum asking the Greeks if they wanted austerity, and they replied with an outstanding ' No'.
This was completely ignored
The government in power and the previous ones are simply puppets for their masters in the E.U.
What a joke then to even consider celebrating democracy !
Everyone, unless you're the 1 %, are being robbed blind to pay the banks; there is nothing in it for the Greek people; nothing; zilch, absurdly high taxes, ludicrous bills, and a V A T tax to cripple any business.
Let's celebrate democracy !
What a joke.
What a farce.
So, where do those wicked Greek fires that happened last week fit into all this ?
I really don't know, but I wonder if the spirit of democracy was unleashed and somehow, lost all control, and raged its anger in hellfire, unfortunately killing the very people who, most likely ,
supported democracy.
Or was it the ghosts of the Junta rising up in fury ?
A spirit gone mad ?
As I wrote at the start, I really don't know, but I do find it odd that this truly awful disaster took place on the day it did.
What hidden forces are there which we cannot perceive ?
We observe less than 5% of the Universe.
What beings are we unaware of who cause events to happen in our world ?
If we can only see a tiny bit of the picture, and not the whole picture, we will never know what is really going on.
' There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy'
Shakespeare. Hamlet 1.5.16. 7.8.
..Mike Selley
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Leave Fear And Time Behind...

so simple; just branches from a tree with that inviting blue sky calling out to you.' hey, come and dream in me Come and feel with me, play with me and dance with me'.
No fear hear; only peace and love.
Pure awareness of such natural form whispering to you that you are that which you are.
Imploring you to surrender to your real state of being, but only if you are fully aware without thought after thought tumbling through your ego created mind.
Most of those thoughts are grounded in fear; fear of what could happen in the future; a future that does not even exist but is made up by your imagination.
Fear and time seem to go together. If you look at your fears you will find that almost all of them concern what might happen in the future. Even if you are going away for a holiday, if you are on the fear frequency, you will worry whether the plane will crash, whether you will get ill because of badly cooked food, whether you might drown in the sea and so on and on.The imagination has no barriers when it comes to fear, it has the ability to multiply them and find new fears that you never thought of before.
The fear vibration is a dense and heavy feeling.A nasty feeling that is rigid, formal, closed and dark.
Its primal cause is always the same ; not being in tune with your true ground of being, and letting the false self make you believe that there is only the false self
Most people are stuck on this frequency day and night, like a mouse going round and round on a big wheel, visiting the same fears over and over again. The fears you had as a child are the same ones you
have now, but with different labels.
Apart from your private fears you can add more by looking at the daily news.It's always bad and this will help keep you in that dense and heavy feeling.
It is no way to live, and think what it does to your health.
Fear, of course, as a survival tool is needed. You wouldn't swim in a very rough sea for fear of drowning, or go to near the edge of a cliff in case you fell off. But that natural instinct has lost its original function, and is wrecking the lives of many, who could so easily be living a life worth living.
A shift in perception is the only solution.
Firstly though , to sound zen like, look at your fears fearlessly, that is without attachment to them . Think of each fear as a dark cloud in the sky that you are looking at without emotion.Don't think about them, just observe them. Yes, you will, at the start of doing this sense that heavy dull feeling, but this should pass.
Then the shift in perception.
' Leave the illusion, this crazy confusion,
This poisoned infusion far behind
Throw it off you, that's what you gotta do
To get out of the prison of time.'
Yes, great, but how ?
The answer is in the now. The now that is right here, right now; the only now.
Leave the illusion of the time track you believe you are on. That is a lie, as reality is only now.
And you are the now; the real' I AM' that is you.It is the belief in the time track that is keeping those fears in place.
As Christmas Humphrey wrote in his book;
' You will find that living in the now abolishes regret, and for the future abandons fear.
For who regrets and who is afraid?
We need not be feckless by living happily in now. If we are planning for the future we are planning now because now is the right moment for the job.But we need not live in the future of things planned or feared, nor in the past with vain regret'
From ' A Western Approach To Zen'. page 88 published for the Buddhist Society by George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1971
Omar Khayyam put it this way;
' Ah, love, could thou and I conspire
To change this sorry scheme of things entire
Would we not shatter it to bits and then,
Remould it nearer to our heart's desire ? '
It is only the false self that produces fear and being in the now, the false self is no more.
Every single day steer your attention to the eternal present moment, and be fully aware of it, whatever is taking place.
But be no judge of it; accept it without thinking about it.You will, no doubt, fall by the wayside, as it were, throughout the day, but remember to come back into the true eternal moment.as often as possible.
Our worries are a habit,but the more you practise living in the present, these worries go and are replaced by a far more enjoyable habit of the act of being
The wonderful part of this is it can be done anywhere . You don't need to sit and meditate to do this, but if you want to it might well help.I find walking the easiest way to shift my perception , as I become fully aware of each movement,and it is amazing what you observe as you walk along a familiar street, you will be aware of plants and gates that you never noticed before.And don't be surprised if people you don't know will smile at you , and wish you a good day!.
The secret is to keep reminding yourself to continue doing this, and to not be annoyed if you suddenly go back on the time track, but to gently go into the now again.
The more this is done, the less complicated life becomes.You will also find solutions to what you thought were problems, so it's truly well worth doing
' Go and see your original face
Before you made up time and space
The Prodigal Son went far and wide
Only coming home made him satisfied.
Remove your mask remove your cloak
Find your voice before you spoke
Lift up the veil, see through the crack
Once you're here there's no turning back'
Lyrics from my song; Prison Of Time.
Mike Selley
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