so simple; just branches from a tree with that inviting blue sky calling out to you.' hey, come and dream in me Come and feel with me, play with me and dance with me'.
No fear hear; only peace and love.
Pure awareness of such natural form whispering to you that you are that which you are.
Imploring you to surrender to your real state of being, but only if you are fully aware without thought after thought tumbling through your ego created mind.
Most of those thoughts are grounded in fear; fear of what could happen in the future; a future that does not even exist but is made up by your imagination.
Fear and time seem to go together. If you look at your fears you will find that almost all of them concern what might happen in the future. Even if you are going away for a holiday, if you are on the fear frequency, you will worry whether the plane will crash, whether you will get ill because of badly cooked food, whether you might drown in the sea and so on and on.The imagination has no barriers when it comes to fear, it has the ability to multiply them and find new fears that you never thought of before.
The fear vibration is a dense and heavy feeling.A nasty feeling that is rigid, formal, closed and dark.
Its primal cause is always the same ; not being in tune with your true ground of being, and letting the false self make you believe that there is only the false self
Most people are stuck on this frequency day and night, like a mouse going round and round on a big wheel, visiting the same fears over and over again. The fears you had as a child are the same ones you
have now, but with different labels.
Apart from your private fears you can add more by looking at the daily news.It's always bad and this will help keep you in that dense and heavy feeling.
It is no way to live, and think what it does to your health.
Fear, of course, as a survival tool is needed. You wouldn't swim in a very rough sea for fear of drowning, or go to near the edge of a cliff in case you fell off. But that natural instinct has lost its original function, and is wrecking the lives of many, who could so easily be living a life worth living.
A shift in perception is the only solution.
Firstly though , to sound zen like, look at your fears fearlessly, that is without attachment to them . Think of each fear as a dark cloud in the sky that you are looking at without emotion.Don't think about them, just observe them. Yes, you will, at the start of doing this sense that heavy dull feeling, but this should pass.
Then the shift in perception.
' Leave the illusion, this crazy confusion,
This poisoned infusion far behind
Throw it off you, that's what you gotta do
To get out of the prison of time.'
Yes, great, but how ?
The answer is in the now. The now that is right here, right now; the only now.
Leave the illusion of the time track you believe you are on. That is a lie, as reality is only now.
And you are the now; the real' I AM' that is you.It is the belief in the time track that is keeping those fears in place.
As Christmas Humphrey wrote in his book;
' You will find that living in the now abolishes regret, and for the future abandons fear.
For who regrets and who is afraid?
We need not be feckless by living happily in now. If we are planning for the future we are planning now because now is the right moment for the job.But we need not live in the future of things planned or feared, nor in the past with vain regret'
From ' A Western Approach To Zen'. page 88 published for the Buddhist Society by George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1971
Omar Khayyam put it this way;
' Ah, love, could thou and I conspire
To change this sorry scheme of things entire
Would we not shatter it to bits and then,
Remould it nearer to our heart's desire ? '
It is only the false self that produces fear and being in the now, the false self is no more.
Every single day steer your attention to the eternal present moment, and be fully aware of it, whatever is taking place.
But be no judge of it; accept it without thinking about it.You will, no doubt, fall by the wayside, as it were, throughout the day, but remember to come back into the true eternal moment.as often as possible.
Our worries are a habit,but the more you practise living in the present, these worries go and are replaced by a far more enjoyable habit of the act of being
The wonderful part of this is it can be done anywhere . You don't need to sit and meditate to do this, but if you want to it might well help.I find walking the easiest way to shift my perception , as I become fully aware of each movement,and it is amazing what you observe as you walk along a familiar street, you will be aware of plants and gates that you never noticed before.And don't be surprised if people you don't know will smile at you , and wish you a good day!.
The secret is to keep reminding yourself to continue doing this, and to not be annoyed if you suddenly go back on the time track, but to gently go into the now again.
The more this is done, the less complicated life becomes.You will also find solutions to what you thought were problems, so it's truly well worth doing
' Go and see your original face
Before you made up time and space
The Prodigal Son went far and wide
Only coming home made him satisfied.
Remove your mask remove your cloak
Find your voice before you spoke
Lift up the veil, see through the crack
Once you're here there's no turning back'
Lyrics from my song; Prison Of Time.
Mike Selley
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