Have a day full of Zen.
Have a Zen full of day.
A Lord asked Takuan, a Zen teacher. how he might pass the time.
The reply ?
As follows.
' This day will not come again.
Each minute is worth a priceless gem '.
But most of us take each day for granted as just another day, and yet each moment is precious, a wonderful chance to be and see the truth of being.
We are slaves to our endless thoughts, entrapped in our cave where the light does not come in.
The cave dissolves when we stop our endless thinking and listen to the silence that we are;when we become aware of the awareness that we are.
Instead of the being the receiver of sensations and perceptions, turn that concept on its head and focus your attention on that which is aware of what it is aware of and you will find the 'I AM,' the awareness that is really you..
' You cannot describe it, you cannot picture it,
You cannot admire it, you cannot sense it.
It is your true self, it has nowhere to hide.
When the world is destroyed, it will not be destroyed .'
What can one say ?
It is beyond words.
Words and language keep us in bondage and are the seeds of thought.
If you can break out of the cage of words, you will be free.
' An instant realization sees endless time.
Endless time is one moment.
When one comprehends the endless moment
He realises who or what is seeing it.'
The who or what is the real you, the awareness, the now that you are.
' In spring, hundreds of flowers, in autumn a harvest moon.
In summer, a refreshing breeze, in winter snow will accompany you.
If useless things do not hang in your mind,
Any season is a good season for you .'
In other words accept what is without complaining. ' oh, it's too hot.' or ', oh, it's too cold '. but surrender to
how things are and accept the wonder of being.
'Words cannot describe everything.
The heart's message cannot be delivered in words.
If one receives words literally , he will be lost.
If he tries to explain with words, he will not attain enlightenment in this life.'
Once again back to the entrapment of words. Beyond words the truth is to be found.
' Do not fight with another's bow and arrow.
Do not ride another's horse.
Do not discuss another's faults.
Do not interfere with another's work.'
Wise words for our everyday living. In other words ,' mind your own business'.
These saying were taken from that little gem of a book; ' Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.' published by Pelican in 1971.The comments though are mine.
A book I keep by my bedside and jump into it whenever I can.
Mike Selley.
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