You see on August 21st 2018, balloons are going to fly, rainbows will fill the sky, stars will shine like they have never shone, the sun will have a huge smile on its face, water will turn into wine,the Greek Gods of old will be seen in the clouds,those stolen marbles will be returning, the light at the end of the tunnel will be blinding and angels will be singing ' Hail To The New Greece '.
It's Over.
Those awful years of austerity.
You all suffered, but now you will see that it was all worth it
All those years of counting those lovely euros, trying to save up to pay the highest bills in Europe, yet with the lowest wages.
Explaining to your children as they cried with toothache how you couldn't afford a dentist.
Watching your grandma and grandpa get ill because they couldn't afford medicine.
Eating food that is cheap , but is very unhealthy.
Dreading the next bill.
Dreading any unexpected extra expenditure.
Living each day with that feeling of ' no hope'
Seeing any money you have been taken from you by the state.
Running around with bills, dashing to the bank to pay each bill on time
Unable to pay the rent this month, unable to buy you grandchild a bar of chocolate.
Unable to pay the mortgage, because you lost your job.
Crying because your children have left Greece to go to another country where they will earn a decent wage.
Feeling your pride and dignity vanish.
Year after year after year with no end in sight.
Going on and on and on, each year with more cuts to your money.
I'm amazed that there hasn't been a revolution in Greece, but that's for another blog post.
Don't worry though, it has now all come to an end.
Everybody's happy , everybody's smiling.
Here Comes The Sun.
This is according to those who rule.
Well, they don't really rule; they carry out orders from foreign powers.
So. on 21st August lets all celebrate that all those dark days are gone.
Of course it won't continue for decades to come.
What gave you that idea ?
Surely not those dire predictions from those in the know ?
Don't listen to them as they are ignorant fools.
The dark suited ones who have been taking about 40 euro out of every 100 euro you earn are the wise ones.
Don't worry, as next week Tsipiras will wear a tie.
This is the signal that we are now free.
Free at long last will be the message.
And Santa Clause can't wait to come down your chimney four months earlier this year.
But don't tell the pensioners who are going to have another cut in their pensions on January the first next year, to make sure it's a great new year for them.
Recently Pierre Moscovic, the E.U( or Endless Unfairness) commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs announced proudly that Europe is collectively stronger as the Greece Bailout ends on August 20th 2018.
Maybe the banks are laughing, but what about the ordinary Greek?
You may be interested to know that the aforementioned Mr. Moscovic has a salary of over 27,000 Euros a month according to Wikipedia.
Nice work if you can get it.
Other gems he said;
' Today Greece has returned to growth.'
Yes, we can see this all around us, can't we ?
' The time for austerity is over.'
Ask the pensioners.
' We have done our best to help the Greek people '.
To help the Greek people ?
How the hell have the last eight years helped the Greeks?
I really wonder how these people sleep at night.
Who are they ?
A different species of humanity ?
Or, are they not human ?
The words that the E.U Commissioner said were found in The Hellas Journal dated 18th August 2018.
So , next week, bake cakes, buy wine and celebrate.
The gap between reality and spin is really just unbelievable.
That though is the age we live in, sadly enough.
Mike Selley.
Mike Selley.
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