Sunday, July 14, 2013

Our World Of Lies.


For many, a lot of what you are going to read will seem very strange and against your belief system. For others, some of what you read will hit home, and you will know that what you are reading is the truth.You will feel like you have met an old friend who you haven't seen for years.That happened to me when I came across various wonderful sayings that have been given to us by great teachers. I just knew that what they said was true.
You see, the simple truth is that you are living in a world of lies,  but are unaware of this great deception.I don't mean how the Politicians, the Bankers, Big Pharma lie to us all the time. I mean the entire set up, from birth to death.
For starters, you believing you are, is a fiction.
"Life is an illusion,but a persistent one".
Do you know who said that?
Is it an old Indian saying?
No.Einstein said it.
Strangely enough, the greatest teachers of the human race all said the same thing.
The enlightened Zen Master, D.T. Suzuki, who helped spread Zen to the West, through his wonderful books, said;
"The idea of being is the product of false thinking. Because of this,there is subject and object,which we call an error".(Living By Zen page 42,published by Rider.)
Also:"The triple world exists only because of the mind".(Essays In Zen Buddhism, page 183, Published By Rider)
And this from another great teacher, Blofeld,in his book,Zen Teaching Of Hui Hai:
"The vast Universe is a creation of our own minds existing in that mind with which our minds in truth are identical".
What's more, Quantum Physics is coming to the same conclusion.
Grasp this; an Atom only exists if you measure it. Read that again. Do you realize what this means?
It means that we create the Atom- and everything else?
We are imagining everything. Our brains(which are, as we shall see later, an illusion) create our reality.
As the famous Astronomer, James Jean ,said:
"Today there is a wide measure of agreement that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non- mechanical reality. The Universe begins to look more like a great thought, than a machine".
The act of seeing takes place in the brain Every experience we have is actually taking place in a tiny part of your brain."
The Astronomer, Arthur Eddington, put it like this:
"The stuff of the Universe is mind stuff".
Seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling,are all signals in your brain.You are not seeing anything out there-outside yourself.
So everything we see as matter is only electrical impulses in our brain.
Matter has no existence outside of the mind.
When you sleep, you dream and believe that what you dream is real.It is just the same in our 'awake' state.
"Waking life is a dream controlled"G. Santayana.
It must be understood that although we perceive that 'reality' is'only' taking place in our heads,our heads don't exist either!
Everything ,including our bodies, is imagined by us. Through our five senses we are interpreting data which we then transform into the world we live in.
From the Cybernetics field ,David Foster said:
"Our brains mathematically construct reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending Time and Space. The Brain is a Hologram interpreting a Holographic Universe".
Quantum Physics also states that everything in our world is in wave form. Plus, the person doing the experiment influences the outcome, so consciousness changes the results.
Everything is frequencies; think of when you watch T.V.or listen to the Radio,  you are tuned to a certain frequency
We are tuned to the frequency that gives us the illusion of this Universe.
If we could change our frequency (as you can on a Radio, to change stations) we would no longer be in this Universe, but on another frequency, experiencing a different set of images,in another Universe.
It is suspected that there are countless (though some claim there are eleven) Universes (other frequencies) all around us.
I know it is hard to believe after a lifetime of being taught that we live in a material Universe, to discover that there is no such thing as matter.
Look at the table. To your touch it feels solid, but it is not solid at all.
Everything that appears solid is the same.
There is far more empty space in that table than anything else.
We interpret the Universe this way.
Everything is made up by the mind.
And the mind, the body, the brain, they are all made up too.
"If it vibrates, it is illusion:"David Icke.

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