Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pop Goes The Devil.

On a stage  stands a well known popular singer. The audience are going apeshit with excitement . Occult symbols are all over the stage. The singer, dressed in strange coloured clothes, keeps chanting, 'Rain Man, Rain Man'. The audience join in and chant with her.. She tells them to hold their hands up in the  air in a certain way. They do.  She is their Goddess; they are her disciples.

Are they alone ?

Are they joined by beings from another dimension , who, because of the ritual that is being done; because of the fever - pitch of emotions and the chanting, find that they can enter our frequency ?

Are these beings Demons from Hell ?

The occult symbolism that is rampant in pop videos raises a few questions..

Firstly, why is this done ?

Is it because it is in vogue, as it were.Or, is there a more sinister reason behind it ?

Sites likes Vigilant Citizen support the latter idea, and offer pretty convincing proof to support this.

See :

What though, is the point of showing the singer covering one eye , or having an inverted cross flashed on the screen, or a pyramid, or even a being with horns suddenly appearing ?

Is it simply done to shock us ? Or-

Have these artists sold their souls to the Devil ?

Is that it ?

It sounds amazing to imagine so many singers involved in Satanism or Black Magic.

I don't think that consciously they are aware of doing this.The theory I suggest is the following:

You have a young singer whose heart is filled with an obsessive, aching desire, and that is to be famous; to be adored; to be worshiped by millions. This is their constant thought pattern every single moment.

Such aspirations would tune them into the same frequency that the entities from a lower dimension are on.

Christian western terminology would call this place  ( the other dimension ) Hell.

The original angel who was cast out of Heaven was very beautiful. and, because of this, very vain. He thought he was superior to God, and his pride ruined him, as God threw him from Heaven with a third of his followers.

This is the ' myth' that the Bible teaches.

No doubt, this is a simplified version of a far more complex story that our level of intelligence, or awareness, would not comprehend.

For the sake of my theory though, let's stick with the God being angry with the angel myth.

According to the Bible this is the Devil's World.

People who have the same mindset as the fallen angels attract demons.

Just look at people like Tony Blair. What did he want ? To be well known, to have power, influence and money. He got all these things but because he wanted such illusions , I suggest a Demon or Demons took him over.

The same could well apply to those whose burning desire is to be famous. The very desire would attract a Demon who would enter a person and take over his or her life.

Is it possible that the music industry bosses are possessed by demons, as well as the main pop songwriters and directors of pop videos, who therefore put in Satanic signs, symbols and lyrics in the songs and videos, as the Demons make them do this ?

Even though the musicians are unaware that they  are really possessed, so many lives fall apart as the Demons love chaos and create this and confusion in their lives. It's in the nature of the beast. That's why so many famous people in the world of pop crack up, kill themselves, or end up hopeless junkies or alcoholics.

I also suspect that some are into Black Magic. Rumours have  been around for years that Led Zeppelin were, after it came to light that Jimmy Page owned Alistair Crowley's  ( the King of Magicians ) house, heavily into the dark arts. It is strange that they are said to be the richest rock band in the world.

Another band- The Eagles are also accused of being into Black Magic. An early L.P cover of theirs was full of occult imagery, and their song,'Hotel California ' is thought by some to be about Devil worship.

And what about the Rolling Stones,' Sympathy For The Devil ' ? Someone was killed in a concert in America while the Stones were performing this song..

Consider the following quotes made by some famous musicians.

" Rock has always been the Devil's music---I believe rock and roll is dangerous--- I feel we're only heralding something even darker than ourselves "
David Bowie in The Rolling Stone magazine on 12.2. 1976.

" I'm the Devil's advocate. We have our own worshipers who are called groupies. Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a God."
Frank Zappa, said just before he died.

" I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I would sell my soul,".
Bon Jovi in Smash Hits Magazine.

When you consider that we are only aware of about 5 to 7 % of what is around us, this opens up the door  to a thousand possibilities.

Are Demons all around us, just waiting to be invited in to our bodies , and as long as the conditions are right they will enter ?

Don't get me wrong though, I still love rock and roll..

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