Wednesday, November 13, 2013

British Royal Family Animal Killers.

How awful the British Royal Family are.It's truly frightening the way the British Press ( well, The Daily Mail ,in particular) makes out that they are wonderful, wonderful, normal people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Would you want to spend your leisure time killing innocent animals ? This is their favourite activity. They go on holidays for the sole purpose of killing other living beings ! And people cheer them ? A nation that is meant to love animals more than most, and yet they go balmy for a sight of these animal killers. If the truth was published in the main stream media of how cruel and  twisted these perverts are there would be an outcry.
The image we are shown of the royal family is the exact opposite of what they are.

They are- well, you work it out when you read the following.which was taken from a video on Vimeo called,' Royal Babylon; The Criminal Record Of The Royal Family.'

By 1993 the Duke of Edinburgh, the owner of 56 shooting rifles had brought down 30,000 birds from the sky; he had killed two crocodiles, as well as scores of wild boars, several hundred stags and an Indian tiger.
He has also killed hare, wild duck, woodcock, pigeon, partridge and a few mother and baby elephants.

At his Norfolk kill parties 150.000 animals have been murdered by him and his sick, sick , rich friends.

If the Duke injures a bird, a dog will get it and drop it at the Queen's feet. She will then beat it to death with a stick.
Prince Phillip's particular love is to shoot wild boar in Germany.One day the Prince and his son Charles killed 50 wild boar in a single day. I bet they celebrated that.

Prince Andrew took his daughter out to kill animals when she was six years old. Andy loves to murder rabbits.

Prince William ( yes the same one the Daily Mail ejaculates over ) killed his first stag when he was fourteen years old. He was then covered in the blood from the stag.
If that isn't black magic, then I don't know what is.

Wake up. These people are evil, evil ,evil. They are cruel parasites who love to inflict suffering or death on whoever they fancy.The British are robbed to keep these pathetic actors on a stage where they act  in a play that everyone is forced to applaud, thanks to the main stream media.

The next few months though, will only scream how wonderful the British Royals are., as another parasite is due to be born, who will, no doubt, be taught to kill innocent animals from a very young age.

I get the impression that they are terrified of being found out who they really are; a family of psychopaths, who should really be in an asylum.

Mike Selley.

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