A lot of newspapers are giving predictions for 2013. Most of these seem more like guesses,based on what is taking place in the world now.I mean, to say that trouble will continue in the Middle East ( as it has for the last sixty years ) is pretty obvious.Europe going through turmoil is also a certainty.
The only interesting prediction is that people will start taking up crafts such as, woodwork, knitting and suchlike. This is probably true, as why buy something ,in these tight-fisted times, when you can make it yourself.
Anyway, I thought to be different, I wouldn't write about next year, but about life in say, a hundred years time. These predictions probably sound absurd as they are extreme, I admit. But , who would have believed a hundred years ago, the sort of high-tech world we now live in..
So here goes. Imagine the year is 2113.
The discovery in the early 21st century that showed everything was vibration led to some startling inventions that changed the world.
This led to one of the greatest inventions of all time ; The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask
An interesting name that has baffled many as to what it actually meant.What it can do still amazes everyone.
You hold the small stick like rod in your hand and whatever you say, while you wave your Weave Accelerator Luminous Damask, will appear before your eyes.
This amazing piece of stick works by 'capturing ' the vibrations in your words., and then converts the vibrations into 'formed' ' images, formed 'things '.
If you said clearly' A beautiful garden'.the instrument would decode the vibrations of the words, and then make the vibrations turn into what appears to be form
Because of its rather pompous title - The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask- most people called it by its initials, W. A. N . D . or wand for short.
Some few very elderly people have sworn that they used to, when children, read books about wands.No one believed them, of course, as they are probably senile, they muttered.
Man will be able to fly unaided. This was a major breakthrough in not only the aviation world, but , the whole world was changed by this.
The funny part was when we found it was so easy, we couldn't understand why we hadn't flown before.
It all started in about 2025 when Doctor Belefan opened, almost overnight, a chain of his ' Power Of Belief'
workshops in every major town across the world.
In his prospectus he claims he has actual proof that belief can really move mountains.He goes on to say that instead of moving mountains, why not fly above them ? Simple, easy to understand instruction booklet shows how to fly in 7 simple steps.
No media took any notice of him, until the workshops were said to actually teach normal people to fly, as this was the sober truth. That was how it was until one day , a live show had a man in the audience suddenly fly up above them, then all round the theatre, shouting: " I can do this because I believe it, I can do this because I believe it', over and over again.This was on national , prime time Holo-T.V.
That was all it took for an explosion of interest in the art of flying.Dr. Belfan always started his talks with memorable,' Learning to fly is like learning to ride a bike. You have to believe that, despite the way it looks, you won't fall off" and: " Come Fly With Me, It's easy you see, set the whole world free.As its meant to be."
type quotes.
Dr. Belefan had said," We now know that our life and everything else is illusion, and is Just the same as a
dream one dreams at night.Many people can do 'lucid dreaming ', when in the eyes -closed dream state. All I'm saying in do lucid dreaming in the eye wide open dream state.In this way you will learn to fly.
Just the same as in a dream,as in a dream, we know, when we wake up that in the dreamstate we could have flown, but didn't. We know, that in a dream state we have the potential to do, anything. The strange part is we hardly ever do anything much different from our everyday life.Why is this, wondered researchers, who discovered that humankind had been programmed to reject the idea of self-flying;
The Elite did not want the people to know they could fly, and that is why in almost every country in the world children were forced to go to a school at about the age of five. The real reason for this was the Elite knew that the instinct of flying came into play at the age of five or close to.The children's minds were drenched in highly diverting, brand new total information overload. The child was no longer in the safe, secure nest with his mother and his brother with that feeling of warmth, but out alone, for the first time, in a cold ,strange, new world.The instinct to fly simply got lost under the garbage, and it was done on purpose.
Walking Through Walls.Just a hundred years ago the masses and the scientists would have not believed that one day we would walk through walls. It would have been seen as a joke.
This is the same as the flying strategy.Once it was determined that it was only our belief system that prevented us doing this, slowly a few people started to walk through walls, Nowadays everybody can.
It is simply a question of thinking that you can do this and imagining the wall is pleased with what you are doing, as this will change the walls vibration to enable your 'body' to walk through it.
The stumbling block up to the early part of the 21st century was that people could not muster enough belief.
This all changed when Dr Bradwardine proved in theory first and then in practice that if used correctly if you believed you could move a mountain, you would move that mountain.He also claimed., outlandishly, that we could do almost anything if we believed that we could do it.
Dr. Bradwardine said ," Once you really know, just know, that all this is your imagination, projecting dramas onto what appears to be an outside world, it slowly dawns on you that you are a creator and can create what you want and how you want .So you simply start doing that.You are master of your imagination, and for once, millions started using their mind in the way it was designed to be used; to create."
Time Travel.After Quantum scientists discovered that everything, the entire past and the entire future is taking place right now , in this very moment, in this 'now', doors were flown open to allow us look at the world in a totally different way.
Dr. Nebogipfel had said, that if you were on a distant planet far away from earth, you could, if you had a powerful enough telescope , be able to look at the world and see it as it was, say 500 years ago.This was certainly no knew idea.Most people knew, for example, that it took about 8 minutes for the image of the sun to travel to our eyes, so we are seeing the sun as it was eight minutes ago.
This fact led to Dr. Nebogipfel to think that if we could somehow be on a distant planet, or in some point in space , we would, and this was agreed by all scientists and scholars, view parts of our history in its 'reality'.
The good Doctor suddenly wondered could we time travel without going to a distant planet ? Could we experience what we would experience if we were on that distance world spying on an old fashioned earth.
He then invented one of the most amazing inventions in the history of the world, the Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot Lens.What this did was to transmit an 'impulse' to a point in space.This was done by the impulse jumping out of this dimension, to enter a timeless frequency range, and then returning to our universe at the moment of contact of the 'impulse; and the location.The 'impulse,by jumping out of time again, returns to earth' with the ' captured time-frame'
Having this captured time frame meant that the past could be viewed on earth
The Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot Lens was a bit of a mouthful, so people called it by its initials, H.G. Wells.
Time Travel To The Future.Seeing into the future had already been achieved in the late 20th century. It was then called,'Remote Viewing" and it worked. These 'Remote Viewers'. employed mostly by the American Military, could really see what was going to happen in the future. There was not much talk about it, and it must have been suppressed by the Elite.
Dr.D.Dare was a firm believer in the notion that we are tremendously powerful and whatever we focused our attention on, we could do. He preached the wonders of seeing into the future.His assistant Prof, Digby even claimed that he could actually change himself into a frog, but he can't see the point in doing this, so doesn't do it.
What became obvious was that seeing into the future, wasn't seeing into THE future, but a possible future based on the current information available.
As we are creators, it dawned on us that , if we didn't like the look of the' projected future'all we need do is create our own future, the one our conscious mind wants, and thereby erase the ' projected future'.This was done by visualization, which became popular in the early part of the last century.
Because of the creative spirit filling the earth, nowadays nearly everybody can achieve results with visualization.
This year, 2113, is the 50th Anniversary of "No War, No Money Day". The glorious day when every country in the world signed a pledge and enshrined in law the illegality of all war , and the making in any shape or form of weapons was strictly forbidden.
The Peace And Security Humanitarian Act made war an illegal act. Any making of any types of weapon was also deemed against the law.
The punishment for such crimes was called," Banishment". Any person engaged in war like activities would be banished to a distant planet, called,"Hades" where they will live with their own kind, all left to their own devices. Inhabitants of nearby and distant planets are forbidden to go there, as it is classified as one of the most dangerous places in the universe.
The other law that was passed 50 years ago was the "Termination Of Money Act "This simply was the abolishment of finance in any form. The exchange of money for goods and service were also outlawed.
The Galactic Elders had given us a very stern warning in 2029 that it was essential that war and money were taken out of society, They had caused too much pain for far too long, and both war and money would destroy us.
Well, even if we won't be able to fly, walk through walls, time travel and wave magic wands to get whatever we want, and decide our own future, if the above two laws were made that would change the world more than anyone walking through walls, or soaring through time..