!,100 magazines,9000 radio stations,2,400 publishers owned by only 3 corporations."
David Icke Site.
So now we know why they are all saying the same rubbish, and telling the same lies.
2." Most of the school shooters in America were on anti- depressants."
"30 million Americans are today taking anti-depressants."
Fox News.
This is from a mainstream media outlet and , for once, appears to be reporting the truth.Big Pharma will, of course claim that there is no possible link with shooting and their poisons. People do not matter to them as the only thing they care about is profit.
3." Your body, because it is made up of atoms, is roughly, 99.99999% empty space."
Article by Paol Chang.found on Waking Times site.
It is all illusion, and we are in a fevered dream with our eyes wide-open
4. "The Universe is overwhelmingly made up of things that cannot be seen.In fact the stars, planets and galaxies that can be detected make up only 4% of the Universe.The other 96% is made up of substances that cannot be seen or easily comprehended."
Denize Chow. Space.com. site.
5.". A man with a knife has wounded 22 children- at least 2 of them seriously- and an adult at a primary school in China.The attack happened as pupils were arriving for class..".
B.B.C. 14.12.2012.
This happened on the same day as the shooting in America; it took place about an hour before the American tragedy. Now that is weird........
6."If you reach a crossroads where you can go right or left, the present universe gives rise to two daughter universes; one in which you go right, and one in which you go left.And in each universe there's a copy of you
witnessing one or the other outcome- thinking incorrectly that your reality is the only reality."
Brian Green,"The Hidden Reality."
7. "Al Gore is a descendant of Edward 1, Roman Emperors Louis 1,11 and Charles 11 and is a direct descendant of Charlemagne which makes him a distant cousin of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush "
Michael Tsarion, "Where History Ends DVD ".
8." Scientists wonder whether maths is simply a useful tool for describing the universe, or whether maths itself is the fundamental reality, and our observations of the universe are just imperfection perceptions of its true mathematical nature. If the latter is the case, then perhaps the particular mathematical structure that makes up our universe isn't the only option and , in fact, all possible mathematical situations exist as their own separate
Yahoo News. 14 12 2012.
9. " A Chinese spacecraft has carried out a deep space fly-by on an asteroid four and a half million miles away from the Earth.It happened on December 13. 2012. The asteroid is 2.7 miles long and 1.5 miles wide.The asteroid that is thought to have destroyed the dinosaurs was about 6 miles wide.
Astronomers say it is considered a potentially hazardous asteroid, because it makes repeated passes by Earth every 4 years."
The Daily Mail 16.12.2012.
Nasa recently released a video called,"Why the world didn't end yesterday ".This was going to come out on 22 12 2012 ( the day after the dreaded- or longed for- 21.12.2012 ),but they decided to release it early.
I have watched the video, and they go out of their way to assure us that we are as safe as houses ( which aren't that safe anymore thanks to sudden eruptions of extreme weather ).This asteroid though surely throws some space debris on their claims.
10." 43 U.S. Presidents have carried European Royal bloodlines.34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eight century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward 111 of England..The President with the most Royal genes has won every American election."
Ancestry co.U.K.Article dated 7.5.2008.
If you check out Charlemagne in Wikipedia, you'll see that he spent most of his time starting wars.
According to Answers.site he once beheaded 4000 saxons in one day.
We have always been ruled by the bloodthirsty elite who like to keep it in the family.
As David Icke put it; "American Presidents are not elected by ballot, but by blood ."
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