Nausea Sause Pork.
Tasteless Coffee.
Smell Of Urine Mixed With Dried.
Half-grilled Chicken And Herpes.
Stir-fried Wikipedia.
Crap Egg With Bamboo Flavour.
Wild Speculation.
Saliva Of A Chicken Product.
Chocolate Puke.
From The Daily Mail dated 26 12. 2012. They have pictures of the actual menus in the newspaper, to prove, I suppose, that they didn't make the dishes names up.I think that Chocolate Puke is the best one.
2." Traffic Wardens given tape measures to fine motorists 70 pounds for parking more than 19 inches from the kerb."
The Daily Mail .26.12.2012.
No doubt the next law will be that cars have to park precisely 1 inch away from the kerb, and anyone who doesn't do this will be fined 100 pounds.
3." Toy footballs have to be stamped with a warning that they are a choking hazard for the under threes, despite balls being bigger than an adults head. This is a new E.U. regulation."
The Daily Mail dated 26.12 2012.
That's the sort of joke you might have heard in a comedy show 10 years ago.What sort of person thinks up a law like this one ? Are they laughing in our faces ?
4." A 45 year old man discovered a super-rare perfectly round egg in a box of eggs he had got from a supermarket in London.The egg cost him 21 pence. He sold it on e-bay for 91 pounds."
The Daily Mail.
I guess the yolks on the person who paid 91 pounds for the egg.
5." A survey of 2000 parents conducted by Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City revealed what children aged 3 to 12 in the U.K. wanted for Christmas.Here is the top ten wants.
1.Baby brother or sister.
2. Reindeer.
6. Chocolate
!0. Dad.
From the Daily Mail dated 26.12.2012.
Item number 9 must have cheered parents up. No more expensive high tech-toys;.
.We can now give them free rocks and lots of them.
Item number 10 though is rather sad.
6." The Queen Of England owns land valued at over 17 trillion pounds; that is in figures-
17,600,000,000,000 pounds.She owns 6600 million acres ( perhaps that should be 6,66acres ); this is one sixth of the Earth's non-ocean surface. This would make her the richest person in the world."
Chris Spivey's Site
I suspect that the Rothschild family are richer.
7.A ban on hunting with dogs was made law under the Labour government in 2005. And yet today, Boxing Day, an estimated 300 Boxing Day hunts gather up and down the country in the U.K. for the busiest day of the season ...
It has been said that enforcing the restriction wastes police time and it is suggested that some officers turn a blind eye to breaches of the law."
The Guardian dated 26.12.2012.
Fox Hunting is a cruel sport that is very popular with the seriously rich. Killing all types of animals and birds is something that the Elite love to do.If they don't like the law they simply refuse to obey it.The police who are their guard dogs, don't want to bite the hand that feeds them,so don't do their duty.
We, of course, blindly obey any law ( such as the No Smoking one ) no matter how stupid it is,which shows how stupid we are.
8." Prince Harry Celebrates Christmas With British Troops In Afghanistan ."
The Daily Telegraph..
Highly suspicious. What a grand opportunity for photos of the brave Prince doing his duty in a far flung distant land, just like thousands of others who forsake their loved ones for' Queen and country'.
And what a strange article follows this headline.In the article of about 500 words Prince Harry is mentioned once.They say that the Prince has marked Christmas just like any other troop, and that is all they say about him. The rest of the article makes no mention of the Prince at all.
In a string of articles in the Royalty, sucking and sniffing Daily Mail in the last month we were told over and over again that Prince Harry was going to serve Christmas Dinner to the troops. What a great photo and video opportunity this would have been. splashed over all the papers.
How odd then, that there is not one photo in any main stream media showing Harry in Afghanistan. They might , of course, be shown later in the week, but if they are not, and anyone dares ask why there are no pics of the Prince, I know exactly what the Palace will say. They will mutter two words," Security reasons.", which is bunkum.
You know I suspect that he is nowhere near Afghanistan this Christmas. Maybe he's in Las Vegas again going in the nude.
9." Soccer star David Beckham is blowing 250,000 pounds taking his family on a Christmas break to paradise. He and his wife and their four kids will spend 11 nights at the luxury one and only Reethi Rah resort in the Malvides.
The Beckham's suit costs 8,600 pounds a night or 6 pounds a minute.+ 3 more each costing 3,700 a night, taking the room bill alone to 217,000 pounds.
Dinner in this swish establishment will cost at least 150 pounds each per night.
The Daily Mirror. 26.12.2012.
Amazing that you can have so much money by just kicking a ball around a field.
10." Middle class couples who need residential care in old age, in the U.K could be hit with bills as high as 150,000 pounds.
In addition they will have to meet accommodation costs- bed and board.This could tip the total up to 200,000 pounds."
The Daily Telegraph. 26.12.2012.
The Elite want people to sell their homes, so they can't leave them for their children.The plan is to take everything they can from us and house us in government units like detention centres. Yes, I know it sounds far out, and I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but the way things are unfolding now, I very much fear that this is their true plan.
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