William Casey Ex- C.I.A Director.
2." It's the money-changers; they're sick, they're psychopaths, they're addicts; they are money junkies..They can't get enough money. They don't care who dies, who lives, as long as they can get their fix just like any other junkie."
Gerald Celente.
3." The individual is handicapped in coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it."
J. Edgar Hoover. Ex F.B.I. Director.
4." If we go to war with Iran it's the beginning of the 3rd World War. "
Gerald Celente.
5." When you no longer believe everything you think, you become aware and realize that the thinker is not who you are."
Ekhart Tolle.
6. "Everything they have done, whether it's in the military, whether it's in finance, whether it's in education, they fail.It's a freak show.You have a bunch of freaks who are psychopaths, and they give themselves names
such as President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, Secretary Of State. You know who these people are ? The same people you hated at high school."
Gerald Celente.
7." Everytime something bad happens, people cry out for safety, and the government answers by taking rights away from good people."
Pen Jillette.
8. " They'll take your time and your life. They send you to war for fake reasons; they rob your money and give it to their friends in broad daylight. "
Gerald Celente.
O.K there are a lot of Gerald Celente quotes here and for good reason. This guy predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall; he predicted 9.11; he predicted the great depression we are now in. He claims no supernatural power, but simply watches events and comes to conclusions. on what will happen next.Here are two great quotes from Celente, after he was asked what we, as individuals should do in these troubled times.
9." Find your passion and live it. Find the greatness within yourself.It will never change until the individual changes; until they find the strength within themselves to become physically and morally strong. Build the inner unit and everything around you will begin to change."
Gerald Celente.
10." The system has to come down and a new one has to be built. That's what a revolution is. It's not guns, it's not ' When Johnny Come Marching Home Again '.It's a whole different thing. Let's have a revolution of the mind and the heart.Grab from the past that was great and bring it into the future.".
Gerald Celeste.
Right on !
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