This staggeringly blatant lie is a statement found on their site.
"Ho.ho.ho," as Santa would say.Tell that to the Greeks. A bit like the World Health Organization that claims to promote health around the world, but its real aim appears to be to make us very ill or to kill us, by giving us as many vaccinations as possible.The vaccines are, if anyone bothers to check, full of poisons..
2." Using hyperspace theory,'matter', is viewed as vibrations that ripple through space and time.From this follows the idea that everything we see, from people to planets, is nothing but vibrations in hyperspace."
Clifford A. Pickover in his book 'Surfing Through Hyperspace', page 15.
Do you think that Flouride is good for you ? That's what we've been told. Keep brushing your teeth with Flouride has been the message for 60 years.Dr. Burke though has a different take on this.
3." In point of fact, Flouride causes more cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical".
Dr.Dean Burke Ph.d. He should know as he worked at the National Cancer Institute for 34 years.A number of countries have Flouride added to the water supply.It also lowers I. Q.
4." You must unlearn what you've been 'programmed' to believe from birth.That software no longer serves you if you want to live where all things are possible."
Jacqueline .E. Purcell.
5." The country which is nowhere is the real home."
Master Lu Tzu.
If you understand this you've got it .
6" History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."
George Santayana.
7." Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture, will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."
8." A wise man makes his own decisions. An ignorant man follows public opinion."
Chinese Proverb.
9." Every action, either physical or mental, every movement occurring either on the plane of gross matter or on the plane of the mind, causes an emission of energy- it produces a seed.
This seed, in the same way as all material seeds, tends,- given favourable circumstances- to produce a being of the same species as that of the parent who has transmitted the seed.
The seed of an oak tends to produce an oak; the seed of a dog , produces a dog
Likewise, the innumerable energy seeds launched in the universe by Desire, Aversion, Love, Hatred;
all these seeds tend to reproduce the counterparts of their parents , either psychic or material."
Alexandra David-Neel and Lama Yongden. in "The Secret Oral Teaching In Tibetan Buddhist Sects".
10." In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away."
Shing Xiong.
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