Thursday, January 31, 2013

Greek Crisis - Worst Over !!

" The worst of the crisis is over."

Now, that is good news, is it not ?

It must be true as two of the brightest minds in Greek politics, the caring , compassionate Finance Minister, and The Governor of the Bank Of Greece  ( yes, he's in politics ) both read off the same sheet music. Not only did Mr. Yiannis Stournaras, a graduate from the University of Athens, and a holder of a Masters' degree in Economic Theory and Policy from Oxford University, assure us that the worst of the crisis is over, but also the Governor of the Bank Of Greece, told a reporter at the Financial Crimes- I mean  Times Newspaper only this week that hey, things are looking up.

Truly amazing. The Governor of the Bank Of Greece seemed very excited about something he called 'bonds'.This is something, not to do with  James or Skyfall, but is a term used in banking circles, which means absolutely nothing to your average Spiros or Maria.

I don't understand all the strange jargon these economic types use, but I do understand the following

Today as I write, there are no boats, ferries, cats, flying frogs or dolphins slicing through water or hovering above it.None of those archaic ferries that are so slow you are never quite sure whether the boat is actually moving; no sign of flying dolphins that delight in going out in high winds so you feel you're on a fairground ride.

Going to dry land and things are no better. The stars must have decided that it's not a good day for travel in Greece today.

There are no buses or trolley buses in Athens.The Proastiakos Suburban Railway and Trains  on the Hellenic Railways Organization ( OSE ) are also out of action.

However, the capital's metro, electric railway and tram will run normally. They would have been on strike too, if it hadn't been for the fact that the strikers were threatened with arrest if they had continued their 9 day stoppage.

When any government doesn't like what the people are doing , they simply change the rules of the game so that they can win. This is what they did here.
The 9 day strike meant loss of revenue of about 6 million euro in ticket sales, and this was, no doubt, a major factor- not the only one, as they want to frighten other possible strikers- in the issuing of Civil Mobilization Orders to the strikers. Fear is their weapon of choice.

Not to be left out, the Public Power Corporation Workers Union is also on a 24 hour strike in support of transport employees. This is a bit of good news for those poor souls living in fear of their electricity being cut off, as I presume, this is one day they won't be doing this.

It's not a good day to be seriously ill. Hospital and Healthcare centres will only have skeleton staff, as doctors and nurses walk off the job to protest shortages and poor working conditions.Unions claim that there is a lack of 6,000 extra doctors and another 20,000 hospital staff.

Oh yes, and the Civil Servants Union ADEDY  has told its members to walk off the job from noon .

However,Yiannis Stournaras, the Finance Minister, assures us that the worst of the crisis is over.He should know having that impressive degree from the Elite's favourite brainwashing unit, Oxford University.And, guess what, it's actually a degree in economics !

Now we can see why Oxford is so respected as they obviously teach their pupils such brilliant policies.Look at how Greeks are bouncing up and down with joy at how well the crisis has been handled.

The Governor of the Bank Of Greece  shares the same view. He's got degrees in economics too. How well these two economic wizz kids have solved Greece's economic woes.

With unemployment and the homeless at an all time high, suicides going off the scale, non-stop strikes and violent crime , plus over 1,000 people a day having their electricity cutt off, how can anyone say that the worst is over ?

It's an insult to our intelligence.

Just look around. What do you see ?

Despair everywhere; most young people have no money and no work; shops shutting daily and massive unpaid bills are the reality The old and the ill are treated like vermin.This is nothing to do with whatever' bonds' are.

The newspapers reported the two mens soundbites without any comment.

Applying the law that whatever a black suit in power says really means the exact opposite, and we have,"The worst is now starting ".

This makes perfect sense, and, I'm afraid , appears to be so true.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Higher Conscious Conversation

Old cartoon predicts New World Order and warns us

Saturday, January 26, 2013

We Create Reality.

Our Poisoned Water And Toothpaste.

The Mountain That Isn't.

You remember that earlier in this meandering trek up this labyrinth of a mountain, hearing the wise words of Jesus. They were good uplifting words that touched your heart; you knew they were words of truth.

After Jesus came the smiling Buddha who felt like a blinding flash of light that lit up the dark caves you kept stumbling into.You walked with him a while. You also heard other light givers such as Krishnamurti, Christmas Humphreys, Douglas Harding, Ekhart Tolle and many more.

Now though , you stand alone on the mountain path, but you will never forget what the Masters taught you that you had forgotten.

The twisting, turning way you are on has many jagged rocks and to the left of you is a mighty drop.You keep walking with no guide apart from your heart to take you where you already are.

You remind yourself of great truths.

1.We create everything.

2.It is our outflows resulting from our varied responses to what is going on all around us that keeps us in this fevered dream,.

3. Every phenomena produces a reaction within us, which, in turn, produces fresh phenomena.

4.If we can stop responding to appearances by not having any reaction- no passion, desire or hatred- then we will be free.

5. Simply observe your feelings and they will not create new dramas.

The wind cuts at your face and a flurry of snow emerges from an endless white sky.You cling on to the few jagged rocks to help you keep your balance,

You ask yourself.  "How many times have I climbed this mountain, never to reach the top ? How many lives have I lived trying to find the way to the top of the mountain, but always falling off or dying somewhere on my way ? Then , I am re- born and carry on the same game ? How many lifes ? 1000 or 10,000-possibly."

No, this time must be the last time you say.No more going up this mountain, going round and round this endless wheel.

A look of determination settles on your face.You walk on with right perception. And what is right perception ?

According to that classic."The Zen Teaching Of Hui Hai On Sudden Illumination " translated by John Blofeld-page 51, published by Rider.

" It means  beholding all sorts of form, but without being stained by them as no thoughts of love or aversion are in the eye.
Reaching this state is called the Buddha -Eye, which really means just that and nothing else.
Whereas, if the sight of various forms produces love or aversion in you, that is called perceiving them as though they had an objective existence, which implies having the eyes of an ordinary person, for indeed, ordinary people have no other sort of eye .It is the same with all other organs of perception."

Suddenly a man appears befor you.

"What do you hope by coming here?" He demands.

"I hope to reach the top of the mountain "

" Why ?"

"There the treasure is " you reply.

The man speaks," Instead of looking at the treasure house which is your very own, you have left home and gone wandering far away.That which asked the question is your treasure house. It contains everything you need and lacks nothing at all. It is there for you to use freely, so why this vain search for something outside yourself ?"
From. "The Zen Teaching Of Hui-Hai" pages 87/ 88.

So this is really a question of climbing a mountain that is not a mountain at all.You, of course , created the mountain, and it is the one climbing up you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Circle Around The Moon .

I just walked out into my garden in Aegina, in Greece to make sure that my eight wondeful cats have enough  water for the night.I was thinking about how earlier in the day, when I was sitting in the sun at about two in the afternoon. that through my dark glasses I could observe a ring or halo around the sun,. I thought it odd, but did not give it much thought.

Now- it is about ten in the evening- I was in for a shock !

A huge ring or halo is surrounding the moon.It is not near the moon , but  appears to be about 50 miles or more away from the orb in a perfect circle.

I have never seen anything like this before in my life. I made a few phone calls to confirm that other people could see it too, and, sure enough , they could.

What is going on ? I don't know where you are in the world, but, if you are reading this tonight  I do suggest that you take a look up into the sky.

People in Athens could not see it because of the lights in the city and pollutants.

If this is reported in the main stream media, I am sure the so- called experts will give us a nice, safe, logical reason for such a weird sight.

Let's see what is reported tomorrow.

 I have done some internet research on this, and, hey, it's quite normal and common. It is , it is claimed , caused by ice crystals and means bad weather is coming.

Why do I find official explanations so hard to believe ?

Maybe, it's because we have been  told so, so many lies.

Awake Tv

Surfers Catches Of The Day.

" This isn't a game," Taliban labels Prince Harry a ' coward ' for comparing the Afghan conflict with computer games, after he reveals that he has killed enemy."
The Guardian
A truly amazing interview with the love of the British press, with the exception of the Guardian who dare to crticise the absurd statements made by this Prince of war.
Harry says that by playing computer games he became better at killing people. The terrible fact is that this deluded young man is proud of the fact that he has murdered another  human being.In the  interview he casually mentions that he has murdered someone, as if he is talking about killing a fly.This is the mindset of Royalty; no compassion at all, no respect for someone who is living in a country invaded by others.What would the British do if there country was invaded ? Not fight back ?

I have met soldiers who have killed others in war, and , guess what, they never get over it. I have met people who have killed others in road accidents and they have nightmares about this for years. If you're  Royalty  though, it's just all in a day's work.No heart, no heart at all ; cruel , heartless beings.And they have the nerve to go to church and call themselves Christian.

The newspapers all published the same photo of action man Harry running ,holding his precious gun, on his way to his helicopter. It's like a recruitment advert for the young and poverty-stricken to join the army

Jonathan Jones of the Guardian, in his article dated 22.1 2013 sums it up thus:

" Prince Harry is a real person, who really is running to his helicopter in this photograph- and in this moment he not only gives gratification to the army public relations department and every patriotic editor and pundit, but also confirms the steadfast belief of 11 year old boys that all those horror stories on the grown-up news do not tell the truth- they know war is exiting, and here is the Prince to prove it."

Well said.

2". World unemployment set to rise  A record 202 million people could be unemployed across the world in 2013, the International Labour Organization has said."
The Guardian 22.1 2013.
Absolute proof that the black- suited leaders haven't got a clue.

3."Benjamin Netanyahu victory expected as Israel heads for the polls "
The Guardian 22.1 2013.
Well, the whole world must be delighted at this wonderful news; no doubt the poor people in Palestine are dancing in the streets.

Peace in the Middle East is like Christ's second coming; it never seems to happen.

4." Child hospital admissions for asthma slump after smoking ban"
The Daily Mail, which is really a mouthpiece for any government department printed this blatant lie.I have read about 20 reports on passive smoking and , not one, proves it is bad for you.In fact , one claimed it was good for you; another claimed that asthma was rarer in houses where people smoke.

Think about this. In the 1950's in Britain where 60 to70 % of the adults smoked, asthma was far less common than it is today.Yet today when far fewer people smoke it is very common.I would have like Jenny Hope who copied this bit of propoganda to have researched passive smoking and to have asked the Department of health to explain why asthma now is far worse than it was in the days when most people smoked.

5.Here is an interesting piece that you can bet will never be seen in any main stream press.Milk is good for you, right ? We are all taught that from young. They used to give it free  to school children in the U.K in the 1950's, it was considered so important for young people. We have all heard how essential it is for calcium, haven't we ? Well, read on.

" It's not natural to drink cow's milk. Human milk is for humans. Cow's milk is for calves. You have no  more need for cow's milk than you do for rat's milk, horses milk or elephant's milk.

Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisetely designed to turn a 65 pound baby calf into a 400 pound cow. That is what cow's milk is for."
Dr. Michael Klaper M.D.

Milk is believed to deplete the body of natural calcium, which is used up in the process of digesting milk. It offers an inorganic calcium  that cannot easily be digested, and used by the human body.

Just like our bodies cannot use the iron in a magnet, they cannot use calcium in milk. Milk is acidic making it difficult for the body to digest.
From an article by Anna Hunt in The Waking Times site.January 18th 2013.

6." Contrary to rumour, the British Empire never went away. Commonwealth nations , never in reality, obtained independence from Britain. Instead, they simply went through a process of devolution; home rule instead of direct rule with puppet Presidents and Prime Ministers to replace Viceroys and Governors."
From Let's Hang The Bankers Site in an article by Jacque Fresco, dated 18. 1 2013.

7. Let's spin back to the year 2000. This is what was written in the Independent newspaper on 20.3. 2000.

" Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking up to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters- which scientists are attributing to global climate change- produces, not only fewer white christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries."
These are the esteemed words of Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic research Unit of the University of east Anglia.
Dr Viner then says, " Within a few years winter snowfall will become a ' very rare and exciting event'.Children just aren't going to know what snow is "
Has anyone seen the United Kingdom lately ? Snow, snow and more snow.

Wow, he was good at his job. Luckily he wasn't a financial consultant.

8. " Christopher ChopeM.P. had been speaking about the price of meals in the House Of Commons restaurant when he described his most recent visit.

" The service was absolutely fantastic, he said, " because there was three to one service- three sevants for each person sitting down "

Servants ? Even when members began hooting with derision, he did not back down or correct himself, apparently oblivious to his faux pas.

As the writer, Angel Eagle put it."He let the cat out of the bag :". What he implies is that this  is how people like him view workers, as servants to serve them.

The Greek press has had another opinion poll claiming that New Democracy is more popular than any other party.  Funny that, as if you ask anyone what they think about ND and the answer you get is unprintable.If you ask them their opinion of the three parties in power they get very excited and emotional, to put it politely..

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Imagination Tool

                                            " Everything you can imagine is real."
                                              Pablo Picasso

                                              " Imagination is everything.It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

If we knew how to use our imagination we could create almost anything we want.

Imagine you live in a house that is surrounded by a garden.The garden is overgrown with weeds and is uncultivated.The lawns are full of wild grasses and the hedges and bushes are out of control.

Inside your house you have all the garden tools you need, You have the latest lawn-mower, the sharpest shears, the ready rake, the sturdiest spade, the slickest scythe and a  wonderful wheel-barrow. The trouble is , you don't know how to use these tools and therefore never use them. These tools are your imagination.
The garden that is in such disorder is your own creation, though you are unaware as to how you created it.

All you have to do is to use the garden tools to create your dreamed of , perfect garden.The stumbling block though is the fact that you don't know how to use all these worthy garden tools.

You have to learn how to start the luxurious lawn -mower, and then how to push it through the grass; you have to learn how to hold those super-shears and how to use them. The same goes for all the other instruments.

How can you use your imagination ?

If you knew this , you would know one of the greatest truths.

" Imagination does not become great until human-beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create."
Maria Montessori.

I have written this before but it is well worth repeating. Our beathing and the circulation of the blood as well as all the numerous bodily functions take place all the time without our conscious thought.

It is just the same with our imagination.We are not aware of the fact that our imagination is projecting' images' every moment of our lives, and we are creating the universe we live in.

Knowing this and accepting this as a fact will make you realize that, just  as we can also take conscious control of our breathing and therefore change the way we breathe, we can also take conscious control of our imagination to determine exactly what sort of images we want to see in our world.

This secret has been so carefully guarded that the knowledge of it was not even written down, but was handed down by word of mouth to selected individuals who were ready to receive such knowledge.This wisdom seems to have originated from Tibet .

" What is life ? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream and dreams themselves are only dreams."
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

Look at what is in front of you now. It is, no doubt, a computer screen. The screen was once in its formless state but to you now it appears in a ' formed ' state. It is, however, mostly not solid at all and in ' reality ' has no form. It is us who ' wave the magic wand ' to make it appear as a  ' form ' . So it is with everything.

 " We do not need magic to change the world. we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better."
R.K. Rowling.

Here is a practical exercise to help you use your imagination as you were meant to use it. This exercise should be done for 10 minutes every single day.

1. Hold a spoon in your right hand.

2.Sitting down, look at the spoon for two minutes.

3.Close your eyes and picture the spoon in your imagination for two minutes.

4. Open your eyes and see the spoon in its  'formed ' state.

5. Rinse and repeat.

Simple isn't it ? Don't fall into the trap that it is so simple it is useless.If this is done on a regular basis your mind will learn that the  picture in your mind, manifests itself into a ' formed ' image in our so called  ' outside ' world '.

So, when you picture objects you want in your mind, your mind will  ' know ' because of its experience, that these objects will appear in the ' formed ' world.

" Imagination rules the world."
Napoleon Bonaparte.

 Here is another exercise if you want to have more money in your life.

 1.Place a 50 Euro or Pound or Dollar note, or whatever currency you have on a table in front of you.Make sure that you have quite a lot of money near your hand.

2. Close your eyes and while your eyes are closed, place all the money you can feel on top of the 50 Euro note. Meanwhile, in your mind's eye imagine a lot of money in front of you.

3. Open your eyes and you will see a lot of money in front of you.

Once again, this is very simple, but if done everyday will train your imagination that when it  ' imagines ' the content of that imagination will be projected into the ' outside ' world.

" Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."
Jonathan Swift.

" We are  such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with sleep."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

10 Secrets Of Life.

1. That which is formless is that which is made form;from the formless comes the form, but the formed is really formless.Our senses make it appear as form.

an abstract floral fractal patternImage; which is invisible is that which makes the visible.

3.Image makers are what we are.We are creators who are creating what we perceive all the time.

We create our' reality ' which is a dream.

4.We dream when we close our eyes and sleep and share a collective dream when we open our eyes.The dream we have when our eyes are wide-open has a different texture and feel to it than the dream we have when we are asleep. It is this different 'texture' that convinces us that the eyes-open dream is somehow ' more real ' than the ones we have when we are asleep.

" All appearances perceived  during the whole life of an individual, through all senses, including sounds, smells. tastes and tactile sensations in their totality are like a dream"
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

" Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one."

" What is life ?An illusion, a shadow, a story. All life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams."
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

5.There is no space or time; both are inventions of the mind to enable us to be conscious of a universe that we can relate to.

" Time is an illusion.Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas Adams.

6 Now is now and is always now. Everything that ever happened and is happening and will happen is taking place now.The future, therefore, can be known by us now.

" The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

7.We are never born and never die. What we call birth is when we 'enter' this frequency spectrum, and what we call death is when we leave this frequency and return to the frequency we were on ( and are still  also on while alive ) before we are born.

8.Life between death and birth is ' more real ' - though it's still illusion- than our present existence. You could describe ' life' between death and birth as akin to our present waking state, and our earthly life similar to the dreams we dreams at night.

9 Birth as a human takes place when we, in the between death and birth state, go to sleep and proceed to dream that we are born and live and then die.
When we die, we wake up in the between death and birth state.

10. We are consciousness experiencing itself.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Porky-Pies From Desperate Guys.

According to a survey done by Kathimerini and Skai, New Democracy is now the most popular party in Greece.Yes, you read that correctly, as hard as it is to believe.ND is now top of the pops; king of the polls; the one rolling in honey; the one with a rose in his heart ; the Knight in such  brilliant golden shining armour who is going to save you from the horrors of the evil intentions of the giant who hides in the basement.
 This is what the poll found;

New Democracy 29%

SYRIZA                 28.5.

No mention of how many people were included in the poll, is most unusual.  Was it a tiny poll ?Was it possibly a poll done in the offices of Kathimerini and Skai ?

" Hey George, who d'you think will will the next election ?"

" Well Spiro, working here I will have to say New Democracy."

" Great, great.You still got your job.I'll get you a frappe."

Also, 39% think that the ND would win an early election, while those expecting a SYRIZA victory are said to be down from 60 to 40%.

It gets worse. The number of Greeks who feel their country is heading in the wrong direction fell by 19% in a month to 68%.

And get this- the number who think that the State is doing its job well is up from 10% to 26%.

The percentage of Greeks that think Greece will default has fallen to 21% from 38%.

People polled believed that the economic crisis will last another 5 years.

I got the above information from the 'Keep Talking Greece ' site who, I think got it from 'The Washington Post' site.

Cheer up everyone, the ship is on the right course, and we will , one day, reach sunnier climes.If this poll is an honest one, which I very much doubt, I can only conclude that the art and craft of brainwashing has now come of age.T.V is the obvious weapon of choice; I have no idea how many hours a day the average Greek watches T.V., but, if he is like the British , he will watch four hours a day.Imagine that; four solid hours of brainwashing every single day.

Mmm. Something here doesn't make sense . How can a political party be the most popular that offers its citizens years of poverty ?.

No one wants to be poor for five years.How on earth could a party that offers 5 more years of misery be popular in any shape or form?

This is like watching a weather forecast on T.V. telling you that right now in your area , the sun is shining and it is warm.Where you are it is freezing cold with hail falling.

Porky-pies from desperate guys ?

I don't believe a word of it.

Who was it who said the only truthful things you will find in a newspaper are the name of the paper and the price ?The rest of it ? Porky -pies from desperate guys.

Gerald Celente's Words Of Truth.

Here are some great quotes from Gerald Celente of the Trends Institute.

" Anybody that would believe that the same brilliant minds that created all of these problems, whether they are military problems, or economic problems are now going to miraculously pull us out of this mess are out of their minds."


" They are not going to fix the Greek problem; they are not going to fix the Portugal problem; they are not going to fix the problems in Spain and Ireland; Italy is coming up; the already in one. So we are going through the great collapse."                    


" Politicians don't represent us.The politicians represent the people that stuff the most money into their pockets."

When asked what the people can do, he replied."Take the cue from Iceland "
Cue here means signal or hint.See the video on this blog called," How To Star A Revolution: Learn From Iceland". and the writing underneath this video which was put on this blog on 13th January.2013, to find out exactly what he means..

How to start a revolution: Learn from Iceland!

Did you know about the peaceful Icelandic revolution that took place over the last 5 years? If you didn’t, it is likely because it was never televised or talked about very much at all on mainstream news. One would have to be part of the right websites or Facebook pages to even find out that this has been going on. Why is this the case? Why keep something so monumental hidden from the public?
First let’s discuss what took place with this revolution, then it will become much more clear as to why this was never televised.
It was during a time of a lot of financial turmoil around the world and  and stories were popping up all over the news of how banks around the world had been crushing or minimizing rebellions by receiving massive bailouts to keep them alive. The Iceland story is different because, there was no crushing or ending the rebellion, instead, the people rose up. This is why this was not seen on TV anywhere. If the rest of the world knew that the people won, it may give them some ideas.
During the financial turmoil of 2008 and 2009, the people of Iceland forced their government and banks to resign. How did they do this? Peacefully. The following is a summation of what steps they took over a porcess of several years, and it all began with each one of them realizing this couldn’t continue.
2008 – The main bank of Iceland is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy.
2008 – Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held.
Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.
2010 – The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people.
In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.
An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark’s) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen — with no political affiliation — out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present ‘carta magna’ from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.
It’s quite a story isn’t it? You can most definitely see at this point why this was not covered in newspapers, on radio networks and on television. Imagine seeing this story on TV several times each day wherever you live in the world, do you think the people would start to get ideas? Maybe try the same thing? Most definitely. There is always a constant push of fear, murders, anger, government success, health fallacies and false information, but never do we hear of stories that could be a threat to the system.
Another key factor of this revolution that we has to look at is that it did not come from a place of violence, bloodshed or anger. No guns or fighting! It was simply people getting together peacefully and working things out. This is something this entire world is capable of but believes is impossible. Humanity has been so programmed to give itself little credit in this department. We always hear about how we need to be governed, there are too many crazy people out there, we need a big brother keeping control. The truth is, without the confines and certain rules the system employs, we would be a much more peaceful people mainly because we are no longer acting in survival mode. Now I am not here to say that the system is the only issue because it isn’t, our programming is also very strong in what we have been taught and believe about ourselves. I am simply here to say, this programming can be broken and our consciousness can and is changing.
I also thought it was a big step to see Iceland employ a new means of choosing it’s leaders. Someone who is an adult and has 30 people supporting them can run. This is great as the only reason why we have politicians today who have educations is because the elite needs to know that these people are programmed to repeat this system. Generally they also have to have corporate affiliations as well so they know they can be controlled by money.
Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people. Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland’s three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities. While I don’t agree with the judgment factor being used here, I understand that this is the step they feel right in taking.
Hopefully more countries around the world begin to follow suit!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red" Imagination is more important than knowledge."

2." Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime."

3."Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens.

4." Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

5.                                              "Life is a song- sing it
                                                  Life is a game- play it.
                                                  Life is a dream- dream it.
                                                  Life is a sacrifice- offer it.
                                                  Life is love- enjoy it.
                                                  Sai Baba

6." Give me a guitar,give me a piano, give me a broom and stick;I wouldn't get bored anywhere"
Keith Richards.

7." Anarchy is the only slight glimmer of hope."
Mick Jagger.

8." Don't think.Thinking is the enemy of creativity.It's self-conscious and anything self-conscious is lousy.You can't try to do these things.You simply must do these things."
Ray Bradbury.

9." The more society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it."
George Orwell.

10." Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime."
Ernest Hemingway.

Here is an interesting quote, in view of the 'gun debate' going on in America right now.

11." When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns, it is sending a clear message. It no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans."
George Washington.
I bet you won't hear this quoted by the main - stream media.

12." Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in 10 seconds, See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories."
Ray Bradbury.

13." A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic.No country can be really well-prepared for war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy"
Aldous Huxley.

14." All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination..Imagination is the workshop of your mind capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth."
Napoleon Hill.

15" Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes."
Carl Jung.

The last two quotes are so true. We do create our 'reality' as hard as this is to believe.To find out more simply;Click Here

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hitler And The Surgeon-General.

Every Surgeon-General  in the United States since 1950 has promoted fluoride.

Fluoride is a poison.

Dr.Dean Burke who worked for 34 years at the National Cancer Institute in America for 34 years said;

" In point of fact, Fluoride  causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical."

So, the Surgeon - General promotes a poison.

At the same time he tells you that cigarettes are really, really, bad for you.

Why do you believe him ?

Hitler was also heavily against smoking.

Think about it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't Mention Dead Soldiers.

This is the headline of  The Daily Mail online( a U.K. newspaper having  one of the largest circulation ) dated 8.1.2013.

"Former Moulin Rouge dancer laughs in the face of taxpayers as she flees to Spain after claiming 29,000 pounds in benefit scam and spending money on ski holiday and luxury car."

Remember that a headline is,well, I always thought it was, the most important news of the day. Oxford Dictionaries Online agree with this as they state quite clearly that a headline is the most important item of news in a newspaper.

A ' benefit scam' is, for those who don't know, taking money from a government or official department  that you are not entitled to.For example, if you said you had a bad back and therefore couldn't work, and got a doctor to agree that you have a bad back, you would be given funds to help you survive, even though, in reality there is nothing wrong with your back.

Is this really the most important news of the day ?  No way.

This is a simple reminder that people who dare to go against the matrix, I mean system are 'bad people'.So don't you ever think about it or everyone will look down on you.At least, that's what this newspaper is trying to say." Us, the middle classes don't like this sort of thing' it's just not on," is the message.

Is there more important news ?

 There are 16 news stories under the headline- yes, sixteen items , such as the following;

" The day the Queen drove a tube train."

"Delia Smith axed as face of Waitrose" Delia Smith is a cook and Waitrose is a popular supermarket.

"Could QE2 be setting sail for the Thames ?".QE2 is a large ship.

"Piers explosive showdown..... " That is the Piers Morgan who took over from Larry King in his chat show in the states.

Under this lot and a lot of other non-news news we find the following;

" British soldier shot dead in ' insider attack by rogue members of the Afghan army'

This article contains 396 words, 3 pictures and a video.The headline article contains 834 words and 9 pictures.

The Daily Mail  obviously feels that laughing in the face of taxpayers is far more important than the tragic death of a British soldier involved in a totally senseless war.As an aside, 29,000 pounds in small change for the corporations who spit in the face of taxpayers when they don't pay any tax at all in the U.K.No need to mention them though; easier to pick on one person.

Pathetic is not the word.

I am pretty sure the editors actually do know that a dead British soldier is big news, but think it best not to remind people about the war that nobody, but the ones who gain from it, want.They, therefore, make sure that the news has a low profile.Don't they have respect for the soldier's family or loved ones ? I wonder how they feel, seeing the news of his killing being treated as of little importance ?

Disgusting. Yes, that's the word.

Monday, January 7, 2013

From Despair To Delight.

As we zoom down the hill, turn the corner of another year and get closer to the edge of that mysterious cliff you feel is too near, I can only imagine what people are thinking.

" Hell, what's next ? "

" So everything is going up this year ! "

" Wonder if  I'll keep my job ".

"How much tax do they want now ?"

"Will my wages be cut ?"

" This is insanity "

" Will I EVER get a job ?"

Such cries are heard from the ones who are just  about able to keep their head above the water. The cries from the ones who have sunk are far worse, such as," I have no money to feed my children." or" I can't afford to buy that essential medicine ." and " Where the hell can we sleep tonight, as we have no home ."
 or " We're freezing, but can't afford to buy fuel ".

Where is the hope ? There isn't any.It used to be seen like a shining star that was waiting for you, but you look up and see no trace of any shining or even twinkling, fading orb in a sky that used to be blue, but is now dark grey and filled with toxins.

All the powers that be say that things will only get worse before they get better.Unless, of course, you are in Greece where the major politicians told us over Christmas that next year ( meaning now ) things will improve.
You could hear the guffaws of laughter stretching from the Acropolis right up to the Vlatadon Monastary in Thessaloniki.Everyone. agreed that it was a good joke, although a bit of a sick one.

It has just dawned on the major purveyors of the austerity ( kick 'em below the belt ) measures that they won't be able to get the taxes  they want from the people, because the people haven't got the money to give them.I found an article on this on the Keep Talking Greece' site, but it appears to have now vanished.

This must have amazed the black-suited executioners .The Greek journalists must have been stunned, after months and months of  faithfully  writing what they were told to write, and that, of course, the plan would work. What a shocker !

The real economist experts such as Gerald Celente have said this for the last two years, and they have said it loud and clear. The Greek media weren't interested in such talk of gloom, or were they not allowed to print  it ?

It really is pure common sense.You just cannot subtract 15 from 10 and gain.There is no point in asking for a  100 euros from someone who only has twenty.Well, you can ask and even demand, but you won't get it.
On paper it all looked so neat. Sitting in plush rooms in Athens and in the Tower Of Babel the well- oiled men played around with figures as children play with counters,and there it was, in black and white; take this amount from the people and everything will be fine.
That was the theory.

Now the practice is underway, ' reality' has stuck its stubborn head in to say,"It  won't work."and the likes of  Samaras and co. can actually see with their own eyes that the money is not flowing to them the way the theory said it would.

I do wonder what they teach them at the London School Of Economics.Whatever it is, doesn't seem to work.It's a bit like those management schools where you learn everything in practice , but when you try and put the theory into practice in the outside world, that annoying factor, the human one, comes into play and your management theories are useless.

But I am straying from my theme, which is, most of us feel that there is no hope. For good reason too.What is taking place in the world is grim, and a lot grimmer than what we are told.In Greece we see on a daily basis, the begging, the homeless, the shut-down shops; we hear the horror stories of people who are dying because of what is going on;we read about the countless suicides.

I should imagine it's the same in Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal and Italy. Not forgetting the U.S A. and the United Kingdom and many other countries.

Let's be straight.It's not a good start to the year to feel down without anything to look forward to.

I suggest we change this," There is no hope," message and refuse to be pulled low by the engineered fevered dream all around us.The Elite might want us to join in in their collective dream, but what happens if we refuse to partake in their dream because we don't like it.We don't have to part of the same dream.

Lets, each one of us, picture in our mind a future we actually want in our world, and not turn up to play our part in the film that we are meant to be in.It's a lousy part you are meant to play, so don't play it. Play a part you want on your terms with your script.

If enough people did this, the rotten'B' film that the Elite are playing, with us as the actors, would simply fall out of the projector and be replaced with the dreams of the ordinary people.

We do create our 'reality' and the Elite try and make us create it- by constant bombardment on our senses- they way they want .

It doesn't have to be this way.

None of this is 'real', and we can, believe it or not, manipulate, by using our imagination the dream stuff and turn it into dreams we love.Ignore the buffoons in their dark, gloomy suits and constant talk of money, money , money, hard work, responsibility and cutting down on everything.

Everyday, and it need be no longer than ten minutes a day, simply sit and visualize, at the same time,feeling that you are already in that place and space you want to be, exactly how you imagine your perfect life to be.

If enough people did this, the whole world would change, because the people, not the Elite, would be mass-creating a ' new illusion.'or  dream or what we call 'reality'.

This would replace the evil that has spread like a blanket riddled with germs over our beloved planet.

It can be done.

To find out more go toClick Here

Friday, January 4, 2013

Slavery By Consent ( Full Version)

How To Cure Your Cold - Fast.

I discovered this by accident, or possibly, intuition. Maybe it just worked for me, and wouldn't work for anyone else in the world.I don't know, but if you are in the throes of suffering from the minor miseries the infamous common cold can bring, I hope that this may help.

I woke up the other day with that little signal from my body, telling me that something was not right.You know that little itch in the throat that seems to be getting worse by the hour.

This was telling me that a cold, or worse, a flu was about to follow.

Sure enough as the day got under way, my nose turned into a tap.I had no tissues, couldn't buy any as all the shops were shut, so had to use toilet paper. I was staggered at how many rolls I got through.Talk about a runny nose; this was like a non-stop leak from a pipe.

At about midday I was feeling lousy.The throat was now turning sore and I had started to sweat and then feel cold somehow at the same time. So bad did I feel that I lay down for an hour.Now I could tell that the cold ( or was it the dreaded flu  ? ) was trying to advance to my chest.

I, thank goodness, hardly ever get colds. I put this down to the fact that I live in a very sunny place where the sun shines almost every day, and I always try to be outside in the sun as much as possible. I don't sunbathe, but I walk a lot.I also eat loads of fruit and vegetables every day.I'm by no means a health fanatic, but happen to enjoy walking and eating natural foods.

I was surprised that this darned cold had managed to break through my defense system. I was determined though, to get rid of it, in the shortest possible way.I didn't feel hungry as I had certainly over-indulged at Christmas, and I knew it would be good for me not to eat too much for a while.

As I said at the start of this piece, although this 'miracle' cure worked for me, it might not work for anyone else.

The idea for this came from nowhere. This is what I did.
1.I squeezed 4 large oranges and poured the juice into a bowl.

2. I cut up a banana into small bits and put the pieces into the juice in the bowl.

3.I then cut up an apple and also cut this into small pieces and added these to the bowl.

4.Then put the slices from a tangerine into the mix.

I added bits of clove.

It was a strange lunch, but it was delicious !

I still felt rough though all afternoon. Early evening I did the following;
1 I squeezed two lemons into a cup,
added strong Colman's Mustard which I had made from the powder.

Yes, it did taste peculiar, but about half-an hour later I didn't feel quite so bad.

I didn't eat anything else apart from the fruit that I had had midday, the whole day through.

I slept right through the night without any problem. When I woke up, I knew that the cold had gone !There was still a bit of a stuffy nose left, but that was all.

As I said, it worked for me, so why not give it a try ?

I feel great now. I think I'll go for a walk in the Winter sunshine by the sea to help drive the last bits of my one day cold away .

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How Awake Are You ?

Woman Waking Up In The MorningNEW  YEAR  QUIZ.

1. 9/11 was done by a man in a cave who outwitted the mightiest military defense system in the history of our planet.

TRUE or FALSE . If you say true, I strongly suggest you search in Google about this and you will find actual evidence showing that 9/11 was an inside job Go to .911 truthor go to truth

Go to David Icke's site or Alex Jones site to learn the truth about this false flag.

2,The 7/7 London train and bus bombings was an inside job.

TRUE or FALSE. The evidence for this is, like 9/11 , staggering.  It was an inside job, Go to
Rense. com site or to or

3 Chemtrails are for our own good.
TRUE or FALSE. Obviously false. Go to chemtrails news or Alex jones infowars sites for more information

4.Fluoride is good for your teeth and you health.

TRUE or FALSE. .Not only is fluoride  bad for your teeth, it's bad for your brain and other parts of the body. Check out mercola com site or cheesecake site or fluoride dangers. blogspot,There are hundreds more showing you how bad fluoride, which is a toxic industrial waste product , is.

5.Vaccines prevent disease and do not make people ill or kill them

TRUE or FALSE.  Sad to say this is false. Vaccines, are one of the biggest cons this planet has ever known. I have researched this to discover with horror that vaccines are far more dangerous than the diseases they are meant to prevent.In fact, they often give the disease they are meant to prevent.
Check out vaccinedangers,com site. or for starters.

6.Education increases peoples intelligence.

TRUE or FALSE. False, of course.

7 Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They were never located.


Well. we were all lied to as we are lied to all the time.Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, and this lie was given to start an illegal war.

8.U.F.O's do not exist.


So, if they don't exist , how come so many people have seen them ? I doubt if the sightings are of only secret military aircraft, though, no doubt , some are.

9.The police are there to protect the public,not solely to protect the Elite.


I think we all know the answer to that one. It is alleged that Sir Jimmy Savile  raped about 300 underage girls, but never got caught when he was alive. How strange his great friends were Maggie Thatcher, Prince Charles and Prince Philip

10.The extreme austerity measures throughout the world are put in place to keep the people oppressed.


Money has always been used by the Elite as a weapon.

11.Big Pharma's medicines do not make you ill or kill you.

TRUE or FALSE.According to the Natural News site, prescription drugs are responsible for more deaths than traffic accidents.

12.Cancer is curable, but big pharma keeps this hidden, as it wants to make money from the disease.

TRUE or FALSE. All the evidence points to this being sadly true.Check out the Natural News site for more information.

13 Passive smoking is bad for you.

TRUE or FALSE.Check out forces site. This is another absurd lie thrown at the public.It was made up  to justify the no smoking ban. An article in The Telegraph dated 8.3.2012 said the following. Note in particular , the last eight words." The world's leading health organization has withheld from publication a study which shows that not only might there be no link between passive smoking and lung cancer, but that it could have a protective affect."
 So what this really says is, passive smoking might well be good for you !

14.The British Royal Family did not murder Lady Diana.

TRUE or FALSE. If you ever manage to see ' An Unlawful Killing' which, was banned in the U.K.( says it all really ) you will certainly be of the opinion that there is a hell of a cover- up .

15.Saddam Hussain was murdered in public, as a warning to others leaders to play the game.

 True, of course, as we are talking about the biggest mafia in the world- the Elite.

16.The war in Afghanistan has made the world a safer place.

TRUE or FALSE. If anyone really believes this, their slumber is very deep.

17.Britain and America are the biggest illegal drug dealers in the world.


Ever wondered why governments get hysterical about dealers ?. The reason is simple, they hate competition, and that's why they always give massive sentences to their competitors. The Elite love big money; you think they wouldn't cash in on drugs. Wake up !

18.GM food does not harm anyone.

TRUE or FALSE. Remember those pictures of those rats with massive tumours after they were fed GM food ? It's hard to forget. How strange that the main stream media let that story die.

19.The Elite are preparing for a third world war.


Well, doesn't it look that way, with all the talk about Iran ?

20.The music industry is controlled by the Elite, who promote artists who play their game, and give messages to the young that the Elite want them to hear.


It sure looks that way. Check out my blog post on' Lady Gaga's Lyrics And The Occult '.

22. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Bill Hicks and Michael Jackson were murdered by the Elite as they were considered as a threat to the establishment


Going on the Elite's track record, this is probably business as usual for them  Killing people means nothing to them.

23. Prince Philip, the older he gets,he looks more and more like a lizard. Come to think of it, so does Tony Blair..

TRUE or FALSE. The evidence speaks for itself.

24 Life is a dream.We have two types of dreams. One with our eyes closed, when we are 'asleep', and one when our eyes are open when we are ' awake '; the latter is a shared collective dream.

TRUE or FALSE.  I believe this is true, but you have to find this out yourself.

25. If we can live in the present moment, cast our ego aside, and just be aware, we will be free.

TRUE or FALSE. Too true.

So, how awake are you ?