Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Get Off Your Ego- Cross.
In an earlier post I suggested that the Easter story of Christ on the cross, could be interpreted as the death of the ego, and the rebirth of your true self.You though, are not re-born, as you were never born in the first place.As you were never born, you cannot die, as birth and death walk hand in hand; you can't have one without the other.You are eternal.
" You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Buckminster Fuller.
Everyone there is really is you. Under the disguise, beneath the costume ( you body ) is the same essence that is you in everybody.You have come of age; we have come of age; we have the key to the door; we only have to turn it in the lock and it will swing wide open.
" While it may look as though we're disconnected from one another and the rest of the world, that detachment doesn't exist on the plane where the hologram originates- on this level of reality there really can be no such ' things' as ' here ' and ' there '."
Gregg Braden, " The Divine Matrix."
Each one of us is alone, and yet as one with everyone and everything. Look at the mirror you call the outside world, and be in it, but not of it.It is you who are creating your life dramas, as hard as this is to accept.It is no different to the stories you create everynight when you are asleep in you eyes-shut dream.In your eye-open dream you live in a collective dream. For an in-depth look at this, I suggest you check out the chapters from my book, called' How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream" which is free to read on this blog.
Lay your ego down. Get off your ego-cross you are nailed to. Roll away the ego-stone that has kept you in that dark cave for so long. Read my ," Change Your Perception " posts on this blog for exercises to help you do this .
Stop the non stop, never ceasing chatter and thinking in your head.It is claimed that we have 6000 thoughts every day !With 6000 thoughts a day, you don't stand a chance of being enlightened. The ego, thinking and time are the three major stumbling blocks preventing the true self from being aware of itself.
There is no distant shore to go to. That shore is here, wherever you are.
Everyday practise not thinking and observing yourself in all your daily activities, like a member of an audience would watch a play. Unlike a member of an audience though, you should not let the play ' stain' you in any way. If you do, you create new drama, or karma.You must be a detached, disinterested observer.
Realize with clarity that this life is only a dream as this takes away its power over you.
In theory, if you get off your ego-cross, stop incessant thoughts, jump off the time track, and accept that it's all illusion, you are free.A good theory, yes, but it must be put into practise.
We all have a cross to bear, and that cross is none other than what we think of as ourself- our ego. It's high time we stopped believing in this illusion, and collectively move forward to the next stage in this fantastic adventure consciousness is having.
Get off your ego-cross-
and be free....
Update:Troika Robbing Banks.
Unbelievable ! The nerve of the Troika ! The arrogance !
According to an article by Mark Lowen on the B.B.C. site today, the Bank Of Cyprus big depositers ( those with more 100.000 euros or more) could lose up to 60% of their savings, as part of an EU-IMF bailout restructuring move.All those mutterings about 10% to 35% were downright lies, but what do you expect from bank robbers? Dishonesty is a way of life for such types.
But that is not all. The following capital deals also apply in Cyprus.
1.Daily withdrawals limited to 300euros.
2.Cashing of cheques banned.
3.Those travelling abroad can take no more than 1000 euros out of the country.
4.Payments and or/ transfers outside Cyprus via debit and or credit cards permitted up to 5000 euros a month.
5,Businesses able to carry out transactions up to 5,000 euros a day.
6,Special committee to review commercial transactions between 5,000 and 200,000 euros, and approve all those over 200,000 euros on a case by case basis.
7 No termination of fixed-term deposit accounts before maturity.
It should be interesting in a Chinese sort of way, to see how the ones who are being mugged and robbed, are going to react;I don't think that they will take this lying down, but then again, maybe they'll just say," What can we do " as that is the expression I keep hearing in Greece. Some people have given up.
John Adams certainly got it right when he wrote the following:
"There are two ways to conquer a nation.One is by the sword.The other is by debt."
According to an article by Mark Lowen on the B.B.C. site today, the Bank Of Cyprus big depositers ( those with more 100.000 euros or more) could lose up to 60% of their savings, as part of an EU-IMF bailout restructuring move.All those mutterings about 10% to 35% were downright lies, but what do you expect from bank robbers? Dishonesty is a way of life for such types.
But that is not all. The following capital deals also apply in Cyprus.
1.Daily withdrawals limited to 300euros.
2.Cashing of cheques banned.
3.Those travelling abroad can take no more than 1000 euros out of the country.
4.Payments and or/ transfers outside Cyprus via debit and or credit cards permitted up to 5000 euros a month.
5,Businesses able to carry out transactions up to 5,000 euros a day.
6,Special committee to review commercial transactions between 5,000 and 200,000 euros, and approve all those over 200,000 euros on a case by case basis.
7 No termination of fixed-term deposit accounts before maturity.
It should be interesting in a Chinese sort of way, to see how the ones who are being mugged and robbed, are going to react;I don't think that they will take this lying down, but then again, maybe they'll just say," What can we do " as that is the expression I keep hearing in Greece. Some people have given up.
John Adams certainly got it right when he wrote the following:
"There are two ways to conquer a nation.One is by the sword.The other is by debt."
Nailed To Your Cross.
Easter has not arrived in Greece yet, but in many countries Easter is celebrated this weekend. I have always thought that the Christian message at Easter of Christ on the cross,could be interpreted as symbolic of the death of the ego,and re- birth of the true self.Not really re-birth, because your true self has never been born,and without birth there is no death.Your true self always is.
Many claim that the Earth is changing its energy field,and that this year could be the time when a lot of people become more aware.If this is true,it must surely mean that any effort,or should I say, effortless effort,we apply,stands a better chance of being successful.
If our consciousness is suddenly taking a leap forward in these times,it would be a good idea to align ourselves with this new shift.
Whatever your religious beliefs, why not use the Easter period to meditate on the image of a body on a cross with nails in its hands and feet?
Can't you see the connection of how the ego nails you down,so you cannot experience a wider fuller state of awareness?
The hands, which can symbolize the active, creative part of the self are nailed to wood. The nails being hard and painful,are keeping the active, creative aspect,firmly held down. The wooden cross can represent the circle of life, and its endless seasons.
It is on this circle of life where our egos are stuck .
The feet represent the ability of the self to move ,to change,to explore, to discover.The nails, though, prevent them from moving.
Is this the golden time in our history when we,as a species, collectively break through the nails that have held us back,and hindered us for Centuries?
If enough people can break free from the cross we all carry, a new consciousness with a far greater awareness will emerge on this Planet.
If we don't do this,the unconsciousness,the ignorance that we are still in, will only lead to more darkness,more ignorance and more suffering.No sane person wants that.
At this time of year,with the Spring showing off its new shoots,and the World coming out of its long dark Winter. you too can celebrate with Nature,and emerge from your long dark Winter.Release yourself from the wooden structure of the ego,and realize, once and for all,that your mind is not you,and your ego is not you.
You are far greater than either of these two deceivers.
I know the mind can be a truly remarkable instrument if used correctly,but we don't use it the way we should.It is like we have a very powerful generator of energy,and we only ever use it to light one tiny light bulb.What a waste!
Embrace your true self, the one you are unaware of,the one hiding behind your mind and your ego.This true self, that is longing ,each moment of your life, to be recognized , so you can be how you are meant to be- happy.Letting the ego control your life only leads to suffering in one form or another,so let it go, for good.
We are all nailed to our crosses,but the good news is we don't have to be;there is a better way to live.
For further information and practical exercises on how to achieve this,I invite you to read ,for free, on this blog, my book- How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.New chapters are uploaded on a regular basis. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Many claim that the Earth is changing its energy field,and that this year could be the time when a lot of people become more aware.If this is true,it must surely mean that any effort,or should I say, effortless effort,we apply,stands a better chance of being successful.
If our consciousness is suddenly taking a leap forward in these times,it would be a good idea to align ourselves with this new shift.
Whatever your religious beliefs, why not use the Easter period to meditate on the image of a body on a cross with nails in its hands and feet?
Can't you see the connection of how the ego nails you down,so you cannot experience a wider fuller state of awareness?
The hands, which can symbolize the active, creative part of the self are nailed to wood. The nails being hard and painful,are keeping the active, creative aspect,firmly held down. The wooden cross can represent the circle of life, and its endless seasons.
It is on this circle of life where our egos are stuck .
The feet represent the ability of the self to move ,to change,to explore, to discover.The nails, though, prevent them from moving.
Is this the golden time in our history when we,as a species, collectively break through the nails that have held us back,and hindered us for Centuries?
If enough people can break free from the cross we all carry, a new consciousness with a far greater awareness will emerge on this Planet.
If we don't do this,the unconsciousness,the ignorance that we are still in, will only lead to more darkness,more ignorance and more suffering.No sane person wants that.
At this time of year,with the Spring showing off its new shoots,and the World coming out of its long dark Winter. you too can celebrate with Nature,and emerge from your long dark Winter.Release yourself from the wooden structure of the ego,and realize, once and for all,that your mind is not you,and your ego is not you.
You are far greater than either of these two deceivers.
I know the mind can be a truly remarkable instrument if used correctly,but we don't use it the way we should.It is like we have a very powerful generator of energy,and we only ever use it to light one tiny light bulb.What a waste!
Embrace your true self, the one you are unaware of,the one hiding behind your mind and your ego.This true self, that is longing ,each moment of your life, to be recognized , so you can be how you are meant to be- happy.Letting the ego control your life only leads to suffering in one form or another,so let it go, for good.
We are all nailed to our crosses,but the good news is we don't have to be;there is a better way to live.
For further information and practical exercises on how to achieve this,I invite you to read ,for free, on this blog, my book- How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.New chapters are uploaded on a regular basis. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The Debt Weapon.
are two ways
conquer a nation ,
is by the sword.
other is by
John adams.
" Poverty is the worst form of violence." Gandhi.
Question For Obomba .
our troops are really
fighting for our freedom,
why do we have less
of it,
and not more ?
Because they are fighting for other reasons; this has nothing to do with the safety of citizens in countries.One reason is the large poppy crop in Afghanistan, as both the U.S A. and Britain are the biggest drug dealers in the world. Do you think these mafia governments would miss out on the huge black market cash flow from this market ? No way.
I just wish some reporter would ask Obomba the question above, at one of those oh so cosy meetings in the Rose Garden .
If someone did, they would, no doubt, be banned from being a White House reporter for life.
In this world of lies, any true questions are never answered.
Friday, March 29, 2013
We are like a fish that spends its entire life seeking water , while it is totally blind to the fact that it lives in water.
We are like a bird in the sky that spends it's entire life seeking the sky, when the sky is all around.
We are like a wanderer who spends his life seeking a home, when he is, at home, wherever he is.
We are like a king who goes in search of his Kingdom, not aware that he is in his Kingdom.

Some of us spend our lives trying to find out what life is really about.
Some spend weeks, months and years reading on how to get enlightenment.
Others spend hour after hour doing meditation.
Still others join an organized religion.
Even more, flit from one belief to another, year after year.
It's funny that we do all these things, when our purpose is , simply, to be.
Do'you get it ?
No fancy questions; no thousand riddles , stories, philosophies and suchlike.Only, only the act of being.
And that is all that is required of you.No complications.
Be this moment.
Feel this moment.
See this moment.
Hear this moment.
Touch this moment .
Taste this moment .
Be this moment
We are like a fish that spends its entire life seeking water , while it is totally blind to the fact that it lives in water.
We are like a bird in the sky that spends it's entire life seeking the sky, when the sky is all around.
We are like a wanderer who spends his life seeking a home, when he is, at home, wherever he is.
We are like a king who goes in search of his Kingdom, not aware that he is in his Kingdom.
Some of us spend our lives trying to find out what life is really about.
Some spend weeks, months and years reading on how to get enlightenment.
Others spend hour after hour doing meditation.
Still others join an organized religion.
Even more, flit from one belief to another, year after year.
It's funny that we do all these things, when our purpose is , simply, to be.
Do'you get it ?
No fancy questions; no thousand riddles , stories, philosophies and suchlike.Only, only the act of being.
And that is all that is required of you.No complications.
Be this moment.
Feel this moment.
See this moment.
Hear this moment.
Touch this moment .
Taste this moment .
Be this moment
The Paradox Of Our Age.
1. We have bigger houses ,but smaller families.
2.More Conveniences, but less time.
3.We have more degrees, but less sense.
4, More knowledge, but less judgement.
5.More experts, but more problems.
6..More medicines, but less healthiness.
7. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour..
8.We built more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication.
9. We have become long on quantity, but short on quality.
10.These are times of fast food, but slow digestion.
11.Tall man, but short character.
12.Steep profits, but shallow relationships.
It's a time when there is much in the windows, but nothing in the room.
H.H. The 14 th Dalai Lama. Or was it ? Some claim that the real author is a former American Pastor, or that George Carlin wrote it. I must admitt, it does have Carlin's style, but who knows.It certainly is true of today.
2.More Conveniences, but less time.
3.We have more degrees, but less sense.
4, More knowledge, but less judgement.
5.More experts, but more problems.
6..More medicines, but less healthiness.
7. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour..
8.We built more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication.
9. We have become long on quantity, but short on quality.
10.These are times of fast food, but slow digestion.
11.Tall man, but short character.
12.Steep profits, but shallow relationships.
It's a time when there is much in the windows, but nothing in the room.
H.H. The 14 th Dalai Lama. Or was it ? Some claim that the real author is a former American Pastor, or that George Carlin wrote it. I must admitt, it does have Carlin's style, but who knows.It certainly is true of today.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Troika Now Robbing Banks !
" We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only with permission."
Ayn Rand.
In fact, we are now at that stage. The latest criminal act done by the Troika and the Cyprus government proves that. Bank robbery is the only name for this crime committed by the Troika and the elected representatives of the people.
This means that anyone's money ( apart , no doubt, from those who instigate the laws ) can be snatched away by your government , whenever they want at any moment without notice.And you thought you had rights ?
The Tower Of Babel lizard brains decided in their wisdom to steal vast somes of money from anyone who has over 100,000 euros in their accounts in Cyprus., to help pay for the bailout.
Having the mafia mindset, these sleazy, well dressed crooks had to threaten Cyprus. The threat was, according to the alternative news sites, that if they didn't do this, they must leave the E.U. A threat with no substance, as the powers that be in the E.U don't want anyone to leave their oh so happy club.It's surprising that the authorities in Cyprus believed them, when only a week or so ago they voted against the same ludicrous measure to steal peoples money.Then , it was for those with over 100,000, and those with under 100,000. The latest heist is only for those with 100,000 euros or more.
This time though, surprise, surprise, there will be no vote in parliament. Mustn't let a little bit of old-fashioned Democracy rear it's terrifying head.
There I was last week delighted that at last, one government had the guts to stand up to the bullies.But no, I was wrong.The Cyprus government did what all the other puppet governments in Europe did ( apart from the brave, wide awake people in clever Iceland ) and caved in when threatened.
Business as usual: " Yes, of course,we know we don't really run our countries , but you do; we'll do anything you say. Rob banks ? Well, why not, if that's what you want us to do.Maybe you'll want us to cut pensions and disability allowances later- that's just fine"
The amount that is going to be taken from those with 100,000 euros or more is, according to the Greek press, unknown. Mustn't worry the people, must we ?Strange that, because the B.B.C seems to know the figure. They suggest that as much as 30 to 40% will be snatched from peoples accounts., in broad daylight, with not a gun in sight.Welcome to the new 21st Century bank robbery; it's sophisticated and the robbers don't even have to wear masks, or make quick getaways.
I think that is one of the dumbest acts done by our intelligent, compassionate, peace loving, highly paid, highly educated, masters of mayhem. And that is saying something, because, believe me they have certainly done some very stupid things in the past.
It's so dumb that whatever it achieves in Cyprus ( if anything ) sinks into oblivion, when compared to the disastrous rip tide that could well turn into a full- blown tidal wave that could sweep over Europe and beyond.
Let me ask you a question. After the great Cyprus bank robbery, do you feel that any money you have in any bank anywhere in the world is safe?
The timing of the snatch is also bad. These days, nobody in their right mind has any respect or trust in banks.
We all know that they are run by crooks and are disgusted by their disgraceful greedy behaviour, their stealing peoples homes, their huge pay checks, their massive bonuses, and the suspicious activity done behind closed doors we never hear about.
What are people worldwide, but especially in the Eurozone, thinking now ? If Cyprus can do it, any country can. Even your own money, that you may well have worked for all of your life, in a moment, can be taken from you.It's a sobering thought.
Whose next ?Spain ? Italy ? Greece ? Portugal ? Ireland ? This could well cause a bank run, and this surely would ruin the Elites grand plans. Didn't it really occur to these financial wizz kids that such an action could cause panic in other countries, so that people withdraw all their money from the banks ?
We have now entered a new era. As Ayn Rand said ( in the quote at the start of this article ):"The government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only with permission."
We, the people, can be simply milked like cows.
To make matters worse, the head of Eurogroup of Eurozone Finance Minister said the following chilling statement: "The deal for Cyprus could form a template for resolving future banking problems. "
He let the cat out of the bag.
So, surely this means that if the Troika are not getting the money from the countries they have ruined, they will tell the governments to grab the money from the peoples bank accounts.
Robert Preston from the B.B.C. summed up the sad fate of Cyprus with the following:
1. Cyprus will be an economy starved of credit, and will therefore shrink rapidly and very painfully for citizens.
2.An economy whose main industry is banking, is being shut .
Nigel Farage took a more aggressive stance with this gem.
" The Eurozone is now run by people who don't respect democracy; who don't respect the rule of law; who don't respect the basic principles upon which Western civilization is supposed to be based, by propping up a Eurozone, which, in the end, is going to collapse in a disastrous failure."
One tiny glimmer of light though, can be seen.This farce could even lead to the death of the banking system as we know it, as people and businesses could well stop using them.
Who wants to deal with a company you can't trust, especially if it's your hard earned cash you are trusting them with ?
Ayn Rand.
In fact, we are now at that stage. The latest criminal act done by the Troika and the Cyprus government proves that. Bank robbery is the only name for this crime committed by the Troika and the elected representatives of the people.
This means that anyone's money ( apart , no doubt, from those who instigate the laws ) can be snatched away by your government , whenever they want at any moment without notice.And you thought you had rights ?
The Tower Of Babel lizard brains decided in their wisdom to steal vast somes of money from anyone who has over 100,000 euros in their accounts in Cyprus., to help pay for the bailout.
Having the mafia mindset, these sleazy, well dressed crooks had to threaten Cyprus. The threat was, according to the alternative news sites, that if they didn't do this, they must leave the E.U. A threat with no substance, as the powers that be in the E.U don't want anyone to leave their oh so happy club.It's surprising that the authorities in Cyprus believed them, when only a week or so ago they voted against the same ludicrous measure to steal peoples money.Then , it was for those with over 100,000, and those with under 100,000. The latest heist is only for those with 100,000 euros or more.
This time though, surprise, surprise, there will be no vote in parliament. Mustn't let a little bit of old-fashioned Democracy rear it's terrifying head.
There I was last week delighted that at last, one government had the guts to stand up to the bullies.But no, I was wrong.The Cyprus government did what all the other puppet governments in Europe did ( apart from the brave, wide awake people in clever Iceland ) and caved in when threatened.
Business as usual: " Yes, of course,we know we don't really run our countries , but you do; we'll do anything you say. Rob banks ? Well, why not, if that's what you want us to do.Maybe you'll want us to cut pensions and disability allowances later- that's just fine"
The amount that is going to be taken from those with 100,000 euros or more is, according to the Greek press, unknown. Mustn't worry the people, must we ?Strange that, because the B.B.C seems to know the figure. They suggest that as much as 30 to 40% will be snatched from peoples accounts., in broad daylight, with not a gun in sight.Welcome to the new 21st Century bank robbery; it's sophisticated and the robbers don't even have to wear masks, or make quick getaways.
I think that is one of the dumbest acts done by our intelligent, compassionate, peace loving, highly paid, highly educated, masters of mayhem. And that is saying something, because, believe me they have certainly done some very stupid things in the past.
It's so dumb that whatever it achieves in Cyprus ( if anything ) sinks into oblivion, when compared to the disastrous rip tide that could well turn into a full- blown tidal wave that could sweep over Europe and beyond.
Let me ask you a question. After the great Cyprus bank robbery, do you feel that any money you have in any bank anywhere in the world is safe?
The timing of the snatch is also bad. These days, nobody in their right mind has any respect or trust in banks.
We all know that they are run by crooks and are disgusted by their disgraceful greedy behaviour, their stealing peoples homes, their huge pay checks, their massive bonuses, and the suspicious activity done behind closed doors we never hear about.
What are people worldwide, but especially in the Eurozone, thinking now ? If Cyprus can do it, any country can. Even your own money, that you may well have worked for all of your life, in a moment, can be taken from you.It's a sobering thought.
Whose next ?Spain ? Italy ? Greece ? Portugal ? Ireland ? This could well cause a bank run, and this surely would ruin the Elites grand plans. Didn't it really occur to these financial wizz kids that such an action could cause panic in other countries, so that people withdraw all their money from the banks ?
We have now entered a new era. As Ayn Rand said ( in the quote at the start of this article ):"The government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only with permission."
We, the people, can be simply milked like cows.
To make matters worse, the head of Eurogroup of Eurozone Finance Minister said the following chilling statement: "The deal for Cyprus could form a template for resolving future banking problems. "
He let the cat out of the bag.
So, surely this means that if the Troika are not getting the money from the countries they have ruined, they will tell the governments to grab the money from the peoples bank accounts.
Robert Preston from the B.B.C. summed up the sad fate of Cyprus with the following:
1. Cyprus will be an economy starved of credit, and will therefore shrink rapidly and very painfully for citizens.
2.An economy whose main industry is banking, is being shut .
Nigel Farage took a more aggressive stance with this gem.
" The Eurozone is now run by people who don't respect democracy; who don't respect the rule of law; who don't respect the basic principles upon which Western civilization is supposed to be based, by propping up a Eurozone, which, in the end, is going to collapse in a disastrous failure."
One tiny glimmer of light though, can be seen.This farce could even lead to the death of the banking system as we know it, as people and businesses could well stop using them.
Who wants to deal with a company you can't trust, especially if it's your hard earned cash you are trusting them with ?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Stats On Iraq, 10 Years On.
A lot of what follows was found on that excellent site, Global Research, in an article called,"Ten Years Of Crimes Against Humanity" by Sara Flounders.
The stats reported are so horrifying that, quite frankly, they are hard to believe, but the dreadful part is that they most likely are correct as they were, in a lot of cases, obtained from genuine institutions .
1. 4,448 U.S soldiers died .
2. 32,221 U.S soldiers wounded.
3. 3,400 + U.S. contractors died.
4. 40% of U.S veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury.( According to the National Council of Disabilities).
Finding the exact number of British troops who died or were injured in Iraq is not so easy , as it seems that the only available information is given out by the British Government or, should I say the Ministry Of Attack, or, as they like to call themselves the Ministry Of Defence.As we all know such institutions tell whopping lies, we will probably never know the real numbers. They claim the following;
5. 179 were killed .
6.73 very seriously injured.
7. 3,598 Field Hospital Admissions.
8 1,971 Areo- Medical Evacuation
9 149 seriously injured.
This makes a total of nearly 6000 young people whose lives were totally ruined.
A spokesman for Combat Stress, a mental health charity for military veterans told the Sun newspaper," The nation is facing huge numbers of soldiers who need help overcoming things they've experienced serving their country."
Those poor, misguided soldiers probably though they were doing it for Queen and country, but they weren't as they were serving the evile Elite who used them for their own ends.
10. Thousands of reporters were embedded with the Military, and had to sign a contract that limited what they could report on. I guess the famous picture taken in Vietnam haunted the sickos in power..
11. 1 in every 4 Iraq children under 18 lost one or both parents.
12.In 2007 there were 5 million Iraq orphans ( official Government statistics- so it's probably higher ).
13. In 2007 only 50% of primary school-age children were attending classes.
14. Iraq used to have the highest rate of literacy in the region. It now has the lowest.
15 Women faced the greatest losses in professions, education, nutrition and child care.
16. There are now 2.7 million internally displaced Iraq people, and 2.2 million refugees. Over a quarter of Iraq's population are either refugees, disabled or dead.
Before the war more than 36 million people in more than 3,000 demonstrations opposed the war. The wishes of these people, who were in mostly so called democratic countries ,was totally ignored.
You think you live in a democracy ? We live in a world run by insane, sick in the head , stuck in the first century ,evil beings. These same beings want most of us dead. War is a perfect way to kill large amounts of people. The Iraq war was not just to kill the Iraq people and give them deformed children , but was just a part of the Elite's vile agenda.
Who, I wonder is next ?
Iran ? Syria ? Both of them ?

The stats reported are so horrifying that, quite frankly, they are hard to believe, but the dreadful part is that they most likely are correct as they were, in a lot of cases, obtained from genuine institutions .
1. 4,448 U.S soldiers died .
2. 32,221 U.S soldiers wounded.
3. 3,400 + U.S. contractors died.
4. 40% of U.S veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury.( According to the National Council of Disabilities).
Finding the exact number of British troops who died or were injured in Iraq is not so easy , as it seems that the only available information is given out by the British Government or, should I say the Ministry Of Attack, or, as they like to call themselves the Ministry Of Defence.As we all know such institutions tell whopping lies, we will probably never know the real numbers. They claim the following;
5. 179 were killed .
6.73 very seriously injured.
7. 3,598 Field Hospital Admissions.
8 1,971 Areo- Medical Evacuation
9 149 seriously injured.
This makes a total of nearly 6000 young people whose lives were totally ruined.
A spokesman for Combat Stress, a mental health charity for military veterans told the Sun newspaper," The nation is facing huge numbers of soldiers who need help overcoming things they've experienced serving their country."
Those poor, misguided soldiers probably though they were doing it for Queen and country, but they weren't as they were serving the evile Elite who used them for their own ends.
10. Thousands of reporters were embedded with the Military, and had to sign a contract that limited what they could report on. I guess the famous picture taken in Vietnam haunted the sickos in power..
11. 1 in every 4 Iraq children under 18 lost one or both parents.
12.In 2007 there were 5 million Iraq orphans ( official Government statistics- so it's probably higher ).
13. In 2007 only 50% of primary school-age children were attending classes.
14. Iraq used to have the highest rate of literacy in the region. It now has the lowest.
15 Women faced the greatest losses in professions, education, nutrition and child care.
16. There are now 2.7 million internally displaced Iraq people, and 2.2 million refugees. Over a quarter of Iraq's population are either refugees, disabled or dead.
Before the war more than 36 million people in more than 3,000 demonstrations opposed the war. The wishes of these people, who were in mostly so called democratic countries ,was totally ignored.
You think you live in a democracy ? We live in a world run by insane, sick in the head , stuck in the first century ,evil beings. These same beings want most of us dead. War is a perfect way to kill large amounts of people. The Iraq war was not just to kill the Iraq people and give them deformed children , but was just a part of the Elite's vile agenda.
Who, I wonder is next ?
Iran ? Syria ? Both of them ?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Easter Yolks Folks
I know the Greek Easter isn't for some time yet, but in many countries, Easter is due to arrive soon .This post was put up last year, but noticing that it is again getting views, I decided to post it again.
Yer, well,some are pretty grim but we gotta try and smile sometimes in these weird, weird times.
Here goes;
1.How many British people does it take to change a lightbulb ?
Erm, I don't know, I'll have to consult The Health And Safety Executive.
* *
2.How many priests does it take to change a lightbulb ?
None, if it's a primary school .
3.How many bankers does it take to change a lightbulb ?
None.Everything is fine as it is, with everyone in the dark.
4.Why did the cow jump over the moon?
Because it heard that Macdonalds will be the first to open a franchise there.
5. How many members of the IMF does it take to change a lightbulb?
They don't change lightbulbs as they make sure they go out, cause darkness throught the land, and create gloom, gloom, everywhere.
6.How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb ?
It depends what you mean by light and bulb.
7.How many voters vote in Elections ?
How many sheep are in the world ?
8. How many Greeks does it take to change a lightbulb ?
They don't, because they can't afford, not only the light bulb, but also the electricity.

Check out my popular posts by clicking on the ones listed on the right-hand side of the page.
Here are some favourites you might like.
From Despair To Delight
How Awake Are You ?
You Are That You Are.
Farce Of Government.
Yer, well,some are pretty grim but we gotta try and smile sometimes in these weird, weird times.
Here goes;
1.How many British people does it take to change a lightbulb ?
Erm, I don't know, I'll have to consult The Health And Safety Executive.
* *
2.How many priests does it take to change a lightbulb ?
None, if it's a primary school .
3.How many bankers does it take to change a lightbulb ?
None.Everything is fine as it is, with everyone in the dark.
4.Why did the cow jump over the moon?
Because it heard that Macdonalds will be the first to open a franchise there.
5. How many members of the IMF does it take to change a lightbulb?
They don't change lightbulbs as they make sure they go out, cause darkness throught the land, and create gloom, gloom, everywhere.
6.How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb ?
It depends what you mean by light and bulb.
7.How many voters vote in Elections ?
How many sheep are in the world ?
8. How many Greeks does it take to change a lightbulb ?
They don't, because they can't afford, not only the light bulb, but also the electricity.
Check out my popular posts by clicking on the ones listed on the right-hand side of the page.
Here are some favourites you might like.
From Despair To Delight
How Awake Are You ?
You Are That You Are.
Farce Of Government.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Quotes For Our Time.
Nigel Farage.
2." If they don't let us dream, we will not let them sleep."
This was seen on a placard held by a demonstrator in Cyprus this week.
3." I have arrived . I am here. I am here and now."
Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra, he says, will take you immediately to your ultimate nature. Keep saying it throughout the day for best results.
4.The following I found on David Icke's site a couple of days ago.
"They will come to a fork in the road; one road will lead to materialism and destruction- for almost all living creatures- the other road will lead to a spiritual way upon which the nature people will be standing.This path will lead to the lighting of the 8th fire; a period of eternal peace, harmony and a ' New Earth', where the destruction of the past will be healed."
Anishnabe Prophecy.
5.Ben Lipton Ph.D. is a cellular Biologist who taught cell Biology at the University of Wisconsin, School Of Medicine. He wrote the following in an article on the ' Waking Times ' Site
" Behaviour is automatically controlled by the subconscious mind's programme when the self-conscious mind is not focused on the present moment."
In other words it is essential to live in the now, otherwise your past is controlling your behaviour.
6." Emotions and behaviours are derived from the unobserved processing of the subconscious mind."
Ben Lipton.
7." Until we have learned to control our minds every single thing perceived affects our subconscious exactly as a mirror would be affected if all the objects mirrored in it left their individual stains."
John Blofeld.
8." When things happen, make no response.Keep your minds from dwelling on anything whatsoever; keep them ( our minds ) for ever still like the void and utterly pure ( without stain ) and thereby spontaneously attain deliverance."
Hui Hai.
9." We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion; the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission."
Ayn Rand.
10.According to the Guardian newspaper, Greece's Finance Minister, the Oxford educated ,Yannis Stournaras, said last week that Greece was close to overcoming its worst crisis in modern times, and although there may still be protests- even violent at times- but the country was about to turn the corner. To a large extent Greece is out of the woods.
So we can all breath a sigh of relief. Memories of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain spring to mind, when on his return from talking with Hitler, said the immortal words, ' Peace For Our Time ' He said this in September 1938. In less than a year later war broke out.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
"Hide Away" Banned .
Last night I was playing guitar and singing a few of my songs to a group of people. One of the songs was ' Hide Away ' Everyone seemed to like it, but the burning question they all asked was,what inspired me to write it. So I told them; as they all seemed so interested, I thought it could be put on this blog.
A few years ago , on a spring morning in a suburb of Athens, I was walking along a tree- lined avenue; it was a perfect day with the sun dancing through the trees and the temperature soft and warm.
The birds were competing with each other by seeing who could sing the most original and loudest melody.Aromas of fresh bread mixed with a whiff of cigarettes and coffee were coming from an old- fashioned Greek cafe that was packed with early morning coffee junkies.
I was vaguely aware of all of the above, but I wasn't really there in that moment. I was still stuck in yesterday and my future.My head was full of bees all buzzing with worries. I have no idea what those worries were now,but I think, at the particular time, they covered most areas of my life ; relationship problems, family problems, business problems and I seem to remember I had some minor health worry. I knew that if I continued in this way I could have a major health problem.Suddenly this tide of anxiety overcame me ; all the chattering in my mind was just too much.I wanted'time out' from myself .
I was walking to a recording studio, where I was scheduled to do ' voice overs' for the next four hours. I can tell you , I certainly wasn't in the mood . Even the thought of playing,'Zeus', as it was He who I was going to be shortly, didn't thrill me .I felt nothing like a Greek God !
I turned a corner in the avenue and saw the familiar grey building where the recording was to take place. I checked my watch and saw , amazingly enough, that for once I was early, and wasn't due to record for another ten minutes.Here there was a clearing where trees were proudly displaying their pink -white blossoms.Other trees were dressed in the dazzling , bright colours of spring,with delicate, blood -red flowers seen scattered over a sun drenched meadow.that seemed to stretch on forever.The scent of lemon mixed with a hint of oranges pervaded the air.There was no traffic, thank goodness ,anywhere.
I felt the wonder and magic of the moment as I sat down in the shade of a lemon tree.I felt my whole body relax and was horrified to realize how tense I had been. Every bit of me had felt like a tightly- bound knot. Everything felt so tense and rigid , and my face felt like it had a mask on that was too tight.How could I escape from this non-stop static blasting through my mind ?
Suddenly though I was in another world; a magical enchanted one. My foolish, fevered ,worry chattering simply stopped.My body relaxed and I smiled for the first time that morning.
It was then that the lyrics and melody of the first verse of 'Hide Away' leapt into my head.I quickly wrote the words down- "Playing in the backyard with rag dolls and rings, what a wondrous morning to dream a thousand dreams ".I then added a few musical clues, to help me remember the melody.
After being Zeus for four hours, I hurried home and finished the song.I had just got paid and I had a new song.I felt so different to how I had felt earlier; I was happy.
Later it was put on youtube accompanied by a video taken from the film' Great Expectations ',that my son James had put together. I thought it was a great video, but I hoped people wouldn't say that old chestnut,"Great video, shame about the song ".Perhaps some did say that ! The song had gained quite a few hundred views- nothing amazing I admit- but its views were increasing everyday which obviously pleased me. So one day when I was checking out the views,. I found that the song and video had gone. Youtube had banned it worldwide . It wasn't banned because of the song, but because we had infringed copyright laws by taking the clips from the film," Great Expectations. "
I can't understand the film companies way of thinking, as surely any plugging of the film is a good thing for them. Anyway a new video of 'Hide Away' has now been made and you can find it just below this piece. I hope you like it.
A few years ago , on a spring morning in a suburb of Athens, I was walking along a tree- lined avenue; it was a perfect day with the sun dancing through the trees and the temperature soft and warm.
The birds were competing with each other by seeing who could sing the most original and loudest melody.Aromas of fresh bread mixed with a whiff of cigarettes and coffee were coming from an old- fashioned Greek cafe that was packed with early morning coffee junkies.
I was vaguely aware of all of the above, but I wasn't really there in that moment. I was still stuck in yesterday and my future.My head was full of bees all buzzing with worries. I have no idea what those worries were now,but I think, at the particular time, they covered most areas of my life ; relationship problems, family problems, business problems and I seem to remember I had some minor health worry. I knew that if I continued in this way I could have a major health problem.Suddenly this tide of anxiety overcame me ; all the chattering in my mind was just too much.I wanted'time out' from myself .
I was walking to a recording studio, where I was scheduled to do ' voice overs' for the next four hours. I can tell you , I certainly wasn't in the mood . Even the thought of playing,'Zeus', as it was He who I was going to be shortly, didn't thrill me .I felt nothing like a Greek God !
I turned a corner in the avenue and saw the familiar grey building where the recording was to take place. I checked my watch and saw , amazingly enough, that for once I was early, and wasn't due to record for another ten minutes.Here there was a clearing where trees were proudly displaying their pink -white blossoms.Other trees were dressed in the dazzling , bright colours of spring,with delicate, blood -red flowers seen scattered over a sun drenched meadow.that seemed to stretch on forever.The scent of lemon mixed with a hint of oranges pervaded the air.There was no traffic, thank goodness ,anywhere.
I felt the wonder and magic of the moment as I sat down in the shade of a lemon tree.I felt my whole body relax and was horrified to realize how tense I had been. Every bit of me had felt like a tightly- bound knot. Everything felt so tense and rigid , and my face felt like it had a mask on that was too tight.How could I escape from this non-stop static blasting through my mind ?
Suddenly though I was in another world; a magical enchanted one. My foolish, fevered ,worry chattering simply stopped.My body relaxed and I smiled for the first time that morning.
It was then that the lyrics and melody of the first verse of 'Hide Away' leapt into my head.I quickly wrote the words down- "Playing in the backyard with rag dolls and rings, what a wondrous morning to dream a thousand dreams ".I then added a few musical clues, to help me remember the melody.
After being Zeus for four hours, I hurried home and finished the song.I had just got paid and I had a new song.I felt so different to how I had felt earlier; I was happy.
Later it was put on youtube accompanied by a video taken from the film' Great Expectations ',that my son James had put together. I thought it was a great video, but I hoped people wouldn't say that old chestnut,"Great video, shame about the song ".Perhaps some did say that ! The song had gained quite a few hundred views- nothing amazing I admit- but its views were increasing everyday which obviously pleased me. So one day when I was checking out the views,. I found that the song and video had gone. Youtube had banned it worldwide . It wasn't banned because of the song, but because we had infringed copyright laws by taking the clips from the film," Great Expectations. "
I can't understand the film companies way of thinking, as surely any plugging of the film is a good thing for them. Anyway a new video of 'Hide Away' has now been made and you can find it just below this piece. I hope you like it.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Savile And Lagarde
The British police investigation into Sir Jimmy Savile's reign of sexual abuse together with related enquiries, has a strange echo with the infamous Lagarde list in Greece.
The rancid Savile business has been splashed over popular papers worldwide, which is not surprising as it is rare for a celebrity of such fame to have sexually abused and raped so many ( mostly underage ) people and to have got away with it for 40 odd years.The general public were also amazed at how many other famous people were, on a vastly smaller scale, doing similar activities . Shocked and horrified has been the reaction of Joe public.
The Lagard list though has kept a very low profile.It is rarely mentioned in the Greek papers I have seen, but I don't read them all.
The Lagarde list is a list of names of people in Greece who sent the money they had kept in Greek banks to banks abroad. It has been rumoured to contain some very prominent people.The list was lost, then found, then lost again, and recently , we have been told that it has come to light.It also contains names of ordinary, but well-off individuals, who have, I have been told ,been contacted by the Greek tax authorities about this repeatedly over the last few months.
As an aside , I really don't see that this has anything to do with governments; it is legal and it's your money.
Isn't it typical how the little fishes always get caught, while the big ones always seem to get away. Just look at the global companies that evade tax. If a member of the masses does this, or tries to do it, he is in big trouble.
For the big fishes though, no net appears to be hovering over them. So far, hardly anything has happened. Relatives of a Minister are alleged to have transferred large sums of money abroad. And that's it, so far.
Back to the Savile investigation.This was, at the start, only about Savile. It showed that his sexual assaults against girls, boys and adults over a 30 to 40 year period was staggering in the number of cases involved.Depending on what paper you read, he is accused of anything between 80 to 459 sexual assaults ,some on children as young as ten, and these include rapes.
Almost every police force in almost every county in the U.K received complaints and accusations about his
illegal sexual behaviour, over three to four decades, but not a thing was done about it. In most cases, the police were told to drop all charges against him, by the Director Of Public Prosecutions, and you can't get much higher than that. Talk about a cover-up- it's in your face.
The second police investigation led to D.J's and pop singers of yesteryear having their breakfasts interrupted by a load knock on their mansion doors by the boys in blue. Quickly, some quite famous types were accused of sexual crimes against adults or children.Gary Glitter was one of the early arrests, which pleased the tabloids no end ,because they hate him.The public love a bit of scandal and this satisfied their blood-lust.
Then Scotland Yard ( that's the head police force in the U.K.) announced that they were now having a second investigation into ' others' involved. This was, to people who read the alternative news sites ,a code for mega - celebrities, members of Parliament, Judges, Lords, leaders of industry, top policemen, Foreign Office officials and, last but certainly not least, members of the British Royal household or possibly family.
Such people are rumoured to have all visited a child brothel for boys only in London.This was a favourite haunt for seriously rich, famous and well-known faces in positions of high authority.
After the quick arrests of Gary Glitter( a faded pop star), Dave Lee Travis ( a D.J ) Freddie Starr ( a comedian) Jim Davidson ( comic ) Max Clifford ( a publicist for the rich and famous) and a few T.V producers , it seems it's not so easy to collar the pillars of the Establishment.
The silence is loud., and it's certainly not golden.All we ever hear is," Shortly we expect to be making arrests of some very prominent people.." In fact , just before Christmas, Scotland Yard said that these arrests would happen early in the new year.Now we are near the end of March.
Both the Lagarde list and the post- Savile enquiry, on the present evidence available, have one glaring aspect in common; they remind me of a man taking one step forward, then three or four steps back.
This is amusing in a sick way as all the politicians round the world keep talking about a new era of transparency, and a cracking down on corruption and illegal practices in high places.
We shall now see, over the next few months, if any big names are caught.If they are not, we will know for sure that nothing has changed and the same time-old cover-ups and protection of the rich and powerful is alive and well, and still going strong. In other words- business as usual.
If though, for once, the ones at the top are named, people would regain trust in , if not the system, in its ability to treat the 1% the same as they treat us.
Let's wait and see. Mind you, don't hold your breath. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Lagarde list suddenly vanishes again, and the police in the U.K. lose all the evidence.It's always worked in the past, they will reason, so what's so different now ?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Cops In Fiction.
I'm talking books here, but it also applies to the numerous T.V. series praising the much hated cop.
Cops are probably despised more than ever nowadays thanks to you tube showing us how they really behave. At the same time, the T.V. stations are fighting back with series after series showing us how wonderful these ' keepers of law and order' are.
All this stuff about new technology and D.N.A. is rammed down our throats. Wow, these guys are really clever and so ethical. Not only are they smart but they are so human too. Yes, they have problems just like you and me. One may have a relationship problem or trouble with his kids or even a drink problem, but never a drug problem.
All this is put across to us so we can feel sympathy for the poor, misunderstood copper .
In the book world in the U.K. you have Rankin, Peter Robinson, P.D James and many others all churning out best-sellers portraying these super cops. Compassion and caring for others is a must for these people as is human weakness-as in Rankin's series- where the hero has relationship and possibly a slight drink problem.
Not only are they super cops, but such intellectuals, as in the case of Morse and Dalgiesh ( popular cops in British crime fiction). Dalgiesh writes poetry, for God's sake, and Morse loves classical music and can quote the classics.Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to write poetry and know the classics, but I doubt if your average bobby has such interests.
If you want to have a best-seller follow the formula and you are in.If you don't, and you have your hero as really anti-establishment and, surprise, surprise, the book will probably not even be published, and if, by chance it is, it certainly won't be promoted.
You see, the Elite control the book world and every other world.
Agatha's Christies very early stories had a fair sprinkling of conspiracy theories. She soon changed her tune and became one of the most successful authors of crime stories of all time . Her books always show the police in a very good light as excellent protectors of the public. She is good though, I must admit.
We are targetted from every angle whether its books, films, T.V. radio or music.We must believe what the Elite want us to believe.
There is one major problem though. You can read and watch countless series about our wonderful , caring cops, but if you are unfortunate enough to be involved with them when in a demonstration, you will find out, firsthand, what they are really like.
Pepper spray, laser guns, tear gas or water cannon are the only stock-in trade modern technology they will use and use and use. Such a far cry from the police in books and on T.V. as to be absurd in its dishonest portrayal .
The Elite have a major problem though. The internet is opening a lot of eyes that used to be very firmly shut.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Where's The Compassion ?
Seeing the video on this blog, somewhere under this post called," Power cuts a daily reality in Greece" by Daily Motion , about people having their electricity cut off because of non-payment of the bill, raised one question in my mind: where's the compassion ?
The workers at DEH ( the Greek Ekectricity Company) are human and yet they are acting without any feelings for their fellow kind.Knowing that they are depriving their customers, who have , after all been loyal cxustomers often for many years because they have no choice, of light and warmth and hot water and possibly hot food. This is not a compassionate act.You could say that this is not a natural human act.
I know the argument; this is the law laid down by the psychopathic Elite and these employees are only doing their duty. If they didn't , they might be sacked and who would want that in todays awful job market.
Well, it doesn't wash. In the film, most of the ones who who were interviewed had offered to pay DHE in installments and this was in every case , refused. Why ? As the company would get the money, albeit, not immediately, but over a matter of months, I fail too see why such cruel hardship has to be inflicted on so many.
I am sure some bully mentally, power hungry,tellings others what to do types get a kick out of having the power to ruin people's lives. Such types exist in both private and public monstrosities. 4 in every hundred people is said to be a psychopath or 4%. of the population.
But the others who work there ? Some are probably too scared to bend any rules; others, no doubt, don't even think about the consequences of their action and are doing their work like robots, as robots it is they have become.
Of course, everyone has because everyone has gone through the absurdly called Education System which should really be called the De- Education System, because that is what it does; it smothers your natural instinctive feelings About 12 years of learning to obey without question , and then possibly a year in the Army and time at college anyone is perfectly suitable to carry out any government or corporations dirty work, as they have been trained and conditioned not to have any independent thought.
In a sane world, which this one certainly isn't,any directive from a high-up would not be carried out if it was considered inhuman and yes, insane.
The trouble is , we live in a world that is going further and farther away from any pretence of common sense or compassion.Sometimes I think that we are living in and on an asylum planet.
There are some wonderful people worldwide who have sacrificied their time and energy to help the less fortunate ones; such types restore one's faith in humanity's essential goodness and compassion for each other.These people though are, sadly, few and far between.
I suppose the robots and the ," Yes sir, we'll do anything for you sir'" types will only stop being blindly obedient when their own petty ,little worlds are threatened by the very ones they so devoutely serve.
Though, sometimes I wonder. Maybe they are a lost cause and they have been so thoroughly immersed in the sick system for so long that even when it causes hardship and suffering to themselves, they will still bow their heads and do their duty, regardless of the fact that their lives are being ruined.
Remember the second world war. It was ordinary soldiers who blindly carried out atrocities without question .
Remember also the Nuremberg Trials when those ordinary soldiers were put to death for carrying out orders that were inhuman.
The workers at DEH ( the Greek Ekectricity Company) are human and yet they are acting without any feelings for their fellow kind.Knowing that they are depriving their customers, who have , after all been loyal cxustomers often for many years because they have no choice, of light and warmth and hot water and possibly hot food. This is not a compassionate act.You could say that this is not a natural human act.
I know the argument; this is the law laid down by the psychopathic Elite and these employees are only doing their duty. If they didn't , they might be sacked and who would want that in todays awful job market.
Well, it doesn't wash. In the film, most of the ones who who were interviewed had offered to pay DHE in installments and this was in every case , refused. Why ? As the company would get the money, albeit, not immediately, but over a matter of months, I fail too see why such cruel hardship has to be inflicted on so many.
I am sure some bully mentally, power hungry,tellings others what to do types get a kick out of having the power to ruin people's lives. Such types exist in both private and public monstrosities. 4 in every hundred people is said to be a psychopath or 4%. of the population.
But the others who work there ? Some are probably too scared to bend any rules; others, no doubt, don't even think about the consequences of their action and are doing their work like robots, as robots it is they have become.
Of course, everyone has because everyone has gone through the absurdly called Education System which should really be called the De- Education System, because that is what it does; it smothers your natural instinctive feelings About 12 years of learning to obey without question , and then possibly a year in the Army and time at college anyone is perfectly suitable to carry out any government or corporations dirty work, as they have been trained and conditioned not to have any independent thought.
In a sane world, which this one certainly isn't,any directive from a high-up would not be carried out if it was considered inhuman and yes, insane.
The trouble is , we live in a world that is going further and farther away from any pretence of common sense or compassion.Sometimes I think that we are living in and on an asylum planet.
There are some wonderful people worldwide who have sacrificied their time and energy to help the less fortunate ones; such types restore one's faith in humanity's essential goodness and compassion for each other.These people though are, sadly, few and far between.
I suppose the robots and the ," Yes sir, we'll do anything for you sir'" types will only stop being blindly obedient when their own petty ,little worlds are threatened by the very ones they so devoutely serve.
Though, sometimes I wonder. Maybe they are a lost cause and they have been so thoroughly immersed in the sick system for so long that even when it causes hardship and suffering to themselves, they will still bow their heads and do their duty, regardless of the fact that their lives are being ruined.
Remember the second world war. It was ordinary soldiers who blindly carried out atrocities without question .
Remember also the Nuremberg Trials when those ordinary soldiers were put to death for carrying out orders that were inhuman.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Farce Of Governments
The latest outcry over horse and donkey meat in so many products is just another example of how utterly useless governments are.
How many health scares have there been over the last few years? A lot, and yet the so- called regulatory institutions run by governments always act too late.It is obvious. The governments are not doing the job they are supposed to do.
Take the collapse of the Northern Rock in the U.K some years ago. The financial regulatory body never saw that coming , did they ?Why not ? Did the bosses of that department get the sack ? Of course not.
Look at the number of children who have been sexually, emotionally and physically abused in care homes in the U,K over the last fifty to sixty years, and yet nothing was ever done about this.
Another example is the extreme weather conditions that are so frequent. Have you ever heard that relative of the Queen of England, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister ,or any other minister declare a state of emergency, or offer aid and assistance to the people who suffered flooding or being snowed in ? No.
Well, excuse me, but I thought that's what governments are for; to help protect the citizens and keep them from harm. Is that niave ? Yes, it is, because the proof of the pudding is that they don't. I know why they don't and the reason is they don't give a dam about the people.The function of any government in reality is to rob as much money as possible from the population.
They even allow flouride which is poison, in our toothpaste and put it in our water.Consider the state of the food industry, which is hand in glove with government ,and how they are allowed to lie about what is really in our food.
I hate to use the expression, ' not fit for purpose', as that clown, John Reid, a British Labour minister kept on saying this, as he knew it made a catchy headline, but it certainly applies to the British government, and nearly all governments we have.
They pretend they are there for the people. In reality they are there for themselves, the banks, the large corporations, but most of all to keep the evil agenda laid down by the sick, Rothschild Elite, rolling on as it has been for God knows how long.
Lately though, they seem to have decided to do everything they can to harass, humiliate, irritate and annoy us, in any and every way they can.
Our wishes are always ignored.Nearly everyone in the world was against one of the greatest crimes against humanity, the Iraq war, but what government dared to go against the mighty Rothschild Elite ?Actually France had the guts to be against it, and that is why that strange man Sarkozy was suddenly sent centre stage to carry out orders from America and Israel.
Nowadays we have the Afghan war that nobody in their right mind wants, yet the war is still going on year after blood-soaked year.Any mention of a British soldier being killed there is given about four lines way down the front page, in the British press, with Justin Beiber's latest tantrums, or Princess Kate's latest dress
getting the spotlight as this is, believe it or not, headline news.
Then you have the ludicrous E.U. regulations. Their insanity is thrust upon us. We complain and nothing happens.
Until now.
Hold on tight because the ride is getting rougher; this is all part of the plan. The lunacy will end as everything has a start, middle and finish. The question is,of course, when ?
This year ? Next year ? In five years ?
That depends on us. Remember we outnumber them .
How many health scares have there been over the last few years? A lot, and yet the so- called regulatory institutions run by governments always act too late.It is obvious. The governments are not doing the job they are supposed to do.
Take the collapse of the Northern Rock in the U.K some years ago. The financial regulatory body never saw that coming , did they ?Why not ? Did the bosses of that department get the sack ? Of course not.
Look at the number of children who have been sexually, emotionally and physically abused in care homes in the U,K over the last fifty to sixty years, and yet nothing was ever done about this.
Another example is the extreme weather conditions that are so frequent. Have you ever heard that relative of the Queen of England, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister ,or any other minister declare a state of emergency, or offer aid and assistance to the people who suffered flooding or being snowed in ? No.
Well, excuse me, but I thought that's what governments are for; to help protect the citizens and keep them from harm. Is that niave ? Yes, it is, because the proof of the pudding is that they don't. I know why they don't and the reason is they don't give a dam about the people.The function of any government in reality is to rob as much money as possible from the population.
They even allow flouride which is poison, in our toothpaste and put it in our water.Consider the state of the food industry, which is hand in glove with government ,and how they are allowed to lie about what is really in our food.
I hate to use the expression, ' not fit for purpose', as that clown, John Reid, a British Labour minister kept on saying this, as he knew it made a catchy headline, but it certainly applies to the British government, and nearly all governments we have.
They pretend they are there for the people. In reality they are there for themselves, the banks, the large corporations, but most of all to keep the evil agenda laid down by the sick, Rothschild Elite, rolling on as it has been for God knows how long.
Lately though, they seem to have decided to do everything they can to harass, humiliate, irritate and annoy us, in any and every way they can.
Our wishes are always ignored.Nearly everyone in the world was against one of the greatest crimes against humanity, the Iraq war, but what government dared to go against the mighty Rothschild Elite ?Actually France had the guts to be against it, and that is why that strange man Sarkozy was suddenly sent centre stage to carry out orders from America and Israel.
Nowadays we have the Afghan war that nobody in their right mind wants, yet the war is still going on year after blood-soaked year.Any mention of a British soldier being killed there is given about four lines way down the front page, in the British press, with Justin Beiber's latest tantrums, or Princess Kate's latest dress
getting the spotlight as this is, believe it or not, headline news.
Then you have the ludicrous E.U. regulations. Their insanity is thrust upon us. We complain and nothing happens.
Until now.
Hold on tight because the ride is getting rougher; this is all part of the plan. The lunacy will end as everything has a start, middle and finish. The question is,of course, when ?
This year ? Next year ? In five years ?
That depends on us. Remember we outnumber them .
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Wrong And Blinding Road.
Almost every country in the world is now walking up it; the wrong and blinding road. This road is beset with potholes, sinkholes , boulders and rocks and stones. The walkers keep stumbling, while the blinding flashes of lightning send them running for cover, but there is nowhere to hide.
People are starving on the road; you see countless beggars sitting with that beaten, defeated look in their sad, confused eyes.Children are wearing old, and unwashed clothes; they are hungry ; they go to school and ask teachers for food. Welcome to the E,U.
The sick can't afford medicines or good food and are dying.Suicides are a daily occurrence on a mass scale.
On each side of the road ,shops that once did thriving business are now boarded up.Some walkers are a lot more awake than others, but the majority shrug their shoulders and say, ' What can we do ?' over and over again.It's an expression I hear all the time in Greece,
A lot have weird zombie-like expressions , and a look that says , ' I give up.'
Big Pharma is delighted as sales of their anti- depressants are through the roof.Cheap booze sales are booming, as people try to block out the harsh conditions of this awful road.
Thieves are out in force ready to murder for their next meal.
The old and the vulnerable shake with fear behind closed doors, terrified of being robbed in their homes.They have heard so many horror stories of break-ins; of their friends being beaten and injured or murdered.
Then you get the ones on the edge, waiting for the day they get the sack from their jobs.The ones who hear rumours every day of how soon it will be before the chopper chops down on them.
The wrong and blinding road that was paved by the architects of the New World order.
In the modern world ,Greece has been picked on as the one with the worst road. If the Elite think the Greeks can be forced to walk up this road, then the rest of the world will be made to follow suit.
The Greeks are considered difficult and rebellious ( see my post on that mega war- criminal Kissinger for further details ) and that is why they have been chosen for a dose of strong poison. If the Elite break the Greeks, so the reasoning goes, then they can break the rest
The next few months should, as the Chinese say, be interesting times, especially as more and more people are realizing that the journey down this road is a complete waste of time.
The slow dawn of truth is getting brighter every day, as more and more realize that the road is, in fact a dead end.
People are starving on the road; you see countless beggars sitting with that beaten, defeated look in their sad, confused eyes.Children are wearing old, and unwashed clothes; they are hungry ; they go to school and ask teachers for food. Welcome to the E,U.
The sick can't afford medicines or good food and are dying.Suicides are a daily occurrence on a mass scale.
On each side of the road ,shops that once did thriving business are now boarded up.Some walkers are a lot more awake than others, but the majority shrug their shoulders and say, ' What can we do ?' over and over again.It's an expression I hear all the time in Greece,
A lot have weird zombie-like expressions , and a look that says , ' I give up.'
Big Pharma is delighted as sales of their anti- depressants are through the roof.Cheap booze sales are booming, as people try to block out the harsh conditions of this awful road.
Thieves are out in force ready to murder for their next meal.
The old and the vulnerable shake with fear behind closed doors, terrified of being robbed in their homes.They have heard so many horror stories of break-ins; of their friends being beaten and injured or murdered.
Then you get the ones on the edge, waiting for the day they get the sack from their jobs.The ones who hear rumours every day of how soon it will be before the chopper chops down on them.
The wrong and blinding road that was paved by the architects of the New World order.
In the modern world ,Greece has been picked on as the one with the worst road. If the Elite think the Greeks can be forced to walk up this road, then the rest of the world will be made to follow suit.
The Greeks are considered difficult and rebellious ( see my post on that mega war- criminal Kissinger for further details ) and that is why they have been chosen for a dose of strong poison. If the Elite break the Greeks, so the reasoning goes, then they can break the rest
The next few months should, as the Chinese say, be interesting times, especially as more and more people are realizing that the journey down this road is a complete waste of time.
The slow dawn of truth is getting brighter every day, as more and more realize that the road is, in fact a dead end.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
What The Dying Regret.
Bonnie Ware wrote a book called' The Five Regrets Of Dying'.What these regrets are should make us all sit up and think.Death will come to everyone of us one day; it could be anytime ; it could be in the next minute, today, next week or month or in 6o years time, but as sure as the sun sets each night, our own little lives will one day set just like the sun and be no more.At least , not until the sun rises after the night and we are re-born.
Here are the 5 regrets.
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself , not the life that others expected of me.
How many of us can relate to that ? A hell of a lot I would guess.
2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
For those still having a job, the majority have to work far harder than their parents did.I couldn't believe it when I read that in the U.K. a high percentage of office workers don't take a lunch break, but eat a snack at their desk while working.I remember enjoying pub lunches, as a lot of other people did way back when. Nowadays though, I understand that this is a complete no, no.We got the work done, and you can bet that the workers were a happier lot than they are now.
3.I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
We are so conditioned to obey, to keep our heads down ,believe that we are not important and play the game that we don't like, that we don't think that we have the right to express our feelings.
The secret to expressing your feelings is to get into the habit of doing this. Once you've done it a few times, it becomes easier.
4. I wish I'd kept in touch with my friends.
I am sure most of us feel that way.The popularity of sites like 'Friends United' show this to be true.Once you get involved in your own little ego scripts and dramas or move to different areas, or abroad, it is so easy to lose contact with even very close friends.
I often imagine what life was like in the mid 1800's in an English village.I am a great fan of Thomas Hardy . He is most famous for' Tess Of The D'urbervilles', but I think that everything he wrote was just as good .Hardy paints with a truly fine brush, a beautiful picture of people being born in a village, who then live all their lives in the same area.The friends they had as children remain with them all their lives.
5. I wish that I'd let myself be happier.The dying, suddenly realize, too late, that they had a choice between unhappiness and happiness, and they had made the wrong choice and had chosen to be unhappy all their lives; what a waste !
It's interesting to note that when faced with the end of the road- death, that people start getting ' real ' values that they never had when they were not facing the end of their existence.Perhaps they were too busy watching 'Eastenders ' and worrying about how to pay the rent next month.
Let these five regrets be a lesson and a warning to us all, so we don't, when dying, have these regrets.
Live your life true to yourself, and not how others want you to live.
Don't work so hard, no matter what people say.
Express your feelings. Sure, some people won't like it, but it's your life you are living and you have the right to say how you feel.
And the' cruncher'
Make the right choice.
Be happy !
Here are the 5 regrets.
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself , not the life that others expected of me.
How many of us can relate to that ? A hell of a lot I would guess.
2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
For those still having a job, the majority have to work far harder than their parents did.I couldn't believe it when I read that in the U.K. a high percentage of office workers don't take a lunch break, but eat a snack at their desk while working.I remember enjoying pub lunches, as a lot of other people did way back when. Nowadays though, I understand that this is a complete no, no.We got the work done, and you can bet that the workers were a happier lot than they are now.
3.I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
We are so conditioned to obey, to keep our heads down ,believe that we are not important and play the game that we don't like, that we don't think that we have the right to express our feelings.
The secret to expressing your feelings is to get into the habit of doing this. Once you've done it a few times, it becomes easier.
4. I wish I'd kept in touch with my friends.
I am sure most of us feel that way.The popularity of sites like 'Friends United' show this to be true.Once you get involved in your own little ego scripts and dramas or move to different areas, or abroad, it is so easy to lose contact with even very close friends.
I often imagine what life was like in the mid 1800's in an English village.I am a great fan of Thomas Hardy . He is most famous for' Tess Of The D'urbervilles', but I think that everything he wrote was just as good .Hardy paints with a truly fine brush, a beautiful picture of people being born in a village, who then live all their lives in the same area.The friends they had as children remain with them all their lives.
5. I wish that I'd let myself be happier.The dying, suddenly realize, too late, that they had a choice between unhappiness and happiness, and they had made the wrong choice and had chosen to be unhappy all their lives; what a waste !
It's interesting to note that when faced with the end of the road- death, that people start getting ' real ' values that they never had when they were not facing the end of their existence.Perhaps they were too busy watching 'Eastenders ' and worrying about how to pay the rent next month.
Let these five regrets be a lesson and a warning to us all, so we don't, when dying, have these regrets.
Live your life true to yourself, and not how others want you to live.
Don't work so hard, no matter what people say.
Express your feelings. Sure, some people won't like it, but it's your life you are living and you have the right to say how you feel.
And the' cruncher'
Make the right choice.
Be happy !
Friday, March 8, 2013
Brain Soap And Water.
After watching ' Friends ' one night the lady I was living with then, promptly purchased a duck, simply because she had seen that ' Friends' episode which featured one of the players having a duck in his apartment.
The obvious downside to this was that ducks do need to excrete and pee. So, all in all, although it was a highly unusual experience, it was really unpleasant and not at all how it was portrayed in the T.V. show.They also quack a hell of a lot and very loudly too.
I'm not quite sure what happened to the ducks, but we got rid of them. No , we didn't kill or eat them, but I think we gave them to a farmer who took them with pleasure.
I also noticed that people I knew were actually using the same expressions and phrases that were used in 'Friends '.I once caught myself doing it once, and stopped talking in mid-sentence.
This got me thinking. Are these series that are so popular really simply soap and water for the brain or brainwashing techniques? Are the characters in these shows role models for us to copy, and we, without realizing, act like the actors in the soap?
For example, if you are are watching 'Eastenders '. which is one of the favourite soaps in the U.K.. and one of the leading parts in this is getting stressed over tax affairs, you are meant to copy his behaviour.This way you can be programmed to act the way the Elite want you to act.
I then started thinking about all the T.V. programmes I have watched. Hours wasted watching American cops eating junk food and talking drivel in plots a ten year old could have made up.Hours, days weeks, months and years wasted watching American lawyers. American private eyes, American Forensic Scientists and American super heroes slowly but surely, deadening down my brain.
Why on earth did I want to watch Wonderthighs Woman, Starkers And Crutch, Rockford Cheese Files. Dull arse, Miami Lice, Kojackitoff,Charlies Demons, Perry 3rd degree Mason and similar bilge.I can't really believe that I wanted to watch these shows; I must have been hooked on the screen. Something in these series made me come back for more, just like an addiction.I guess it was too tempting, after the stresses and strains of modern life to collapse in front of the T.V. and sit like a zombie.
Then I went way back to my childhood.All those countless wersterns that used to be on British T.V. in Children's Hour and early evening. So many cowboy series such as Wells Fargo, Bronco, Wyatt Earp, Maverick, The Lone Ranger, Wagon Train, Rawhide, Bonanza, Champion The Wonder Horse and still loads more. Why the hell so many ?
What connection were British children meant to have with life in the wild west ? They had at least one western on every day.What were the plots ?
The same , more or less, in everyone.
Super cool cowboy shoots and fights his way to the end of the hour.Bang, bang, bang; how they loved to display those little or big guns.
How many people must children have seen killed in their first ten years of life ?It's like, hey, this is normal, so you have a whole generation believing that guns and violence are the way to solve life's problems.
Disgusting really, when you think of what children should and could have been shown. I remember looking forward to watching Laramie or something similar when I got home from school. I had been brainwashed at school all day and now I was looking forward to being brainwashed by my box in the corner.How the Elite must have loved it.
I wonder how many soldiers in the Vietnam war had been watching these cowboy series ?
It still goes on. I remember Dallas in the eighties. What was the message ? Get rich anyway you can; dog eat dog; it's a hard world so get used to it. That was the time Thatcher and Regan ,those two pathetic puppets started to fine tune society for the final act which is now upon us.
I have no idea what soaps are now on T.V. round the world, though I know Eastenders and Coronation Street are still hugely popular in the U. K.
All in all I think it is highly dangerous to watch T.V. at all. I never do. Who needs it anyway, now we have the internet. Why let the sick lunatics condition you ? It is quite possible that sublimals are put in these shows too.
Ever wondered why T.V. shows are called programmes ? It a little inside joke for the Elite. It's because that's just what they are; programmes to programme you.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Absolute Present.
1. The Absolute Present is your eternal home .
2. The Absolute Present is the present before God said' Let There Be Light.'
3. The Absolute Present is the only ' place ' that offers infinite possibilities.
4.The Absolute Present is the only ' place ' where you can manifest anything you want.
5.The Absolute Present and what it presents to our senses is the entire universe in an acted out play that we are making up,
6.The Absolute Present is not on the time-train; it is not on the past - present-future train at all.It is Absolute Present and nothing else.
7. Everything there was, is and will be is happening right now in the Absolute Present.
8. The Absolute Present awakes the ' great intelligence' " which makes us wonder what it is that aquaints us with the presence of the great ocean while we ourselves are deeply immersed in it.' Suzuki Page 111, Living By Zen, published by Rider.
9.Living in the Absolute Present is the natural way we are meant to live.
10.Living in the Absolute Present is your present from the lifeforce of life to enable you to use it as a key to open the door to true awareness.
2. The Absolute Present is the present before God said' Let There Be Light.'
3. The Absolute Present is the only ' place ' that offers infinite possibilities.
4.The Absolute Present is the only ' place ' where you can manifest anything you want.
5.The Absolute Present and what it presents to our senses is the entire universe in an acted out play that we are making up,
6.The Absolute Present is not on the time-train; it is not on the past - present-future train at all.It is Absolute Present and nothing else.
7. Everything there was, is and will be is happening right now in the Absolute Present.
8. The Absolute Present awakes the ' great intelligence' " which makes us wonder what it is that aquaints us with the presence of the great ocean while we ourselves are deeply immersed in it.' Suzuki Page 111, Living By Zen, published by Rider.
9.Living in the Absolute Present is the natural way we are meant to live.
10.Living in the Absolute Present is your present from the lifeforce of life to enable you to use it as a key to open the door to true awareness.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Change Your Perception ( 4 ) .
Here is another exercise to help you to take your blindfold off., and to help you live a happier life.
1. Look at one particular object or a tree or a flower.It does not matter what it is. Howerver, having said that, it is probably wise not to choose an object or thing that has emotional significance for you.Choose something you feel unemotional about.If you are recently divorced, it is probably not a good idea to stare at a wedding ring.
2.While staring, keep your eyes fixed on this one point. At the same time try to slow down your breathing.
3.Tell your restless mind to stop all of its chatter, and attempt to not allow thoughts to arise.Because of your slow breathing it is easier to stop the constant flow of thoughts.
4 At first thoughts will try to intrude, but with repeated practise they will cease. Try to do this once a day.
5I know this is difficult, but you should look at the object with all your 'strength'.It should be absolute attention, as a cat would focus on a mouse, before attacking it.The object in question should fill up your consciousness, and nothing whatsoever should distract you.
All through each day our mind is thinking this or thinking that, so to discipline the mind to focus on one point, feels very odd when you first start doing it. You might well feel bored and that you are wasting your time,as you are so used to non-stop mind activity being non- stop. Ignore these feelings of boredom and just do it anyway. This exercise can lead to flashes of intuitive knowledge and revelation, that can help you a lot in your life.Many great scientific discoveries have come about, because the scientist, without knowing it, has been using his mind in this way.
To be able to concentrate and to give all your attention to whatever you are doing leads to successful living.
Look at the great artists and writers; they focus entirely on their art and produce some wonderful works of art for humanity. But you don't have to be an artist to do this. You can concentrate and give anything your full attention ; you might have a problem at work, and instead of worrying about, just give it all your attention.
Your daily life will have far greater quality, if , instead of sleep-walking through it, you give your full attention to whatever presents itself before you.
It's a good idea to do the exercise everyday, and at the same time throughout each day, whatever you are doing, just give it your full attention.
When outside you can concentrate on a flower or on a mountain top or a cloud in the sky.Focus your attention on one point. For example, if looking at a flower, pick one point on the flower to stare at.
Because of the habit of the mind to constantly wander off away from what you are looking at, you might like to use the following method;
6. If you are looking at a flower really look at its appearance, its shape and colour. Imagine its seed in the soil, and then it emerging into the light. Think about it growing up to be what it is now.Don't let your mind wander when you do this; if it does, gently bring it back to the task in hand.
7.After doing the above, you then look without thinking. Easier said than done, I know too well, but if you do persevere, it can be done.
The real goal of this exercise is for the observer and the observer to become one.
You have then obtained what in Yoga is called Samadhi.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Remember This
1. We are living in a world of lies; our senses show that this is so.
2.Life is an illusion- a persistent dream.
3.We make- create the universe with our minds.
4.Mattter does not exist- only energy ( for want of a better word ).
5.Everything that takes place outside you is really taking place in a tiny part of your brain.
6 Your body and your brain are also fiction.
7.You dream when you shut your eyes and sleep , and share a collective dream with everyone else when you open your eyes.
8. The universe appears to be a hologram.
9.Our view of ' reality ' is incorrect.
10.We have all been brainwashed from birth to believe what we believe.
11.We are all living out a programme.
12.We act like robots.
13.If you control you eyes shut dreams , you can control your eyes open dreams.
14.We are having a fevered dream.
15.You are not you- you only have a mask and costume on; underneath these is the real you.
16. The real you is the same as the real me.
17.Everything in the universe is you.
18.The obstacle to true perception is the self ( ego ).
19.Love is the only reality.
20 Wake up !
2.Life is an illusion- a persistent dream.
3.We make- create the universe with our minds.
4.Mattter does not exist- only energy ( for want of a better word ).
5.Everything that takes place outside you is really taking place in a tiny part of your brain.
6 Your body and your brain are also fiction.
7.You dream when you shut your eyes and sleep , and share a collective dream with everyone else when you open your eyes.
8. The universe appears to be a hologram.
9.Our view of ' reality ' is incorrect.
10.We have all been brainwashed from birth to believe what we believe.
11.We are all living out a programme.
12.We act like robots.
13.If you control you eyes shut dreams , you can control your eyes open dreams.
14.We are having a fevered dream.
15.You are not you- you only have a mask and costume on; underneath these is the real you.
16. The real you is the same as the real me.
17.Everything in the universe is you.
18.The obstacle to true perception is the self ( ego ).
19.Love is the only reality.
20 Wake up !
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