After watching ' Friends ' one night the lady I was living with then, promptly purchased a duck, simply because she had seen that ' Friends' episode which featured one of the players having a duck in his apartment.
The obvious downside to this was that ducks do need to excrete and pee. So, all in all, although it was a highly unusual experience, it was really unpleasant and not at all how it was portrayed in the T.V. show.They also quack a hell of a lot and very loudly too.
I'm not quite sure what happened to the ducks, but we got rid of them. No , we didn't kill or eat them, but I think we gave them to a farmer who took them with pleasure.
I also noticed that people I knew were actually using the same expressions and phrases that were used in 'Friends '.I once caught myself doing it once, and stopped talking in mid-sentence.
This got me thinking. Are these series that are so popular really simply soap and water for the brain or brainwashing techniques? Are the characters in these shows role models for us to copy, and we, without realizing, act like the actors in the soap?
For example, if you are are watching 'Eastenders '. which is one of the favourite soaps in the U.K.. and one of the leading parts in this is getting stressed over tax affairs, you are meant to copy his behaviour.This way you can be programmed to act the way the Elite want you to act.
I then started thinking about all the T.V. programmes I have watched. Hours wasted watching American cops eating junk food and talking drivel in plots a ten year old could have made up.Hours, days weeks, months and years wasted watching American lawyers. American private eyes, American Forensic Scientists and American super heroes slowly but surely, deadening down my brain.
Why on earth did I want to watch Wonderthighs Woman, Starkers And Crutch, Rockford Cheese Files. Dull arse, Miami Lice, Kojackitoff,Charlies Demons, Perry 3rd degree Mason and similar bilge.I can't really believe that I wanted to watch these shows; I must have been hooked on the screen. Something in these series made me come back for more, just like an addiction.I guess it was too tempting, after the stresses and strains of modern life to collapse in front of the T.V. and sit like a zombie.
Then I went way back to my childhood.All those countless wersterns that used to be on British T.V. in Children's Hour and early evening. So many cowboy series such as Wells Fargo, Bronco, Wyatt Earp, Maverick, The Lone Ranger, Wagon Train, Rawhide, Bonanza, Champion The Wonder Horse and still loads more. Why the hell so many ?
What connection were British children meant to have with life in the wild west ? They had at least one western on every day.What were the plots ?
The same , more or less, in everyone.
Super cool cowboy shoots and fights his way to the end of the hour.Bang, bang, bang; how they loved to display those little or big guns.
How many people must children have seen killed in their first ten years of life ?It's like, hey, this is normal, so you have a whole generation believing that guns and violence are the way to solve life's problems.
Disgusting really, when you think of what children should and could have been shown. I remember looking forward to watching Laramie or something similar when I got home from school. I had been brainwashed at school all day and now I was looking forward to being brainwashed by my box in the corner.How the Elite must have loved it.
I wonder how many soldiers in the Vietnam war had been watching these cowboy series ?
It still goes on. I remember Dallas in the eighties. What was the message ? Get rich anyway you can; dog eat dog; it's a hard world so get used to it. That was the time Thatcher and Regan ,those two pathetic puppets started to fine tune society for the final act which is now upon us.
I have no idea what soaps are now on T.V. round the world, though I know Eastenders and Coronation Street are still hugely popular in the U. K.
All in all I think it is highly dangerous to watch T.V. at all. I never do. Who needs it anyway, now we have the internet. Why let the sick lunatics condition you ? It is quite possible that sublimals are put in these shows too.
Ever wondered why T.V. shows are called programmes ? It a little inside joke for the Elite. It's because that's just what they are; programmes to programme you.
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