Nigel Farage.
2." If they don't let us dream, we will not let them sleep."
This was seen on a placard held by a demonstrator in Cyprus this week.
3." I have arrived . I am here. I am here and now."
Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra, he says, will take you immediately to your ultimate nature. Keep saying it throughout the day for best results.
4.The following I found on David Icke's site a couple of days ago.
"They will come to a fork in the road; one road will lead to materialism and destruction- for almost all living creatures- the other road will lead to a spiritual way upon which the nature people will be standing.This path will lead to the lighting of the 8th fire; a period of eternal peace, harmony and a ' New Earth', where the destruction of the past will be healed."
Anishnabe Prophecy.
5.Ben Lipton Ph.D. is a cellular Biologist who taught cell Biology at the University of Wisconsin, School Of Medicine. He wrote the following in an article on the ' Waking Times ' Site
" Behaviour is automatically controlled by the subconscious mind's programme when the self-conscious mind is not focused on the present moment."
In other words it is essential to live in the now, otherwise your past is controlling your behaviour.
6." Emotions and behaviours are derived from the unobserved processing of the subconscious mind."
Ben Lipton.
7." Until we have learned to control our minds every single thing perceived affects our subconscious exactly as a mirror would be affected if all the objects mirrored in it left their individual stains."
John Blofeld.
8." When things happen, make no response.Keep your minds from dwelling on anything whatsoever; keep them ( our minds ) for ever still like the void and utterly pure ( without stain ) and thereby spontaneously attain deliverance."
Hui Hai.
9." We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion; the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission."
Ayn Rand.
10.According to the Guardian newspaper, Greece's Finance Minister, the Oxford educated ,Yannis Stournaras, said last week that Greece was close to overcoming its worst crisis in modern times, and although there may still be protests- even violent at times- but the country was about to turn the corner. To a large extent Greece is out of the woods.
So we can all breath a sigh of relief. Memories of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain spring to mind, when on his return from talking with Hitler, said the immortal words, ' Peace For Our Time ' He said this in September 1938. In less than a year later war broke out.
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