I'm talking books here, but it also applies to the numerous T.V. series praising the much hated cop.
Cops are probably despised more than ever nowadays thanks to you tube showing us how they really behave. At the same time, the T.V. stations are fighting back with series after series showing us how wonderful these ' keepers of law and order' are.
All this stuff about new technology and D.N.A. is rammed down our throats. Wow, these guys are really clever and so ethical. Not only are they smart but they are so human too. Yes, they have problems just like you and me. One may have a relationship problem or trouble with his kids or even a drink problem, but never a drug problem.
All this is put across to us so we can feel sympathy for the poor, misunderstood copper .
In the book world in the U.K. you have Rankin, Peter Robinson, P.D James and many others all churning out best-sellers portraying these super cops. Compassion and caring for others is a must for these people as is human weakness-as in Rankin's series- where the hero has relationship and possibly a slight drink problem.
Not only are they super cops, but such intellectuals, as in the case of Morse and Dalgiesh ( popular cops in British crime fiction). Dalgiesh writes poetry, for God's sake, and Morse loves classical music and can quote the classics.Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to write poetry and know the classics, but I doubt if your average bobby has such interests.
If you want to have a best-seller follow the formula and you are in.If you don't, and you have your hero as really anti-establishment and, surprise, surprise, the book will probably not even be published, and if, by chance it is, it certainly won't be promoted.
You see, the Elite control the book world and every other world.
Agatha's Christies very early stories had a fair sprinkling of conspiracy theories. She soon changed her tune and became one of the most successful authors of crime stories of all time . Her books always show the police in a very good light as excellent protectors of the public. She is good though, I must admit.
We are targetted from every angle whether its books, films, T.V. radio or music.We must believe what the Elite want us to believe.
There is one major problem though. You can read and watch countless series about our wonderful , caring cops, but if you are unfortunate enough to be involved with them when in a demonstration, you will find out, firsthand, what they are really like.
Pepper spray, laser guns, tear gas or water cannon are the only stock-in trade modern technology they will use and use and use. Such a far cry from the police in books and on T.V. as to be absurd in its dishonest portrayal .
The Elite have a major problem though. The internet is opening a lot of eyes that used to be very firmly shut.
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