Thursday, November 28, 2013

Virus Ego On The Wall.

Virus Ego On The Wall.

Skull With Horns And PentagramIs our consciousnChinese Gods of Happiness Office and Longevityess, squeezed and  trapped in a tiny room, looking  through the keyhole of the door and therefore,perceiving a distorted version of what is called ' reality' ?

Are we living in the shade, in the shadow of another 'reality'? The same way a hand in front of a wall in flickering  candlelight produces the shadow of the hand on the wall, and we are living in that shadow, not being the  hand? .

Black Death's Head With Horns...Is this distortion, this shadow life we live, caused by our view of life which is not the correct view.Like a man with an illness and a high fever will halucinate and believe things are real when they are not ?
Is this because of our ego ? Is the ego a  mind virus that the entire race has caught and it passes down from generation to generation, so we live our lives in that hand shadow, in our virus ego on the wall.

Did this ego-virus really ruin it for us, and I was wrong in another post to suggest that the ego was needed, but now it is not? Perhaps we never needed it, ever.Maybe it sounds far-fetched to wonder if   beings from another dimension infected us with this crippling mental illness that is oh so hard to eradicate.Then again, maybe not.

We are part of nature, we know that, but yet we no longer seem to connect with it in the way, deep down, we feel we should.Animals don't have egos as we know the ego. They have character traits, but not a full-blown inflated ruling ego that dominates their entire lives, like our egos do ours.Most animals ( not the domestic ones who 'pick up' our neurotic way of living, and because they are not living natural lives, can be odd ) seem content, even though they live in the wild and it's a question of day to day survival They accept their lot; we don't.They have never caught our virus. It can't pass from human to animal.

This virus has made us so out of balance with life, it even makes us kill millions, in war, of our own kind. Can anything be madder ?No other species is so anti- life, anti the primal urge of life, which is for the species to survive.In the last hundred years we have reached a zenith in this The number of deaths alone, which are still going on , as I write, in these wretched , pointless wars should make anyone with a hint of .sanity left somewhere in his soul, realise that we must be, at the least , a very disturbed species, and that there is something very wrong with us.

All the great teachers of mankind said the same thing, and that is it is our ego that prevents us from being who we really are.

It is the ego that gives us this distorted 'reality', the living in the shadow on the wall, the out of balance we all feel. An illness of the mind that makes us almost lunatics.

Like a crisis point in a physical  sickness, we have now reached the critical stage of our illness.We will now either recover and be well, be in balance, be whole, or we will succumb and die.

It is high time for us to stop living this half crazy life and to come out of the shadow of the hand , of the virus ego on the wall and into the light that shines on all of us.

Mike Selley.

The Lyrical Bit.

The Lyrical Bit.

Now we come to the lyrical parts
That which makes the sunshine
That which makes the world turn
That which makes the trees grow
That which makes the birds sing
That which makes the seeds grow
That which makes your heartbeat
That which makes your senses know
Is you ,the real hidden you.

I believe we all live in a dream
We go to sleep and we dream; then we wake up and we dream
 The only difference between our closed eyes dreams and our opened eye dreams
Is that the ones we have with shut eyes when asleep are our personal dreams and the ones we have in the day when we are open eye dreaming is that we all share our dreams together,so we are in a collective dream.

I have believed this for years, and always had some pretty weird looks if I brought this up; not any more now thanks to Quantum Physics!

Some people  only believe anything if it comes from a so called authority; well, people used to believe the World was flat because they had been told this.

If you Google(or whatever search engine you use) holographic universe you will find  loads of info’ on this and yes it’s true these highly qualified scientists are seriously wondering  if  the universe is a hologram and that everything we perceive is illusion.

Those wise old gurus from the East knew this thousands of years ago.I remember the first time I read about this in The Wisdom Of The Overself by Paul Brunton, I felt like I’d met a dear  friend I had lost contact with; it was something I felt I knew but I had forgotten.

Mike Selley.

Love Is Magic.

Think of the Sun's rays entering the top of your head,then flowing down your spine filling up your body,with your stomach(your centre) and heart overflowing with this force of Compassion and Love.

Feel the presence spreading out from heart and belly sending out its message to all you come in contact with.
"Fill your mind with Compassion".The Buddha.
Don't do this once, but make it a habit you do all the time, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances is a brother or sister.".The Dalai Lama.
"Love one another as I have loved you". John 13.24.
"He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him". John 4.16.
"He who loves God loves his brother also". 1John 4. 20.21.
"Love they neighbour as yourself."James 28.
Your life will be transformed if you do this; a complete turning over of your life and circumstances will take place.

Your life will be lived in a world of magic-where all you need and want you will have. You will be happy. Remember what Jesus said; "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you".
"The purpose of life is to be happy" The Dalai Lama.
"See all living beings as your father and mother and love them as if you were their child".Venerable Atishi.
It is a choice now between fear and love. It's up to you.

Mike Selley.

Violence On The Greeks.

Violence On The Greeks.

The Violence On The Greeks.

                   "     Poverty

                      is              the


                     Form          Of



As the Greeks are now discovering.

Love Yourself.

Here is yet another  gem from the Buddha.

"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of  your love than yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love".

How strange, you may say. I thought we should be ignoring our self,  having no ego, and here you are saying I've got to love my ego! This is surely contradictory?
It would, at first sight, appear to be but you are not meant to love your ego, as why love something that is not real, and is only an illusion?. Your real self is hidden under the   cloak of the ego and that is the one you should love.

The Dalai Lama teaches a simple but highly powerful exercise,that if done on a regular basis can change your life. All you have to do is the following:

1.As you breathe in -cherish yourself.

2 .As you breathe out- cherish all beings.

 "We can never make peace in the outer World, unless we make peace within ourselves".Dalai Lama

"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be." Dalai Lama.
"If you focus only on yourself and neglect others you will lose, but you will gain if you value others as much as you cherish yourself."Dalai Lama.

Please Wake Up.

This Is The Real Secret.

Boot In Your Face.

Looking at the news over the last few weeks makes me think more and more that the society we live in is insane. Also, that people are in varying degrees of insanity. Some are really mad and some are fairly mad ,whereas the majority are ,well, yes, mad  also.

The stark- raving ones must be our puppet- masters; the ones who pull the strings, turn the levers, lift and draw the curtains, and decide what play we are all going to be in.

The present act must be called,' Boot In Your Face.' This was how George Orwell described the future of mankind in 1945.

When you have almost every country in the world going through some degree of suffering caused entirely by the banks ( though the puppet- masters orchestrated this ) and every government laying down ludicrous austerity measures, by asking people for money they haven't got , you know it is beyond absurd.

Greece must win the prize for the most ludicrously  ludicrous, absurdly absurd austerity laws ever inflicted on any country in peacetime.There is no way under the sun that the Greeks will pay the money that is demanded.Do you know why ? It is simply because the money does not exist.

I still find it unbelievable that these highly paid, so called experts on the economy could not see this. What the hell were they talking about, the whole long summer last year one can only imagine. Hey, we have been taken for a ride .
What is so disturbing is the fact that after seeing the troika's demands not one minister  in Greece said, 'This won't work as the people won't be able to afford to pay these sums '.Not one; they all just agreed to an agenda that could have been written in   Alice in Wonderland. It is, according to the main stream press , only now that they are starting to see that they are not getting the money they want.The real experts, like Celente and Keiser have been saying this for years, but such talk was drowned out by such bilge as,' This is the only way'.

When you have all the main stream media supporting such lunacy, it's time to get worried.
When you see that every country has broken all previous records on having strikes; that anger and disgust at the system is echoed by all normal ( though slightly mad ) people; that people are actually dying in Europe because of the austerity, you hang your head in despair.

It is lunacy, and yet no one is saying so

Images of Greeks begging and fighting for free vegetables in Athens last week coupled with stories of school children in England who can't study because they are starving,  makes anyone realize that something is terribly wrong.  This should not happen Where is the outcry ?Is everyone that asleep ?

It's in your face. It's over the top. It's a  boot in the human face so aptly shown by the super- protected spacemen police who strut around kicking people wherever they can . They protect the rich and the powerful and do their dirty work for them. What is the message ? It is , 'how dare you complain you are sat upon; you must be punished.'

Well,  Elite, your plans to get money from people who haven't got it, is impossible.It won't work, so what will you do then ? Slam another boot in our faces ? That old  dirty ,blood -soaked  demon- driven one that the Elite adore.

When things get so messed up as they did   before both world wars in the last century, the demon of  destruction is called onto the stage..The players are swept off the board and different players are put in place. A  new game then commences.

World War is a very useful weapon used by the devil- worshipers.

I wonder how long before this abomination is wheeled out ; the shock and awe as one of the wise Presidents of the U.S.A. called it. It was like he was talking about a new, action- packed Hollywood movie, and for all I know, he thought he probably was.

Looking at the present state of the planet, I would wager that war could be started at any time. It could be months or it could be years. It is certainly what the Elite want  and are planning. They don't really care when it happens because they always get what they want, and they are prepared to wait.

They always got what they wanted- that is up to now. This time, though I think that they will find that they have lost their midas touch.

Take a look at the streets. Everywhere you look people are up in arms and are sick to death of the invasion of privacy and the over turning of their lives.

It will make a wonderful change for the Elite to experience the boot that they have been slamming into our faces for ever, for once . The poor fools got out of control; they got too arrogant and thought that they could do anything they want with us and get away with it. They were so blinded by their power that they didn't realize that they were going way too far and that there comes a point when the collective human psyche gathers tremendous power and says, 'you are destroying our world and we won't let you   Enough of this insanity.

It's high time we removed the boot from our face.

Mike Selley.

10 Ways To Be The Real You.

red zinnia flower - free high resolution photoRealize, accept that the mind is not you.- it is a tool to be used by you.

2.Realize,accept that your ego is not you, but is a lie.

3.Realize,accept, that the real you is the same you that is in everyone and everything.

4. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions and habits without any attachment.

5.Be mindful, totally mindful of all your actions; when you walk be aware of every step, every brush of breeze on your face, how your body feels in the moment; when peeling potatoes, for example,be totally aware of the experience; when sweeping the floor or washing your hands. It is particularly suited to so-called mundane activities.

6.Realize, accept, that time is a lie- a product, a construct of the ego-mind.

Free Stock Photo of Archipelago 4 in High Resolution7.Live in the Now.Remind yourself that everything that ever  happened to you in your life, always happened in the Now.Past and future are not real; only Now.

8.When being with others, or walking through crowds realize that all these people  are really you wearing different disguises and reading different scripts.Shakespeare hit the nail on the head when he said;"All the World's a stage".Why would you want to harm any of these people; you would only be harming yourself. You should want to help everyone you meet because they are you. You should love them all.

9.Do not judge criticize, , condemn, but accept what is before you in your life now.Be grateful for your beingness; be thankful for your aliveness.

10.Send out feelings of love to everyone you meet, pass, and come in contact with.Send out love to the sky,the trees, the flowers, the plants, the sea, the rivers, and, of course, the animals.They are all you.

This is not the way we usually feel,think and act, but it is the way we are meant to live. It is our right; our destiny.

Walk towards it now.

Help create a World that is sane.

Mike Selley.

Gerald Celente's Words Of Truth.

Gerald Celente's Words Of Truth.

Here are some great quotes from Gerald Celente of the Trends Institute.

" Anybody that would believe that the same brilliant minds that created all of these problems, whether they are military problems, or economic problems are now going to miraculously pull us out of this mess are out of their minds."


" They are not going to fix the Greek problem; they are not going to fix the Portugal problem; they are not going to fix the problems in Spain and Ireland; Italy is coming up; the already in one. So we are going through the great collapse."                    


" Politicians don't represent us.The politicians represent the people that stuff the most money into their pockets."

When asked what the people can do, he replied."Take the cue from Iceland "
Cue here means signal or hint.See the video on this blog called," How To Star A Revolution: Learn From Iceland". and the writing underneath this video which was put on this blog on 13th January.2013, to find out exactly what he means..

This Is The Elite's Game.

How Strange.

How Strange !

" The number of deaths due to lung cancer has increased 4.3 % between 1999 and 2008 in the U.S.A."

The American Lung Association.

Never before have so few smoked in the U.S.A. Strange that.

Jump Out Of Space- Time.

My experience of my last few meditations have left me with the firm conviction that it is essential to jump out of space-time as much as possible.

In other words, somehow shut your door on the normal conditional world you live in, and, at least for a few minutes every day, get grounded in a different "reality".

The world is in such a terrible state at present, it's probably vital to do this, to ensure you remain balanced.We live in interesting times, as the saying goes.

I have found by doing regular meditations that on the days I do this, the rest of the day that follows has a far better flow and harmony

It's not only that though, as I find I now get instant insights into people's motives. Believe you me, that is a useful skill!

Also, any problems that have persisted without any solution in sight, either go away by themselves, or you find an easy solution to them , that causes you no hassle.

I hope that the above doesn't sound boastful, as I am only saying it to try and encourage others to escape the space-time noose we are all in.

I am stumbling, like everyone else  on this mysterious path, and I have moments of  dark despair, or I judge others, or my cats drive me mad, or the flies do, or the huge bills do. I know that my reaction to situations is wrong in many cases, and yet I continue reacting the same way. like an automated machine.This is what I am trying to break. And it's not easy !

But, I know it's worth the effort to wake up from my fevered dream. Each moment we are given the opportunity to do this.

Why not make everyday extra special? You know why ? Because it is.

I have had but glimpses of how we are meant to live and be, and they have changed my life.They have been, without doubt, some of the most precious moments of my life.The hard part though seems to be, to be able to live and be how we are meant to live and be, all the time.There are so many distractions. Surely there never has been an age with so many.

I read  a story the other day about a Zen Master who held a Zen class next door to a fire-station.More often than not the fire engines would roar into life and go full speed with their sirens wailing right outside those poor Zen students.

The students all complained that they couldn't focus on their meditations.

The master's response should be a lesson to us all.

He said, " No problem. Focus your attention, your awareness on the sound of those fire engines."

And that is the way to deal with distractions; give your whole attention to them; use them as a working tool to open up your true awareness.

For details on how to jump out of space-time see my blog posts

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.

Mike Selley.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter Fourteen.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream ,chapter fourteen

We are,after all, only babies still sucking at our mother's breast.We are still on planet Earth, feeding of her.Being babies we think and act like them.We have got a long way to go before we grow up.

When we are older we will leave  our mother Earth,and seek out fresh pastures.That day has not yet come.
At the moment we are still very, very young.

For humanity to grow up collectively,unlike what happens to us individually here,whereas we are born without egos,but acquire them later,in the grand scheme of things,the opposite happens.
We have an ego now as humans,as we suck at our mother's breast-the Earth- but have to lose it to  enable us to get mature and to grow.

Some people think that if we abandon self then everyone would all be the same.
Well,we would, but at the same time we would be different.
The late ,great D.T.Suzuki,a Zen Master was enlightened as was the Buddha.Although they still had the same essence,I am sure they were still very different.The oak tree in your garden is similar, but still different to the one in your neighbour's garden.
We would not,if we lose our egos ,become clones.
Infinite consciousness celebrates its differences: look at the abundant life forms who are looking at life through different perspectives.

Have you ever wondered why we don't accept sickness,disease,suffering and death?
Simply because we know deep down  that these things are not meant for us.We are meant to be happy,living a life of joy,but we have lost our way badly.

If we don't change,then the Earth(a living highly intelligent being) will probably shake us off her and let another species take our place.

We are truly on the edge.Either the ego World continues and its destiny will only lead to utter destruction.We have seen too well the fruits of ego control in the form of mass starvation,untold suffering,and that most absurd evil monster,war.

Wars have to stop.As Einstein said he didn't know what weapons would be used in the third world war, but in the fourth,it would be sticks.
Wars are only fought for greed,so a few sick lunatics can get more and more.Blood for oil.
We are fools to let this happen.But, then again,can we lash ourselves for this,when we have been constantly brainwashed to accept war as being normal; to accept injustice on a massive scale and situations that are evil as part of the human condition?
How on Earth can we accept brother killing brother whether black, white, brown or yellow?
We allow whole countries of starving people,so a few can get richer and richer.

What the mainstream media will never tell you is that :"today's World has all the physical resources and technical skills necessary to feed the present population of the planet or a much larger one".
"It is the rich who consume at least half of the World's food supply in the most wasteful possible manner"
This is  from How The Other Half Dies,by Susan George, Penguin books.
In the same book Professor Roger Revelle argues that we could support a population of 40 to 50 billion people.(page 45 of said book)
I doubt if the Professor or Susan George have ever been invited to the B.B.C.
This cannot continue.
The signs are that the ego constructs are starting to fall.The people in ever larger numbers, thanks mainly to the Internet,are, at long last, waking from their slumber, to the awful truth, that has been hidden from us for so long, that a  small number of families are milking us, and using every trick in the book.

The whole system is in free fall.Everywhere across the globe you see riots,demonstrations,marches,sit-ins,occupy this, occupy that movements that are spreading like wild fire.
Those who are aware and awake know that the whole system stinks.

Non-violence is the key.
As the Buddha said;"Conquer the angry man by love".

Our very sick rulers have controlled us through fear,punishment or violence.They have used us to better themselves.They have made us turn against each other for their own gain.

The know exactly how the ego works;exactly what buttons to push to bring the worst out in us, to make us hate and kill.
These people(are they really people?) have no compassion at all,and probably don't really know what it is.They have no love apart from self-love.

As I wrote earlier,maybe they really are a different species.

Compassion though is our weapon.
"Friendship is the only cure for hatred.the only guarantee of peace".The Buddha.

Peace is our sword and love our shield.
With these the World will be transformed.

That is the end of this chapter; the next chapter will follow shortly.

Mike Selley.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

This Is Where The Money Goes.

U.S.Discretionary Spending .

Fiscal Year 2011   52% Military Budget. 

Everything else 48%.

So now you know where your money goes : on weapons to main and kill.

Another Light At The End Of The Tunnel.

I read an article in a Greek newspaper that came out about two weeks ago.What caught my eye was the cartoon type photo' that sat next to the text. The photo ' was of government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou, and written in huge letters in the actual photo ( cartoon style), so it's impossible to overlook. are those words we keep on, and keep on hearing.

Samaras. the Greek Prime Minister, is really fond of this phrase, although he usually decorates it with flowery garlands, such as, his favourite, "We are turning the corner."

No such imagery here but simply the words," This Is The First Sign Of Recovery ".

Now, where have I heard that before ?

Mr. Kedikoglou is shown  proudly holding for all to see a sheet of totally blank paper.The mysterious blank sheet of paper is, one gathers, from the article, meant to show that the first spring buds of Greece's recovery are now starting to be seen. How very apt is that blank sheet.

The Greek Statistical Authority claim that the economy contracted by 3% in April, June, and this, wait for it, is the first sign of recovery.

It's that golden light at the end of Samaras' tunnel; the first sign of a harbour light seen from a sinking ship tossing up and mostly down on a very rough sea; the beloved corner in the road is now seen , and we are all going round this lovely bend ; the dark thunder clouds are going, and the first glimpse of a ray of sunshine is peeping through.

Perhaps I should right the Greek Prime Minister;s speeches.

How odd then that the government spokesman added that unemployment has continued to rise, and that the jobless rate for under 25 year olds is 60.6 %.

Don't worry though as the aim is to bring unemployment down significantly next year as reforms will take hold.

I do believe more or less the exact same words were said at the end of last year by Mr.Blue Skies himself - Samaras., but , as mentioned earlier, no doubt the phrase used was something like ," A light can be seen in the tunnel".

No reporter dared point this out, of course.

To give credit to the writer of the article, Derek Gatopoulos, he didn't just write what he was told to, but reminded us of the truly tragic situation in Greece.

His last two paragraphs point out how many strikes ( loads ) were planned for the following week ( the newspaper came out on November 15th 2013 ), and that several labour demonstrations were planned for the 17th November Anniversary.

One is only left with the distinct impression that although some joker claims that Greece is about to start swinging on a star, in reality, it is drowning in the Greek seas of debt and despair, and that things are getting worse and worse.

I Create Reality. So Do You.

The point about wanting something,whether it is one thousand pounds, a new house, a girl or boy friend or a job, is that while you are wanting ,you know that you have not got your particular desire.

It strikes me that there are two types of wants.One type is when you want something and are pretty sure that you will get it.An example of this could be you wanting to have lunch;if you have had lunch most days of your life,it is highly likely that you will get what you want- your lunch.Or you may want to go for a walk,and while you have this wish you know that you probably will  go for your walk.

The other type of want is when you want something that you have not had in your life before,and there is a doubt inside you that you may well not get your desire.If you want to move abroad ,but can see no way  how you could do this,this particular want can become like a pipe dream and nothing more.

It is this second type that I am writing about.

Wanting a sunny day means you haven't got it.While you continue wanting something day in and day out,you are never getting it,because you are hoping that you will get it in the future.That future will never be while you continue wanting.You could say that your continual wanting is forever pushing away the very thing that you want.

I'm on about creating your own reality,manifesting the life that you want to live.
How do you overcome this problem of wanting.It's simple- you stop wanting!While you are wanting all the time,it is likely that you won't get what you want,because you keep wanting it in some never to come future.

What is the best way to create your reality without this feeling of wanting it?
1.Stop wanting, wishing for whatever it is you desire.

2.Pretend that you have whatever it is you desire in your life right now.
That's all there is to it.Sounds dead simple,but it's not.The reason it is not easy is that you have to convince yourself that you are living the life you feel you should live.
This is not easy if you want a decent income,and at the moment your senses tell you that you are surrounded by bills that you cannot pay.
Perhaps you want a larger place to live in,but at present you are living in a small apartment.
Your senses are telling you that you lack,so you have to convince yourself that you don't lack for anything, when your eyes are telling you otherwise.

I suggest you do the following;
1.Accept whatever is going on in your life as being perfectly  fine.
2.Be grateful for whatever you have in your life.
3.Don't fight the events that are taking place in front of you- accept them with thanks
4.Everyday in a relaxed,calm state be alone for a while and paint those pictures in your mind  of how you imagine you are living the life of your dreams.Now this is the important bit: while you are doing this, imagine that you have all those things in your life now,not in some distant future.

Although when you come out of your  visualization exercise, you will see that everything is as before,the fact that you have planted seeds in your mind, means that these seeds are growing from being thought forms in your inner consciousness  to being outward manifestations.
It is a natural law of life.

Imagine your mind as the soil in a flowerbed.
You plant seeds in this flowerbed and they will sprout and come out of the earth.
When they emerge from their formless state, which is how you perceive them in your mind,they sprout  through into the world of form.
Everything is formless first of all, and then becomes form,though,in fact, the formless and the form are the same substance,but are on different frequencies.

So to create reality you want, the main point is to believe that you are now living in that reality.
If you want to find out more about this- Click Here!

Mike Selley.