The Money Game.
To make sure this continues, the rich have to make sure that a lot of people are poor.Because of this , the middle classes have been targeted to take away their money and property, and they have created a new poor.
The plan is to have a small number of super- rich at the top, and for the rest of humanity( which , by then, will be greatly reduced ) to live in survival mood and be slaves for the elite.
Until people worldwide wake up to what is happening, the powers that be will get away with their lying to the public about everything.We are playing in a game that is fixed for us to lose.It's time to stop playing their twisted game and to start playing a game that we enjoy.We have got to see through the complexities that are presented to us, as distractions , so we don't start questioning if what is happening is just and good.
Life is really very simple, but the Elite don't want us to know this, so they make sure that we are confused, by making life every area of our lives.
It is amazing what myths we have accepted and played along with.
Take buying a house. It is, if you stop to think about it, insanity to buy a house that , with a mortgage, will cost you two and a half times or even three times the price of the house you want.
Yet we all went along with this one.
What about credit cards ? When interest rates are 18 or 19 % or more we still play the game.
Who is getting the better deal? The banks are ripping you off. We are an easy target,and I'm not surprised , after seeing leaked e mails from finance houses, that the workers at these places privately refer to us as suckers or fools.
We all accept that our taxes are used to pay for the running of the country; this has been taught since we were children. What if this was not true ?
Here is Mike Adam's from Natural News.Com.
" You have been taught delusional financial mythologies such as the idea that the U.S government needs to collect taxes to fund itself.
In reality, the Fed can create all the money it needs instantly, just like it does to bail out banks.
You are taxed not to raise revenue but to be oppressed and controlled.".
If we took no interest in money the game would be over.Is this, I wonder what is going to happen? Is the human consciousness going to change and create a fair and just system very soon ? The signs are there, not reported in the main stream media, that we, the people are changing our values.More and more people are crying out for a fair and just society.
At the moment though the elite use money as a weapon,but we also have a weapon, and ours is not to engage in combat with the enemy.In other words not to play the money game.
How to be in the system, and not perplexed by it ?
How to not play the money game, when you have to pay bills ?
Jesus said,' Be in the World, but not of it'.
And that is how we achieve it; from inside.We know we are in the World, but we know it's illusion, so we don't let ourselves get tangled up in this fevered dream We observe our emotions and thoughts but do not get attached to them; they should be looked at as nothing more than clouds in the sky. You then realize that most of your thoughts are a waste of time, but you keep having them. You go to a higher level of consciousness and are more aware in every way.
And then you don't worry about the money game.
Mike Selley.
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