In other words, somehow shut your door on the normal conditional world you live in, and, at least for a few minutes every day, get grounded in a different "reality".
The world is in such a terrible state at present, it's probably vital to do this, to ensure you remain balanced.We live in interesting times, as the saying goes.
I have found by doing regular meditations that on the days I do this, the rest of the day that follows has a far better flow and harmony
It's not only that though, as I find I now get instant insights into people's motives. Believe you me, that is a useful skill!
Also, any problems that have persisted without any solution in sight, either go away by themselves, or you find an easy solution to them , that causes you no hassle.
I hope that the above doesn't sound boastful, as I am only saying it to try and encourage others to escape the space-time noose we are all in.
I am stumbling, like everyone else on this mysterious path, and I have moments of dark despair, or I judge others, or my cats drive me mad, or the flies do, or the huge bills do. I know that my reaction to situations is wrong in many cases, and yet I continue reacting the same way. like an automated machine.This is what I am trying to break. And it's not easy !
But, I know it's worth the effort to wake up from my fevered dream. Each moment we are given the opportunity to do this.
Why not make everyday extra special? You know why ? Because it is.
I have had but glimpses of how we are meant to live and be, and they have changed my life.They have been, without doubt, some of the most precious moments of my life.The hard part though seems to be, to be able to live and be how we are meant to live and be, all the time.There are so many distractions. Surely there never has been an age with so many.
I read a story the other day about a Zen Master who held a Zen class next door to a fire-station.More often than not the fire engines would roar into life and go full speed with their sirens wailing right outside those poor Zen students.
The students all complained that they couldn't focus on their meditations.
The master's response should be a lesson to us all.
He said, " No problem. Focus your attention, your awareness on the sound of those fire engines."
And that is the way to deal with distractions; give your whole attention to them; use them as a working tool to open up your true awareness.
For details on how to jump out of space-time see my blog posts
How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.
Mike Selley.
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