Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Greece: A Success Story.

Greece is developing into a success story :"

" Greece is winning the battle."

These are what Samaras,the Greek Prime Minister told  a business conference in China. a few days ago.

What a great success Greece has become. Don't you agree  ?

Amazing ?  I mean, tell that to the unemployed youth in Greece ; tell that to the millions who can't pay their bills; to the sick who can't afford to buy medicines; to the pensioners who have had their pensions slashed; to the thousands of small firms who have gone broke; to the disabled who have had their allowances slashed; to the homeless who are growing in numbers every day.

Sometimes I can't believe what spews out of politicians mouths.I just can't believe it , and yet the newspapers act as if nothing is wrong.

Nothing is wrong ?

Let me tell you, everything is wrong .

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