Friday, November 8, 2013

If You Really Want To Beat This Evil- Do This.

If You Really Want To Beat This Evil-Do This.

How to really beat this?

O.K. This is war.If you don't realize this you are really fast asleep. Brainwashed, conditioned into being a complete moron. Wake up, for God's sake, wake up.

We are entering  a complete fascist state- all over the World.Germany 1933 re-visited.Do you want that? I don't think so.

What are you going to do about it? Keep watching the 'reality' shows? Watch the Olympics?

It is very simple.We simply do not play their pathetic,sick , neurotic game. They are sick, but we are not.

They want us to riot,to shout,to get really angry, but hey, what happens if you don't do that?

What happens if you don't play their game?

Who turns up for a riot? Is it you? No, it's the police, with their tear gas and riot gear. And you join in the game.

I'll tell you what happens if you say no; they are finished, lost. dead.

Members of unions,people who are really sick of the injustices that are inflicted on so many people all over the World, please ,please try the following..Please try it, because I believe it is the only way to save our  World.

Next time you go on strike, a demonstration, a sit in, whatever,simply sit down, and chant a wonderful, wonderful word,"Love", over and over again.

This will completely blow them, as they came to fight hate, and they can't fight love.

Do not turn violent.Let them pepper spray you,let them use water cannon; what fools they will look on youtube, when people see that you are doing absolutely nothing, but chanting the word'love'

Then, maybe, just maybe, the people will realise at long, long last that these goons are only protecting the Elite.

Game over.

Do it. Next time. Unionists, activists, this will work.The violent method doesn't . Come on

Stop fighting.

Mike Selley.

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