Friday, November 8, 2013

Secret Germ Warfare In Britain.

Sometimes I read something that shouldn't surprise me, but it does.It's amazing how much we don't want to believe  that our governments can do such terrible deeds,yet we know they do, but when another dreadful act is reported we are still shocked.

One such report that gutted me was a report in the Guardian on 21.4.2002.I think what got me most of all was the scale on which the spraying of chemical weapons was done; that coupled with the fact that it was conducted for  almost forty years.Surely such mass 'testing' was not necessary?

Britain carried out secret germ warfare tests on the public between 1940 and 1979. This means while Britain was at war, with people being bombed by the enemy, at the same time they were being sprayed by their own government with chemical weapons.Then , after the war,it was continued for another thirty +years!

Don't you find that somewhat sick?

Dangerous chemicals over vast segments of the population were sprayed without the public being told.This was done on a scale truly staggering . What was their real motive? Was it trying to kill as many citizens as possible?

This information would have never come to light if a journalist hadn't managed to find out about this after it  was released, after a lot of pestering, under the freedom of information act.

This act was,hilariously, one of Tony Blair's ideas, before he morphed into the war criminal he became.He says it was the silliest thing he ever did while in office.

Military personnel were told to tell any journalist that the research was part of a research project into weather and air pollution.It makes you wonder if they ever actually tell us the truth.

Between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from N.E.England to the tip of Cornwall along the South and West coasts,dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide The chemical drifted miles inland..

According to the National Academy Of Science, large doses of this compound over long periods of time can cause bone, kidney problems and lung cancer.The Academy( which appears to be part of the establishment) didn't mention other diseases this can cause, but it probably causes a host of diseases.

How strange that lung cancer was increasing over these years. But  this can't have been caused by the spraying can it , because we all know that  those wicked cigarettes  cause cancer.

Between 1961 and 1968 more than 1000,000( yes that is one million) innocents  along the south coast from Torquay to the New Forest were exposed to bacteria, including e-coli and bacillus globiglii which mimics anthrax.This release came from a military ship anchored of the Dorset coast.

Between 1971 and 1975 the U.K. sprayed massive amounts of serratia marcescens bacteria with an anthrax simulant and phenol, over the U.K.

Serratia marcescens causes infections of the urinary tract,respiratory tract, eyes,pneumonia and meningitis.Phenol is highly irritating to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.It causes anorexia,diarhea and vertigo.How strange, it was about that time that anorexia started creeping into the news.

It doesn't stop there. It's almost as if a mad scientist was given a totally free rein to experiment on people, or that a James Bond type villain suddenly took over the Ministry Of Defence How Orwellian that name is when you consider that this ministry was not defending the British at all, but attacking them!

For some reason Norwich was selected for special treatment as in 1963 to 1964 they were repeatedly sprayed with zinc cadmium sulphide.Not only were they sprayed from the air,but  they also drove an adapted moris van in broad daylight and sprayed the population.This area now suffers from high levels of oesophageal cancer.(This was not reported in the Guardian article, but I came across this when researching for this article.I found it on the B.B.C. site dated 7.12.2005.)

On the London underground at lunchtime along the Northern line in 1956 the same poisons were released..This was also done under Government buildings in Whitehall.

Can you ever trust any government ever again? I certainly can't.

This report comes with a sting in its tail.

The Guardian reporter asked Porton Down , the U.K. government military science park if such tests were still being carried out now.

The answer from the spoke person is chilling.

She said;"It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research".

So, we know that the answer is yes.

Mike Selley.

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