Saturday, June 16, 2012

Adventure With Amaveed (2)

Amaveed looked around him. Everything was movement; all the time everything was moving.He vaguely remembered a saying he had heard a long time ago that claimed that anything that moves is unreal; an illusion.Could that be true?

He also remembered something about any life form that has to re-charge itself-what we call eating and drinking - is not a true living being, but a by-product of one.He didn't quite understand this.

Did this mean that beings that did not eat or re-fuel themselves were the only real beings around.He felt disturbed by this thought, but suspected that it was true.It led him to the eternal question; who exactly are we?

And what about this remembrance of  a Golden time; a Heaven; a Paradise, that he somehow felt was his birthright?

Amaveed went in search of answers.He found that there were lots of different beliefs that people held.Some had some very strange doctrines, that he thought were merely playing around with words.But, he stripped away the bark of the tree, and found that the great truths were always the same. Love was mentioned over and over, as was the folly of believing that you are real,and the assertion that a Supreme Being or Cosmic Consciousness was what we are really part of, but, for some reason , unaware of.

So he thought about Love, and  how the whole World had gone  so far from its natural state, and descended into an unnatural, unpleasant perverted  place of chaos.

What had gone wrong?Something had, of that he was sure.He thought about this for a very long time.One day after many years, he realized that the answers were not to be found by thinking.Thinking was not the key that would unlock the door.He noticed that thoughts could only get you so far, and then you hit a brick wall.

He decided to try and stop thinking.It was surprisingly difficult.It seemed as if one thought followed another all the time.But he tried this everyday without fail. At first he could only stop thinking for very short periods of time, but slowly he was able to make these periods longer.He never gave up; he was as determined as someone who is caught in a house on fire, who had to escape.

Suddenly, one day , he got it.He knew that he did not exist.He was pure awareness.His believe in himself was a complete lie.

Amaveed felt wonderful; he was free, free from the ropes of illusion.He told people of his glorious discovery, but they didn't want to know.He felt sorry for them, but as he had no self he was not upset by this in an ego way.

The Golden Age was, for those who have the right eyes to see, all around us and it always had been.
He felt like those two men in a prison cell; one saw mud and one saw stars. His old ego self had seen the mud, but his real  self was now seeing the stars, and that the prison cell was a fake creation.

Happiness, he realized, could only be achieved without the letter 'I' in that word in the World.

Amaveed also realized that one day every single person would be woken up like he was. This made him very happy.

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