Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ron Paul And Alexis Tsipras.

I don't normally do politics;too many fakes, too many liars;too many pampered rich  kids who have never done a days work in their lives;too many dirty  hands in too many dirty places; too much of a mafia mindset;too many lawyers and crooks; too many ego- maniacs and too much bull...

On rare occasions though,someone comes along who doesn't fit the usual mould.Someone who speaks to the people,about the people, for the people.Someone who is in tune with the real issues of the day.Someone who speaks about what really concerns people.

It's so easy to be fooled though.I remember a few years ago, how I believed in a young, eager, fresh faced,breath of fresh air type who wanted to be the Prime Minister of the U.K.This guy actually seemed different;he really sounded like he meant what he was saying.It's difficult to believe that he had the nerve  to  say ,before he was elected,the following ,to his faithful followers:
"It's not what we want;from now on, it's what the people want".

A guy who really was going to embrace true democracy.Millions thought that he was telling the truth and he got voted in.Never had so many been fooled by not so few, but by just one person.
He is probably one of the biggest strangers to the truth ever known in British politics,and , believe you me, there have been a few before him,but none got close to him- he leads the field  easily.
That is saying something because the other actors in this politics is show business for ugly people game , all were taught to ' be economical with the truth' at a young age..In  Britain this usually takes place on the playing fields of Eton, or when they are out shooting  innocent animals, because it's so much fun to watch them die, or in the debating societies at Oxford University.

But this guy took it to a whole new level.He would stare the camera straight in the eye ,and swear that what  he was saying was true.His blue eyes looked so innocent,and coupled with the easy smile,he knew how to deliver his softly spoken fabrications.I always thought of Shakespeare's: "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it", whenever he opened his mouth.On top of this, he would usually give a sort of nudge nudge, wink, wink, sort of look , and add ;"Trust me " giving the indication that he has some inside knowledge that he would love to tell   us, but he can't  because it's absolutely top secret.
His name? I should imagine you've guessed it.Amazingly enough he has the same surname as someone who is the exact opposite of him.George Orwell's real name was Blair.

It was similar to Obama: he really seemed very different; he was going to change everything; he was going to take your hand and show you the way to paradise.The ghastly Iraq war would be over, the torture chambers would be shut down;no more big business nosing their way into the White House; people could comment on proposed laws before they were passed.He was anti-war! Change you can believe in.Millions were conned.He was saying what people wanted to hear.The fact that he must have known that he  wouldn't do any of the things he said he would, doesn't appear to have bothered him.

So, when I see Ron Paul in the U.S.A. saying what the people want to hear, and Alexis Tsipras  in Greece talking the talk that people are thirsty for, I can't help but be suspicious.

Yet, there is something strikingly different between Blair and Obama, and Paul and Tsipras.
The media loved Blair and Obama.The entire main stream  were really gunning for them.I mean, these guys could do no wrong.They were both saviours who could save us all.

The media are definitely not supporting Ron Paul in the states, and in Greece the media attack Tsipras with a fury, as if he is one of the most dangerous men in the World.Greece will be ruined the headlines shriek; everyone will be starving if he is elected, and similar bile.Talk of overkill.

So possibly these two are real, and do not belong to the club who all sing the same repetitious, war chanting, torture loving, money grabbing,freedom stealing,perverted groping ,off-key, out of tune song.

Everything Ron Paul says, to my mind, makes perfect sense.He has seen all the injustices around him, and has firm plans to get rid of the old corrupt self-seeking ways .He wants to stop all the insane Empire building done in the name of war.He wants what most sane Americans want.

It's just the same with Tsipras.He knows that the Greeks don't want 10 more years of poverty and misery so he has offered the Greeks a way out.He rejects the lunatic bail out - rob'em till they bleed- deal, so beloved by the two dinosaur parties.

The media have gone berserk.Who is this young inexperienced upstart, who knows nothing of how the World really works, the headlines scream.He's just a dreamer they say, and if he wins the next Election , we have had it: we will all be starving: it'll be back to the dark ages and so on.

In America, from what I have seen  of the media, it is very similar for Ron Paul.Oh, he's just idealistic; his plans wouldn't work in the real World; stick to what we know; he's too extreme.We need wars; they keep us on our toes; we need the Federal Reserve; we need  this draconian , totalitarian state.

Anyone who does not go along with the New World Orders game plan is made out to be dangerous, mad even, and must be stopped at any cost.He is painted as someone out of touch, whose plans are not credible,he is a dreamer who is  dreaming silly adolescent  dreams.If, by some fluke, one particular candidate gets too popular and doesn't want to follow the game plan, he is shot.

My father, bless his soul, used to have a saying which I have never heard anyone else ever say .It was this:
"The more they professed their innocence, the more I counted the spoons".

I think that saying could apply to Ron Paul and to Alexis Tsipras.Let's re-word it:
"The more they screamed this guy will ruin us all, the more I realized he wouldn't".

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