Thursday, July 11, 2013

ChangeYour Perception ( 4 ).

Change Your Perception. ( 4 )

Here is another exercise  to help you to take your blindfold off., and to help you live a happier life.

1. Look at one particular object or a tree or a flower. It does not matter what it is. However, having said that, it is probably wise not to choose an object or thing that has emotional significance for you. Choose something you feel unemotional about. If you are recently divorced, it is probably not a good idea to stare at a wedding ring.

2.While staring, keep your eyes fixed on this one point. At the same time try to slow down your breathing.

3.Tell your restless mind to stop all of its chatter, and attempt to not allow thoughts to arise. O.K , thoughts will arise.Because of your slow breathing it is easier to stop the constant flow of thoughts, so though you will still have thoughts , they should not be so many.

4 At first thoughts will try to intrude : just notice them, but observe them without any attachment. Try to do this once a day.

5 I know this is difficult, but you should look at the object with all your 'strength'.It should be absolute attention, as a cat would focus on a mouse, before attacking it.The object in question should fill up your consciousness, and nothing whatsoever should  distract you.

All through each day our mind is thinking this or thinking that, so to discipline the mind to focus on one point, feels very odd when you first start doing it. You might well feel bored and that you are wasting your time,as you are so used to non-stop mind activity  being non- stop. Ignore these feelings of boredom and just do it anyway. This exercise can lead to flashes of intuitive knowledge and revelation, that can help you a lot in your life. Many great scientific discoveries have come about, because the scientist, without knowing it, has been using his mind in this way.

To be able to concentrate and to give all your attention to whatever you are doing leads to successful living.
Look at the great artists and writers; they focus entirely on their art and produce some wonderful works of art for humanity. But you don't have to be an artist to do this. You can concentrate and give anything your full attention ; you might have a problem at work, and instead of worrying about, just give it all your attention.

Your daily life will have far greater quality, if , instead of sleep-walking through it, you give your full attention to whatever presents itself before you.

It's a good idea to do the exercise everyday, and at the same time throughout each day, whatever you are doing, just give it your full attention.

When outside you can concentrate on a flower or on a mountain top or a cloud in the sky.Focus your attention on one point. For example, if looking at a flower, pick one point on the flower to stare at.

Because of the habit of the mind to constantly wander off away from what you are looking at, you might like to use the following method;

6. If you are looking at a flower  really look at its appearance, its shape and colour. Imagine its seed in the soil, and then it emerging into the light. Think about it growing up to be what it is now. Don't let your mind wander when you do this; if it does, gently bring it back to the task in hand.Remember just observe your thoughts without interest.

The real goal of this exercise is for the observer and the observer to become one.

You have then obtained what in Yoga is called Samadhi.

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