Sunday, July 14, 2013

C'mon Everybody !! Get Off Your Arses !!

There he is, the great Eddie Cochran. He had that fantastic hit " C'mon On Everybody " I think that the Elite killed him, simply because his songs were too anti- parent, too anti- establishment and the social order  for that time, but that's another story for another time.

They are deranged; sick in the soul , heart and head. Who you may ask ? I think you know the answer to that.

Anyone who can cut pensions, lower payments for people with disabilities, lower unemployment pay, insist that people work for absurdly low wages, while they themselves earn a fortune is not right in the head.

I seriously believe that the Elite are seriously mental, yes, really.; they should be kept well away from us. They are out to ruin our planet. Look at them, from London to Paris, from Madrid to Athens, from Washington to Rome, from Portugal to Hungary, from Ireland to almost anywhere in the world.

This, dear people, is our home, our planet. Why do we let a few lunatics ( because that is what they are ) destroy what could be, and should be a beautiful, wonderful world.

The wars they start ! We don't want wars. How many have died in that utterly senseless war in Afghanistan ?
On Ist May 2013 there had been 3,209 coalition deaths in Afghanistan, but since that date more British and Americans have died. The official figures are probably lies.; they are very reluctant to go into details.Don't let on, that the war is lost.

Those poor , deluded innocents who believe they are fighting for Queen and Country !
Do they really believe that they are keeping their countries safer ?

It's beyond sad; it's mad. It's like we have been invaded by an alien force who is slowly destroying not only us, but animals, birds, fish and plants.

Well, things have gone too far.

We have got to shake these evil parasites off our backs and out of our lives. They spy on us, they poison us, they brainwash us, they lie to us, they rob us, they have the nerve to take money out of our bank accounts; they treat us like cattle.

We are fools to accept this. 7 billion people are said to live on this enchanting earth, and yet our lives are being ruined by a handful of super-rich, brain-dead idiots.

Come on, come on, come on.It's high time we took OUR  planet back.It's beyond high time.

C'mon Everybody !!
By Mike Selley.

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