Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bah Bah !!

The more you look into the whole way our lives are organized, the more you realize 
that it is ' a set up '.It's a shock to understand that we , the people, are a resource to 
be used by an Elite band of very sick in the head beings.

Some people will never believe this; they will cling to their comfort zones at all
cost. They would rather read about that arrogant, stinking rich love of the tabloids,
Simon Cowell, than the fact that no one in the mainstream media 
is reporting that, as I write, Fukishima is leaking deadly radiation into the sea.

They would rather read about Justin Beiber spitting on his fans than learn 

 that, the vaccines everyone was given in the 1950's contained cancer.

They would rather read that Princess Kate ( fairyland is still here) 
will be the best mummy in the world ever 

They would rather read that David Cameron is on holiday wearing a different 
pair of shoes than he wore on his previous holiday.

They would rather read that David Beckham cried when he stopped
kicking a ball  than.
  the skies are sprayed with poisons.

Or that flouride in your toothpaste, water and food is a poison.

Or that there is a camera spying on you in your computer

Or that the T.V is the greatest hypnotist in the world, and that is the only
reason governments want you to watch T.V.

Or that the big blockbuster Hollywood films are only shown to prepare
you for the future.

Or that the absurd austerity measures all over the world were planned out, 
as a prelude for a one world currency. All the stuff about balance of payments,
inflation,  too much spending on benefits.All that economic claptrap is ' complete crap. 

Think about it .If you had a photocopy machine in your house that could print out money
you would never be short of money, would you ? 

Well, every country has one of these machines, so why any shortage of money ?

All this blah blah about overspending, underspending .All these financial terms that
 no one understands , or is meant to understand such as:

'' Sovereign debt crisis."
  " To reduce the debt burden to a target of 124% of the gross domestic profit ,"
" Extending maturities to extend loans."
" To return to capital markets. ".
 " Acquistion."
   "Algorithmic Trading ."
    " Bear Market."
    " Credit Derivative.".


A load of cobblers to hoodwink us stupid sheep. We meekly go ' bah, bah, 
Ah well, they must know what they are doing with all those University Degrees, 
mustn't they ? Well, how come they mess up every time ?

The whole game is beyond pathetic.It's a game the Elite are playing. and have 
been playing for centuries.

I wish the above wasn't true, I really do, but, it bloody well is.

I have researched this and researched it and hey, the world ain't like  we are 
told it is; nowhere near . 

We are fed a movie which is to keep us in submission..

After centuries of this Saturn ( and Satan) controlled world, the vibrations are changing.
Check out the alternative media sites on the internet to learn the awful, awful truth.

It hurts, it guts you, it shakes you up, but it evolves you.

And that is why we are here. To grow up, to wake up to who we really are.

Some will never get it. Most people once believed that the world was flat.

A lot of people will consider that all the above is bonkers.

Hey, it's not. It's the plain truth. Time to take our heads out of the sand.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm writing this in something like 41 degrees has something 
to do with the thrust of honesty in which I write this.

Let's finish with two quotes.-

" Satan is the ruler of this world." John 12 : 31

And this one :

" World events do not occur  by accident.

They are made to happen.

Whether it is to do with national issues or commerce.

Most of these are staged.

 They are managed by those who have the purse strings. "

Denns Healey.

Denis Healey was  Chancellor of the exchequer from 1974- 1979 in the U.K.

 He was a big wig, as it were, but hey, he spoke some truth. How rare .

Mike Selley..

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