Saturday, August 31, 2013

Was Michael Jackson Really An Angel ?

When angels   decide to come here to help us poor enslaved souls, they , because of the strength of the delusion on this fallen angels plane, can get really screwed up.

Because of their previous existence where they only knew love and light it is a terrible , awful shock to be in a world of such evil.

You could say that they were innocent.,and yes they were ..

This world is not innocent and the world is not true. It is a world of lies.

These angels come here to lighten our load ; to give us hope; a shaft of light in our world of darkness.

They sing to us; they sing for us; they throw the sunlight onto our shadows.

I have often wondered whether such artists as The Beatles, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Bobby Darin, Eddy Cochran, and a host more are really angels who came here to lift our spirits.

At the same time the fallen angels sent their own  evil angels here to corrupt and to kill of any threats to this Satanic world.

Think of how many young brilliant  singers have died so young.So many have died so young, it is heartbreaking.

To name just a few:

Buddy Holly.

The Big Bopper.

Richie Valens.

Eddie Cochran.

Sam Cook.

Johnny Kidd.

 Ottis Reading..

Brian Jones.

Jimi Hendrix.

Janis Joplin.

Jim Morrison.

 Bobby Darin.

Amy Winehouse

Whitney Houston.

 Kurt Cobain..

And, Michael Jackson,

And there are a lot more. I wonder if the evil angels killed off the good angels!!

Who were the good and who were the bad ?

Well, the ones who cheered us up; the ones who moved us forward; the ones who made us believe in love must be the good ones

The angels who come here fall victim to the temptations of the flesh. The drugs, the drink and sex in all its varied forms are a comfort and an escape for an angel who is thrown sideways by the insanity he ,or she is confronted with.

Can you blame them ?

Michael Jackson, The Beatles and Elvis all tried to escape from the lunacy they were in, all in their own way.

Were they really here to help us ?

I don't know, but I sometimes wonder whether Michael Jackson was an angel who was stopped by the Evil fallen angels, as he was about to tell the people on his tour what the New World order was up to.It has also been said that he was going to give all the money he would have earned from that tour to help re-building a new healthy Africa..

That would not have suited Rothschild and his psycho- followers one little bit.

Wherever you are now, Michael, thank you for shining a light onto our darkness.

Mike Selley.


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