Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Elite Lie.

 That old chestnut that the world is over -populated .

Well , we all swallowed  that one.

. That was one of the biggest lie ( and there were a lot ) of the last century.

As Hitler said, " If you tell a lie, make it a big one" or words like that

See: .


We are lied to all the time. The main stream media, the schools repeat the lie and
everybody believes it.

It now seems that  almost everything we are told is simply, not true.

The danger is in that darned T.V.

People watch it in a hypnotic trance and believe what they are told.

Politicians, in particular,
seem serial liars.A good rule of thumb, I find , is to
believe the exact opposite of what they are saying.

For example, after the robbing of Cyprus banks, the E.U assured everyone that this would never happen again, and yet, now it is an E U . law that  it can happen again- and, of course, will.

Recently, Greek politicians have said that there will be no more austerity measures.

This means, of course, that there will be.

Remember Obama's promise to stop the wars?

He said he-- well, almost everything he said he hasn't done as I think anyone reading this will know.

It's high time for change, real drastic change. Funny that as that is why Obama got elected , because he promised change !

Sure, less change in your pocket.

When will the sleeping masses wake up to get rid of these rich clowns ?

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