Friday, September 13, 2013

Greece: Island Of Stability ( 2 )

If anyone had said, in a bar or in a taverna in Greece last week, the following remark, " Greece is an island of stability. " or:

" Greece is on a new page ", I strongly suspect  that the speaker of such gems  would have been looked upon as highly delusional or having a joke; he certainly wouldn't have been taken seriously.Some would have probably thought that he was mad.

And yet, a man in a blue suit and blue tie who no doubt wishes his eyes were blue, who goes by the proud title of Prime minister said these very strange words at the Trade Fair in Thessaloniki last week.


How did his audience react ?

Well, if they had been normal, one would have thought that they would either collapse in laughter or swear at him.

They didn't though. did they ?

They just sat there looking like they believed Mr. Samaras. A name that will certainly go down in history, but not for the reasons the holder of that name believes, I believe.

Didn't just one person dare to call out," 3000 suicides in the last two years, doesn't make this country look very stable in my eyes .Why the hell d'you think they're topping themselves ?"


" With unemployment going up , almost reaching unheard of numbers, you call this a stable country?"


" With mental health issues at an all time high, and you think this country is stable ?"


See also my article about Greece here :

No one though said a dicky bird; not one word. I find that rather frightening.

Hey, maybe they did and the newspapers were told not to report it .

The audience at this Trade Fair - I must admit I find it amazing that anyone would actually want to hear so much spin , spin and spin- must have been absolutely confirmed fans of extreme austerity, and they must adore Mr Samaras.

And adored he is meant to be. According to the main-stream media  35% of Greeks think that he is the most suitable Prime Minister. Mind you that means 65% think that he is not which sounds a bit healthier .

I don't believe that even 35% of Greeks think of him as the most suitable Prime Minister. I suspect that it's a downright lie. Why ? Because I talk to people on the street, that's why. Look at the comments on Facebook about Samaras; look at the graffiti; where is this view reflected in the real world ? It's not..

It just goes to show how much the media is controlled.

If 35% of people actually, really did say they thought he was the most suitable Prime minister, I can only suggest that the Greek T.V has mastered the art of  brain-washing, and the chemtrails have a new ingredient that shuts down critical or intelligent thinking.

 Greece ' an island of stability' ? It's an insult to the intelligence of the people, to make such a remark, when all around them they can see the exact opposite.

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