Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Evening Rant.

Are people afraid of change ? Is that it ?

Is this why despite the disgraceful state the world is now in , there is no great movement worldwide underfoot, to uproot the weeds that are sucking the human spirit dry ?

Or, is it that so many people are on medications , or on alcohol, or on heavy illegal drugs, that they are almost brain dead?

Or, is it that dreaded T.V ?

When you seriously look at almost all the countries in the world , I think one can safely say, that they are being run by those who have no interest at all in improving the lot of the people they govern.

What is surprising is that  no one  ( apart from a minority on the alternative news sites )  question the truly startling fact that almost every country is doing the same thing.

Austerity, austerity, austerity !! That's the name of the game ,  in varying degrees,  from life-threatening to grossly unfair.

In Greece  it is almost life-threatening despite what is written in the newspapers.There is no corner about to be turned; no light at the end of the tunnel ; no new page to be written on .

There is no corner being turned here as there is no possible corner to turn, apart from chucking the euro back to Merkel and her Goldman Sachs Rorhschilds friends. I almost wrote fiends- that would have been more accurate as that is what they are.

If Greece continues playing the tune that the robber-bankers demand the music will become a funeral march, if , indeed , it has not become one already.

Greece is an extreme example, but it's the same in Europe , America and Britain., in different degrees of torture.

The awful, awful part is that it doesn't have to be this way. We are, of course, told that  there is no alternative, and it has to be this way, where you , you poor suckers who have done nothing wrong, have to suffer..

Then we are told a lot of goobledy - gook  about money that no one understands. Headlines scream about deficits, government over spending, our abusing credit cards, bond markets, bear markets, price of oil, inflation, balance of payments that no one really understands, but accepts as true.  How can anyone believe anything these lunatics say ?

Here is a headline I saw recently :

"Greece's 10 year yield fell below the rate on its 3 year securities."

See here :

This was meant to be good news for Greece. It doesn't make sense to the normal Costas or Yannis on the street, but what the hell ? What's more, knowing what liars these people are, as their track record speaks for itself, this is, in all probability a complete lie, as the powers that be are so desperate to keep Greece in the E.U.
The point is if Greece throws in the towel and says ( which it should say ) , " We have had enough. Game over ". Portugal, Spain and Italy will follow. If they won't follow straight away, they certainly will after a few months when they see, Greece  doing very well no longer being a slave of Germany.

Just listen to that toff from two centuries back , Osborne, in the U.K. blaming all the woes in Britain on the previous government.

Thatcher said exactly the same thing  when she ruled the poor ,down-trodden, blinded fools who believed her.

It was a load of utter tosh. A bit of research will tell you that the crisis in the U.k. in the 1970's was caused by the price of oil.


And yet, because the main stream media didn't mention this, most people believed the lies that spewed from her wicked government.What's more, the price of oil was made to go up on purpose !

Money is a weapon as powerful and as dangerous as any gun.

Money has been the weapon of choice ( and has been for centuries ) as the perfect way to control the people.

Doesn't anyone ever ask how the U.S.A. and Britain always finds billions to spend on war, but nothing to spend on peace or well-being , or health ?

The money is always there, as long as it is used to kill people.

The trouble is the same families who were playing the same filthy game in the 1920's and the 1970's are still playing the game today.

These families try and keep out of sight.  It's funny that on the rich list that is published every year , the richest family by far in the world is never mentioned.I mean , of course, the Rothschilds. Did they buy the world  of someone, I wonder ?

In Greece though, such families don't bother hiding. Everyone knows that the same lot who were running Greece through the last century are still running it now.

In the U.K. it's still the toffs. from Oxford and Eton, who all come from stinking rich families.

The producers and directors of this very sick play we are all in must be replaced by compassionate. humane, human loving, earth loving, animal loving, honest, ethical unselfish, sane leaders

If this doesn't happen, I predict the following.

( a ) The biggest revolution the world has ever seen.


(b) In ten years time no one will own anything ( not even their own children ) and the remaining humans on this planet will be slaves for the Elite.

Take your pick.

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