Sunday, June 24, 2018

Greece Is Out Of The Woods- Bull----.

Once, yet once again , and once again again, the Greek people are told that, at long, long last--how many years ? 8-10 , it seems forever, Greece is emerging from the crisis; it's crawling out of the wood; the ship is docking in the harbour, the light is seen at the end of the tunnel.

How many times have we heard this utter bull---.

Yet the mainstream media , on the whole , parrot this, like it is fact.

Ask the Pensioners if Greece's problems are over.

Ask the unemployed if the crisis is finished.

Ask the workers who are earning a pittance .

Ask the mothers who can't afford to feed their children.

Ask the families who have suffered a suicide, because of the insane austerity measures that have been
inflicted on this once proud people.

Ask the poor who go through dustbins searching for food.

Ask the sick who can't afford to buy medicine

Ask the disabled who have had their benefits slashed.

Ask the hospitals who cannot afford bandages. A friend of mine broke his hand the other day, and the hospital told him that they had no bandages.

Ask the homeless .

Ask the business owners who have lost everything.

Ask the home owners who have had their homes taken from them.

Ask the people in pain, if not agony who can't afford to go to a dentist.

Oh yes it's over. You wear your tie , as you promised you would, Mr. Tsipiras, but even that you get wrong
because, you know and everyone knows, it;s nowhere near over.

How many broken promises?

How many broken dreams, lives, marriages, because of this absolute insanity.

For what ? Nothing is getting better for the people, and , despite the false news reporting, nothing is getting better, and there is no end in sight.

The stinking rich Elite who run the rotten E.U ship are screaming how wonderful it is how Greece is on the golden road to recovery. Only fools would believe them.

.And , not everyone is a fool. The esteemed Financial Times Newspaper saw through the lies.

Here is what they wrote.

A senior journalist at the U.K's Financial Times claimed the debt relief deal won't get Greece anywhere near
the 110 percent ( debt to GDP ration ) by 2022.

How strange that I couldn't find that in the mainstream Greek media.

The ex Finance Minister ( the only one who had a human heart ) Yanis Varoufakis, claimed;

'Europe's descent into greater denial is in full swing.They extend the Greek state's bankruptcy until 2060
and call it debt relief.'

Main opposition party New Democracy said there would be a new round of pension cuts in 6 months time,plus a lowering of the tax free allowance.

My Greek neighbour told me he used to have a pension of  1,800 Euros a month, and it has been cut to 800 Euros a month.And, to add insult to injury, it will be cut again next year.

Many people have bills from the Electricity Board of 700 euros every two months. Most of this is not for]
electricity, but for payments to the Government.

The lowest salary in Greece is meant to be 683 Euros. a month, but I know many workers who are paid
about 400 Euros a month or less, and for working, God knows, how many hours.

The average salary in Athens is meant to be 700 Euros a month.These are official figures, so should be taken
with a pinch of salt..
The average salary in Germany, by the way, is 2,270 Euros a month.

I can't believe that the men in dark suits ( and even darker hearts ) who are meant to have gone to the very best Universities in the World, and have degrees falling out of their wallets, could have made such a total cock-up of this country.

A ten year old could have seen that the policies couldn't work.If you tax people so much, there comes a point when they simply don't have the money to pay taxes or bills, because too much money has been taken from them. Didn't anyone , sort of mention this, in all those long night sessions.that the papers loved to tell  us about. Look how hard our rulers are working, working through the nights for you.

What were they doing ? Drinking Ouzos and laughing at us fools ?
Or thinking about how much expenses they could claim ?

Every year we are told that things are getting better. Every year things get worse.

Every day you see Greeks rushing  with worried looks, holding bits of paper, going to the banks to pay off endless  debts.

Talk about destroying the spirit of the people.

The only solution, that dares not speak its name, that is never mentioned, never talked about is for Greece to say goodbye to the mafia E. U. Go back to being Greece. Go back to your own currency. Say bye bye
you robbers, you  stealers of dreams, you breaker -up of families, you evil, heartless black - suited,
black hearted  inhuman apologies for members of the human race.

Yes, it will be hard for a while.

But, what the hell is it like now, with, despite the propagander, no real end in sight ?

Think about it.

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