Friday, June 29, 2018

Trust In The Invisible YOU.

Trust In.
 The  Invisible YOU.

Or, trust in the invisible 'I AM'.Which is better ? I' m not sure, but. in the end, I opted for Trust In The
Invisible You, because the invisible you is I AM.
I hope that makes some sort of sense
By the way, the picture above was taken by me and was taken in the enchanting town of Aegina .Aegina town is in .the  beautiful Greek island called Aegina and is.. about 40 minutes from the Greek mainland.

If you want  a holiday come to Aegina; it's where the Greeks from Athens come for their weekend breaks.

Anyway, I'm going way off the subject.Sorry about that,but I love that picture and it distracted me.

                                                  TRUST   IN  THE  INVISIBLE  I AM.
                                                  TRUST   IN  THE  INVISIBLE   YOU.
Take your pick.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary trust means;
' To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable.'
'The belief that you can trust someone or something.'

                                                   IMPORTANT WORDS FROM THE BUDDHA.

The Buddha taught that not to be threatened by your past or your future was to simply live and be aware of each present moment , without ever thinking about any outcomes from your actions.

When you first read the above you may think so true, but stop.
Think about those words again.
Read them slowly ..
What the Buddha said was dynamite; an enormous spiritual truth, that so very few know.

Living that way means you trust the eternal now.

                                                   THE POWER OF SURRENDER.

I mentioned in a previous post that I had a few challenges ( as Ekhart Tolle calls them ) over the last few years, but when I surrendered my worries and said, 'Let whatever be, be. I refuse to let my worries drag me down, and trust in the all powerful, all knowing awareness which is the centre of my being, the I AM, I found there were no problems.They were swept away by a tide as strong as the cosmos, because it was the cosmos, for want of a better word.

                                                  THE  POWER  OF  THE  NOW.

I have to admit,it wasn't easy to do.To start with I was haunted by doubts, but the more I refused to  let my
wild imaginings play havoc with what could transpire, the more I started seeing that things were actually turning in my favour.
The more I surrendered, the more I stayed in the now, and refused to be sucked into fear of the future,the quicker I saw that, all those monsters were just not there.

                                                   FUTILE  FEAR  OF  THE  FUTURE.

It was my warped perception that created them.
The future is not.
There is only the now.

To give you an example. Most of the problems I had were about the future. Next Tuesday I had to go to etc., to be involved in something I did not want to do.

What happened, every single time before that imagined future came, fresh, unexpected developments
suddenly sprung into being.

How come ?
Because, I am sure, I believed in a higher power within me.

                                             TRUST  IN  THE  ETERNAL  NOW.

The life-force, the invisible that makes everything appear visible, the formless endless power of all, the real
' I AM THAT I AM' is there , here and now.

Trust in the unseen, trust in that which made your mother and father make love and conceive you.

Trust in the eternal now, because that is all there is.
Now is now, is now, is now.
There are no real Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays.
They are just made up names.No hours, no minutes, no months or years. All, made up.
You are eternally here in the eternal now.
Because of our upbringing, this is hard to accept.
We are taught to believe in time.
                                      THE  ONLY  WAY  TO LIVE.

The only way to really be alive and to really live is in the now.

Whatever the challenge, accept it. This is what is appearing, being acted out in this illusion.

                                       SURRENDER  THE  EGO.

Then say,'My ego can't solve this.I surrender. I put my ego on the cross and let the real 'I AM' with its infinite knowledge and wisdom take over'.
What peace.

'Trust the Lord with all your heart and not on your own understanding.'
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths  straight.'
'It is the Higher Power that does everything, and man is only a tool.
If he accepts that position, he is free from troubles;otherwise he courts them'
Romana Maharshi.


Mike Selley..



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